package test.selections; import org.junit.Test; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelChunkwiseIterator; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /* test the iterator to make sure it works as expected: 1) covers all the blocks in the range, once only: in both xpos,ypos,zpos and wx,wy,wz 2) hasEnteredNewChunk() is correct 3) visits each chunk once only 4) estimatedFractionComplete() increases monotonically, starts from 0, ends near 1 */ public class VoxelChunkwiseIteratorTest { @Test public void testNext() throws Exception { for (int xmin = -20; xmin < 20; ++xmin) { testRange(xmin, 35, 0, 19, 12, 1); } for (int xsize = 1; xsize < 63; ++xsize) { testRange(13, 0, -347, xsize, 12, 3); } for (int ymin = 1; ymin < 63; ++ymin) { testRange(-135, ymin, 352, 19, 12, 41); } for (int ysize = 1; ysize < 63; ++ysize) { testRange(1356, 0, 23, 19, ysize, 17); } for (int zmin = -20; zmin < 63; ++zmin) { testRange(0, 19, zmin, 19, 12, 21); } for (int zsize = 1; zsize < 63; ++zsize) { testRange(1, 160, 128, 19, 12, zsize); } } /** run the tests on the given region; return true for success * * @param wxOrigin * @param wyOrigin * @param wzOrigin * @param xSize * @param ySize * @param zSize * @return */ public boolean testRange(int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, int xSize, int ySize, int zSize) { VoxelChunkwiseIterator vci = new VoxelChunkwiseIterator(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, xSize, ySize, zSize); int cxMin = wxOrigin >> 4; int cxMax = (wxOrigin + xSize-1) >> 4; int czMin = wzOrigin >> 4; int czMax = (wzOrigin + zSize-1) >> 4; int [][][] posCount = new int[xSize][ySize][zSize]; int [][][] worldCount = new int[xSize][ySize][zSize]; int [][] chunkCount = new int[cxMax-cxMin+1][czMax-czMin+1]; final int ARBITRARY_INT = -2362362; int cx = ARBITRARY_INT; int cz = ARBITRARY_INT; float progress = 0; final float SMALL_DELTA = 0.01F; assert vci.estimatedFractionComplete() < SMALL_DELTA; while (!vci.isAtEnd()) { ++posCount[vci.getXpos()][vci.getYpos()][vci.getZpos()]; ++worldCount[vci.getWX()-wxOrigin][vci.getWY()-wyOrigin][vci.getWZ()-wzOrigin]; if (vci.hasEnteredNewChunk()) { assert vci.getChunkX() != cx; assert vci.getChunkZ() != cz; cx = vci.getChunkX(); cz = vci.getChunkZ(); ++chunkCount[cx-cxMin][cz-czMin]; } else { assert vci.getChunkX() == cx; assert vci.getChunkZ() == cz; }; assert vci.estimatedFractionComplete() > progress; progress= vci.estimatedFractionComplete(); } assert progress <= 1 + SMALL_DELTA; for (int [][] i : posCount) { for (int [] j : i) { for (int k : j) { assert k == 1; } } } for (int [][] i : worldCount) { for (int [] j : i) { for (int k : j) { assert k == 1; } } } for (int [] i : chunkCount) { for (int j : i) { assert j == 1; } } return true; } }