package; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.*; import; import speedytools.clientside.UndoManagerClient; import; import speedytools.clientside.rendering.*; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundController; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelection; import speedytools.clientside.userinput.UserInput; import speedytools.common.items.ItemSpeedyTool; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 18/04/2014 */ public abstract class SpeedyToolComplexBase extends SpeedyTool { public SpeedyToolComplexBase(ItemSpeedyTool i_parentItem, SpeedyToolRenderers i_renderers, SoundController i_speedyToolSounds, UndoManagerClient i_undoManagerClient, PacketSenderClient i_packetSenderClient) { super(i_parentItem, i_renderers, i_speedyToolSounds, i_undoManagerClient, i_packetSenderClient); // wireframeRendererUpdateLink, boundaryFieldRendererUpdateLink initialised in subclasses } @Override public abstract boolean activateTool(ItemStack newToolItemStack); /** The user has unequipped this tool, deactivate it, stop any effects, etc * @return */ @Override public abstract boolean deactivateTool(); @Override public abstract boolean processUserInput(EntityPlayerSP player, float partialTick, UserInput userInput); @Override public abstract boolean updateForThisFrame(World world, EntityPlayerSP player, float partialTick); @Override public void resetTool() { boundaryCorner1 = null; boundaryCorner2 = null; } /** * Update the item renderer based on whether the player is grabbing the selection or not * Call once per tick * @param grabbing true if player is grabbing */ protected void updateGrabRenderTick(boolean grabbing) { final float GRAB_SWING_POSITION = 0.7F; if (grabbing) { EntityPlayerSP entityClientPlayerMP = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; entityClientPlayerMP.swingProgress = GRAB_SWING_POSITION; entityClientPlayerMP.prevSwingProgress = GRAB_SWING_POSITION; } } /** * Check to see if the player's cursor is on one of the faces of the boundary field. * @param player * @return null if cursor isn't on any face; .sidehit shows the face if it is */ protected MovingObjectPosition boundaryFieldFaceSelection(EntityLivingBase player) { if (boundaryCorner1 == null || boundaryCorner2 == null) return null; final float MAX_GRAB_DISTANCE = 128.0F; Vec3 playerPosition = player.getPositionEyes(1.0F); Vec3 lookDirection = player.getLook(1.0F); Vec3 maxGrabPosition = playerPosition.addVector(lookDirection.xCoord * MAX_GRAB_DISTANCE, lookDirection.yCoord * MAX_GRAB_DISTANCE, lookDirection.zCoord * MAX_GRAB_DISTANCE); AxisAlignedBB boundaryField = new AxisAlignedBB(boundaryCorner1.getX(), boundaryCorner1.getY(), boundaryCorner1.getZ(), boundaryCorner2.getX() + 1, boundaryCorner2.getY() + 1, boundaryCorner2.getZ() + 1); MovingObjectPosition fieldIntersection = boundaryField.calculateIntercept(playerPosition, maxGrabPosition); return fieldIntersection; } /** * Sort the corner coordinates so that boundaryCorner1 is [xmin, ymin, zmin] and boundaryCorner2 is [xmax, ymax, zmax] */ protected void sortBoundaryFieldCorners() { if (boundaryCorner1 == null) { boundaryCorner1 = boundaryCorner2; boundaryCorner2 = null; } if (boundaryCorner2 == null) return; int wxmin = Math.min(boundaryCorner1.getX(), boundaryCorner2.getX()); int wymin = Math.min(boundaryCorner1.getY(), boundaryCorner2.getY()); int wzmin = Math.min(boundaryCorner1.getZ(), boundaryCorner2.getZ()); int wxmax = Math.max(boundaryCorner1.getX(), boundaryCorner2.getX()); int wymax = Math.max(boundaryCorner1.getY(), boundaryCorner2.getY()); int wzmax = Math.max(boundaryCorner1.getZ(), boundaryCorner2.getZ()); boundaryCorner1 = new BlockPos(wxmin, wymin, wzmin); boundaryCorner2 = new BlockPos(wxmax, wymax, wzmax); } protected BlockPos blockUnderCursor = null; protected EnumFacing blockUnderCursorSideHit; // which side of the block under cursor is the cursor on? protected BlockPos boundaryCorner1 = null; protected BlockPos boundaryCorner2 = null; protected static final int SELECTION_MAX_XSIZE = VoxelSelection.MAX_X_SIZE; protected static final int SELECTION_MAX_YSIZE = VoxelSelection.MAX_Y_SIZE; protected static final int SELECTION_MAX_ZSIZE = VoxelSelection.MAX_Z_SIZE; protected RendererBoundaryField.BoundaryFieldRenderInfoUpdateLink boundaryFieldRendererUpdateLink = null; }