package; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import speedytools.clientside.UndoManagerClient; import; import speedytools.clientside.rendering.SpeedyToolRenderers; import speedytools.clientside.selections.BlockMultiSelector; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundController; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundEffectNames; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundEffectSimple; import speedytools.common.items.ItemSpeedyTool; import speedytools.common.selections.FillMatcher; import speedytools.common.utilities.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 14/04/14 */ public class SpeedyToolSceptre extends SpeedyToolSimple { public SpeedyToolSceptre(ItemSpeedyTool i_parentItem, SpeedyToolRenderers i_renderers, SoundController i_speedyToolSounds, UndoManagerClient i_undoManagerClient, PacketSenderClient i_PacketSenderClient) { super(i_parentItem, i_renderers, i_speedyToolSounds, i_undoManagerClient, i_PacketSenderClient); } /** * Selects the Blocks that will be affected by the tool when the player presses right-click * @param blockUnderCursor the position of the cursor * @param player the player * @param maxSelectionSize the maximum number of blocks in the selection * @param partialTick partial tick time. * @return returns the list of blocks in the selection (may be zero length) */ @Override protected Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> selectBlocks(MovingObjectPosition blockUnderCursor, EntityPlayer player, int maxSelectionSize, float partialTick) { // BlockWithMetadata blockWithMetadata = getPlacedBlockFromItemStack(itemStackToPlace); boolean additiveContour = (currentBlockToPlace.block != Blocks.air); return selectContourBlocks(blockUnderCursor, player, maxSelectionSize, additiveContour, partialTick); } @Override protected void playPlacementSound(Vec3 playerPosition) { SoundEffectSimple soundEffectSimple = new SoundEffectSimple(SoundEffectNames.SCEPTRE_PLACE, soundController); soundEffectSimple.startPlaying(); } @Override protected void playUndoSound(Vec3 playerPosition) { SoundEffectSimple soundEffectSimple = new SoundEffectSimple(SoundEffectNames.SCEPTRE_UNPLACE, soundController); soundEffectSimple.startPlaying(); } @Override protected BlockMultiSelector.BlockSelectionBehaviour getBlockSelectionBehaviour() { boolean additiveMode = (currentBlockToPlace.block != Blocks.air); return additiveMode ? BlockMultiSelector.BlockSelectionBehaviour.SCEPTRE_ADD_STYLE : BlockMultiSelector.BlockSelectionBehaviour.SCEPTRE_REPLACE_SYTLE; } /** * Selects the contour of Blocks that will be affected by the tool when the player presses right-click * Starting from the block identified by mouseTarget, the selection will attempt to follow any contours in the same plane as the side hit. * (for example: if there is a zigzagging wall, it will select the layer of blocks that follows the top of the wall.) * Depending on additiveContour, it will either select the non-solid blocks on top of the contour (to make the wall "taller"), or * select the solid blocks that form the top layer of the contour (to remove the top layer of the wall). * @param target the position of the cursor * @param player the player * @param maxSelectionSize the maximum number of blocks in the selection * @param additiveContour if true, selects the layer of non-solid blocks adjacent to the contour. if false, selects the solid blocks in the contour itself * @param partialTick partial tick time. * @return returns the list of blocks in the selection (may be zero length) */ protected Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> selectContourBlocks(MovingObjectPosition target, EntityPlayer player, int maxSelectionSize, boolean additiveContour, float partialTick) { if (target == null || target.typeOfHit != MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { return new Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing>(new ArrayList<BlockPos>(), EnumFacing.UP); } BlockMultiSelector.BlockSelectionBehaviour blockSelectionBehaviour = getBlockSelectionBehaviour(); MovingObjectPosition startBlock = BlockMultiSelector.selectStartingBlock(target, blockSelectionBehaviour, player, partialTick); if (startBlock == null) return new Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing>(new ArrayList<BlockPos>(), EnumFacing.UP); BlockPos blockUnderCursor = startBlock.getBlockPos(); boolean diagonalOK = controlKeyIsDown; FillMatcher fillMatcher; if (additiveContour) { fillMatcher = new FillMatcher.ContourFollower(true, startBlock.sideHit); // face hit } else { fillMatcher = new FillMatcher.ContourFollower(false, startBlock.sideHit); } List<BlockPos> selection = BlockMultiSelector.selectContourUnbounded(blockUnderCursor, player.worldObj, maxSelectionSize, diagonalOK, fillMatcher, startBlock.sideHit); // field_178784_b = face hit return new Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> (selection, startBlock.sideHit); } }