package; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import speedytools.common.blocks.BlockWithMetadata; import*; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import speedytools.common.utilities.QuadOrientation; import speedytools.common.utilities.ResultWithReason; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 8/03/14 * Used to send commands to the server, receive status updates from the server * When issued with a command, keeps trying to contact the server until it receives acknowledgement * Usage: * (2) changeClientStatus when the client is interested in whether the server is busy * (3) informSelectionMade * performToolAction * performToolUndo * These are called when the client needs to send the command to the server. Once issued, their * progress can be followed by calls to getCurrentActionStatus, getCurrentUndoStatus * These will progress from WAITING to REJECTED, or to PROCESSING and then to COMPLETED * (4) The current busy status of the server can be read using getServerStatus and getPercentComplete * NB tick() must be called at frequent intervals to check for timeouts - at least once per second */ public class CloneToolsNetworkClient { public CloneToolsNetworkClient(PacketHandlerRegistry packetHandlerRegistry, PacketSender i_packetSender) { clientStatus = ClientStatus.IDLE; serverStatus = ServerStatus.IDLE; lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING; lastUndoStatus = ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING; lastRejectionReason = ""; packetSender = i_packetSender; packetHandlerCloneToolStatus = PacketHandlerCloneToolStatus(); Packet250CloneToolStatus.registerHandler(packetHandlerRegistry, packetHandlerCloneToolStatus, Side.CLIENT); // packetHandlerRegistry.registerHandlerMethod(Side.CLIENT, Packet250Types.PACKET250_TOOL_STATUS_ID.getPacketTypeID(), packetHandlerCloneToolStatus); packetHandlerCloneToolAcknowledge = PacketHandlerCloneToolAcknowledge(); Packet250CloneToolAcknowledge.registerHandler(packetHandlerRegistry, packetHandlerCloneToolAcknowledge, Side.CLIENT); // packetHandlerRegistry.registerHandlerMethod(Side.CLIENT, Packet250Types.PACKET250_TOOL_ACKNOWLEDGE_ID.getPacketTypeID(), packetHandlerCloneToolAcknowledge); } /* public void connectedToServer(EntityClientPlayerMP newPlayer) { player = newPlayer; clientStatus = ClientStatus.IDLE; serverStatus = ServerStatus.IDLE; lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING; lastUndoStatus = ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING; } public void disconnect() { player = null; } */ /** * Informs the server of the new client status */ public void changeClientStatus(ClientStatus newClientStatus) { // assert player != null; clientStatus = newClientStatus; Packet250CloneToolStatus packet = Packet250CloneToolStatus.clientStatusChange(newClientStatus); if (packet != null) { packetSender.sendPacket(packet); lastServerStatusUpdateTime = System.nanoTime(); } } /** * sends the "Selection Performed" command to the server * @return true for success */ public boolean informSelectionMade() { Packet250CloneToolUse packet = Packet250CloneToolUse.prepareForLaterAction(); if (packet != null) { packetSender.sendPacket(packet); return true; } return false; } /** * sends the "Tool Action Performed" command to the server * @param toolID * @param x * @param y * @param z * @param quadOrientation the flipped and rotation status of the placement * @return true for success, false otherwise */ public ResultWithReason performComplexToolAction(int toolID, int x, int y, int z, QuadOrientation quadOrientation, BlockPos initialSelectionOrigin) { ResultWithReason result = isReadyToPerformAction(); if (!result.succeeded()) return result; Packet250CloneToolUse packet = Packet250CloneToolUse.performToolAction(currentActionSequenceNumber, toolID, x, y, z, quadOrientation, initialSelectionOrigin); lastActionPacket = packet; if (lastActionPacket != null) { packetSender.sendPacket(lastActionPacket); lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; lastActionSentTime = System.nanoTime(); return ResultWithReason.success(); } return ResultWithReason.failure("I am confused..."); } /** * sends the "Tool Action Performed" command to the server for a fill action (orb, sceptre) * @param toolID * @param x * @param y * @param z * @param quadOrientation the flipped and rotation status of the placement * @return true for success, false otherwise */ public ResultWithReason performComplexToolFillAction(int toolID, BlockWithMetadata blockWithMetadata, int x, int y, int z, QuadOrientation quadOrientation, BlockPos initialSelectionOrigin) { ResultWithReason result = isReadyToPerformAction(); if (!result.succeeded()) return result; Packet250CloneToolUse packet = Packet250CloneToolUse.performToolFillAction(currentActionSequenceNumber, toolID, blockWithMetadata, x, y, z, quadOrientation, initialSelectionOrigin); lastActionPacket = packet; if (lastActionPacket != null) { packetSender.sendPacket(lastActionPacket); lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; lastActionSentTime = System.nanoTime(); return ResultWithReason.success(); } return ResultWithReason.failure("I am confused..."); } /** * Check whether an action / undo can be started yet * @return */ private ResultWithReason isReadyToPerformAction() {return isReadyToPerform(true);} private ResultWithReason isReadyToPerformUndo() {return isReadyToPerform(false);} private ResultWithReason isReadyToPerform(boolean isAction) { switch (serverStatus) { case IDLE: { break; } case PERFORMING_BACKUP: { return ResultWithReason.failure("Must wait for world backup to finish!"); } case PERFORMING_YOUR_ACTION: { return ResultWithReason.failure("Must wait for your earlier spell to finish!"); } case UNDOING_YOUR_ACTION: { return ResultWithReason.failure("Must wait for your earlier spell to undo!"); } case BUSY_WITH_OTHER_PLAYER: { return ResultWithReason.failure("Must wait for " + nameOfPlayerBeingServiced + " to finish!"); } default: assert false : "invalid serverStatus " + serverStatus; } if (lastUndoStatus != ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING) { return ResultWithReason.failure(); } if (isAction && lastActionStatus != ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING) { return ResultWithReason.failure(); } return ResultWithReason.success(); } /** * sends the "Tool Undo" command to the server * undoes the last action (or the action currently in progress) * @return true for success, false otherwise */ public ResultWithReason performComplexToolUndo() { Packet250CloneToolUse packet; if (lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.PROCESSING || lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) { packet = Packet250CloneToolUse.cancelCurrentAction(currentUndoSequenceNumber, currentActionSequenceNumber); } else { ResultWithReason result = isReadyToPerformUndo(); if (!result.succeeded()) return result; packet = Packet250CloneToolUse.performToolUndo(currentUndoSequenceNumber); } lastUndoPacket = packet; if (lastUndoPacket != null) { packetSender.sendPacket(lastUndoPacket); lastUndoStatus = ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; lastUndoSentTime = System.nanoTime(); return ResultWithReason.success(); } return ResultWithReason.failure("I am confused..."); } public byte getServerPercentComplete() { return serverPercentComplete; } public ServerStatus getServerStatus() { return serverStatus; } public IChatComponent getNameOfPlayerBeingServiced() { return nameOfPlayerBeingServiced;} /** * respond to an incoming status packet * @param player * @param packet */ public void handlePacket(EntityPlayerSP player, Packet250CloneToolStatus packet) { serverStatus = packet.getServerStatus(); serverPercentComplete = packet.getCompletionPercentage(); nameOfPlayerBeingServiced = packet.getNameOfPlayerBeingServiced(); lastServerStatusUpdateTime = System.nanoTime(); } /** * act on an incoming acknowledgement packet * reject any packets which don't match the current sequencenumber * reject any packets we're not waiting for * @param player * @param packet */ public void handlePacket(EntityPlayerSP player, Packet250CloneToolAcknowledge packet) { if (lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT || lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.PROCESSING) { if (packet.getActionSequenceNumber() == currentActionSequenceNumber) { switch (packet.getActionAcknowledgement()) { case NOUPDATE: { break; } case REJECTED: { lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.REJECTED; lastRejectionReason = packet.getReason(); ++currentActionSequenceNumber; break; } case ACCEPTED: { lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.PROCESSING; lastActionSentTime = System.nanoTime(); break; } case COMPLETED: { lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.COMPLETED; ++currentActionSequenceNumber; break; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Illegal action Acknowledgement in Packet250CloneToolAcknowledgement"); return; } } } } if (lastUndoStatus == ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT || lastUndoStatus == ActionStatus.PROCESSING) { if (packet.getUndoSequenceNumber() == currentUndoSequenceNumber) { switch (packet.getUndoAcknowledgement()) { case NOUPDATE: { break; } case REJECTED: { lastUndoStatus = ActionStatus.REJECTED; lastRejectionReason = packet.getReason(); ++currentUndoSequenceNumber; break; } case ACCEPTED: { lastUndoStatus = ActionStatus.PROCESSING; lastUndoSentTime = System.nanoTime(); break; } case COMPLETED: { lastUndoStatus = ActionStatus.COMPLETED; ++currentUndoSequenceNumber; break; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Illegal undo Acknowledgement in Packet250CloneToolAcknowledgement"); return; } } } } } /** * Called once per tick to handle timeouts (if no response obtained, send packet again) */ public void tick() { // if (player == null) return; long timenow = System.nanoTime(); if (lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT || lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.PROCESSING) { if (timenow - lastActionSentTime > RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS * 1000 * 1000) { packetSender.sendPacket(lastActionPacket); lastActionSentTime = timenow; } } if (lastUndoStatus == ActionStatus.WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT || lastUndoStatus == ActionStatus.PROCESSING) { if (timenow - lastUndoSentTime > RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS * 1000 * 1000) { packetSender.sendPacket(lastUndoPacket); lastUndoSentTime = timenow; } } if (clientStatus != ClientStatus.IDLE && (timenow - lastServerStatusUpdateTime > RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS * 1000 * 1000) ) { Packet250CloneToolStatus packet = Packet250CloneToolStatus.clientStatusChange(clientStatus); if (packet != null) { packetSender.sendPacket(packet); lastServerStatusUpdateTime = timenow; } } } /** * retrieves the status of the action currently being peformed * If the status is REJECTED or COMPLETED, it will revert to NONE_PENDING after the call * @return */ public ActionStatus getCurrentActionStatus() { ActionStatus retval = lastActionStatus; if (lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.COMPLETED || lastActionStatus == ActionStatus.REJECTED) { lastActionStatus = ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING; } return retval; } /** * retrieves the status of the undo currently being performed * If the status is REJECTED or COMPLETED, it will revert to NONE_PENDING after the call * @return */ public ActionStatus getCurrentUndoStatus() { ActionStatus retval = lastUndoStatus; if (lastUndoStatus == ActionStatus.COMPLETED || lastUndoStatus == ActionStatus.REJECTED) { lastUndoStatus = ActionStatus.NONE_PENDING; } return retval; } /** if an action or an undo has been rejected, this may hold a human-readable message * from the server explaining why. * @return empty string if no reason given. */ public String getLastRejectionReason() {return lastRejectionReason;} /** retrieves the status of the action currently being performed, without * acknowledging a REJECTED or COMPLETED, i.e. unlike getCurrentActionStatus * it won't revert to NONE_PENDING after the call if the status is REJECTED or COMPLETED * @return */ public ActionStatus peekCurrentActionStatus() { return lastActionStatus; } /** retrieves the status of the undo currently being performed, without * acknowledging a REJECTED or COMPLETED, i.e. unlike getCurrentUndoStatus * it won't revert to NONE_PENDING after the call if the status is REJECTED or COMPLETED * @return */ public ActionStatus peekCurrentUndoStatus() { return lastUndoStatus; } public class PacketHandlerCloneToolStatus implements Packet250CloneToolStatus.PacketHandlerMethod { @Override public boolean handlePacket(Packet250CloneToolStatus toolStatusPacket, MessageContext ctx) { if (toolStatusPacket == null || !toolStatusPacket.validForSide(Side.CLIENT)) return false; CloneToolsNetworkClient.this.handlePacket(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, toolStatusPacket); return true; } } public class PacketHandlerCloneToolAcknowledge implements Packet250CloneToolAcknowledge.PacketHandlerMethod { @Override public boolean handlePacket(Packet250CloneToolAcknowledge toolAcknowledgePacket, MessageContext ctx) { if (toolAcknowledgePacket == null || !toolAcknowledgePacket.validForSide(Side.CLIENT)) return false; CloneToolsNetworkClient.this.handlePacket(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, toolAcknowledgePacket); return true; } } private PacketHandlerCloneToolStatus packetHandlerCloneToolStatus; private PacketHandlerCloneToolAcknowledge packetHandlerCloneToolAcknowledge; // private EntityClientPlayerMP player; private PacketSender packetSender; private ClientStatus clientStatus; private ServerStatus serverStatus; private byte serverPercentComplete; private IChatComponent nameOfPlayerBeingServiced = new ChatComponentText(""); private ActionStatus lastActionStatus; private ActionStatus lastUndoStatus; private String lastRejectionReason; private long lastServerStatusUpdateTime; //time in ns. private long lastActionSentTime; //time in ns. private long lastUndoSentTime; //time in ns. private Packet250CloneToolUse lastActionPacket = null; private Packet250CloneToolUse lastUndoPacket = null; static int currentActionSequenceNumber = 0; static int currentUndoSequenceNumber = 0; private static final int RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000; // how long to wait for a response before sending another query public static enum ActionStatus { NONE_PENDING, WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, REJECTED, PROCESSING, COMPLETED; public static final ActionStatus[] allValues = {NONE_PENDING, WAITING_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, REJECTED, PROCESSING, COMPLETED}; } }