package speedytools.clientside.selections; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.*; import; import speedytools.common.selections.FillMatcher; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import java.util.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: TheGreyGhost * Date: 28/10/13 * Time: 9:47 PM * BlockMultiSelector is a group of methods used to select multiple blocks based on where the mouse is pointing. */ public class BlockMultiSelector { // public enum BlockTypeToSelect {AIR_ONLY, NON_SOLID_OK, SOLID_OK} /** * Used to specify the type of behaviour when selecting the starting block * 0) should we perform a collision test, or just skip to placing a block in mid air? * 1) if no block collided, should we select a position in mid air? * 2) should we collide with water? * 3) if the collided block is water, should we pull back one to the adjacent block? * 4) if the collided block is non-solid (eg grass), should we pull back one to the adjacent block? * 5) if the collided block is solid, should we pull back one to the adjacent block? */ public enum BlockSelectionBehaviour { WAND_STYLE( true, true, false, false, false, true), ORB_STYLE( true, false, true, false, false, false), SCEPTRE_ADD_STYLE( true, false, true, true, false, true), SCEPTRE_REPLACE_SYTLE( true, false, true, false, false, false), BOUNDARY_STYLE(false, true, false, false, false, false); BlockSelectionBehaviour(boolean i_performCollisionTest, boolean i_selectAirIfNoCollision, boolean i_waterCollision, boolean i_waterPullback, boolean i_nonSolidPullback, boolean i_solidPullback) { performCollisionTest = i_performCollisionTest; selectAirIfNoCollision = i_selectAirIfNoCollision; waterCollision = i_waterCollision; waterPullback = i_waterPullback; nonSolidPullback = i_nonSolidPullback; solidPullback = i_solidPullback; } public boolean isPerformCollisionTest() { return performCollisionTest;} public boolean isSelectAirIfNoCollision() { return selectAirIfNoCollision; } public boolean isWaterCollision() { return waterCollision; } public boolean isWaterPullback() { return waterPullback; } public boolean isNonSolidPullback() { return nonSolidPullback; } public boolean isSolidPullback() { return solidPullback; } private boolean performCollisionTest; private boolean selectAirIfNoCollision; private boolean waterCollision; private boolean waterPullback; private boolean nonSolidPullback; private boolean solidPullback; } /** * selectStartingBlock is used to select a starting block based on the player's position and look * There are three distinct cases for the starting block: * (1) the mouse is not on any target: the first block selected will be the one corresponding to the line of sight from the player's head: * a) which doesn't intersect the player's bounding box * b) which is at least 0.5 m from the player's eyes in each of the the x, y, and z directions. * (2) the mouse is on a tile target: the first block selected will be according to blockSelectionBehaviour * (3) the mouse is on an entity: no selection. * The method also returns the look vector snapped to the midpoint of the face that was hit on the selected Block * @param mouseTarget where the cursor is currently pointed * @param blockSelectionBehaviour the types of blocks that can be selected. * @param player the player (used for position and look information) * @param partialTick used for calculating player head position * @return the coordinates of the starting selection block plus the side hit plus the look vector snapped to the midpoint of * side hit. null if no selection. */ public static MovingObjectPosition selectStartingBlock(MovingObjectPosition mouseTarget, BlockSelectionBehaviour blockSelectionBehaviour, EntityPlayer player, float partialTick) { final double MINIMUMHITDISTANCE = 0.5; // minimum distance from the player's eyes (axis-aligned not oblique) int blockx, blocky, blockz; double playerOriginX = player.lastTickPosX + (player.posX - player.lastTickPosX) * (double)partialTick; double playerOriginY = player.lastTickPosY + (player.posY - player.lastTickPosY) * (double)partialTick; double playerOriginZ = player.lastTickPosZ + (player.posZ - player.lastTickPosZ) * (double)partialTick; Vec3 playerLook = player.getLook(partialTick); Vec3 playerEyesPos = player.getPositionEyes(partialTick); // new Vec3(playerOriginX, playerOriginY, playerOriginZ); if (mouseTarget == null) { // no hit if (!blockSelectionBehaviour.isSelectAirIfNoCollision()) { return null; } // we need to find the closest [x,y,z] in the direction the player is looking in, that the player is not occupying. // This will depend on the yaw but also the elevation. // The algorithm is: // (1) calculated an expanded AABB around the player (all sides at least 0.5m from the eyes) and snap it to the next largest enclosing blocks. // (2) find the intersection of the look vector with this AABB // (3) the selected block is the one just beyond the intersection point AxisAlignedBB playerAABB = player.getEntityBoundingBox(); double AABBminX = Math.floor(Math.min(playerAABB.minX, playerOriginX - MINIMUMHITDISTANCE)); double AABBminY = Math.floor(Math.min(playerAABB.minY, playerOriginY - MINIMUMHITDISTANCE)); double AABBminZ = Math.floor(Math.min(playerAABB.minZ, playerOriginZ - MINIMUMHITDISTANCE)); double AABBmaxX = Math.ceil(Math.max(playerAABB.maxX, playerOriginX + MINIMUMHITDISTANCE)); double AABBmaxY = Math.ceil(Math.max(playerAABB.maxY, playerOriginY + MINIMUMHITDISTANCE)); double AABBmaxZ = Math.ceil(Math.max(playerAABB.maxZ, playerOriginZ + MINIMUMHITDISTANCE)); AxisAlignedBB expandedAABB = new AxisAlignedBB(AABBminX, AABBminY, AABBminZ, AABBmaxX, AABBmaxY, AABBmaxZ); Vec3 startVec = playerEyesPos.addVector(0, 0, 0); Vec3 endVec = playerEyesPos.addVector(playerLook.xCoord * 8.0, playerLook.yCoord * 8.0, playerLook.zCoord * 8.0); MovingObjectPosition traceResult = expandedAABB.calculateIntercept(startVec, endVec); if (traceResult == null) { // shouldn't be possible return null; } blockx = MathHelper.floor_double(traceResult.hitVec.xCoord + playerLook.xCoord * 0.001); blocky = MathHelper.floor_double(traceResult.hitVec.yCoord + playerLook.yCoord * 0.001); blockz = MathHelper.floor_double(traceResult.hitVec.zCoord + playerLook.zCoord * 0.001); traceResult = new MovingObjectPosition(traceResult.hitVec, traceResult.sideHit.getOpposite(), new BlockPos(blockx, blocky, blockz)); traceResult.hitVec = playerLook; // traceResult.hitVec = snapLookToBlockFace(traceResult, playerEyesPos); return traceResult; } else if (mouseTarget.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { World world = player.getEntityWorld(); boolean pullback = false; BlockPos blockUnderCursor = mouseTarget.getBlockPos(); // get BlockPos switch (BlockMultiSelector.checkBlockSolidity(world, blockUnderCursor.getX(), blockUnderCursor.getY(), blockUnderCursor.getZ())) { case AIR: { pullback = false; break; } case WATER: { pullback = blockSelectionBehaviour.isWaterPullback(); break; } case NON_SOLID: { pullback = blockSelectionBehaviour.isNonSolidPullback(); break; } case SOLID: { pullback = blockSelectionBehaviour.isSolidPullback(); break; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Illegal solidity"); break; } } if (pullback) { EnumFacing blockInFront = mouseTarget.sideHit; blockx = blockUnderCursor.getX() + blockInFront.getFrontOffsetX(); blocky = blockUnderCursor.getY() + blockInFront.getFrontOffsetY(); blockz = blockUnderCursor.getZ() + blockInFront.getFrontOffsetZ(); mouseTarget.sideHit = mouseTarget.sideHit.getOpposite(); // if pullback, swap the sidehit to point to the solid block } else { blockx = blockUnderCursor.getX(); blocky = blockUnderCursor.getY(); blockz = blockUnderCursor.getZ(); } mouseTarget = new MovingObjectPosition(mouseTarget.hitVec, mouseTarget.sideHit, new BlockPos(blockx, blocky, blockz)); mouseTarget.hitVec = snapLookToBlockFace(mouseTarget, playerEyesPos); return mouseTarget; } else { // currently only ENTITY return null; } } /** * selectLine is used to select a straight line of blocks, and return a list of their coordinates. * Starting from the startingBlock, the selection will continue in a line parallel to the direction vector, snapped to the six cardinal directions or * alternatively to one of the twenty 45 degree directions (if diagonalOK == true). * If stopWhenCollide == true and the snapped direction points directly into a solid block, the direction will be deflected up to lie flat along the surface * Keeps going until it reaches maxLineLength, y goes outside the valid range, or hits a solid block (and stopWhenCollide is true) * @param startingBlock the first block in the straight line * @param world the world * @param direction the direction to extend the selection * @param maxLineLength the maximum number of blocks to select * @param diagonalOK if true, diagonal 45 degree lines are allowed * @param stopWhenCollide if true, stops when a solid block is encountered (canCollide == true). Otherwise, continues for maxLineLength * @return a list of the coordinates of all blocks in the selection, including the startingBlock. May be zero length if the startingBlock is null */ public static List<BlockPos> selectLine(BlockPos startingBlock, World world, Vec3 direction, int maxLineLength, boolean diagonalOK, CollisionOptions stopWhenCollide) { List<BlockPos> selection = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); if (startingBlock == null) return selection; Vec3 snappedCardinalDirection = snapToCardinalDirection(direction, diagonalOK); if (snappedCardinalDirection == null) return selection; BlockPos deltaPosition = convertToDelta(snappedCardinalDirection); BlockPos nextCoordinate = new BlockPos(startingBlock); selection.add(startingBlock); int blocksCount = 1; while (blocksCount < maxLineLength) { nextCoordinate = nextCoordinate.add(deltaPosition); if (nextCoordinate.getY() < 0 || nextCoordinate.getY() >= 256) break; if ((stopWhenCollide == CollisionOptions.STOP_WHEN_SOLID_BLOCK_REACHED) && isBlockSolid(world, nextCoordinate)) { if (blocksCount > 1) break; deltaPosition = deflectDirectionVector(world, startingBlock, direction, deltaPosition); nextCoordinate = startingBlock.add(deltaPosition); if (isBlockSolid(world, nextCoordinate)) break; } selection.add(nextCoordinate); ++blocksCount; } return selection; } public static List<BlockPos> selectContourUnbounded(BlockPos startingBlockPosition, World world, int maxBlockCount, boolean diagonalOK, FillMatcher fillMatcher, EnumFacing normalDirection) { return selectContourBounded(startingBlockPosition, world, maxBlockCount, diagonalOK, fillMatcher, normalDirection, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * selectContour is used to select a contoured line of blocks, and return a list of their coordinates. * Starting from the block identified by mouseTarget, the selection will attempt to follow any contours in the same plane as the side hit. * (for example: if there is a zigzagging wall, it will select the layer of blocks that follows the top of the wall.) * Depending on fillMatcher, it will either select the non-solid blocks on top of the contour (to make the wall "taller"), or * select the solid blocks that form the top layer of the contour (to remove the top layer of the wall). * depending on diagonalOK it will follow diagonals or only the cardinal directions. * Keeps going until it reaches maxBlockCount, y goes outside the valid range, or hits a solid block. The search algorithm is to look for closest blocks first * ("closest" meaning the shortest distance travelled along the contour being created) * @param startingBlockPosition the block to start from * @param world the world * @param maxBlockCount the maximum number of blocks to select * @param diagonalOK if true, diagonal 45 degree lines are allowed * @param fillMatcher the matcher used to determine which blocks should be added to the fill * @param normalDirection specifies the plane that will be searched in (Facing directions; specifies the normal to the plane) * @return a list of the coordinates of all blocks in the selection, including the mouseTarget block. Will be empty if the mouseTarget is not a tile. */ public static List<BlockPos> selectContourBounded(BlockPos startingBlockPosition, World world, int maxBlockCount, boolean diagonalOK, FillMatcher fillMatcher, EnumFacing normalDirection, int xMin, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax, int zMin, int zMax) { // lookup table to give the possible search directions for any given search plane // row index 0 = xz plane, 1 = xy plane, 2 = yz plane // column index = the eight directions within the plane (even = cardinal, odd = diagonal) final int PLANE_XZ = 0; final int PLANE_XY = 1; final int PLANE_YZ = 2; final int searchDirectionsX[][] = { {+0, -1, -1, -1, +0, +1, +1, +1}, {+0, -1, -1, -1, +0, +1, +1, +1}, {+0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0} }; final int searchDirectionsY[][] = { {+0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0}, {+1, +1, +0, -1, -1, -1, +0, +1}, {+1, +1, +0, -1, -1, -1, +0, +1} }; final int searchDirectionsZ[][] = { {+1, +1, +0, -1, -1, -1, +0, +1}, {+0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0}, {+0, -1, -1, -1, +0, +1, +1, +1} }; List<BlockPos> selection = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); // if (mouseTarget == null || mouseTarget.typeOfHit != MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK) return selection; // BlockPos startingBlock = new BlockPos(); int searchPlane; switch (normalDirection) { case DOWN: case UP: searchPlane = PLANE_XZ; break; case EAST: case WEST: searchPlane = PLANE_XY; break; case NORTH: case SOUTH: searchPlane = PLANE_YZ; break; default: return selection; // illegal value so return nothing } // first step is to identify the starting block depending on whether this is an additive contour or subtractive contour, // EnumFacing blockInFront = EnumFacing.getFront(mouseTarget.sideHit); // startingBlock.posX = mouseTarget.blockX; // startingBlock.posY = mouseTarget.blockY; // startingBlock.posZ = mouseTarget.blockZ; // if (selectAdditiveContour && isBlockSolid(world, startingBlock)) { // startingBlock.posX += blockInFront.getFrontOffsetX(); // startingBlock.posY += blockInFront.getFrontOffsetY(); // startingBlock.posZ += blockInFront.getFrontOffsetZ(); // } selection.add(startingBlockPosition); final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 128; Set<BlockPos> locationsFilled = new HashSet<BlockPos>(INITIAL_CAPACITY); // locations which have been selected during the fill Deque<SearchPosition> currentSearchPositions = new LinkedList<SearchPosition>(); Deque<SearchPosition> nextDepthSearchPositions = new LinkedList<SearchPosition>(); BlockPos checkPosition = new BlockPos(0,0,0); // BlockPos checkPositionSupport = new BlockPos(0,0,0); locationsFilled.add(startingBlockPosition); currentSearchPositions.add(new SearchPosition(startingBlockPosition)); // algorithm is: // for each block in the list of search positions, iterate through each adjacent block to see whether it meets the criteria for expansion: // a) is not solid (for additive contours) or is solid (for subtractive contours) // b) hasn't been filled already during this contour search // c) for additive contours: if it is "supported" by a solid block (eg in the case of sideHit = top face, then test whether the block at [x,y-1,z] is solid // if the criteria are met, select the block and add it to the list of blocks to be search next round. // if the criteria aren't met, keep trying other directions from the same position until all positions are searched. Then delete the search position and move onto the next. // This will ensure that the fill spreads evenly out from the starting point. while (!currentSearchPositions.isEmpty() && selection.size() < maxBlockCount) { SearchPosition currentSearchPosition = currentSearchPositions.getFirst(); checkPosition = currentSearchPosition.chunkCoordinates.add( searchDirectionsX[searchPlane][currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection], searchDirectionsY[searchPlane][currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection], searchDirectionsZ[searchPlane][currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection] ); if (checkPosition.getX() >= xMin && checkPosition.getX() <= xMax && checkPosition.getY() >= yMin && checkPosition.getY() <= yMax && checkPosition.getZ() >= zMin && checkPosition.getZ() <= zMax && !locationsFilled.contains(checkPosition)) { FillMatcher.MatchResult matchResult = fillMatcher.matches(world, checkPosition.getX(), checkPosition.getY(), checkPosition.getZ()); // if (selectAdditiveContour) { // if (!isBlockSolid(world, checkPosition)) { // checkPositionSupport.set(checkPosition.posX - blockInFront.getFrontOffsetX(), // block behind // checkPosition.posY - blockInFront.getFrontOffsetY(), // checkPosition.posZ - blockInFront.getFrontOffsetZ() // ); // blockIsSuitable = isBlockSolid(world, checkPositionSupport); // } // } else { // subtractive contour // blockIsSuitable = isBlockSolid(world, checkPosition); // } if (matchResult == FillMatcher.MatchResult.MATCH) { BlockPos newChunkCoordinate = new BlockPos(checkPosition); SearchPosition nextSearchPosition = new SearchPosition(newChunkCoordinate); nextDepthSearchPositions.addLast(nextSearchPosition); locationsFilled.add(newChunkCoordinate); selection.add(newChunkCoordinate); } } currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection += diagonalOK ? 1 : 2; // no diagonals -> even numbers only if (currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection >= 8) { currentSearchPositions.removeFirst(); if (currentSearchPositions.isEmpty()) { Deque<SearchPosition> temp = currentSearchPositions; currentSearchPositions = nextDepthSearchPositions; nextDepthSearchPositions = temp; } } } return selection; } /** * selectFill is used to select a flood fill of blocks which match the starting block, and return a list of their coordinates. * Starting from the block identified by mouseTarget, the selection will flood fill out in three directions * depending on diagonalOK it will follow diagonals or only the cardinal directions. * Keeps going until it reaches maxBlockCount, y goes outside the valid range. The search algorithm is to look for closest blocks first * ("closest" meaning the shortest distance travelled along the blob being created) * * @param world the world * @param maxBlockCount the maximum number of blocks to select * @param diagonalOK if true, diagonal 45 degree lines are allowed * @param fillMatcher the matcher used to determine which blocks should be added to the fill * @param xMin the fill will not extend below xMin. Likewise it will not extend above xMax. Similar for y, z. */ public static List<BlockPos> selectFillBounded(BlockPos fillStartPosition, World world, int maxBlockCount, boolean diagonalOK, FillMatcher fillMatcher, int xMin, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax, int zMin, int zMax) { // lookup table to give the possible search directions for non-diagonal and diagonal respectively final int NON_DIAGONAL_DIRECTIONS = 6; final int ALL_DIRECTIONS = 26; final int searchDirectionsX[] = {+0, +0, +0, +0, -1, +1, // non-diagonal +1, +0, -1, +0, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, +0, -1, +0, // top, middle, bottom "edge" blocks +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, +1, -1, -1 // top, bottom "corner" blocks }; final int searchDirectionsY[] = {-1, +1, +0, +0, +0, +0, // non-diagonal +1, +1, +1, +1, +0, +0, +0, +0, -1, -1, -1, -1, // top, middle, bottom "edge" blocks +1, +1, +1, +1, -1, -1, -1, -1 // top, bottom "corner" blocks }; final int searchDirectionsZ[] = {+0, +0, -1, +1, +0, +0, // non-diagonal +0, -1, +0, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, +0, -1, +0, +1, // top, middle, bottom "edge" blocks +1, -1, -1, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1 }; List<BlockPos> selection = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); BlockPos startingBlock = new BlockPos(fillStartPosition); if (FillMatcher.MatchResult.MATCH != fillMatcher.matches(world, fillStartPosition.getX(), fillStartPosition.getY(), fillStartPosition.getZ())) { return selection; } selection.add(startingBlock); // Block blockToReplace = world.getBlock(startingBlock.posX, startingBlock.posY, startingBlock.posZ); // int blockToReplaceMetadata = world.getBlockMetadata(startingBlock.posX, startingBlock.posY, startingBlock.posZ); final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 128; Set<BlockPos> locationsFilled = new HashSet<BlockPos>(INITIAL_CAPACITY); // locations which have been selected during the fill Deque<SearchPosition> currentSearchPositions = new LinkedList<SearchPosition>(); Deque<SearchPosition> nextDepthSearchPositions = new LinkedList<SearchPosition>(); BlockPos checkPosition = new BlockPos(0,0,0); BlockPos checkPositionSupport = new BlockPos(0,0,0); locationsFilled.add(startingBlock); currentSearchPositions.add(new SearchPosition(startingBlock)); // algorithm is: // for each block in the list of search positions, iterate through each adjacent block to see whether it meets the criteria for expansion: // a) matches the block-to-be-replaced (if matchAnyNonAir: non-air, otherwise if blockID and metaData match. For lava or water metadata doesn't need to match). // b) hasn't been filled already during this contour search // if the criteria are met, select the block and add it to the list of blocks to be search next round. // if the criteria aren't met, keep trying other directions from the same position until all positions are searched. Then delete the search position and move onto the next. // This will ensure that the fill spreads evenly out from the starting point. Check the boundary to stop fill spreading outside it. while (!currentSearchPositions.isEmpty() && selection.size() < maxBlockCount) { SearchPosition currentSearchPosition = currentSearchPositions.getFirst(); checkPosition = currentSearchPosition.chunkCoordinates.add( searchDirectionsX[currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection], searchDirectionsY[currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection], searchDirectionsZ[currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection] ); if ( checkPosition.getX() >= xMin && checkPosition.getX() <= xMax && checkPosition.getY() >= yMin && checkPosition.getY() <= yMax && checkPosition.getZ() >= zMin && checkPosition.getZ() <= zMax && !locationsFilled.contains(checkPosition)) { FillMatcher.MatchResult matchResult = fillMatcher.matches(world, checkPosition.getX(), checkPosition.getY(), checkPosition.getZ()); // Block blockToCheck = world.getBlock(); // // if (matchAnyNonAir && blockToCheck != Blocks.air) { // blockIsSuitable = true; // } else if (blockToCheck == blockToReplace) { // if (world.getBlockMetadata(checkPosition.posX, checkPosition.posY, checkPosition.posZ) == blockToReplaceMetadata) { // blockIsSuitable = true; // } else { // if (blockToCheck.getMaterial() == Material.lava // || blockToCheck.getMaterial() == Material.water) { // blockIsSuitable = true; // } // } // } if (matchResult == FillMatcher.MatchResult.MATCH) { BlockPos newChunkCoordinate = new BlockPos(checkPosition); SearchPosition nextSearchPosition = new SearchPosition(newChunkCoordinate); nextDepthSearchPositions.addLast(nextSearchPosition); locationsFilled.add(newChunkCoordinate); selection.add(newChunkCoordinate); } } ++currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection; if (currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection >= (diagonalOK ? ALL_DIRECTIONS : NON_DIAGONAL_DIRECTIONS)) { currentSearchPositions.removeFirst(); if (currentSearchPositions.isEmpty()) { Deque<SearchPosition> temp = currentSearchPositions; currentSearchPositions = nextDepthSearchPositions; nextDepthSearchPositions = temp; } } } return selection; } /** * see selectFill above * @param world * @param maxBlockCount * @param diagonalOK * @return */ public static List<BlockPos> selectFillUnbounded(BlockPos fillStartPosition, World world, int maxBlockCount, boolean diagonalOK, FillMatcher fillMatcher) { return selectFillBounded(fillStartPosition, world, maxBlockCount, diagonalOK, fillMatcher, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, 255, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Used to create vector from the starting point to the midpoint of the specified side of the block. * @param movingObjectPosition the [x,y,z] of the target block, and the side. hitVec is ignored. * @param startPos the origin of the vector to be created * @return the direction vector, or null for failure */ public static Vec3 snapLookToBlockFace(MovingObjectPosition movingObjectPosition, Vec3 startPos) { // midpoint of each face based on side final double[] X_FACE_OFFSET = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0}; final double[] Y_FACE_OFFSET = {0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}; final double[] Z_FACE_OFFSET = {0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5}; int sideHit = movingObjectPosition.sideHit.getIndex(); BlockPos blockPos = movingObjectPosition.getBlockPos(); Vec3 endPos = new Vec3(blockPos.getX() + X_FACE_OFFSET[sideHit], blockPos.getY() + Y_FACE_OFFSET[sideHit], blockPos.getZ() + Z_FACE_OFFSET[sideHit]); // return startPos.subtract(endPos); return endPos.subtract(startPos); } /** * Snaps the given vector to the closest of the six cardinal directions, or alternatively to one of the twenty "45 degree" directions (if diagonalOK == true) * @param vectorToSnap the vector to be snapped to a cardinal direction * @param diagonalOK if true, diagonal "45 degree" directions are allowed * @return the cardinal direction snapped to (unit length vector), or null if input vector is null or zero. */ public static Vec3 snapToCardinalDirection(Vec3 vectorToSnap, boolean diagonalOK) { final float R2 = 0.707107F; // 1 / sqrt(2) final float R3 = 0.577350F; // 1 / sqrt(3) final float cardinal[][] = { {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0,0,1} }; final float cardinal45[][] = { {R2, R2, 0}, {-R2, R2, 0}, {R2, 0, R2}, {R2, 0, -R2}, {0, R2, R2}, {0, R2, -R2}, {R3, R3, R3}, {R3, -R3, R3}, {R3, R3, -R3}, {R3, -R3, -R3} }; Vec3 cardinalVector; Vec3 closestVector = null; double highestDotProduct = 0.0; // use the dot product to find the closest match (highest projection of vectorToSnap onto the cardinaldirection). // if the best match has negative dot product, it points the opposite way so reverse it int i; for (i=0; i < 3; ++i) { cardinalVector = new Vec3(cardinal[i][0], cardinal[i][1], cardinal[i][2]); double dotProduct = cardinalVector.dotProduct(vectorToSnap); if (Math.abs(dotProduct) > Math.abs(highestDotProduct)) { highestDotProduct = dotProduct; closestVector = cardinalVector; } } if (diagonalOK) { for (i=0; i < 10; ++i) { cardinalVector = new Vec3(cardinal45[i][0], cardinal45[i][1], cardinal45[i][2]); double dotProduct = cardinalVector.dotProduct(vectorToSnap); if (Math.abs(dotProduct) > Math.abs(highestDotProduct)) { highestDotProduct = dotProduct; closestVector = cardinalVector; } } } if (closestVector == null) return null; if (highestDotProduct < 0) { Vec3 nullVector = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); closestVector = nullVector.subtract(closestVector); } return closestVector; } /** * "deflects" the direction vector so that it doesn't try to penetrate a solid block. * for example: if the vector is [0.707, -0.707, 0] and the starting block is sitting on a flat plane: * the direction vector will be "deflected" up to [0.707, 0, 0], converted to [+1, 0, 0] return value, so * that the direction runs along the surface of the plane * @param world the world * @param startingBlock - the starting block, should be non-solid (isBlockSolid == false) * @param direction - the direction vector to be deflected. * @param deltaPosition - the current [deltax, deltay, deltaz] where each delta is -1, 0, or 1 * @return a [deltax,deltay,deltaz] where each delta is -1, 0, or 1 */ public static BlockPos deflectDirectionVector(World world, BlockPos startingBlock, Vec3 direction, BlockPos deltaPosition) { // algorithm is: // if deltaPosition has two or three non-zero components: // re-snap the vector to the six cardinal axes only. If it still fails, perform further deflection as for deltaPosition with one non-zero component below // if deltaPosition has one non-zero component (is parallel to one of the six coordinate axes): // normalise the direction vector to unit length, eliminate the deltaPosition's non-zero axis from the direction vector, verify that at least one of the other two // components is at least 0.1, renormalise and snap the vector to the cardinal axes again. int nonZeroCount = Math.abs(deltaPosition.getX()) + Math.abs(deltaPosition.getY()) + Math.abs(deltaPosition.getZ()); Vec3 deflectedDirection; BlockPos deflectedDeltaPosition; if (nonZeroCount >= 2) { deflectedDirection = snapToCardinalDirection(direction, false); if (deflectedDirection == null) return new BlockPos(deltaPosition); deflectedDeltaPosition = convertToDelta(deflectedDirection); BlockPos nextCoordinate = startingBlock.add(deflectedDeltaPosition); if (!isBlockSolid(world, nextCoordinate)) return deflectedDeltaPosition; } else { deflectedDeltaPosition = new BlockPos(deltaPosition); } deflectedDirection = direction.normalize(); if (deflectedDeltaPosition.getX() != 0) { deflectedDirection = deflectedDirection.subtract(deflectedDirection.xCoord, 0, 0); } else if (deflectedDeltaPosition.getY() != 0) { deflectedDirection = deflectedDirection.subtract(0, deflectedDirection.yCoord, 0); } else { deflectedDirection = deflectedDirection.subtract(0, 0, deflectedDirection.zCoord); } deflectedDirection = deflectedDirection.normalize(); deflectedDirection = snapToCardinalDirection(deflectedDirection, false); if (deflectedDirection == null) return new BlockPos(deltaPosition); deflectedDeltaPosition = convertToDelta(deflectedDirection); return deflectedDeltaPosition; } /** * Converts the unit vector to a [deltax,deltay,deltaz] where each delta is -1, 0, or 1 * @param vector - valid inputs are unit length vectors parallel to [dx, dy, dz] where d{} is -1, 0, or +1 * @return a [deltax,deltay,deltaz] where each delta is -1, 0, or 1 */ public static BlockPos convertToDelta(Vec3 vector) { final float EPSILON = 0.1F; int dx = 0; int dy = 0; int dz = 0; if (vector.xCoord > EPSILON) dx = 1; if (vector.xCoord < -EPSILON) dx = -1; if (vector.yCoord > EPSILON) dy = 1; if (vector.yCoord < -EPSILON) dy = -1; if (vector.zCoord > EPSILON) dz = 1; if (vector.zCoord < -EPSILON) dz = -1; return new BlockPos(dx, dy, dz); } /** * returns true if the block is "solid" or is water. * Non-solid appears to correlate with "doesn't interact with a piston" i.e. getMobilityFlag == 1 * @param world the world * @param blockLocation the [x,y,z] of the block to be checked */ public static boolean isBlockSolid(World world, BlockPos blockLocation) { if (blockLocation.getY() < 0 || blockLocation.getY() >= 256) return false; IBlockState iBlockState = world.getBlockState(blockLocation); Block block = iBlockState.getBlock(); if (block == Blocks.air) { return false; } return (block.getMaterial() == Material.water || block.getMobilityFlag() != 1); } public enum BlockSolidity {AIR, WATER, NON_SOLID, SOLID}; /** check how solid this block is * @param world * @return */ public static BlockSolidity checkBlockSolidity(World world, int wx, int wy, int wz) { if (wy < 0 || wy >= 256) return BlockSolidity.AIR; Block block = world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz)).getBlock(); if (block == Blocks.air) return BlockSolidity.AIR; if (block.getMaterial() == Material.water) return BlockSolidity.WATER; if (block.getMobilityFlag() == 1) return BlockSolidity.NON_SOLID; return BlockSolidity.SOLID; } /** * SearchPosition contains the coordinates of a block and the current direction in which to search. */ public static class SearchPosition { public SearchPosition(BlockPos initBlockPos) { chunkCoordinates = initBlockPos; nextSearchDirection = 0; } public BlockPos chunkCoordinates; public int nextSearchDirection; } public static enum CollisionOptions { STOP_WHEN_SOLID_BLOCK_REACHED, CONTINUE_THROUGH_SOLID_BLOCKS } }