package speedytools.serverside.backup; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 1/03/14 * Maintains a record of the backed up save folders */ public class StoredBackups { public StoredBackups() { this(new HashMap<Integer, Path>()); } public StoredBackups(HashMap<Integer, Path> i_backupListing) { backupListing = i_backupListing; } private static final String BACKUP_LISTING_VERSION_TAG = "VERSION"; private static final String BACKUP_LISTING_PATHS_TAG = "PATHS"; private static final String BACKUP_LISTING_NAME_VALUE = "BACKUPLISTING"; private static final String BACKUP_LISTING_VERSION_VALUE = "V1"; /** * parses the backuplisting file into a map of backup number vs path * in case of error, parses as much as possible. * does not check if the paths actually exist * If there is no backupListing file, the backupListing will be initialised to empty * If the file is incomplete or has an error, the backupListing will contain any valid entries read from the file * @param backupListingPath * @return true for success, false otherwise */ public boolean retrieveBackupListing(Path backupListingPath) { backupListing = new HashMap<Integer, Path>(); if (!Files.isRegularFile(backupListingPath) || !Files.isReadable(backupListingPath)) { return false; } try { NBTTagCompound backupListingNBT =; if (!backupListingNBT.hasKey(BACKUP_LISTING_VERSION_TAG) || !backupListingNBT.hasKey(BACKUP_LISTING_PATHS_TAG)) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Invalid backuplisting file (missing tag): " + backupListingPath.toString()); return false; } if (!backupListingNBT.getString(BACKUP_LISTING_VERSION_TAG).equals(BACKUP_LISTING_VERSION_VALUE)) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Invalid backuplisting file (version wrong): " + backupListingPath.toString()); return false; } backupListingNBT = backupListingNBT.getCompoundTag(BACKUP_LISTING_PATHS_TAG); Set<String> tagKeys = backupListingNBT.getKeySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = tagKeys.iterator(); // backupListingNBT.getTags().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String key =; String value = backupListingNBT.getString(key); Integer backupNumber; try { backupNumber = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(key)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Invalid backupNumber tag in backuplisting file: " + backupListingPath.toString()); return false; } if (backupListing.containsKey(backupNumber)) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Duplicate backupNumber tag in backuplisting file: " + backupListingPath.toString()); return false; } backupListing.put(backupNumber, Paths.get(value)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Failure while reading backuplisting file (" + backupListingPath.toString() + ") :" + ioe.toString()); return false; } return true; } /** * writes the given backups to the given Path; overwrites automatically if already exists * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ public boolean saveBackupListing(Path fileToCreate) { try { NBTTagCompound backupListingNBT = new NBTTagCompound(); //BACKUP_LISTING_NAME_VALUE backupListingNBT.setString(BACKUP_LISTING_VERSION_TAG, BACKUP_LISTING_VERSION_VALUE); NBTTagCompound paths = new NBTTagCompound(); //"dummy" for (Map.Entry<Integer, Path> entry : backupListing.entrySet()) { paths.setString(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString()); } backupListingNBT.setTag(BACKUP_LISTING_PATHS_TAG, paths); OutputStream out = null; try { CompressedStreamTools.write(backupListingNBT, fileToCreate.toFile()); } catch (IOException e) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("StoredBackups::saveBackupListing() failed to create backup save: %s", e.toString()); return false; } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("StoredBackups::saveBackupListing() failed to create backup save: %s", e.toString()); return false; } return true; } public HashMap<Integer, Path> getBackupListing() { return backupListing; } /** * Copies the source folder to a new backup folder and adds it to the list of StoredBackups * @param folderToBeBackedUp the Minecraft Save folder to be backup up * @param rootSavesFolder the root folder that Minecraft stores its saves into * @param comment comment for the file * @return the Path to the backup if backup was successfully created, null otherwise. */ public Path createBackupSave(Path folderToBeBackedUp, Path rootSavesFolder, String comment) { boolean success; Path newBackupName = getNextSaveFolder(rootSavesFolder, folderToBeBackedUp.getFileName().toString()); success = FolderBackup.createBackupSave(folderToBeBackedUp, newBackupName, comment); if (success) { addStoredBackup(newBackupName); return newBackupName; } else { return null; } } /** * Looks through the StoredBackups and culls any which are surplus * The deletion is performed to keep a series of backups with increasing spacing as they get older * Up to six backups will be kept, the oldest will be at least 14 saves old (up to 21) * @return the Path to the backup which was deleted; or null if none deleted */ public Path cullSurplus() { // If the saves are numbered from 1, 2, 3, etc and savenumber is the number of the // current save, // then savenumber - deletionSchedule[savenumber%8] is to be deleted // This sequence leads to a fairly evenly increasing gap between saves, up to 6 saves deep // The oldest save will be between 13 - 20 ago; there are always at least the previous two saves // In the diagram below, the leftmost column is the newest save. # = save, O = deletion // 1: # // 2: ## // 3: ### // 4: ##O# // 5: ###.# // 6: ##O#.# // 7: ###.O.# // 8: ##O#...# // 9: ###.#...# // 10: ##O#.#...# // 11: ###.O.#...# // 12: ##O#...#...# // 13: ###.#...#...# // 14: ##O#.#...#...# // 15: ###.O.#...#...# // 16: ##O#...#...#...# // 17: ###.#...#...O...# // 18: ##O#.#...#.......# // 19: ###.O.#...#.......# // 20: ##O#...#...#.......# // 21: ###.#...#...#.......O int[] deletionSchedule = {2, 12, 2, 4, 2, 20, 2, 4}; int maximumStoredBackupNumber = getMaximumStoredBackupNumber(); int backupNumToDelete = maximumStoredBackupNumber - deletionSchedule[maximumStoredBackupNumber%8]; Path backupToDelete = backupListing.get(backupNumToDelete); if (backupToDelete == null) return null; boolean success = FolderBackup.deleteBackupSave(backupToDelete); if (!success) return null; backupListing.remove(backupNumToDelete); return backupToDelete; } /** * provides a suitable folder name for the next save backup * @param basePath and baseStem the base path and filename stem eg /saves and GreysWorld * @return the folder name to be used for the next save backup, or null for failure */ public Path getNextSaveFolder(Path basePath, String baseStem) { int nextBackupNumber = getNextBackupNumber(); char backupLetter = 'a'; boolean backupFolderExistsAlready; Path folderToTry; do { folderToTry = basePath.resolve((baseStem + "-bk" + nextBackupNumber) + backupLetter); backupFolderExistsAlready = Files.exists(folderToTry); ++backupLetter; } while (backupFolderExistsAlready && backupLetter <= 'z'); if (backupFolderExistsAlready) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("StoredBackups::getNextSaveFolder couldn't find a suitable name"); return null; } return folderToTry; } /** * Adds the given path to the listing of stored backups * @param newBackup * @return true for success */ public boolean addStoredBackup(Path newBackup) { backupListing.put(new Integer(getNextBackupNumber()), newBackup); return true; } /** * the number of the most recent backup (highest number) * @return the number or Integer.MIN_VALUE if no backups stored */ private int getMaximumStoredBackupNumber() { int highestBackupNumber = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Integer entry : backupListing.keySet()) { highestBackupNumber = Math.max(highestBackupNumber, entry); } return highestBackupNumber; } private static final int STARTING_BACKUP_NUMBER = 1; private int getNextBackupNumber() { if (backupListing.isEmpty()) return STARTING_BACKUP_NUMBER; return getMaximumStoredBackupNumber() + 1; } private HashMap<Integer, Path> backupListing; }