package; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import speedytools.SpeedyToolsMod; import speedytools.common.blocks.BlockWithMetadata; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * This class is used to inform the server when the user has used a SpeedyTool, and pass it information about the affected blocks. */ public class Packet250SpeedyToolUse extends Packet250Base { public int getToolItemID() { return toolItemID; } public int getButton() { return button; } public BlockWithMetadata getBlockToPlace() { return blockToPlace; } public EnumFacing getSideToPlace() {return sideToPlace;} public List<BlockPos> getCurrentlySelectedBlocks() { return currentlySelectedBlocks; } /** * Packet sent from client to server, to indicate when the user has used a SpeedyTool * @param newButton - left mouse button (attack) = 0; right mouse button (use) = 1 * @param i_sideToPlace - the side on which the block is being placed (top, east, etc) * @param newCurrentlySelectedBlocks - a list of the blocks selected by the tool when the button was clicked */ public Packet250SpeedyToolUse(int newButton, BlockWithMetadata newBlockToPlace, EnumFacing i_sideToPlace, List<BlockPos> newCurrentlySelectedBlocks) { super(); // toolItemID = newToolItemID; button = newButton; blockToPlace = newBlockToPlace; sideToPlace = i_sideToPlace; currentlySelectedBlocks = newCurrentlySelectedBlocks; packetIsValid = true; } public Packet250SpeedyToolUse() { packetIsValid = false; } /** * Register the handler for this packet * @param packetHandlerRegistry * @param packetHandlerMethod * @param side */ public static void registerHandler(PacketHandlerRegistry packetHandlerRegistry, PacketHandlerMethod packetHandlerMethod, Side side) { if (side != Side.SERVER) { assert false : "Tried to register Packet250SpeedyToolUse on side " + side; } serverSideHandler = packetHandlerMethod; packetHandlerRegistry.getSimpleNetworkWrapper().registerMessage(ServerMessageHandler.class, Packet250SpeedyToolUse.class, Packet250Types.PACKET250_SPEEDY_TOOL_USE_ID.getPacketTypeID(), side); } public interface PacketHandlerMethod { public boolean handlePacket(Packet250SpeedyToolUse packet250SpeedyToolUse, MessageContext ctx); } public static class ServerMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler<Packet250SpeedyToolUse, IMessage> { /** * Called when a message is received of the appropriate type. You can optionally return a reply message, or null if no reply * is needed. * * @param message The message * @return an optional return message */ public IMessage onMessage(final Packet250SpeedyToolUse message, final MessageContext ctx) { if (serverSideHandler == null) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Packet250SpeedyToolUse received but not registered."); } else if (ctx.side != Side.SERVER) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Packet250SpeedyToolUse received on wrong side"); } else { Runnable messageProcessor = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { serverSideHandler.handlePacket(message, ctx); } }; SpeedyToolsMod.proxy.enqueueMessageOnCorrectThread(ctx, messageProcessor); } return null; } } @Override public void readFromBuffer(ByteBuf buf) { packetIsValid = false; try { toolItemID = buf.readInt(); button = buf.readInt(); int blockID = buf.readInt(); blockToPlace = new BlockWithMetadata(); blockToPlace.block = Block.getBlockById(blockID); blockToPlace.metaData = buf.readInt(); int sideToPlaceIndex = buf.readInt(); sideToPlace = EnumFacing.getFront(sideToPlaceIndex); int blockCount = buf.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i) { int x = buf.readInt(); int y = buf.readInt(); int z = buf.readInt(); BlockPos newCC = new BlockPos(x, y, z); currentlySelectedBlocks.add(newCC); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioe) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Exception while reading Packet250SpeedyToolUse: " + ioe); return; } if (!checkInvariants()) return; packetIsValid = true; } @Override public void writeToBuffer(ByteBuf buf) { if (!isPacketIsValid()) return; int blockID = Block.getIdFromBlock(blockToPlace == null ? Blocks.air : blockToPlace.block); int metaData = (blockToPlace == null) ? 0 : blockToPlace.metaData; buf.writeInt(toolItemID); buf.writeInt(button); buf.writeInt(blockID); buf.writeInt(metaData); buf.writeInt(sideToPlace.getIndex()); buf.writeInt(currentlySelectedBlocks.size()); for (BlockPos cc : currentlySelectedBlocks) { buf.writeInt(cc.getX()); buf.writeInt(cc.getY()); buf.writeInt(cc.getZ()); } } /** * Checks if the packet is internally consistent * @return true for success, false otherwise */ private boolean checkInvariants() { if (button != 0 && button != 1) return false; if (sideToPlace == null) return false; return true; } private int toolItemID; private int button; private BlockWithMetadata blockToPlace; private EnumFacing sideToPlace; private List<BlockPos> currentlySelectedBlocks = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); private static PacketHandlerMethod serverSideHandler; // private boolean packetIsValid; }