package speedytools.clientside.selections; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import; import; import; import; import speedytools.common.blocks.BlockWithMetadata; import; import; import; import; import; import; import speedytools.common.selections.BlockVoxelMultiSelector; import speedytools.common.selections.FillAlgorithmSettings; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelectionWithOrigin; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import speedytools.common.utilities.QuadOrientation; import speedytools.common.utilities.ResultWithReason; /** * Created by TheGreyGhost on 26/09/14. * Used by the client to track the current tool voxel selection and coordinate any updates with the server */ public class ClientVoxelSelection { public ClientVoxelSelection(PacketHandlerRegistryClient packetHandlerRegistryClient, SelectionPacketSender i_selectionPacketSender, PacketSenderClient i_packetSenderClient) { selectionPacketSender = i_selectionPacketSender; packetSenderClient = i_packetSenderClient; incomingVoxelSelection = new MultipartOneAtATimeReceiver(); incomingVoxelSelection.registerPacketCreator(new SelectionPacket.SelectionPacketCreator()); incomingVoxelSelection.registerLinkageFactory(new IncomingSelectionLinkageFactory()); incomingVoxelSelection.setPacketSender(packetSenderClient); incomingVoxelSelection.registerLinkageFactory( IncomingSelectionLinkageFactory()); Packet250MultipartSegment.registerHandler(packetHandlerRegistryClient, IncomingSelectionPacketHandler(), Side.CLIENT, Packet250Types.PACKET250_SELECTION_PACKET); Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.registerHandler(packetHandlerRegistryClient, IncomingPacketHandler(), Side.CLIENT); } private SelectionPacketSender selectionPacketSender; private PacketSenderClient packetSenderClient; private enum ClientSelectionState {IDLE, GENERATING, CREATING_RENDERLISTS, COMPLETE} private enum OutgoingTransmissionState {IDLE, SENDING, COMPLETE, NOT_REQUIRED} private enum ServerSelectionState {IDLE, WAITING_FOR_START, GENERATING, RECEIVING, CREATING_RENDERLISTS, COMPLETE} public enum VoxelSelectionState {NO_SELECTION, GENERATING, READY_FOR_DISPLAY} private ClientSelectionState clientSelectionState = ClientSelectionState.IDLE; private OutgoingTransmissionState outgoingTransmissionState = OutgoingTransmissionState.IDLE; private ServerSelectionState serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.IDLE; private Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration packet250ServerSelectionGeneration; // if needed for server selection generation /** * find out whether the voxelselection is ready for display yet * @return */ public VoxelSelectionState getReadinessForDisplaying() { assert checkInvariants(); switch (clientSelectionState) { case IDLE: return VoxelSelectionState.NO_SELECTION; case COMPLETE: { return VoxelSelectionState.READY_FOR_DISPLAY; } case GENERATING: case CREATING_RENDERLISTS: { return VoxelSelectionState.GENERATING; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid clientSelectionState " + clientSelectionState + " in " + this.getClass().getName()); return VoxelSelectionState.NO_SELECTION; } } } /** * returns true if the server has a complete copy of the selection, ready for a tool action * @return */ public boolean isSelectionCompleteOnServer() { if (clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE) return false; // is complete if either: // 1) the client selection has been fully sent, or // 2) the client selection had missing voxels and the server selection has been generated switch (outgoingTransmissionState) { case COMPLETE: { return true; } case NOT_REQUIRED: { if (serverSelectionState == ServerSelectionState.RECEIVING || serverSelectionState == ServerSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS || serverSelectionState == ServerSelectionState.COMPLETE) { return true; } return false; } case SENDING: case IDLE: { return false; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid outgoingTransmissionState " + outgoingTransmissionState + " in " + this.getClass().getName()); return false; } } } /** return true if the selection is currently being generated, either locally or on the server. * i.e. - returns false if IDLE or COMPLETE, true otherwise. * @return */ public boolean isGenerationInProgress() { if ( (clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.IDLE && clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE) || (serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.IDLE && serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.COMPLETE && serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } public final float FULLY_COMPLETE = 1.000F; private final float FULLY_COMPLETE_PLUS_DELTA = FULLY_COMPLETE + 0.001F; /** * returns the progress of the selection generation on (or transmission to ) server * @return [0 .. 1] for the estimated fractional completion of the voxel selection generation / transmission * returns 0 if not started yet, returns > FULLY_COMPLETE if complete */ public float getServerSelectionFractionComplete() { if (clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE) return 0.0F; switch (outgoingTransmissionState) { case IDLE: { return 0.0F; } case COMPLETE: { return FULLY_COMPLETE_PLUS_DELTA; } case NOT_REQUIRED: { if (serverSelectionState == ServerSelectionState.RECEIVING || serverSelectionState == ServerSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS || serverSelectionState == ServerSelectionState.COMPLETE) { return FULLY_COMPLETE_PLUS_DELTA; } return serverGenerationFractionComplete; } case SENDING: { return selectionPacketSender.getCurrentPacketPercentComplete() / 100.0F; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid outgoingTransmissionState " + outgoingTransmissionState + " in " + this.getClass().getName()); return 0.0F; } } } /** * If the voxel selection is currently being generated, return the fraction complete (local selection, not server generation) * @return [0 .. 1] for the estimated fractional completion of the voxel selection generation * returns 0 if not started yet, returns 1.000F if complete */ public float getLocalGenerationFractionComplete() { final float SELECTION_GENERATION_FULL = 0.75F; assert checkInvariants(); switch (clientSelectionState) { case IDLE: return 0.0F; case COMPLETE: return 1.000F; case GENERATING: { return localSelectionGenerationFractionComplete * SELECTION_GENERATION_FULL; } case CREATING_RENDERLISTS: { float scaledProgress = SELECTION_GENERATION_FULL * localSelectionGenerationFractionComplete; return scaledProgress + (1.0F - scaledProgress) * renderlistGenerationFractionComplete; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid clientSelectionState " + clientSelectionState + " in " + this.getClass().getName()); return 0.0F; } } } /** * test this class to see if all its invariants are still valid * @return true if all invariants are fulfilled */ private boolean checkInvariants() { if (clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.IDLE && serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.IDLE) return false; if (clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.IDLE && clientVoxelMultiSelector == null) return false; if ((clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS || clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE) && voxelSelectionRenderer == null) return false; if (serverSelectionState == ServerSelectionState.COMPLETE && serverVoxelSelection == null) return false; return true; } /** * If there is a current selection, destroy it. No effect if waiting for the server to do something. */ public void reset() { clientVoxelMultiSelector = null; if (voxelSelectionRenderer != null) { voxelSelectionRenderer.releaseFinal(); voxelSelectionRenderer = null; selectionBeingDisplayed = null; } clientSelectionState = ClientSelectionState.IDLE; if (serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.IDLE) { Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration abortPacket = Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.abortSelectionGeneration(currentSelectionUniqueID); packetSenderClient.sendPacket(abortPacket); serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.IDLE; } outgoingTransmissionState = OutgoingTransmissionState.IDLE; selectionPacketSender.reset(); } /** * If selection generation is underway, abort it. If already complete, do nothing. */ public void abortGenerationIfUnderway() { if (clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.GENERATING || clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS) { reset(); } else { if (serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.IDLE && serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.COMPLETE && serverSelectionState != ServerSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS) { Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration abortPacket = Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.abortSelectionGeneration(currentSelectionUniqueID); packetSenderClient.sendPacket(abortPacket); serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.IDLE; } } } private void initialiseForGeneration() { reset(); selectionUpdatedFlag = false; selectionBeingDisplayed = null; clientSelectionState = ClientSelectionState.GENERATING; outgoingTransmissionState = OutgoingTransmissionState.IDLE; localSelectionGenerationFractionComplete = 0; renderlistGenerationFractionComplete = 0; clientVoxelMultiSelector = new BlockVoxelMultiSelector(); currentSelectionUniqueID = nextUniqueID++; } /** * Create a new selection consisting of all non-air voxels in the given boundary region * If a selection is already in place, cancel it. * @param thePlayer * @param boundaryCorner1 * @param boundaryCorner2 * @return */ public ResultWithReason createFullBoxSelection(EntityPlayerSP thePlayer, BlockPos boundaryCorner1, BlockPos boundaryCorner2) { initialiseForGeneration(); clientVoxelMultiSelector.selectAllInBoxStart(thePlayer.worldObj, boundaryCorner1, boundaryCorner2); packet250ServerSelectionGeneration = Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.performAllInBox(currentSelectionUniqueID, boundaryCorner1, boundaryCorner2); return ResultWithReason.success(); } /** * initialise conversion of the selected fill to a VoxelSelection * If a selection is already in place, cancel it. * @param fillAlgorithmSettings the fill settings to use * @param i_overrideTexture the block texture to use when displaying the selection; null for use world block at each [x,y,z] */ public ResultWithReason createUnboundFillSelection(EntityPlayerSP thePlayer, FillAlgorithmSettings fillAlgorithmSettings, IBlockState i_overrideTexture) { initialiseForGeneration(); overrideTexture = i_overrideTexture; clientVoxelMultiSelector.selectUnboundFillStart(thePlayer.worldObj, fillAlgorithmSettings); packet250ServerSelectionGeneration = Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.performUnboundFill(fillAlgorithmSettings, currentSelectionUniqueID); return ResultWithReason.success(); } /** * initialise conversion of the selected fill to a VoxelSelection * Will not fill any blocks outside of the box defined by corner1 and corner2 * If a selection is already in place, cancel it. * @param fillAlgorithmSettings the fill settings to use * @param i_overrideTexture the block texture to use when displaying the selection; null for use world block at each [x,y,z] * @param boundaryCorner1 first corner of the fill boundary * @param boundaryCorner2 opposite corner of the fill boundary */ public ResultWithReason createBoundFillSelection(EntityPlayerSP thePlayer, FillAlgorithmSettings fillAlgorithmSettings, IBlockState i_overrideTexture, BlockPos boundaryCorner1, BlockPos boundaryCorner2) { initialiseForGeneration(); overrideTexture = i_overrideTexture; clientVoxelMultiSelector.selectBoundFillStart(thePlayer.worldObj, fillAlgorithmSettings, boundaryCorner1, boundaryCorner2); packet250ServerSelectionGeneration = Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.performBoundFill(fillAlgorithmSettings, currentSelectionUniqueID, boundaryCorner1, boundaryCorner2); return ResultWithReason.success(); } // public BlockVoxelMultiSelector.Matcher convertMatcherType(Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.MatcherType matcherType) // { // switch (matcherType) { // case ANY_NON_AIR: { // return BlockVoxelMultiSelector.Matcher.ALL_NON_AIR; // } // case STARTING_BLOCK_ONLY: { // return BlockVoxelMultiSelector.Matcher.STARTING_BLOCK_ONLY; // } // default: { // ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Illegal matcherType:" + matcherType); // return null; // } // } // } /** * Returns true if the selection has been updated since the last call to this function; resets flag after the call. * (If true, the selection render information, origin, and QuadOrientation will need to be re-retrieved). * @return */ public boolean hasSelectionBeenUpdated() { boolean retval = selectionUpdatedFlag; selectionUpdatedFlag = false; return retval; } /** return a copy of the selection's origin at the time of its creation from the world * If not available (IDLE or GENERATING), causes an error * @return */ public BlockPos getSourceWorldOrigin() { if (clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE && clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("called getInitialOrigin for invalid state: " + clientSelectionState); return new BlockPos(0, 0, 0); } return new BlockPos(selectionBeingDisplayed.getWxOrigin(), selectionBeingDisplayed.getWyOrigin(), selectionBeingDisplayed.getWzOrigin()); } /** return a copy of the selection's QuadOrientation at the time of its creation from the world. * If not available (IDLE or GENERATING), causes an error */ public QuadOrientation getSourceQuadOrientation() { if (clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE && clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("called getInitialQuadOrientation for invalid state: " + clientSelectionState); return new QuadOrientation(0, 0, 1, 1); } return new QuadOrientation(0, 0, selectionBeingDisplayed.getxSize(), selectionBeingDisplayed.getzSize()); } /** called once per tick on the client side * used to advance through the various states of the selection, eg generation, transmission, etc * @param maxDurationInNS = the maximum time to spend on selection generation, in NS */ public void performTick(World world, long maxDurationInNS) { ++tickCount; assert checkInvariants(); // System.out.println("Client:" + clientSelectionState + ", Server:" + serverSelectionState + ", Outgoing XmissionState:" + outgoingTransmissionState); switch (clientSelectionState) { case IDLE: case COMPLETE: { break; } case GENERATING: { // keep generating; if complete, switch to creation of rendering lists float progress = clientVoxelMultiSelector.continueSelectionGeneration(world, maxDurationInNS); if (progress >= 0) { localSelectionGenerationFractionComplete = progress; } else { // -1 means complete localSelectionGenerationFractionComplete = 1.0F; // selectionPacketSender.reset(); if (clientVoxelMultiSelector.isEmpty()) { clientSelectionState = ClientSelectionState.IDLE; } else { VoxelSelectionWithOrigin clientVoxelSelection = clientVoxelMultiSelector.getSelection(); // System.out.println("Client selection origin: [" + clientVoxelSelection.getWxOrigin() // + ", " + clientVoxelSelection.getWyOrigin() // + ", " + clientVoxelSelection.getWzOrigin()+"]"); clientSelectionState = ClientSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS; BlockPos selectionInitialOrigin = clientVoxelMultiSelector.getWorldOrigin(); if (voxelSelectionRenderer == null) { TextureManager textureManager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager(); voxelSelectionRenderer = new BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer(textureManager); } voxelSelectionRenderer.createRenderListStart(world, overrideTexture, selectionInitialOrigin.getX(), selectionInitialOrigin.getY(), selectionInitialOrigin.getZ(), clientVoxelMultiSelector.getSelection(), clientVoxelMultiSelector.getUnavailableVoxels()); } } break; } case CREATING_RENDERLISTS: { BlockPos wOrigin = clientVoxelMultiSelector.getWorldOrigin(); float progress = voxelSelectionRenderer.createRenderListContinue(world, wOrigin.getX(), wOrigin.getY(), wOrigin.getZ(), clientVoxelMultiSelector.getSelection(), clientVoxelMultiSelector.getUnavailableVoxels(), maxDurationInNS); if (progress >= 0) { renderlistGenerationFractionComplete = progress; } else { // -1 means finished clientSelectionState = ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE; selectionBeingDisplayed = clientVoxelMultiSelector.getSelection(); selectionUpdatedFlag = true; } break; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid clientSelectionState " + clientSelectionState + " in " + this.getClass().getName()); break; } } final int TICKS_BETWEEN_STATUS_REQUEST = 20; switch (serverSelectionState) { case IDLE: { if (clientSelectionState != ClientSelectionState.IDLE && clientVoxelMultiSelector.containsUnavailableVoxels()) { // need the server to generate the selection. serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.WAITING_FOR_START; packetSenderClient.sendPacket(packet250ServerSelectionGeneration); lastStatusRequestTick = tickCount; serverGenerationFractionComplete = 0; incomingSelectionFractionComplete = 0; incomingSelectionUniqueID = null; serverVoxelSelection = null; } break; } case WAITING_FOR_START: { sendStatusRequestIfDue(TICKS_BETWEEN_STATUS_REQUEST); if (serverGenerationFractionComplete > 0) { serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.GENERATING; } break; } // for GENERATING and RECEIVING, the server 'pushes' the packet across - see code in IncomingSelectionLinkage case GENERATING: { if (incomingSelectionUniqueID != null) { // the packet linkage has started receiving a new selection serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.RECEIVING; } sendStatusRequestIfDue(TICKS_BETWEEN_STATUS_REQUEST); break; } case RECEIVING: { if (serverVoxelSelection != null && clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE) { // incoming packet transmission has finished and client selection is done serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.CREATING_RENDERLISTS; voxelSelectionRenderer.resize(serverVoxelSelection.getWxOrigin(), serverVoxelSelection.getWyOrigin(), serverVoxelSelection.getWzOrigin(), serverVoxelSelection.getxSize(), serverVoxelSelection.getySize(), serverVoxelSelection.getzSize()); voxelSelectionRenderer.refreshRenderListStart(); selectionBeingDisplayed = serverVoxelSelection; selectionUpdatedFlag = true; } break; } case CREATING_RENDERLISTS: { VoxelSelectionWithOrigin nullSelection = new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); float progress = voxelSelectionRenderer.refreshRenderListContinue(world, serverVoxelSelection, nullSelection, maxDurationInNS); if (progress < 0) { boolean noFogLeft = voxelSelectionRenderer.updateWithLoadedChunks(world, serverVoxelSelection, nullSelection, maxDurationInNS); if (noFogLeft) { serverSelectionState = ServerSelectionState.COMPLETE; } } break; } case COMPLETE: { break; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid serverSelectionState " + serverSelectionState + " in " + this.getClass().getName()); break; } } switch (outgoingTransmissionState) { case IDLE: { if (clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE) { if (clientVoxelMultiSelector.containsUnavailableVoxels()) { outgoingTransmissionState = OutgoingTransmissionState.NOT_REQUIRED; } else { boolean success = selectionPacketSender.startSendingSelection(clientVoxelMultiSelector); if (success) { outgoingTransmissionState = OutgoingTransmissionState.SENDING; } } } break; } case NOT_REQUIRED: case COMPLETE: { break; } case SENDING: { SelectionPacketSender.PacketProgress packetProgress = selectionPacketSender.getCurrentPacketProgress(); if (packetProgress != SelectionPacketSender.PacketProgress.SENDING) { if (packetProgress == SelectionPacketSender.PacketProgress.COMPLETED) { outgoingTransmissionState = OutgoingTransmissionState.COMPLETE; } else { outgoingTransmissionState = OutgoingTransmissionState.IDLE; // Abort or return to Idle } } break; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid outgoingTransmissionState " + outgoingTransmissionState + " in " + this.getClass().getName()); break; } } if (clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.IDLE) { selectionPacketSender.reset(); } // // if the selection has been freshly generated, keep trying to transmit it until we successfully start transmission // if (clientSelectionState == ClientSelectionState.COMPLETE // && selectionPacketSender.getCurrentPacketProgress() == SelectionPacketSender.PacketProgress.IDLE) { // selectionPacketSender.startSendingSelection(clientVoxelMultiSelector); // } selectionPacketSender.tick(); } private void sendStatusRequestIfDue(int ticksBetweenStatusRequests) { if ((tickCount - lastStatusRequestTick) >= ticksBetweenStatusRequests) { Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration packet = Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.requestStatus(currentSelectionUniqueID); packetSenderClient.sendPacket(packet); lastStatusRequestTick = tickCount; } } private BlockVoxelMultiSelector clientVoxelMultiSelector; private int currentSelectionUniqueID; private static int nextUniqueID = -2366236; // arbitrary private int tickCount; private int lastStatusRequestTick; private IBlockState overrideTexture; // for the complex fill; the block that will fill the displayed selection; null for no override public BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer getVoxelSelectionRenderer() { return voxelSelectionRenderer; } private BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer voxelSelectionRenderer; private float renderlistGenerationFractionComplete; private float localSelectionGenerationFractionComplete; private boolean selectionUpdatedFlag; private VoxelSelectionWithOrigin selectionBeingDisplayed; private float serverGenerationFractionComplete; private float incomingSelectionFractionComplete; private Integer incomingSelectionUniqueID; private VoxelSelectionWithOrigin serverVoxelSelection; public class IncomingSelectionPacketHandler implements Packet250MultipartSegment.PacketHandlerMethod { @Override public boolean handlePacket(Packet250MultipartSegment packet250MultipartSegment, MessageContext ctx) { boolean success = incomingVoxelSelection.processIncomingPacket(packet250MultipartSegment); return success; } } private IncomingSelectionPacketHandler incomingSelectionPacketHandler; private MultipartOneAtATimeReceiver incomingVoxelSelection; // processes incoming status information about the server selection generation commands public class IncomingPacketHandler implements Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration.PacketHandlerMethod { public Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration handlePacket(Packet250ServerSelectionGeneration packet, MessageContext ctx) { switch (packet.getCommand()) { case STATUS_REPLY: { if (packet.getUniqueID() == currentSelectionUniqueID) { // ignore any messages not about the current selection serverGenerationFractionComplete = packet.getCompletedFraction(); } break; } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("Invalid command received by ClientVoxelSelection: " + packet.getCommand()); return null; } } return null; } } /** * The linkage is used to convey information about the process of the incoming selection */ public class IncomingSelectionLinkage implements MultipartOneAtATimeReceiver.PacketLinkage { public IncomingSelectionLinkage(SelectionPacket linkedPacket) { // System.out.println("ClientVoxelSelection::VoxelPacketLinkage constructed for Selection Packet ID " + linkedPacket.getUniqueID()); //todo remove myLinkedPacket = linkedPacket; incomingSelectionUniqueID = linkedPacket.getUniqueID(); incomingSelectionFractionComplete = 0; // myPlayer = new WeakReference<EntityPlayerMP>(player); } @Override public void progressUpdate(int percentComplete) { incomingSelectionFractionComplete = percentComplete; } @Override public void packetCompleted() { // System.out.println("ClientVoxelSelection::VoxelPacketLinkage - completed packet ID " + myLinkedPacket.getUniqueID()); // todo remove if (myLinkedPacket == null) return; serverVoxelSelection = myLinkedPacket.retrieveVoxelSelection(); } @Override public void packetAborted() {} @Override public int getPacketID() {return myLinkedPacket.getUniqueID();} // private WeakReference<EntityPlayerMP> myPlayer; private SelectionPacket myLinkedPacket; } /** * The Factory creates a new linkage, which will be used to communicate the packet receiving progress to the recipient */ public class IncomingSelectionLinkageFactory implements MultipartOneAtATimeReceiver.PacketReceiverLinkageFactory { // public IncomingSelectionLinkageFactory() { // myPlayer = new WeakReference<EntityPlayerMP>(playerMP); // } @Override public IncomingSelectionLinkage createNewLinkage(MultipartPacket linkedPacket) { assert linkedPacket instanceof SelectionPacket; return IncomingSelectionLinkage((SelectionPacket)linkedPacket); } // private WeakReference<EntityPlayerMP> myPlayer; } }