package speedytools.common.utilities; /** * Utility class for rotating / flipping vanilla blocks * Copied from WorldEdit by sk89q * * WorldEdit, a Minecraft world manipulation toolkit * Copyright (C) sk89q <> * Copyright (C) WorldEdit team and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ public final class BlockRotateFlipHelperOLD { public enum FlipDirection { NORTH_SOUTH, WEST_EAST, UP_DOWN } private BlockRotateFlipHelperOLD() { } /** * Rotate a block's data value 90 degrees (north->east->south->west->north); * * @param type * @param data * @return */ public static int rotate90(int type, int data) { switch (type) { case BlockID.TORCH: case BlockID.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF: case BlockID.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON: switch (data) { case 1: return 3; case 2: return 4; case 3: return 2; case 4: return 1; } break; case BlockID.MINECART_TRACKS: switch (data) { case 6: return 7; case 7: return 8; case 8: return 9; case 9: return 6; } /* FALL-THROUGH */ case BlockID.POWERED_RAIL: case BlockID.DETECTOR_RAIL: case BlockID.ACTIVATOR_RAIL: switch (data & 0x7) { case 0: return 1 | (data & ~0x7); case 1: return 0 | (data & ~0x7); case 2: return 5 | (data & ~0x7); case 3: return 4 | (data & ~0x7); case 4: return 2 | (data & ~0x7); case 5: return 3 | (data & ~0x7); } break; case BlockID.OAK_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS: case BlockID.BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.STONE_BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.SANDSTONE_STAIRS: case BlockID.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.QUARTZ_STAIRS: case BlockID.ACACIA_STAIRS: case BlockID.DARK_OAK_STAIRS: switch (data) { case 0: return 2; case 1: return 3; case 2: return 1; case 3: return 0; case 4: return 6; case 5: return 7; case 6: return 5; case 7: return 4; } break; case BlockID.LEVER: case BlockID.STONE_BUTTON: case BlockID.WOODEN_BUTTON: int thrown = data & 0x8; int withoutThrown = data & ~0x8; switch (withoutThrown) { case 1: return 3 | thrown; case 2: return 4 | thrown; case 3: return 2 | thrown; case 4: return 1 | thrown; case 5: return 6 | thrown; case 6: return 5 | thrown; case 7: return 0 | thrown; case 0: return 7 | thrown; } break; case BlockID.WOODEN_DOOR: case BlockID.IRON_DOOR: if ((data & 0x8) != 0) { // door top halves contain no orientation information break; } /* FALL-THROUGH */ case BlockID.COCOA_PLANT: case BlockID.TRIPWIRE_HOOK: int extra = data & ~0x3; int withoutFlags = data & 0x3; switch (withoutFlags) { case 0: return 1 | extra; case 1: return 2 | extra; case 2: return 3 | extra; case 3: return 0 | extra; } break; case BlockID.SIGN_POST: return (data + 4) % 16; case BlockID.LADDER: case BlockID.WALL_SIGN: case BlockID.CHEST: case BlockID.FURNACE: case BlockID.BURNING_FURNACE: case BlockID.ENDER_CHEST: case BlockID.TRAPPED_CHEST: case BlockID.HOPPER: switch (data) { case 2: return 5; case 3: return 4; case 4: return 2; case 5: return 3; } break; case BlockID.DISPENSER: case BlockID.DROPPER: int dispPower = data & 0x8; switch (data & ~0x8) { case 2: return 5 | dispPower; case 3: return 4 | dispPower; case 4: return 2 | dispPower; case 5: return 3 | dispPower; } break; case BlockID.PUMPKIN: case BlockID.JACKOLANTERN: switch (data) { case 0: return 1; case 1: return 2; case 2: return 3; case 3: return 0; } break; case BlockID.HAY_BLOCK: case BlockID.LOG: case BlockID.LOG2: if (data >= 4 && data <= 11) data ^= 0xc; break; case BlockID.COMPARATOR_OFF: case BlockID.COMPARATOR_ON: case BlockID.REDSTONE_REPEATER_OFF: case BlockID.REDSTONE_REPEATER_ON: int dir = data & 0x03; int delay = data - dir; switch (dir) { case 0: return 1 | delay; case 1: return 2 | delay; case 2: return 3 | delay; case 3: return 0 | delay; } break; case BlockID.TRAP_DOOR: int withoutOrientation = data & ~0x3; int orientation = data & 0x3; switch (orientation) { case 0: return 3 | withoutOrientation; case 1: return 2 | withoutOrientation; case 2: return 0 | withoutOrientation; case 3: return 1 | withoutOrientation; } break; case BlockID.PISTON_BASE: case BlockID.PISTON_STICKY_BASE: case BlockID.PISTON_EXTENSION: final int rest = data & ~0x7; switch (data & 0x7) { case 2: return 5 | rest; case 3: return 4 | rest; case 4: return 2 | rest; case 5: return 3 | rest; } break; case BlockID.BROWN_MUSHROOM_CAP: case BlockID.RED_MUSHROOM_CAP: if (data >= 10) return data; return (data * 3) % 10; case BlockID.VINE: return ((data << 1) | (data >> 3)) & 0xf; case BlockID.FENCE_GATE: return ((data + 1) & 0x3) | (data & ~0x3); case BlockID.ANVIL: return data ^ 0x1; case BlockID.BED: return data & ~0x3 | (data + 1) & 0x3; case BlockID.HEAD: switch (data) { case 2: return 5; case 3: return 4; case 4: return 2; case 5: return 3; } } return data; } /** * Rotate a block's data value -90 degrees (north<-east<-south<-west<-north); * * @param type * @param data * @return */ public static int rotate90Reverse(int type, int data) { // case ([0-9]+): return ([0-9]+) -> case \2: return \1 switch (type) { case BlockID.TORCH: case BlockID.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF: case BlockID.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON: switch (data) { case 3: return 1; case 4: return 2; case 2: return 3; case 1: return 4; } break; case BlockID.MINECART_TRACKS: switch (data) { case 7: return 6; case 8: return 7; case 9: return 8; case 6: return 9; } /* FALL-THROUGH */ case BlockID.POWERED_RAIL: case BlockID.DETECTOR_RAIL: case BlockID.ACTIVATOR_RAIL: int power = data & ~0x7; switch (data & 0x7) { case 1: return 0 | power; case 0: return 1 | power; case 5: return 2 | power; case 4: return 3 | power; case 2: return 4 | power; case 3: return 5 | power; } break; case BlockID.OAK_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS: case BlockID.BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.STONE_BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.SANDSTONE_STAIRS: case BlockID.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.QUARTZ_STAIRS: case BlockID.ACACIA_STAIRS: case BlockID.DARK_OAK_STAIRS: switch (data) { case 2: return 0; case 3: return 1; case 1: return 2; case 0: return 3; case 6: return 4; case 7: return 5; case 5: return 6; case 4: return 7; } break; case BlockID.LEVER: case BlockID.STONE_BUTTON: case BlockID.WOODEN_BUTTON: int thrown = data & 0x8; int withoutThrown = data & ~0x8; switch (withoutThrown) { case 3: return 1 | thrown; case 4: return 2 | thrown; case 2: return 3 | thrown; case 1: return 4 | thrown; case 6: return 5 | thrown; case 5: return 6 | thrown; case 0: return 7 | thrown; case 7: return 0 | thrown; } break; case BlockID.WOODEN_DOOR: case BlockID.IRON_DOOR: if ((data & 0x8) != 0) { // door top halves contain no orientation information break; } /* FALL-THROUGH */ case BlockID.COCOA_PLANT: case BlockID.TRIPWIRE_HOOK: int extra = data & ~0x3; int withoutFlags = data & 0x3; switch (withoutFlags) { case 1: return 0 | extra; case 2: return 1 | extra; case 3: return 2 | extra; case 0: return 3 | extra; } break; case BlockID.SIGN_POST: return (data + 12) % 16; case BlockID.LADDER: case BlockID.WALL_SIGN: case BlockID.CHEST: case BlockID.FURNACE: case BlockID.BURNING_FURNACE: case BlockID.ENDER_CHEST: case BlockID.TRAPPED_CHEST: case BlockID.HOPPER: switch (data) { case 5: return 2; case 4: return 3; case 2: return 4; case 3: return 5; } break; case BlockID.DISPENSER: case BlockID.DROPPER: int dispPower = data & 0x8; switch (data & ~0x8) { case 5: return 2 | dispPower; case 4: return 3 | dispPower; case 2: return 4 | dispPower; case 3: return 5 | dispPower; } break; case BlockID.PUMPKIN: case BlockID.JACKOLANTERN: switch (data) { case 1: return 0; case 2: return 1; case 3: return 2; case 0: return 3; } break; case BlockID.HAY_BLOCK: case BlockID.LOG: case BlockID.LOG2: if (data >= 4 && data <= 11) data ^= 0xc; break; case BlockID.COMPARATOR_OFF: case BlockID.COMPARATOR_ON: case BlockID.REDSTONE_REPEATER_OFF: case BlockID.REDSTONE_REPEATER_ON: int dir = data & 0x03; int delay = data - dir; switch (dir) { case 1: return 0 | delay; case 2: return 1 | delay; case 3: return 2 | delay; case 0: return 3 | delay; } break; case BlockID.TRAP_DOOR: int withoutOrientation = data & ~0x3; int orientation = data & 0x3; switch (orientation) { case 3: return 0 | withoutOrientation; case 2: return 1 | withoutOrientation; case 0: return 2 | withoutOrientation; case 1: return 3 | withoutOrientation; } case BlockID.PISTON_BASE: case BlockID.PISTON_STICKY_BASE: case BlockID.PISTON_EXTENSION: final int rest = data & ~0x7; switch (data & 0x7) { case 5: return 2 | rest; case 4: return 3 | rest; case 2: return 4 | rest; case 3: return 5 | rest; } break; case BlockID.BROWN_MUSHROOM_CAP: case BlockID.RED_MUSHROOM_CAP: if (data >= 10) return data; return (data * 7) % 10; case BlockID.VINE: return ((data >> 1) | (data << 3)) & 0xf; case BlockID.FENCE_GATE: return ((data + 3) & 0x3) | (data & ~0x3); case BlockID.ANVIL: return data ^ 0x1; case BlockID.BED: return data & ~0x3 | (data - 1) & 0x3; case BlockID.HEAD: switch (data) { case 2: return 4; case 3: return 5; case 4: return 3; case 5: return 2; } } return data; } /** * Flip a block's data value. * * @param type * @param data * @return */ public static int flip(int type, int data) { return rotate90(type, rotate90(type, data)); } /** * Flip a block's data value. * * @param type * @param data * @param direction * @return */ public static int flip(int type, int data, FlipDirection direction) { int flipX = 0; int flipY = 0; int flipZ = 0; switch (direction) { case NORTH_SOUTH: flipZ = 1; break; case WEST_EAST: flipX = 1; break; case UP_DOWN: flipY = 1; break; } switch (type) { case BlockID.TORCH: case BlockID.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF: case BlockID.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON: if (data < 1 || data > 4) break; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case BlockID.LEVER: case BlockID.STONE_BUTTON: case BlockID.WOODEN_BUTTON: switch (data & ~0x8) { case 1: return data + flipX; case 2: return data - flipX; case 3: return data + flipZ; case 4: return data - flipZ; case 5: case 7: return data ^ flipY << 1; case 6: case 0: return data ^ flipY * 6; } break; case BlockID.MINECART_TRACKS: switch (data) { case 6: return data + flipX + flipZ * 3; case 7: return data - flipX + flipZ; case 8: return data + flipX - flipZ; case 9: return data - flipX - flipZ * 3; } /* FALL-THROUGH */ case BlockID.POWERED_RAIL: case BlockID.DETECTOR_RAIL: case BlockID.ACTIVATOR_RAIL: switch (data & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: return data; case 2: case 3: return data ^ flipX; case 4: case 5: return data ^ flipZ; } break; case BlockID.STEP: case BlockID.WOODEN_STEP: return data ^ (flipY << 3); case BlockID.OAK_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS: case BlockID.BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.STONE_BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS: case BlockID.SANDSTONE_STAIRS: case BlockID.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS: case BlockID.QUARTZ_STAIRS: case BlockID.ACACIA_STAIRS: case BlockID.DARK_OAK_STAIRS: data ^= flipY << 2; switch (data) { case 0: case 1: case 4: case 5: return data ^ flipX; case 2: case 3: case 6: case 7: return data ^ flipZ; } break; case BlockID.WOODEN_DOOR: case BlockID.IRON_DOOR: if ((data & 0x8) != 0) { // door top halves contain no orientation information break; } switch (data & 0x3) { case 0: return data + flipX + flipZ * 3; case 1: return data - flipX + flipZ; case 2: return data + flipX - flipZ; case 3: return data - flipX - flipZ * 3; } break; case BlockID.SIGN_POST: switch (direction) { case NORTH_SOUTH: return (16 - data) & 0xf; case WEST_EAST: return (8 - data) & 0xf; default: } break; case BlockID.LADDER: case BlockID.WALL_SIGN: case BlockID.CHEST: case BlockID.FURNACE: case BlockID.BURNING_FURNACE: case BlockID.ENDER_CHEST: case BlockID.TRAPPED_CHEST: case BlockID.HOPPER: switch (data) { case 2: case 3: return data ^ flipZ; case 4: case 5: return data ^ flipX; } break; case BlockID.DROPPER: case BlockID.DISPENSER: int dispPower = data & 0x8; switch (data & ~0x8) { case 2: case 3: return (data ^ flipZ) | dispPower; case 4: case 5: return (data ^ flipX) | dispPower; case 0: case 1: return (data ^ flipY) | dispPower; } break; case BlockID.PUMPKIN: case BlockID.JACKOLANTERN: if (data > 3) break; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case BlockID.REDSTONE_REPEATER_OFF: case BlockID.REDSTONE_REPEATER_ON: case BlockID.COMPARATOR_OFF: case BlockID.COMPARATOR_ON: case BlockID.COCOA_PLANT: case BlockID.TRIPWIRE_HOOK: switch (data & 0x3) { case 0: case 2: return data ^ (flipZ << 1); case 1: case 3: return data ^ (flipX << 1); } break; case BlockID.TRAP_DOOR: switch (data & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: return data ^ flipZ; case 2: case 3: return data ^ flipX; } break; case BlockID.PISTON_BASE: case BlockID.PISTON_STICKY_BASE: case BlockID.PISTON_EXTENSION: switch (data & ~0x8) { case 0: case 1: return data ^ flipY; case 2: case 3: return data ^ flipZ; case 4: case 5: return data ^ flipX; } break; case BlockID.RED_MUSHROOM_CAP: case BlockID.BROWN_MUSHROOM_CAP: switch (data) { case 1: case 4: case 7: data += flipX * 2; break; case 3: case 6: case 9: data -= flipX * 2; break; } switch (data) { case 1: case 2: case 3: return data + flipZ * 6; case 7: case 8: case 9: return data - flipZ * 6; } break; case BlockID.VINE: final int bit1, bit2; switch (direction) { case NORTH_SOUTH: bit1 = 0x2; bit2 = 0x8; break; case WEST_EAST: bit1 = 0x1; bit2 = 0x4; break; default: return data; } int newData = data & ~(bit1 | bit2); if ((data & bit1) != 0) newData |= bit2; if ((data & bit2) != 0) newData |= bit1; return newData; case BlockID.FENCE_GATE: switch (data & 0x3) { case 0: case 2: return data ^ flipZ << 1; case 1: case 3: return data ^ flipX << 1; } break; case BlockID.BED: switch (data & 0x3) { case 0: case 2: return data ^ flipZ << 1; case 1: case 3: return data ^ flipX << 1; } break; case BlockID.HEAD: switch (data) { case 2: case 3: return data ^ flipZ; case 4: case 5: return data ^ flipX; } break; } return data; } }