package speedytools.serverside.worldmanipulation; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityHanging; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import*; import; import; import; import org.lwjgl.Sys; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelection; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelectionWithOrigin; import speedytools.common.utilities.*; import java.util.*; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 27/05/2014 * Stores the block ID, metadata, NBT (TileEntity) data, and Entity data for a voxel selection * Typical usage: * (1) Create an empty world fragment * (2a) readFromWorld(VoxelSelection) to read the WorldFragment from the world for all voxels in the given VoxelSelection * or * (2b) various set() to manipulate the fragment's contents * (3) various get() to retrieve the fragment's contents * (4) writeToWorld() to write the fragment into the world. * * The read and write can be executed asynchronously if desired; in this case * after the initial call, use the returned token to monitor and advance the task * -> repeatedly call token.setTimeToInterrupt() and token.continueProcessing() */ public class WorldFragment { public static final int MAX_X_SIZE = 256; public static final int MAX_Y_SIZE = 256; public static final int MAX_Z_SIZE = 256; private static final int Y_MIN_VALID = 0; private static final int Y_MAX_VALID_PLUS_ONE = 256; /** * create an empty WorldFragment from a given quadOrientation and y size * The x,z size of the region is copied from the quadOrientation */ public WorldFragment(QuadOrientation quadOrientation, int i_ycount) { initialise(quadOrientation.getWXsize(), i_ycount, quadOrientation.getWZSize()); } /** make a SHALLOW copy of the source fragment * * @param sourceFragment */ public WorldFragment(WorldFragment sourceFragment) { xCount = sourceFragment.xCount; yCount = sourceFragment.yCount; zCount = sourceFragment.zCount; blockDataStore = sourceFragment.blockDataStore; tileEntityData = sourceFragment.tileEntityData; entityData = sourceFragment.entityData; voxelsWithStoredData = sourceFragment.voxelsWithStoredData; tickingBlocks = sourceFragment.tickingBlocks; } /** creates a WorldFragment, initially empty * * @param i_xcount * @param i_ycount * @param i_zcount */ public WorldFragment(int i_xcount, int i_ycount, int i_zcount) { initialise(i_xcount, i_ycount, i_zcount); } private void initialise(int i_xcount, int i_ycount, int i_zcount) { assert (i_xcount >= 0 && i_xcount <= MAX_X_SIZE); assert (i_ycount >= 0 && i_ycount <= MAX_Y_SIZE); assert (i_zcount >= 0 && i_zcount <= MAX_Z_SIZE); xCount = i_xcount; yCount = i_ycount; zCount = i_zcount; final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_COUNT_ESTIMATE = 16; blockDataStore = new BlockDataStoreSparse(xCount, yCount, zCount, DEFAULT_BLOCK_COUNT_ESTIMATE); tileEntityData = new HashMap<Integer, NBTTagCompound>(); entityData = new HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<NBTTagCompound>>(); voxelsWithStoredData = new VoxelSelection(i_xcount, i_ycount, i_zcount); tickingBlocks = new HashMap<Integer, NextTickListEntry>(); } /** * gets the blockID at a particular location. * error if the location is not stored in this fragment * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] */ public int getBlockID(int x, int y, int z) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); return blockDataStore.getBlockID(x, y, z); } /** * sets the BlockID at a particular location * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] */ public void setBlockID(int x, int y, int z, int blockID) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (blockID >= 0 && blockID <= 0xfff); blockDataStore.setBlockID(x, y, z, blockID); voxelsWithStoredData.setVoxel(x, y, z); } /** * gets the metadata at a particular location * error if the location is not stored in this fragment * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] */ public int getMetadata(int x, int y, int z) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); return blockDataStore.getMetadata(x, y, z); } /** * sets the metadata at a particular location * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] */ public void setMetadata(int x, int y, int z, int metadata) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (metadata >= 0 && metadata <= 0x0f); blockDataStore.setMetadata(x, y, z, metadata); voxelsWithStoredData.setVoxel(x, y, z); } /** * Adds an entity to the block store, at the given position. * error if the location is not stored in this fragment * @param x entity position relative to the block origin [0, 0, 0]. * @param nbtData NBT data of the entity */ public void addEntity(int x, int y, int z, NBTTagCompound nbtData) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); assert (nbtData != null); final int offset = y * xCount * zCount + z * xCount + x; LinkedList<NBTTagCompound> entitiesAtThisBlock; entitiesAtThisBlock = entityData.get(offset); if (entitiesAtThisBlock == null) { entitiesAtThisBlock = new LinkedList<NBTTagCompound>(); entityData.put(offset, entitiesAtThisBlock); } entitiesAtThisBlock.add(nbtData); } /** * Returns a list of all entities whose [x,y,z] lies within the given block * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @return */ public LinkedList<NBTTagCompound> getEntitiesAtBlock(int x, int y, int z) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); final int offset = y * xCount * zCount + z * xCount + x; return entityData.get(offset); } /** * returns the NBT data for the TileEntity at the given location, or null if no TileEntity there * error if this location is not in the fragment * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @return the TileEntity NBT, or null if no TileEntity here */ public NBTTagCompound getTileEntityData(int x, int y, int z) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); final int offset = y * xCount * zCount + z * xCount + x; return tileEntityData.get(offset); } /** * sets the NBT data for the TileEntity at the given location * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] */ public void setTileEntityData(int x, int y, int z, NBTTagCompound nbtData) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); final int offset = y * xCount * zCount + z * xCount + x; if (nbtData == null) { tileEntityData.remove(offset); } else { tileEntityData.put(offset, nbtData); } } /** * gets the light value at a particular location. * error if the location is not stored in this fragment * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @return lightvalue (sky << 4 | block) */ public byte getLightValue(int x, int y, int z) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); return blockDataStore.getLightValue(x, y, z); } /** * sets the light value at a particular location * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param lightValue lightvalue (sky << 4 | block) */ public void setLightValue(int x, int y, int z, byte lightValue) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); blockDataStore.setLightValue(x, y, z, lightValue); voxelsWithStoredData.setVoxel(x, y, z); } /** * Retrieve the block ticking info for this position * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @return ticking information for this block, null if none */ public NextTickListEntry getTickInfo(int x, int y, int z) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); final int offset = y * xCount * zCount + z * xCount + x; return tickingBlocks.get(offset); } /** * sets the block tick data for the given location * @param x x position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param y y position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] * @param z z position relative to the block origin [0,0,0] */ public void setTickInfo(int x, int y, int z, NextTickListEntry nextTickListEntry) { assert (x >= 0 && x < xCount); assert (y >= 0 && y < yCount); assert (z >= 0 && z < zCount); assert (voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z)); final int offset = y * xCount * zCount + z * xCount + x; if (nextTickListEntry == null) { tickingBlocks.remove(offset); } else { tickingBlocks.put(offset, nextTickListEntry); } } public int getxCount() { return xCount; } public int getyCount() { return yCount; } public int getzCount() { return zCount; } public VoxelSelection getVoxelsWithStoredData() { return voxelsWithStoredData; } public boolean getVoxel(int x, int y, int z) { return voxelsWithStoredData.getVoxel(x, y, z); } public void readSingleBlockFromWorld(WorldServer worldServer, int wx, int wy, int wz, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin) { QuadOrientation noChange = new QuadOrientation(0, 0, 1, 1); readSingleBlockFromWorld(worldServer, wx, wy, wz, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, noChange); } /** * Read a single [wx, wy, wz] from the world into the fragment * @param worldServer * @param wx world x coordinate * @param wy world y coordinate * @param wz world z coordinate * @param wxOrigin the world x coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wyOrigin the world y coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wzOrigin the world z coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param orientation the orientation of the fragment (flip, rotate) */ public void readSingleBlockFromWorld(WorldServer worldServer, int wx, int wy, int wz, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, QuadOrientation orientation) { BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz); int x = orientation.calcXfromWXZ(wx - wxOrigin, wz - wzOrigin); int y = wy - wyOrigin; int z = orientation.calcZfromWXZ(wx - wxOrigin, wz - wzOrigin); if (x < 0 || x >= xCount || y < 0 || y >= yCount || z < 0 || z >= zCount ) return; IBlockState iBlockState = worldServer.getBlockState(blockPos); int id = Block.getIdFromBlock(iBlockState.getBlock()); int data = iBlockState.getBlock().getMetaFromState(iBlockState); TileEntity tileEntity = worldServer.getTileEntity(blockPos); NBTTagCompound tileEntityTag = null; if (tileEntity != null) { tileEntityTag = new NBTTagCompound(); tileEntity.writeToNBT(tileEntityTag); } setBlockID(x, y, z, id); setMetadata(x, y, z, data); setTileEntityData(x, y, z, tileEntityTag); StructureBoundingBox boundingBox = new StructureBoundingBox(blockPos, blockPos); List<NextTickListEntry> blockTickInfo = worldServer.func_175712_a(boundingBox, false); if (!blockTickInfo.isEmpty()) { setTickInfo(x, y, z, blockTickInfo.get(0)); if (blockTickInfo.size() != 1) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().debug("Illegal block tick info size in WorldFragment::readSingleBlockFromWorld = " + blockTickInfo.size()); } } Chunk chunk = worldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(wx >> 4, wz >> 4); int lightValue = (chunk.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, blockPos) << 4) | chunk.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, blockPos); setLightValue(x, y, z, (byte)lightValue); final double EXPAND = 3; AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = new AxisAlignedBB(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, wxOrigin + xCount, wyOrigin + yCount, wzOrigin + zCount) .expand(EXPAND, EXPAND, EXPAND); List<EntityHanging> allHangingEntities = worldServer.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityHanging.class, axisAlignedBB); for (EntityHanging entity : allHangingEntities) { if (wx == entity.func_174857_n().getX() && wy == entity.func_174857_n().getY() && wz == entity.func_174857_n().getZ()) { // func_174857 - getHangingPosition() { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); entity.writeToNBTOptional(tag); addEntity(x, y, z, tag); } } } /** * Read a section of the world into the WorldFragment, erasing its existing contents. * If the voxel selection is defined, only reads those voxels, otherwise reads the entire block * @param worldServerReader * @param wxOrigin the world x coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wyOrigin the world y coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wzOrigin the world z coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param voxelSelection the blocks to read, or if null read the entire WorldFragment cuboid */ public void readFromWorld(WorldServerReader worldServerReader, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection voxelSelection) { AsynchronousRead runToCompletionToken = new AsynchronousRead(worldServerReader, voxelSelection, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin); readFromWorldAsynchronous_do(worldServerReader, runToCompletionToken); } public void readFromWorld(WorldServer worldServer, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection voxelSelection) { readFromWorld(new WorldServerReader(worldServer), wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, voxelSelection); } /** * Read a section of the world into the WorldFragment, erasing its existing contents. * If the voxel selection is defined, only reads those voxels, otherwise reads the entire block * Runs asynchronously: after the initial call, use the returned token to monitor and advance the task * -> repeatedly call token.setTimeToInterrupt() and token.continueProcessing() * @param worldServerReader * @param wxOrigin the world x coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wyOrigin the world y coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wzOrigin the world z coordinate of the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param voxelSelection the blocks to read, or if null read the entire WorldFragment cuboid * @return the token used to monitor and advance the tasks */ public AsynchronousToken readFromWorldAsynchronous(WorldServerReader worldServerReader, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection voxelSelection) { AsynchronousRead taskToken = new AsynchronousRead(worldServerReader, voxelSelection, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin); taskToken.setTimeOfInterrupt(taskToken.IMMEDIATE_TIMEOUT); readFromWorldAsynchronous_do(worldServerReader, taskToken); return taskToken; } public AsynchronousToken readFromWorldAsynchronous(WorldServer worldServer, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection voxelSelection) { return readFromWorldAsynchronous(new WorldServerReader(worldServer), wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, voxelSelection); } private void readFromWorldAsynchronous_do(WorldServerReader worldServerReader, AsynchronousRead state) { /* The read algorithm is based on CommandClone. The saving of light values was necessary in 1.7.10, not sure about 1.8 (eg to prevent mushrooms dying) Not sure about blocks with associated entities yet eg EntityPicture */ VoxelSelection selection = state.voxelSelection; int wxOrigin = state.wxOrigin; int wyOrigin = state.wyOrigin; int wzOrigin = state.wzOrigin; if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousReadStages.SETUP) { int setVoxelsCount; if (selection == null) { selection = new VoxelSelection(xCount, yCount, zCount); selection.setAll(); setVoxelsCount = xCount * yCount * zCount; } else { setVoxelsCount = selection.getSetVoxelsCount(); } voxelsWithStoredData = new VoxelSelection(xCount, yCount, zCount); // starts empty, the setBlockID will fill it final double THRESHOLD_FILL_FRACTION = 0.25; if (setVoxelsCount / (double) (xCount * yCount * zCount) > THRESHOLD_FILL_FRACTION) { blockDataStore = new BlockDataStoreArray(xCount, yCount, zCount); } else { blockDataStore = new BlockDataStoreSparse(xCount, yCount, zCount, setVoxelsCount); } state.setStage(AsynchronousReadStages.TILEDATA); if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) return; } if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousReadStages.TILEDATA) { int yClipMin = Math.max(Y_MIN_VALID, 0 + wyOrigin) - wyOrigin; int yClipMaxPlusOne = Math.min(Y_MAX_VALID_PLUS_ONE, yCount + wyOrigin) - wyOrigin; // long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // todo remove // long time0, time1, time2, time3; // long ctime1 = 0; // long ctime2 = 0; // long ctime3 = 0; int z = state.z; int x = state.x; for (; z < zCount; ++z, x = 0) { for (; x < xCount; ++x) { // time0 = System.nanoTime(); for (int y = yClipMin; y < yClipMaxPlusOne; ++y) { if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { int wx = x + wxOrigin; int wy = y + wyOrigin; int wz = z + wzOrigin; int id = worldServerReader.getBlockId(wx, wy, wz); int data = worldServerReader.getBlockMetadata(wx, wy, wz); TileEntity tileEntity = worldServerReader.getBlockTileEntity(wx, wy, wz); NBTTagCompound tileEntityTag = null; if (tileEntity != null) { tileEntityTag = new NBTTagCompound(); tileEntity.writeToNBT(tileEntityTag); } Chunk chunk = worldServerReader.getChunkFromChunkCoords(wx >> 4, wz >> 4); BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz); int lightValue = (chunk.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, blockPos) << 4) | chunk.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, blockPos); setBlockID(x, y, z, id); setMetadata(x, y, z, data); setTileEntityData(x, y, z, tileEntityTag); setLightValue(x, y, z, (byte) lightValue); } } // for y // time3 = System.nanoTime(); //todo remove // ctime3 += time3 - time0; if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) { state.z = z; state.x = x + 1; state.setStageFractionComplete((z * xCount + x) / (double) (zCount * xCount)); long endTime = System.nanoTime(); // todo remove // System.out.println("start:" + startTime + ", end:" + endTime + ", delta(ms) = " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000000); //todo remove // System.out.println(" time1,2,3 = " + ctime1 + ", " + ctime2 + ", " + ctime3); return; } } } state.setStage(AsynchronousReadStages.ENTITYDATA); } if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousReadStages.ENTITYDATA) { final double EXPAND = 3; AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = new AxisAlignedBB(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, wxOrigin + xCount, wyOrigin + yCount, wzOrigin + zCount) .expand(EXPAND, EXPAND, EXPAND); List<EntityHanging> allHangingEntities = worldServerReader.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityHanging.class, axisAlignedBB); for (EntityHanging entity : allHangingEntities) { int x = entity.func_174857_n().getX() - wxOrigin; int y = entity.func_174857_n().getY() - wyOrigin; int z = entity.func_174857_n().getZ() - wzOrigin; if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); entity.writeToNBTOptional(tag); addEntity(x, y, z, tag); } } state.setStage(AsynchronousReadStages.TICKINGBLOCKS); } if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousReadStages.TICKINGBLOCKS) { int yClipMin = Math.max(Y_MIN_VALID, 0 + wyOrigin) - wyOrigin; int yClipMaxPlusOne = Math.min(Y_MAX_VALID_PLUS_ONE, yCount + wyOrigin) - wyOrigin; // long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // todo remove StructureBoundingBox yColumnSBB = new StructureBoundingBox(wxOrigin, yClipMin + wyOrigin, wzOrigin, wxOrigin + xCount, yClipMaxPlusOne - 1 + wyOrigin, wzOrigin + zCount); List<NextTickListEntry> blockTickInfo = worldServerReader.getTickingBlocks(yColumnSBB); // long time2 = System.nanoTime(); // todo remove if (blockTickInfo != null) { for (NextTickListEntry nextTickListEntry : blockTickInfo) { int x = nextTickListEntry.position.getX() - wxOrigin; int y = nextTickListEntry.position.getY() - wyOrigin; int z = nextTickListEntry.position.getZ() - wzOrigin; if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { setTickInfo(x, y, z, nextTickListEntry); } } } long endTime = System.nanoTime(); // todo remove // System.out.println("start:" + startTime + ", end:" + endTime + ", delta(ms) = " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000000); //todo remove // System.out.println(" time1,2 = " + (time2 - startTime) + ", " + (endTime - time2)); state.setStage(AsynchronousReadStages.COMPLETE); } return; } public enum AsynchronousReadStages { SETUP(0.1), TILEDATA(0.6), ENTITYDATA(0.2), TICKINGBLOCKS(0.1), COMPLETE(0.0); AsynchronousReadStages(double i_durationWeight) {durationWeight = i_durationWeight;} public double durationWeight; // roughly how long each stage will take - total of all stages should be 1.0 } private class AsynchronousRead implements AsynchronousToken { @Override public boolean isTaskComplete() { return currentStage == AsynchronousReadStages.COMPLETE; } @Override public boolean isTaskAborted() { return aborted; } @Override public boolean isTimeToInterrupt() { return (interruptTimeNS == IMMEDIATE_TIMEOUT || (interruptTimeNS != INFINITE_TIMEOUT && System.nanoTime() >= interruptTimeNS)); } @Override public void setTimeOfInterrupt(long timeToStopNS) { interruptTimeNS = timeToStopNS; } @Override public void continueProcessing() { readFromWorldAsynchronous_do(worldServerReader, this); } @Override public void abortProcessing() { initialise(xCount, yCount, zCount); currentStage = AsynchronousReadStages.COMPLETE; aborted = true; } @Override public double getFractionComplete() { return cumulativeCompletion + currentStage.durationWeight * stageFractionComplete; } public VoxelSelectionWithOrigin getLockedRegion() { if (currentStage == AsynchronousReadStages.SETUP || isTaskComplete()) return null; assert (voxelSelection != null); return new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, voxelSelection); } @Override public UniqueTokenID getUniqueTokenID() { return uniqueTokenID; } public AsynchronousRead(WorldServerReader i_worldServerReader, VoxelSelection i_voxelSelection, int i_wxOrigin, int i_wyOrigin, int i_wzOrigin) { worldServerReader = i_worldServerReader; wxOrigin = i_wxOrigin; wyOrigin = i_wyOrigin; wzOrigin = i_wzOrigin; voxelSelection = i_voxelSelection; currentStage = AsynchronousReadStages.SETUP; interruptTimeNS = INFINITE_TIMEOUT; stageFractionComplete = 0; cumulativeCompletion = 0; aborted = false; x = 0; z = 0; } public AsynchronousReadStages getStage() {return currentStage;} public void setStage(AsynchronousReadStages nextStage) { cumulativeCompletion += currentStage.durationWeight; currentStage = nextStage; } public void setStageFractionComplete(double completionFraction) { assert (completionFraction >= 0 && completionFraction <= 1.0); stageFractionComplete = completionFraction; } public final WorldServerReader worldServerReader; public final int wxOrigin; public final int wyOrigin; public final int wzOrigin; public final VoxelSelection voxelSelection; public int x; public int z; private AsynchronousReadStages currentStage; private long interruptTimeNS; private double stageFractionComplete; private double cumulativeCompletion; private boolean aborted; private final UniqueTokenID uniqueTokenID = new UniqueTokenID(); } /** * Write the WorldFragment to the world * If the voxel selection and bordermaskSelection are defined, only writes those voxels, otherwise writes the entire cuboid * @param worldServer * @param wxOrigin the world x coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wyOrigin the world y coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wzOrigin the world z coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param writeMask the blocks to be written; or if null - all valid voxels in the fragment */ public void writeToWorld(WorldServer worldServer, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection writeMask) { QuadOrientation noChange = new QuadOrientation(0, 0, 1, 1); writeToWorld(worldServer, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, writeMask, noChange); } /** * Write the WorldFragment to the world * If the voxel selection and bordermaskSelection are defined, only writes those voxels, otherwise writes the entire cuboid * @param worldServer * @param wxOrigin the world x coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wyOrigin the world y coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wzOrigin the world z coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param writeMask the blocks to be written; or if null - all valid voxels in the fragment * @param orientation the orientation of the fragment (flip, rotate) */ public void writeToWorld(WorldServer worldServer, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection writeMask, QuadOrientation orientation) { AsynchronousWrite runToCompletionToken = new AsynchronousWrite(worldServer, writeMask, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, orientation); writeToWorldAsynchronous_do(worldServer, runToCompletionToken); } /** * Write the WorldFragment to the world * If the voxel selection and bordermaskSelection are defined, only writes those voxels, otherwise writes the entire cuboid * Runs asynchronously: after the initial call, use the returned token to monitor and advance the task * -> repeatedly call token.setTimeToInterrupt() and token.continueProcessing() * @param worldServer * @param wxOrigin the world x coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wyOrigin the world y coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param wzOrigin the world z coordinate corresponding to the [0,0,0] corner of the WorldFragment * @param writeMask the blocks to be written; or if null - all valid voxels in the fragment * @param orientation the orientation of the fragment (flip, rotate) * @return returns a token used to monitor and advance the asynchronous task */ public AsynchronousToken writeToWorldAsynchronous(WorldServer worldServer, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection writeMask, QuadOrientation orientation) { AsynchronousWrite taskToken = new AsynchronousWrite(worldServer, writeMask, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, orientation); taskToken.setTimeOfInterrupt(taskToken.IMMEDIATE_TIMEOUT); writeToWorldAsynchronous_do(worldServer, taskToken); return taskToken; } public AsynchronousToken writeToWorldAsynchronous(WorldServer worldServer, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection writeMask) { QuadOrientation noChange = new QuadOrientation(0, 0, 1, 1); return writeToWorldAsynchronous(worldServer, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, writeMask, noChange); } /** * Write the WorldFragment to the world * If the voxel selection and bordermaskSelection are defined, only writes those voxels, otherwise writes the entire cuboid * @param worldServer */ private void writeToWorldAsynchronous_do(WorldServer worldServer, AsynchronousWrite state) { /* the 1.7.10 steps were 10: delete EntityHanging to stop resource leaks / items popping out 20: copy ID and metadata to chunk directly (chunk setBlockIDwithMetadata without the updating) 30: create & update TileEntities - setChunkBlockTileEntity, World.addTileEntity 35: update stored light values 40: update helper structures - heightmap, lighting 50: notifyNeighbourChange for all blocks; World.func_96440_m for redstone comparators 55: queue all changes chunks to resend to client 57: create any hanging entities 60: updateTick for all blocks to restart updating (causes Dispensers to dispense, but leave for now) MAYBE 10: delete EntityHanging to stop resource leaks / items popping out 20: copy ID and metadata to chunk directly (chunk setBlockIDwithMetadata without the updating) 30: create & update TileEntities - setChunkBlockTileEntity, World.addTileEntity 35: update stored light values 40: update helper structures - heightmap, lighting 50: notifyNeighbourChange for all blocks; World.func_96440_m for redstone comparators 55: queue all changes chunks to resend to client 57: create any hanging entities 60: updateTick for all blocks to restart updating (causes Dispensers to dispense, but leave for now) */ VoxelSelection writeMask = state.writeMask; int wxOrigin = state.wxOrigin; int wyOrigin = state.wyOrigin; int wzOrigin = state.wzOrigin; QuadOrientation orientation = state.quadOrientation; VoxelSelection selection = voxelsWithStoredData; if (writeMask != null) { assert voxelsWithStoredData.containsAllOfThisMask(writeMask); selection = writeMask; } Pair<Integer, Integer> xrange = new Pair<Integer, Integer>(0, xCount - 1); Pair<Integer, Integer> zrange = new Pair<Integer, Integer>(0, zCount - 1); orientation.getWXZranges(xrange, zrange); int wxMin = xrange.getFirst() + wxOrigin; int wxMaxPlusOne = xrange.getSecond() + 1 + wxOrigin; int yClipMin = Math.max(Y_MIN_VALID, 0 + wyOrigin) - wyOrigin; int yClipMaxPlusOne = Math.min(Y_MAX_VALID_PLUS_ONE, yCount + wyOrigin) - wyOrigin; int wzMin = zrange.getFirst() + wzOrigin; int wzMaxPlusOne = zrange.getSecond() + 1 + wzOrigin; if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousWriteStages.SETUP) { final double EXPAND = 3; AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = new AxisAlignedBB(wxMin, wyOrigin, wzMin, wxMaxPlusOne, wyOrigin + yCount, wzMaxPlusOne) .expand(EXPAND, EXPAND, EXPAND); List<EntityHanging> allHangingEntities = worldServer.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityHanging.class, axisAlignedBB); for (EntityHanging entity : allHangingEntities) { BlockPos entityBlockPos = entity.func_174857_n(); int x = orientation.calcXfromWXZ(entityBlockPos.getX() - wxOrigin, entityBlockPos.getZ() - wzOrigin); int y = entityBlockPos.getY() - wyOrigin; int z = orientation.calcZfromWXZ(entityBlockPos.getX() - wxOrigin, entityBlockPos.getZ() - wzOrigin); if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { entity.setDead(); } } state.setStage(AsynchronousWriteStages.WRITE_TILEDATA); if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) return; } // TileEntities need special treatment to remove properly without triggering updates // During overwrite, the TileEntity is marked invalid and removed from the chunk. The position is changed to // prevent it from interfering with the new TileEntity at the same blockpos. if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousWriteStages.WRITE_TILEDATA) { //todo: keep track of dirty chunks here Need to to makeChunkDirty? // System.out.println("writeToWorldAsynchronous_do: origin [" + wxOrigin + ", " + wyOrigin + ", " + wzOrigin + "]"); // System.out.println(" [wx0,wz0] = [" + orientation.calcWXfromXZ(0, 0) +", " +orientation.calcWZfromXZ(0,0) + "]"); // System.out.println(" [wxmax,wzmax] inclusive = [" + orientation.calcWXfromXZ(xCount-1, zCount-1) +", " +orientation.calcWZfromXZ(xCount-1, zCount-1) + "]"); int x = state.x; int z = state.z; for (; z < zCount; ++z, x = 0) { for (; x < xCount; ++x) { for (int y = yClipMin; y < yClipMaxPlusOne; ++y) { if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { int wx = orientation.calcWXfromXZ(x, z) + wxOrigin; int wy = y + wyOrigin; int wz = orientation.calcWZfromXZ(x, z) + wzOrigin; BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz); int blockID = getBlockID(x, y, z); int blockMetadata = getMetadata(x, y, z); byte lightValue = getLightValue(x, y, z); Chunk chunk = worldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(wx >> 4, wz >> 4); TileEntity tileentity = chunk.getTileEntity(blockPos, Chunk.EnumCreateEntityType.CHECK); if (tileentity != null) { final BlockPos ARBITRARY_INVALID_POSITION = new BlockPos(0, -1, 0); tileentity.setPos(ARBITRARY_INVALID_POSITION); // stops it from overwriting a new TileEntity in the same position // see World.updateEntities() at section "blockEntities" tileentity.invalidate(); chunk.removeTileEntity(blockPos); } if (orientation.isFlippedX()) { blockMetadata = BlockRotateFlipHelper.flip(blockID, blockMetadata, BlockRotateFlipHelper.FlipDirection.WEST_EAST); } for (int quadrants = orientation.getClockwiseRotationCount(); quadrants > 0; --quadrants) { blockMetadata = BlockRotateFlipHelper.rotate90(blockID, blockMetadata); } boolean successful = setBlockIDWithMetadata(chunk, wx, wy, wz, blockID, blockMetadata); NBTTagCompound tileEntityNBT = getTileEntityData(x, y, z); if (successful && tileEntityNBT != null) { setWorldTileEntity(worldServer, wx, wy, wz, tileEntityNBT); } setLightValue(chunk, wx, wy, wz, lightValue); } } // for y if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) { state.z = z; state.x = x + 1; state.setStageFractionComplete((z * xCount + x) / (double)(zCount * xCount)); return; } } } state.setStage(AsynchronousWriteStages.HEIGHT_AND_SKYLIGHT); } final int cxMin = wxMin >> 4; final int cxMax = (wxMaxPlusOne - 1) >> 4; final int cyMin = (yClipMin + wyOrigin) >> 4; final int cyMax = (yClipMaxPlusOne - 1 + wyOrigin) >> 4; final int czMin = wzMin >> 4; final int czMax = (wzMaxPlusOne - 1) >> 4; if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousWriteStages.HEIGHT_AND_SKYLIGHT) { int cx = state.x; int cz = state.z; int xCount = cxMax - cxMin + 1; int zCount = czMax - czMin + 1; for (; cx < xCount; ++cx, cz = 0) { for (; cz < zCount; ++cz) { Chunk chunk = worldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(cx + cxMin, cz + czMin); chunk.generateSkylightMap(); if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) { state.x = cx; state.z = cz + 1; state.setStageFractionComplete((cx * zCount + cz) / (double)(zCount * xCount)); return; } } } state.setStage(AsynchronousWriteStages.NEIGHBOUR_CHANGE); } if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousWriteStages.NEIGHBOUR_CHANGE) { int x = state.x; int z = state.z; for (; z < zCount; ++z, x = 0) { for (; x < xCount; ++x) { for (int y = yClipMin; y < yClipMaxPlusOne; ++y) { if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { int wx = orientation.calcWXfromXZ(x, z) + wxOrigin; int wy = y + wyOrigin; int wz = orientation.calcWZfromXZ(x, z) + wzOrigin; BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz); IBlockState blockState = worldServer.getBlockState(blockPos); worldServer.notifyNeighborsRespectDebug(blockPos, blockState.getBlock()); } } if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) { state.z = z; state.x = x + 1; state.setStageFractionComplete((z * xCount + x) / (double)(zCount * xCount)); return; } } } state.setStage(AsynchronousWriteStages.SEND_CHUNKS_AND_ENTITIES); } if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousWriteStages.SEND_CHUNKS_AND_ENTITIES) { int cxOffset = state.x; int czOffset = state.z; int xCount = cxMax - cxMin + 1; int zCount = czMax - czMin + 1; for (; cxOffset < xCount; ++cxOffset, czOffset = 0) { for (; czOffset < zCount; ++czOffset) { int cx = cxOffset + cxMin; int cz = czOffset + czMin; // mark chunks for "loading" (transfer to any interested player) PlayerManager playerManager = worldServer.getPlayerManager(); if (playerManager != null) { // may be null during testing for (Object playerEntity : worldServer.playerEntities) { EntityPlayerMP entityPlayerMP = (EntityPlayerMP) playerEntity; if (playerManager.isPlayerWatchingChunk(entityPlayerMP, cx, cz)) { // todo later: this might be slow because it searches loadedChunks unnecessarily; optimise later Chunk chunk = worldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(cx, cz); ChunkCoordIntPair chunkCoordIntPair = chunk.getChunkCoordIntPair(); entityPlayerMP.loadedChunks.add(chunkCoordIntPair); // a better name for "loadedChunks" would be "dirtyChunksQueuedForSending" } } } int xmin = cx << 4; int ymin = yClipMin + wyOrigin; int zmin = cz << 4; int xmax = (cx << 4) | 0x0f; int ymax = wyOrigin + yClipMaxPlusOne - 1; int zmax = (cz << 4) | 0x0f; for (int wx = xmin; wx <= xmax; ++wx) { for (int wy = ymin; wy <= ymax; ++wy) { for (int wz = zmin; wz <= zmax; ++wz) { int x = orientation.calcXfromWXZ(wx - wxOrigin, wz - wzOrigin); int y = wy - wyOrigin; int z = orientation.calcZfromWXZ(wx - wxOrigin, wz - wzOrigin); if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { LinkedList<NBTTagCompound> listOfEntitiesAtThisBlock = getEntitiesAtBlock(x, y, z); if (listOfEntitiesAtThisBlock != null) { for (NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound : listOfEntitiesAtThisBlock) { Entity newEntity = spawnRotatedTranslatedEntity(worldServer, nbtTagCompound, wx, wy, wz, orientation); if (newEntity != null) { worldServer.spawnEntityInWorld(newEntity); } } } } } } } // for y if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) { state.z = czOffset + 1; state.x = cxOffset; state.setStageFractionComplete((cxOffset * zCount + czOffset) / (double)(zCount * xCount)); return; } } } state.setStage(AsynchronousWriteStages.UPDATE_TICKS); } if (state.getStage() == AsynchronousWriteStages.UPDATE_TICKS) { long worldTotalTimeNow = worldServer.getWorldInfo().getWorldTotalTime(); int x = state.x; int z = state.z; for (; z < zCount; ++z, x = 0) { for (; x < xCount; ++x) { for (int y = yClipMin; y < yClipMaxPlusOne; ++y) { if (selection.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { int wx = orientation.calcWXfromXZ(x, z) + wxOrigin; int wy = y + wyOrigin; int wz = orientation.calcWZfromXZ(x, z) + wzOrigin; int blockID = getBlockID(x, y, z); NextTickListEntry nextTickListEntry = getTickInfo(x, y, z); if (nextTickListEntry != null ) { long timeLeftTillTick = nextTickListEntry.scheduledTime - worldTotalTimeNow; int intTimeLeftTillTick; if (timeLeftTillTick < 0) { intTimeLeftTillTick = 0; } else if (timeLeftTillTick > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { intTimeLeftTillTick = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { intTimeLeftTillTick = (int) timeLeftTillTick; } worldServer.func_180497_b(new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz), Block.getBlockById(blockID), intTimeLeftTillTick, nextTickListEntry.priority); } } } if (state.isTimeToInterrupt()) { state.x = x + 1; state.z = z; state.setStageFractionComplete((z * xCount + x) / (double)(zCount * xCount)); return; } } } state.setStage(AsynchronousWriteStages.COMPLETE); } } public enum AsynchronousWriteStages { SETUP(0.1), WRITE_TILEDATA(0.3), HEIGHT_AND_SKYLIGHT(0.1), NEIGHBOUR_CHANGE(0.2), SEND_CHUNKS_AND_ENTITIES(0.2), UPDATE_TICKS(0.1), COMPLETE(0.0); AsynchronousWriteStages(double i_durationWeight) {durationWeight = i_durationWeight;} public double durationWeight; } private class AsynchronousWrite implements AsynchronousToken { @Override public boolean isTaskComplete() { return currentStage == AsynchronousWriteStages.COMPLETE; } @Override public boolean isTaskAborted() { return aborted; } @Override public boolean isTimeToInterrupt() { return (interruptTimeNS == IMMEDIATE_TIMEOUT || (interruptTimeNS != INFINITE_TIMEOUT && System.nanoTime() >= interruptTimeNS)); } @Override public void setTimeOfInterrupt(long timeToStopNS) { interruptTimeNS = timeToStopNS; } @Override public void continueProcessing() { writeToWorldAsynchronous_do(worldServer, this); } @Override public double getFractionComplete() { return cumulativeCompletion + currentStage.durationWeight * stageFractionComplete; } @Override public void abortProcessing() { currentStage = AsynchronousWriteStages.COMPLETE; aborted = true; } public AsynchronousWrite(WorldServer i_worldServer, VoxelSelection i_writeMask, int i_wxOrigin, int i_wyOrigin, int i_wzOrigin, QuadOrientation i_quadOrientation) { worldServer = i_worldServer; wxOrigin = i_wxOrigin; wyOrigin = i_wyOrigin; wzOrigin = i_wzOrigin; writeMask = i_writeMask; quadOrientation = i_quadOrientation; currentStage = AsynchronousWriteStages.SETUP; interruptTimeNS = INFINITE_TIMEOUT; stageFractionComplete = 0; cumulativeCompletion = 0; aborted = false; x = 0; z = 0; lockedRegion = (writeMask == null) ? voxelsWithStoredData : writeMask; tileEntitiesForRemoval = new LinkedList<BlockPos>(); } public AsynchronousWriteStages getStage() {return currentStage;} public void setStage(AsynchronousWriteStages nextStage) { cumulativeCompletion += currentStage.durationWeight; currentStage = nextStage; x = 0; z = 0; } public void setStageFractionComplete(double completionFraction) { assert (completionFraction >= 0 && completionFraction <= 1.0); stageFractionComplete = completionFraction; } public VoxelSelectionWithOrigin getLockedRegion() { if (isTaskComplete()) return null; return new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, lockedRegion); } public void enqueueTileEntityForRemoval(TileEntity tileEntity) { tileEntitiesForRemoval.add(tileEntity.getPos()); } public Queue<BlockPos> getTileEntitiesForRemoval() { return tileEntitiesForRemoval; } @Override public UniqueTokenID getUniqueTokenID() { return uniqueTokenID; } public final WorldServer worldServer; public final int wxOrigin; public final int wyOrigin; public final int wzOrigin; public final VoxelSelection writeMask; public final QuadOrientation quadOrientation; public int x; public int z; private AsynchronousWriteStages currentStage; private long interruptTimeNS; private double stageFractionComplete; private double cumulativeCompletion; private final VoxelSelection lockedRegion; private boolean aborted; private final UniqueTokenID uniqueTokenID = new UniqueTokenID(); private Queue<BlockPos> tileEntitiesForRemoval; } /** * Update the position information of the given NBT * @param nbtTagCompound the NBT * @return the updated NBT */ public static NBTTagCompound changeTileEntityNBTposition(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound, int wx, int wy, int wz) { nbtTagCompound.setInteger("x", wx); nbtTagCompound.setInteger("y", wy); nbtTagCompound.setInteger("z", wz); return nbtTagCompound; } /** spawn the entity after translating, flipping, and rotating it * * @param nbtTagCompound * @param wx * @param wy * @param wz * @param orientation * @return */ private Entity spawnRotatedTranslatedEntity(WorldServer worldServer, NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound, int wx, int wy, int wz, QuadOrientation orientation) { nbtTagCompound.setInteger("TileX", wx); nbtTagCompound.setInteger("TileY", wy); nbtTagCompound.setInteger("TileZ", wz); Entity newEntity = EntityList.createEntityFromNBT(nbtTagCompound, worldServer); if (newEntity instanceof EntityHanging ) { EntityHanging newEntityHanging = (EntityHanging)newEntity; EnumFacing direction = newEntityHanging.field_174860_b; // field_174860_b = facing // System.out.println("Direction:" + direction + "; old [x,y,z]= [" + wx + ", " + wy + ", " + wz + "]"); if (orientation.isFlippedX()) { if (direction == EnumFacing.EAST || direction == EnumFacing.WEST) { // flipX --> only change if facing east or west direction = direction.getOpposite(); } } int currentHorizontalIndex = direction.getHorizontalIndex(); int newHorizontalIndex = (currentHorizontalIndex + orientation.getClockwiseRotationCount()) & 3; EnumFacing newFacing = EnumFacing.getHorizontal(newHorizontalIndex); if (orientation.isFlippedX()) { // if a hanging entity is mirrored and is more than 1 block wide, we need to shift the "origin" of the painting to the opposite end of the painting to make sure it stays in the same place int originShiftDirection = (newEntityHanging.field_174860_b.getHorizontalIndex() - orientation.getClockwiseRotationCount()) & 3; int paintingOriginShift = newEntityHanging.getWidthPixels() >= 31.9F ? 1 : 0; int newXpos = wx; int newZpos = wz; switch (originShiftDirection) { case 0: { newXpos -= paintingOriginShift; //xPosition break; } case 1: { newZpos += paintingOriginShift; //zPosition break; } case 2: { newXpos += paintingOriginShift; //xPosition break; } case 3: { newZpos -= paintingOriginShift; //zPosition break; } } // have to respawn to get the blockpos in the right spot nbtTagCompound.setInteger("TileX", newXpos); nbtTagCompound.setInteger("TileZ", newZpos); newEntity = EntityList.createEntityFromNBT(nbtTagCompound, worldServer); newEntityHanging = (EntityHanging)newEntity; // System.out.println("getWidthPixels = " + newEntityHanging.getWidthPixels() + "; new [x,y,z]= [" + newEntityHanging.xPosition + ", " + newEntityHanging.yPosition + ", " + newEntityHanging.zPosition + "]"); } newEntityHanging.field_174860_b = direction; // field_174860_b is public facing } return newEntity; } /** * Creates a TileEntity from the given NBT and puts it at the specified world location * @param world the world * @param nbtTagCompound the NBT for the tile entity (if null - do nothing) */ private void setWorldTileEntity(World world, int wx, int wy, int wz, NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) { if (nbtTagCompound != null) { changeTileEntityNBTposition(nbtTagCompound, wx, wy, wz); BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz); TileEntity tileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(nbtTagCompound); if (tileEntity != null) { // world.setTileEntity(, tileEntity); world.addTileEntity(tileEntity); Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromBlockCoords(blockPos); if (chunk != null) chunk.addTileEntity(blockPos, tileEntity); } } } public static boolean setBlockIDWithMetadata(Chunk chunk, int wx, int wy, int wz, int blockID, int metaData) { int xLSN = wx & 0x0f; int yLSN = wy & 0x0f; int zLSN = wz & 0x0f; ExtendedBlockStorage[] storageArrays = chunk.getBlockStorageArray(); ExtendedBlockStorage extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[wy >> 4]; if (extendedblockstorage == null) { if (blockID == 0) { return false; } boolean hasSky = (chunk.getWorld().provider == null) ? true : !chunk.getWorld().provider.getHasNoSky(); // testing purposes extendedblockstorage = new ExtendedBlockStorage(wy & ~0x0f, hasSky); storageArrays[wy >> 4] = extendedblockstorage; } Block block = Block.getBlockById(blockID); IBlockState iBlockState = block.getStateFromMeta(metaData); extendedblockstorage.set(xLSN, yLSN, zLSN, iBlockState); // extendedblockstorage.func_150818_a(xLSN, yLSN, zLSN, block); //setExtBlockID // extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockMetadata(xLSN, yLSN, zLSN, metaData); return true; } public static void setLightValue(Chunk chunk, int wx, int wy, int wz, byte lightValue) { if (wy < Y_MIN_VALID || wy >= Y_MAX_VALID_PLUS_ONE) return; int xLSN = wx & 0x0f; int yLSN = wy & 0x0f; int zLSN = wz & 0x0f; ExtendedBlockStorage[] storageArrays = chunk.getBlockStorageArray(); ExtendedBlockStorage extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[wy >> 4]; boolean hasSky = (chunk.getWorld().provider == null) ? true : !chunk.getWorld().provider.getHasNoSky(); if (extendedblockstorage == null) { extendedblockstorage = new ExtendedBlockStorage(wy & ~0x0f, hasSky); storageArrays[wy >> 4] = extendedblockstorage; } if (hasSky) { extendedblockstorage.setExtSkylightValue(xLSN, yLSN, zLSN, (lightValue & 0xf0) >> 4); } extendedblockstorage.setExtBlocklightValue(xLSN, yLSN, zLSN, lightValue & 0x0f); } /** * Are the contents of this voxel identical in both fragments? (excluding EntityHanging) * @param worldFragmentToMatch the fragment to compare against * @param x x position to compare, for both fragments * @param y * @param z * @return true if they match exactly */ public boolean doesVoxelMatch(WorldFragment worldFragmentToMatch, int x, int y, int z) { if (this.getBlockID(x, y, z) != worldFragmentToMatch.getBlockID(x, y, z) || this.getMetadata(x, y, z) != worldFragmentToMatch.getMetadata(x, y, z) ) { return false; } if (this.getTileEntityData(x, y, z) == null) { if (worldFragmentToMatch.getTileEntityData(x, y, z) != null) { return false; } } else { NBTTagCompound nbt1 = this.getTileEntityData(x, y, z); changeTileEntityNBTposition(nbt1, 0, 0, 0); NBTTagCompound nbt2 = worldFragmentToMatch.getTileEntityData(x, y, z); changeTileEntityNBTposition(nbt2, 0, 0, 0); if (0 != nbt1.toString().compareTo(nbt2.toString()) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * copy the contents of the source voxel into this fragment, at the indicated destination * @param xDest * @param yDest * @param zDest * @param sourceFragment * @param xSrc * @param ySrc * @param zSrc */ public void copyVoxelContents(int xDest, int yDest, int zDest, WorldFragment sourceFragment, int xSrc, int ySrc, int zSrc) { this.setBlockID(xDest, yDest, zDest, sourceFragment.getBlockID(xSrc, ySrc, zSrc)); this.setMetadata(xDest, yDest, zDest, sourceFragment.getMetadata(xSrc, ySrc, zSrc)); this.setTileEntityData(xDest, yDest, zDest, sourceFragment.getTileEntityData(xSrc, ySrc, zSrc)); final int offsetDest = yDest * xCount * zCount + zDest * xCount + xDest; LinkedList<NBTTagCompound> entitiesAtThisBlock; entitiesAtThisBlock = sourceFragment.getEntitiesAtBlock(xSrc, ySrc, zSrc); entityData.put(offsetDest, entitiesAtThisBlock); ; } /** * compares the contents of the two WorldFragments, excluding EntityHanging * @param expected * @param actual * @return true if the contents are exactly the same */ public static boolean areFragmentsEqual(WorldFragment expected, WorldFragment actual) { if (expected.getxCount() != actual.getxCount() || expected.getyCount() != actual.getyCount() || expected.getzCount() != actual.getzCount()) { lastFailureReason = "Fragment Size Mismatch"; return false; } for (int x = 0; x < expected.getxCount(); ++x ) { for (int y = 0; y < expected.getyCount(); ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < expected.getzCount(); ++z) { if (expected.getBlockID(x, y, z) != actual.getBlockID(x, y, z) || expected.getMetadata(x, y, z) != actual.getMetadata(x, y, z) ) { Block expectedBlock = Block.getBlockById(expected.getBlockID(x, y, z)); Block actualBlock = Block.getBlockById(actual.getBlockID(x, y, z)); if ( (expectedBlock != Blocks.water || actualBlock != Blocks.flowing_water) // water changes itself back and forth, ignore && (expectedBlock != Blocks.lava || actualBlock != Blocks.flowing_lava)) // lava changes itself back and forth, ignore { lastCompareFailX = x; lastCompareFailY = y; lastCompareFailZ = z; Block temp = Block.getBlockById(expected.getBlockID(x, y, z)); lastFailureReason = "Name " + ((temp == null) ? "null" : temp.getUnlocalizedName()); temp = Block.getBlockById(actual.getBlockID(x, y, z)); lastFailureReason += " vs " + ((temp == null) ? "null" : temp.getUnlocalizedName()); lastFailureReason += "; ID " + expected.getBlockID(x, y, z) + " vs " + actual.getBlockID(x, y, z); lastFailureReason += "; meta " + expected.getMetadata(x, y, z) + " vs " + actual.getMetadata(x, y, z); return false; } } if (expected.getTileEntityData(x, y, z) == null) { if (actual.getTileEntityData(x, y, z) != null) { lastCompareFailX = x; lastCompareFailY = y; lastCompareFailZ = z; lastFailureReason = "TileEntity " + expected.getTileEntityData(x, y, z) + " vs " + actual.getTileEntityData(x, y, z); return false; } } else { NBTTagCompound nbt1 = expected.getTileEntityData(x, y, z); changeTileEntityNBTposition(nbt1, 0, 0, 0); NBTTagCompound nbt2 = actual.getTileEntityData(x, y, z); changeTileEntityNBTposition(nbt2, 0, 0, 0); if (0 != nbt1.toString().compareTo(nbt2.toString()) ) { lastCompareFailX = x; lastCompareFailY = y; lastCompareFailZ = z; lastFailureReason = "TileEntityNBT " + nbt1.toString() + " vs " + nbt2.toString(); return false; } } } } } return true; } public static int lastCompareFailX; // for testing purposes only public static int lastCompareFailY; public static int lastCompareFailZ; public static String lastFailureReason; private int xCount; private int yCount; private int zCount; private BlockDataStore blockDataStore; private HashMap<Integer, NBTTagCompound> tileEntityData; private HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<NBTTagCompound>> entityData; private HashMap<Integer, NextTickListEntry> tickingBlocks; private VoxelSelection voxelsWithStoredData; // each set voxel corresponds to a block with valid data. // private AsynchronousRead currentAsynchronousRead; }