package speedytools.clientside.sound; import; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import java.util.Random; /** * Created by TheGreyGhost on 8/10/14. * * Used to create sound effects for the complex tool when it creates a selection * Random layering of sounds at random intervals * performTick() should be called every tick by the client */ public class SoundEffectComplexSelectionGeneration { public SoundEffectComplexSelectionGeneration(SoundController i_soundController) { soundController = i_soundController; generationResource1 = new ResourceLocation(SoundEffectNames.CREATE_SELECTION1.getJsonName()); generationResource2 = new ResourceLocation(SoundEffectNames.CREATE_SELECTION2.getJsonName()); generationResource3 = new ResourceLocation(SoundEffectNames.CREATE_SELECTION3.getJsonName()); } public void startPlaying() { tickCountOfCurrentSounds = 0; soundActive = true; // lastGenerationInProgress = null; } public void stopPlaying() { soundActive = false; } /** call every tick to update the sounds of selection generation * @param generationInProgress true if the selection is currently being generated */ public void performTick(boolean generationInProgress) { if (!soundActive) return; // if (lastGenerationInProgress == null || lastGenerationInProgress != generationInProgress) { // lastGenerationInProgress = generationInProgress; // } final int MAX_CURRENT_SOUND_TICK_COUNT = 30; final int AVERAGE_SOUND_SPACING_TICKS = 5; final int TICKS_PER_SOUND = 10; --tickCountOfCurrentSounds; tickCountOfCurrentSounds = Math.max(0, tickCountOfCurrentSounds); if (tickCountOfCurrentSounds > MAX_CURRENT_SOUND_TICK_COUNT) { return; } if (!generationInProgress) return; if (random.nextFloat() * AVERAGE_SOUND_SPACING_TICKS <= 1.0) { final float MAX_VOLUME = 1.0F; final float MIN_VOLUME = 0.4F; float volume = MIN_VOLUME + (MAX_VOLUME - MIN_VOLUME) * random.nextFloat(); int whichSound = random.nextInt(NUMBER_OF_SOUNDS); ResourceLocation randomSound = (whichSound == 0 ) ? generationResource1 :( (whichSound == 1) ? generationResource2 : generationResource3); NonPositionedSound nonPositionedSound = new NonPositionedSound(randomSound, volume, false); soundController.playSound(nonPositionedSound); tickCountOfCurrentSounds += TICKS_PER_SOUND; } } private int tickCountOfCurrentSounds; private boolean soundActive = false; // private Boolean lastGenerationInProgress; private Random random = new Random(); final int NUMBER_OF_SOUNDS = 3; private ResourceLocation generationResource1; private ResourceLocation generationResource2; private ResourceLocation generationResource3; private SoundController soundController; private static class NonPositionedSound extends PositionedSound { public NonPositionedSound(ResourceLocation i_resourceLocation, float i_volume, boolean i_repeat) { super(i_resourceLocation); repeat = i_repeat; volume = i_volume; attenuationType = AttenuationType.NONE; } } }