package speedytools.serverside.ingametester; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import; import; import speedytools.common.selections.*; import speedytools.serverside.worldmanipulation.WorldFragment; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 5/10/2014 * Used to test the VoxelChunkwiseFillIterator against the old fill algorithm (should give same results) */ public class SelectionFillTester { // for each of the test regions: // 1) generates an old-method fill, starting from the [0,0,0] corner of the source region // 2) copies that fill selection from the source region to the expected outcome // 3) generates a new-method fill, starting from the [0,0,0] corner of the source region // 4) compares the old selection to the new selection public boolean runFillTests(EntityPlayerMP entityPlayerMP, boolean performTest) { WorldServer worldServer = MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0); final int XORIGIN = 128; final int YORIGIN = 4; final int ZORIGIN = 0; final int XSIZE = 48; final int YSIZE = 48; final int ZSIZE = 44; final int NUMBER_OF_TEST_REGIONS = 4; ArrayList<InGameTester.TestRegions> testRegions = new ArrayList<InGameTester.TestRegions>(); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TEST_REGIONS; ++i) { InGameTester.TestRegions newRegion = new InGameTester.TestRegions(XORIGIN, YORIGIN, ZORIGIN + i * (ZSIZE+1), XSIZE, YSIZE, ZSIZE, true); if (!performTest) { newRegion.drawAllTestRegionBoundaries(); WorldFragment worldFragmentBlank = new WorldFragment(newRegion.xSize, newRegion.ySize, newRegion.zSize); worldFragmentBlank.readFromWorld(worldServer, newRegion.testRegionInitialiser.getX(), newRegion.testRegionInitialiser.getY(), newRegion.testRegionInitialiser.getZ(), null); worldFragmentBlank.writeToWorld(worldServer, newRegion.testOutputRegion.getX(), newRegion.testOutputRegion.getY(), newRegion.testOutputRegion.getZ(), null); worldFragmentBlank.writeToWorld(worldServer, newRegion.expectedOutcome.getX(), newRegion.expectedOutcome.getY(), newRegion.expectedOutcome.getZ(), null); } testRegions.add(newRegion); } if (!performTest) return true; int testRegionNumber = 0; for (InGameTester.TestRegions testRegion : testRegions) { BlockPos corner1 = new BlockPos(testRegion.sourceRegion.getX(), testRegion.sourceRegion.getY(), testRegion.sourceRegion.getZ()); BlockPos corner2 = new BlockPos(testRegion.sourceRegion.getX() + testRegion.xSize, testRegion.sourceRegion.getY() + testRegion.ySize, testRegion.sourceRegion.getZ() + testRegion.zSize); BlockPos blockUnderCursor = corner1; selectBoundFillStart(worldServer, blockUnderCursor, corner1, corner2); selectFillContinue(worldServer, Long.MAX_VALUE); BlockPos origin = getWorldOrigin(); VoxelSelectionWithOrigin oldSelection = new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), origin.getZ(), getSelection()); WorldFragment worldFragmentOld = new WorldFragment(oldSelection.getxSize(), oldSelection.getySize(), oldSelection.getzSize()); worldFragmentOld.readFromWorld(worldServer, testRegion.sourceRegion.getX(), testRegion.sourceRegion.getY(), testRegion.sourceRegion.getZ(), oldSelection); worldFragmentOld.writeToWorld(worldServer, testRegion.testOutputRegion.getX(), testRegion.testOutputRegion.getY(), testRegion.testOutputRegion.getZ(), null); FillAlgorithmSettings fillAlgorithmSettings = new FillAlgorithmSettings(); fillAlgorithmSettings.setDiagonalPropagationAllowed(true); fillAlgorithmSettings.setFillMatcher(new FillMatcher.AnyNonAir()); fillAlgorithmSettings.setStartPosition(blockUnderCursor); BlockVoxelMultiSelector blockVoxelMultiSelector = new BlockVoxelMultiSelector(); blockVoxelMultiSelector.selectBoundFillStart(worldServer, fillAlgorithmSettings, corner1, corner2); blockVoxelMultiSelector.continueSelectionGeneration(worldServer, Long.MAX_VALUE); VoxelSelection selectionNew = blockVoxelMultiSelector.getSelection(); VoxelSelection selectionOld = getSelection(); if (!selectionNew.containsAllOfThisMask(selectionOld)) { System.out.println("Test region " + testRegionNumber + " failed; New didn't contain all of Old"); return false; } if (!selectionOld.containsAllOfThisMask(selectionNew)) { System.out.println("Test region " + testRegionNumber + " failed; Old didn't contain all of New"); return false; } ++testRegionNumber; } return true; } public VoxelSelection getSelection() { return selection; } public VoxelSelectionWithOrigin getUnavailableVoxels() { return unavailableVoxels; } public boolean containsUnavailableVoxels() { return containsUnavailableVoxels; } /** * initialise conversion of the selected fill to a VoxelSelection * From the starting block, performs a flood fill on all non-air blocks. * Will not fill any blocks with y less than the blockUnderCursor. * * @param world * @param blockUnderCursor the block being highlighted by the cursor */ public void selectUnboundFillStart(World world, BlockPos blockUnderCursor) { final int BORDER_ALLOWANCE = 2; BlockPos corner1 = new BlockPos( blockUnderCursor.getX() - VoxelSelection.MAX_X_SIZE / 2 + BORDER_ALLOWANCE, blockUnderCursor.getY(), blockUnderCursor.getZ() - VoxelSelection.MAX_Z_SIZE / 2 + BORDER_ALLOWANCE); BlockPos corner2 = new BlockPos( blockUnderCursor.getX() + VoxelSelection.MAX_X_SIZE / 2 - BORDER_ALLOWANCE, Math.min(255, blockUnderCursor.getY() + VoxelSelection.MAX_Y_SIZE - 2 * BORDER_ALLOWANCE), blockUnderCursor.getZ() + VoxelSelection.MAX_Z_SIZE / 2 - BORDER_ALLOWANCE); selectBoundFillStart(world, blockUnderCursor, corner1, corner2); } /** * initialise conversion of the selected fill to a VoxelSelection * From the starting block, performs a flood fill on all non-air blocks. * Will not fill any blocks outside of the box defined by corner1 and corner2 * * @param world * @param blockUnderCursor the block being highlighted by the cursor */ public void selectBoundFillStart(World world, BlockPos blockUnderCursor, BlockPos corner1, BlockPos corner2) { initialiseSelectionSizeFromBoundary(corner1, corner2); assert (blockUnderCursor.getX() >= wxOrigin && blockUnderCursor.getY() >= wyOrigin && blockUnderCursor.getZ() >= wzOrigin); assert (blockUnderCursor.getX() < wxOrigin + xSize && blockUnderCursor.getY() < wyOrigin + ySize && blockUnderCursor.getZ() < wzOrigin + zSize); mode = OperationInProgress.FILL; initialiseVoxelRange(); BlockPos startingBlockCopy = new BlockPos(blockUnderCursor.getX() - wxOrigin, blockUnderCursor.getY() - wyOrigin, blockUnderCursor.getZ() - wzOrigin); currentSearchPositions.clear(); nextDepthSearchPositions.clear(); currentSearchPositions.add(new SearchPosition(startingBlockCopy)); selection.setVoxel(startingBlockCopy.getX(), startingBlockCopy.getY(), startingBlockCopy.getZ()); expandVoxelRange(startingBlockCopy.getX(), startingBlockCopy.getY(), startingBlockCopy.getZ()); blocksAddedCount = 0; } /** * returns true if there are no solid pixels at all in this selection. * * @return */ public boolean isEmpty() { return empty; } /** * write the current selection in serialised form to a ByteArray * * @return the byte array, or null for failure */ public ByteArrayOutputStream writeToBytes() { return selection.writeToBytes(); } /** * gets the origin for the selection in world coordinates * * @return the origin for the selection in world coordinates */ public BlockPos getWorldOrigin() { return new BlockPos(selection.getWxOrigin(), selection.getWyOrigin(), selection.getWzOrigin()); } public static class SearchPosition { public SearchPosition(BlockPos initBlockPos) { chunkCoordinates = initBlockPos; nextSearchDirection = 0; } public BlockPos chunkCoordinates; public int nextSearchDirection; } /** * continue conversion of the selected box to a VoxelSelection. Call repeatedly until conversion complete. * * @param world * @param maxTimeInNS maximum elapsed duration before processing stops & function returns * @return fraction complete (0 - 1), -ve number for finished */ private float selectFillContinue(World world, long maxTimeInNS) { if (mode != OperationInProgress.FILL) { FMLLog.severe("Mode should be FILL in BlockVoxelMultiSelector::selectFillContinue"); return -1; } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // lookup table to give the possible search directions for non-diagonal and diagonal respectively final int NON_DIAGONAL_DIRECTIONS = 6; final int ALL_DIRECTIONS = 26; final int searchDirectionsX[] = {+0, +0, +0, +0, -1, +1, // non-diagonal +1, +0, -1, +0, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, +0, -1, +0, // top, middle, bottom "edge" blocks +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, +1, -1, -1 // top, bottom "corner" blocks }; final int searchDirectionsY[] = {-1, +1, +0, +0, +0, +0, // non-diagonal +1, +1, +1, +1, +0, +0, +0, +0, -1, -1, -1, -1, // top, middle, bottom "edge" blocks +1, +1, +1, +1, -1, -1, -1, -1 // top, bottom "corner" blocks }; final int searchDirectionsZ[] = {+0, +0, -1, +1, +0, +0, // non-diagonal +0, -1, +0, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, +0, -1, +0, +1, // top, middle, bottom "edge" blocks +1, -1, -1, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1 }; BlockPos checkPosition = new BlockPos(0, 0, 0); BlockPos checkPositionSupport = new BlockPos(0, 0, 0); while (!currentSearchPositions.isEmpty()) { SearchPosition currentSearchPosition = currentSearchPositions.getFirst(); checkPosition = new BlockPos(currentSearchPosition.chunkCoordinates.getX() + searchDirectionsX[currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection], currentSearchPosition.chunkCoordinates.getY() + searchDirectionsY[currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection], currentSearchPosition.chunkCoordinates.getZ() + searchDirectionsZ[currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection]); if (checkPosition.getX() >= 0 && checkPosition.getX() < xSize && checkPosition.getY() >= 0 && checkPosition.getY() < ySize && checkPosition.getZ() >= 0 && checkPosition.getZ() < zSize && !selection.getVoxel(checkPosition.getX(), checkPosition.getY(), checkPosition.getZ())) { boolean blockIsAir = world.isAirBlock(checkPosition.add(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin)); if (!blockIsAir) { BlockPos newChunkCoordinate = new BlockPos(checkPosition); SearchPosition nextSearchPosition = new SearchPosition(newChunkCoordinate); nextDepthSearchPositions.addLast(nextSearchPosition); selection.setVoxel(checkPosition.getX(), checkPosition.getY(), checkPosition.getZ()); expandVoxelRange(checkPosition.getX(), checkPosition.getY(), checkPosition.getZ()); ++blocksAddedCount; } } ++currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection; if (currentSearchPosition.nextSearchDirection >= ALL_DIRECTIONS) { currentSearchPositions.removeFirst(); if (currentSearchPositions.isEmpty()) { Deque<SearchPosition> temp = currentSearchPositions; currentSearchPositions = nextDepthSearchPositions; nextDepthSearchPositions = temp; } } if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= maxTimeInNS) { // completion fraction is hard to predict, so use a logarithmic function instead to provide some visual movement regardless of size if (blocksAddedCount == 0) return 0; double fillFraction = blocksAddedCount / (double) (xSize * ySize * zSize); final double FULL_SCALE = Math.log(1.0 / (xSize * ySize * zSize)) - 1; double fractionComplete = (1 - Math.log(fillFraction) / FULL_SCALE); return (float) fractionComplete; } } mode = OperationInProgress.COMPLETE; shrinkToSmallestEnclosingCuboid(); return -1; } private void initialiseVoxelRange() { smallestVoxelX = xSize; largestVoxelX = -1; smallestVoxelY = ySize; largestVoxelY = -1; smallestVoxelZ = zSize; largestVoxelZ = -1; empty = true; containsUnavailableVoxels = false; } private void expandVoxelRange(int x, int y, int z) { smallestVoxelX = Math.min(smallestVoxelX, x); smallestVoxelY = Math.min(smallestVoxelY, y); smallestVoxelZ = Math.min(smallestVoxelZ, z); largestVoxelX = Math.max(largestVoxelX, x); largestVoxelY = Math.max(largestVoxelY, y); largestVoxelZ = Math.max(largestVoxelZ, z); empty = false; } /** * shrinks the voxel selection to the minimum size needed to contain the set voxels */ private void shrinkToSmallestEnclosingCuboid() { if (smallestVoxelX == 0 && smallestVoxelY == 0 && smallestVoxelZ == 0 && largestVoxelX == xSize - 1 && largestVoxelY == ySize - 1 && largestVoxelZ == zSize - 1) { return; } int newXsize = largestVoxelX - smallestVoxelX + 1; int newYsize = largestVoxelY - smallestVoxelY + 1; int newZsize = largestVoxelZ - smallestVoxelZ + 1; VoxelSelectionWithOrigin smallerSelection = new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin( wxOrigin + smallestVoxelX, wyOrigin + smallestVoxelY, wzOrigin + smallestVoxelZ, newXsize, newYsize, newZsize); for (int y = 0; y < newYsize; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < newZsize; ++z) { for (int x = 0; x < newXsize; ++x) { if (selection.getVoxel(x + smallestVoxelX, y + smallestVoxelY, z + smallestVoxelZ)) { smallerSelection.setVoxel(x, y, z); } } } } selection = smallerSelection; VoxelSelectionWithOrigin smallerUnavailableVoxels = new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin( wxOrigin + smallestVoxelX, wyOrigin + smallestVoxelY, wzOrigin + smallestVoxelZ, newXsize, newYsize, newZsize); for (int y = 0; y < newYsize; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < newZsize; ++z) { for (int x = 0; x < newXsize; ++x) { if (unavailableVoxels.getVoxel(x + smallestVoxelX, y + smallestVoxelY, z + smallestVoxelZ)) { smallerUnavailableVoxels.setVoxel(x, y, z); } } } } unavailableVoxels = smallerUnavailableVoxels; wxOrigin += smallestVoxelX; wyOrigin += smallestVoxelY; wzOrigin += smallestVoxelZ; smallestVoxelX = 0; smallestVoxelY = 0; smallestVoxelZ = 0; largestVoxelX = newXsize - 1; largestVoxelY = newYsize - 1; largestVoxelZ = newZsize - 1; xSize = newXsize; ySize = newYsize; zSize = newZsize; } private void initialiseSelectionSizeFromBoundary(BlockPos corner1, BlockPos corner2) { wxOrigin = Math.min(corner1.getX(), corner2.getX()); wyOrigin = Math.min(corner1.getY(), corner2.getY()); wzOrigin = Math.min(corner1.getZ(), corner2.getZ()); xSize = 1 + Math.max(corner1.getX(), corner2.getX()) - wxOrigin; ySize = 1 + Math.max(corner1.getY(), corner2.getY()) - wyOrigin; zSize = 1 + Math.max(corner1.getZ(), corner2.getZ()) - wzOrigin; if (selection == null) { selection = new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, xSize, ySize, zSize); unavailableVoxels = new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin(wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, xSize, ySize, zSize); } else { selection.resizeAndClear(xSize, ySize, zSize); unavailableVoxels.resizeAndClear(xSize, ySize, zSize); } } private enum OperationInProgress { IDLE, ALL_IN_BOX, FILL, COMPLETE } Deque<SearchPosition> currentSearchPositions = new LinkedList<SearchPosition>(); Deque<SearchPosition> nextDepthSearchPositions = new LinkedList<SearchPosition>(); int blocksAddedCount; private VoxelSelectionWithOrigin selection; private VoxelSelectionWithOrigin unavailableVoxels; private boolean containsUnavailableVoxels; private int smallestVoxelX; private int largestVoxelX; private int smallestVoxelY; private int largestVoxelY; private int smallestVoxelZ; private int largestVoxelZ; private int xSize; private int ySize; private int zSize; private int wxOrigin; private int wyOrigin; private int wzOrigin; private boolean empty = true; private OperationInProgress mode; }