package; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.*; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import speedytools.clientside.UndoManagerClient; import; import speedytools.clientside.rendering.RendererElement; import speedytools.clientside.rendering.RendererHotbarCurrentItem; import speedytools.clientside.rendering.RendererWireframeSelection; import speedytools.clientside.rendering.SpeedyToolRenderers; import speedytools.clientside.selections.BlockMultiSelector; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundController; import speedytools.clientside.userinput.UserInput; import speedytools.common.blocks.BlockWithMetadata; import speedytools.common.items.ItemSpeedyTool; import; import speedytools.common.utilities.Pair; import speedytools.common.utilities.UsefulConstants; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 18/04/2014 */ public abstract class SpeedyToolSimple extends SpeedyTool { public SpeedyToolSimple(ItemSpeedyTool i_parentItem, SpeedyToolRenderers i_renderers, SoundController i_speedyToolSounds, UndoManagerClient i_undoManagerClient, PacketSenderClient i_packetSenderClient) { super(i_parentItem, i_renderers, i_speedyToolSounds, i_undoManagerClient, i_packetSenderClient); wireframeRendererUpdateLink = SimpleWireframeRendererLink(); hotbarRenderInfoUpdateLink = HotbarRenderInfoUpdateLink(); } /** * Process user input * no effect if the tool is not active. * * @param player * @param userInput * @return */ public boolean processUserInput(EntityPlayerSP player, float partialTick, UserInput userInput) { if (!iAmActive) return false; controlKeyIsDown = userInput.isControlKeyDown(); UserInput.InputEvent nextEvent; while (null != (nextEvent = userInput.poll())) { switch (nextEvent.eventType) { case LEFT_CLICK_DOWN: { undoManagerClient.performUndo(player.getPositionEyes(partialTick)); break; } case RIGHT_CLICK_DOWN: { boolean successfulSend = sendPlaceCommand(); if (successfulSend) { undoManagerClient.addUndoableAction(new SpeedyToolUndoCallback()); playPlacementSound(player.getPositionEyes(partialTick)); } break; } case WHEEL_MOVE: { if (currentToolItemStack != null) { int newCount = parentItem.getPlacementCount(currentToolItemStack) + nextEvent.count; parentItem.setPlacementCount(currentToolItemStack, newCount); } break; } } } return true; } /** * update the tool state based on the player selected items; where the player is looking; etc * No effect if not active. * @param world * @param player * @param partialTick * @return */ public boolean updateForThisFrame(World world, EntityPlayerSP player, float partialTick) { if (!iAmActive) return false; // ItemStack currentItem = player.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if (currentToolItemStack == null) return false; // can be null if the user has just moved the active tool out of hotbar parentItem.revalidatePlacementCount(currentToolItemStack); int maxSelectionSize = currentToolItemStack.stackSize; // the block to be placed is the one to the right of the tool in the hotbar int currentlySelectedHotbarSlot = player.inventory.currentItem; final int MAX_HOTBAR_SLOT = 8; ItemStack itemStackToPlace = (currentlySelectedHotbarSlot == MAX_HOTBAR_SLOT) ? null : player.inventory.getStackInSlot(currentlySelectedHotbarSlot + 1); currentBlockToPlace = getPlacedBlockFromItemStack(itemStackToPlace); // MovingObjectPosition target = parentItem.rayTraceLineOfSight(player.worldObj, player); MovingObjectPosition blockUnderCursor = selectBlockUnderCursor(player, itemStackToPlace, partialTick); Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> retval = selectBlocks(blockUnderCursor, player, maxSelectionSize, partialTick); currentlySelectedBlocks = retval.getFirst(); currentSideToBePlaced = retval.getSecond(); return true; } /** The user is now holding this tool, prepare it * @return * @param newToolItemStack */ @Override public boolean activateTool(ItemStack newToolItemStack) { currentToolItemStack = newToolItemStack; LinkedList<RendererElement> rendererElements = new LinkedList<RendererElement>(); rendererElements.add(new RendererWireframeSelection(wireframeRendererUpdateLink)); rendererElements.add(new RendererHotbarCurrentItem(hotbarRenderInfoUpdateLink)); speedyToolRenderers.setRenderers(rendererElements); iAmActive = true; return true; } /** The user has unequipped this tool, deactivate it, stop any effects, etc * @return */ @Override public boolean deactivateTool() { speedyToolRenderers.setRenderers(null); currentlySelectedBlocks.clear(); iAmActive = false; return true; } @Override public void resetTool() { // nothing - no state information stored } /** * This class is used to provide information to the WireFrame Renderer when it needs it: * The Renderer calls refreshRenderInfo, which copies the relevant information from the tool. */ public class SimpleWireframeRendererLink implements RendererWireframeSelection.WireframeRenderInfoUpdateLink { @Override public boolean refreshRenderInfo(RendererWireframeSelection.WireframeRenderInfo infoToUpdate) { infoToUpdate.currentlySelectedBlocks = currentlySelectedBlocks; return true; } } /** * This class is used to provide information to the Boundary Field Renderer when it needs it. * The information is taken from the reference to the SpeedyToolBoundary. */ public class HotbarRenderInfoUpdateLink implements RendererHotbarCurrentItem.HotbarRenderInfoUpdateLink { @Override public boolean refreshRenderInfo(RendererHotbarCurrentItem.HotbarRenderInfo infoToUpdate, ItemStack currentlyHeldItem) { if (currentlyHeldItem == null || !(currentlyHeldItem.getItem() instanceof ItemSpeedyTool)) { return false; } ItemSpeedyTool itemSpeedyTool = (ItemSpeedyTool) currentlyHeldItem.getItem(); return itemSpeedyTool.usesAdjacentBlockInHotbar(); } } public class SpeedyToolUndoCallback implements UndoManagerClient.UndoCallback { @Override public boolean performUndo(Vec3 playerPosition) { boolean successfulSend = sendUndoCommand(); if (successfulSend) playUndoSound(playerPosition); return successfulSend; } } /** * Selects the a straight line of Blocks that will be affected by the tool when the player presses right-click * @param blockUnderCursor the position of the cursor * @param player the player * @param maxSelectionSize the maximum number of blocks in the selection * @param stopWhenCollide if true, stop when a "solid" block such as stone is encountered. "non-solid" is blocks such as air, grass, etc * @param partialTick partial tick time. * @return returns the list of blocks in the selection (may be zero length) */ protected Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> selectLineOfBlocks(MovingObjectPosition blockUnderCursor, EntityPlayer player, int maxSelectionSize, BlockMultiSelector.CollisionOptions stopWhenCollide, float partialTick) { // MovingObjectPosition startBlock = BlockMultiSelector.selectStartingBlock(blockUnderCursor, BlockMultiSelector.BlockTypeToSelect.NON_SOLID_OK, player, partialTick); if (blockUnderCursor == null) return new Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing>(new ArrayList<BlockPos>(), EnumFacing.UP); BlockPos startBlockCoordinates = blockUnderCursor.getBlockPos(); boolean diagonalOK = controlKeyIsDown; List<BlockPos> selection = BlockMultiSelector.selectLine(startBlockCoordinates, player.worldObj, blockUnderCursor.hitVec, maxSelectionSize, diagonalOK, stopWhenCollide); return new Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> (selection, blockUnderCursor.sideHit); } protected boolean sendPlaceCommand() { if (currentlySelectedBlocks == null || currentlySelectedBlocks.isEmpty()) return false; final int RIGHT_BUTTON = 1; Packet250SpeedyToolUse packet = new Packet250SpeedyToolUse(RIGHT_BUTTON, currentBlockToPlace, currentSideToBePlaced, currentlySelectedBlocks); packetSenderClient.sendPacket(packet); return true; } protected boolean sendUndoCommand() { final int LEFT_BUTTON = 0; final EnumFacing DUMMY_SIDE = EnumFacing.DOWN; Packet250SpeedyToolUse packet = new Packet250SpeedyToolUse(LEFT_BUTTON, currentBlockToPlace, DUMMY_SIDE, currentlySelectedBlocks); packetSenderClient.sendPacket(packet); return true; } protected abstract void playPlacementSound(Vec3 playerPosition); protected abstract void playUndoSound(Vec3 playerPosition); /** * Selects the Blocks that will be affected by the tool when the player presses right-click * default method just selects the first block. * @param blockUnderCursor the position of the cursor * @param player the player * @param maxSelectionSize the maximum number of blocks in the selection * @param partialTick partial tick time. * @return returns the list of blocks in the selection (may be zero length) */ protected Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> selectBlocks(MovingObjectPosition blockUnderCursor, EntityPlayer player, int maxSelectionSize, float partialTick) { ArrayList<BlockPos> retval = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); // MovingObjectPosition startBlock = BlockMultiSelector.selectStartingBlock(target, BlockMultiSelector.BlockTypeToSelect.SOLID_OK, player, partialTick); EnumFacing sideToPlace = EnumFacing.UP; if (blockUnderCursor != null) { BlockPos startBlockCoordinates = new BlockPos(blockUnderCursor.getBlockPos()); retval.add(startBlockCoordinates); sideToPlace = blockUnderCursor.sideHit; } return new Pair<List<BlockPos>, EnumFacing> (retval, sideToPlace); } protected List<BlockPos> currentlySelectedBlocks = new LinkedList<BlockPos>(); protected BlockWithMetadata currentBlockToPlace; protected EnumFacing currentSideToBePlaced; private RendererHotbarCurrentItem.HotbarRenderInfoUpdateLink hotbarRenderInfoUpdateLink; }