package speedytools.clientside.selections; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GLAllocation; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import speedytools.common.blocks.BlockWithMetadata; import speedytools.common.blocks.RegistryForBlocks; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelection; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelectionWithOrigin; import speedytools.common.utilities.Colour; import speedytools.common.utilities.Pair; import speedytools.common.utilities.QuadOrientation; import speedytools.common.utilities.UsefulConstants; import javax.xml.soap.Text; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * Created by TheGreyGhost on 10/07/14. * Used to render the selection. * Typical usage: * 1) create new * 2) createFromSelection() to set up * 3) render(x, y, z, renderdistance) * 4) IMPORTANT! before discarding the instance, call release() to release the OpenGL resources * Internally - stores a renderlist for each chunk, aligned to the world origin chunks */ public class BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer { public BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer(TextureManager textureManager) { selectionBlockTextures = new SelectionBlockTextures(textureManager); selectionBlockTextures.setAutoAllocateIcon(true); } /** * releases the GL11 render lists associated with this instance * */ public void release() { for (Pair<Integer, Integer> allocation : displayListAllocations) { GL11.glDeleteLists(allocation.getFirst(), allocation.getSecond()); } displayListAllocations.clear(); displayListWireFrameXY = 0; displayListWireFrameYZ = 0; displayListWireFrameXZ = 0; mode = OperationInProgress.INVALID; displayListMapping = null; } /** * Releases all GL11 resources for good * this must not be used after calling releaseFinal(). */ public void releaseFinal() { release(); selectionBlockTextures.release(); selectionBlockTextures = null; } /** * gets the origin for the renderer in world coordinates * * @return the origin for the selection in world coordinates */ public BlockPos getWorldOrigin() { return new BlockPos(sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin); } private int displayListWireFrameXY = 0; private int displayListWireFrameYZ = 0; private int displayListWireFrameXZ = 0; private final int DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE = 16; // to align with world chunks private final int DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE = 16; private final int DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE = 16; // display list for the blocks in the selection: each displaylist renders DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE * YSIZE * ZSIZE blocks // private int displayListCubesBase = 0; // private int displayListCubesCount = 0; private int chunkCountX, chunkCountY, chunkCountZ; private int xSize, ySize, zSize; private int xOffset, yOffset, zOffset; private int sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin; private IBlockState overrideTextureBlock; private BitSet unloadedChunks = new BitSet(); // unloadedChunks[cx + cz * chunkCountX] = 1 if this chunk was unloaded when trying to get textures -> don't know what the block is private int [] displayListMapping; // mapping of the cx, cy, cz to displayListIndex used by OpenGL. // holds the allocated display lists: <start index, count> private LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> displayListAllocations = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); private SelectionBlockTextures selectionBlockTextures; // get the display list for the given chunk private int getDisplayListIndex(int cx, int cy, int cz) { return displayListMapping[cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY]; // return displayListCubesBase + cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY; } /** resizes the renderer to a new position and size. Retains (repositions) the existing render lists, doesn't update * any new chunks * @param newWXorigin the new world origin * @param newWYorigin * @param newWZorigin * @param newXsize the * @param newYsize * @param newZsize */ public void resize(int newWXorigin, int newWYorigin, int newWZorigin, int newXsize, int newYsize, int newZsize) { int startChunkX = newWXorigin >> 4; int endChunkX = (newWXorigin + newXsize - 1) >> 4; int startChunkY = newWYorigin >> 4; int endChunkY = (newWYorigin + newYsize - 1) >> 4; int startChunkZ = newWZorigin >> 4; int endChunkZ = (newWZorigin + newZsize - 1) >> 4; int newChunkCountX = endChunkX - startChunkX + 1; int newChunkCountY = endChunkY - startChunkY + 1; int newchunkCountZ = endChunkZ - startChunkZ + 1; int newDisplayListCount = resizeDisplayList(0, false, startChunkX - (sourceWXorigin >> 4), startChunkY - (sourceWYorigin >> 4), startChunkZ - (sourceWZorigin >> 4), newChunkCountX, newChunkCountY, newchunkCountZ); int displayListCubesBase = 0; if (newDisplayListCount > 0) { displayListCubesBase = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(newDisplayListCount); if (displayListCubesBase == 0) { release(); FMLLog.warning("Unable to create a displayList in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::resize"); return; } displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListCubesBase, newDisplayListCount)); } resizeDisplayList(displayListCubesBase, true, startChunkX - (sourceWXorigin >> 4), startChunkY - (sourceWYorigin >> 4), startChunkZ - (sourceWZorigin >> 4), newChunkCountX, newChunkCountY, newchunkCountZ); xSize = newXsize; ySize = newYsize; zSize = newZsize; chunkCountX = newChunkCountX; chunkCountY = newChunkCountY; chunkCountZ = newchunkCountZ; xOffset = newWXorigin & 0x0f; yOffset = newWYorigin & 0x0f; zOffset = newWZorigin & 0x0f; sourceWXorigin = newWXorigin; sourceWYorigin = newWYorigin; sourceWZorigin = newWZorigin; unloadedChunks.set(0, chunkCountX * chunkCountZ); createMeshRenderLists(newXsize, newYsize, newZsize); } /** * resizes the render displayList; keeps the original displayLists but moves them to their new position relative to the new origin * fills newly created chunk slots with the indicated displaylist numbers * @param nextListIndexStart the index of the first displaylist to use for new chunks; n empty chunks will use indices nextListIndexStart to nextListIndexStart + n-1 inclusive * @param overwrite if true, create the new display list and move the old entries. If false, just count the number of new displaylistindices required. * @param newCX0 the origin of the render relative to the old origin (eg newCX0 == -2 means that the new display starts 2 chunks to the left of the old) * @param newCY0 * @param newCZ0 * @param newCXsize the number of x chunks in the new render * @param newCYsize * @param newCZsize * @return the number of new displaylists added/required */ private int resizeDisplayList(int nextListIndexStart, boolean overwrite, int newCX0, int newCY0, int newCZ0, int newCXsize, int newCYsize, int newCZsize) { assert (newCXsize > 0); assert (newCYsize > 0); assert (newCZsize > 0); int [] newDisplayListMapping = new int[0]; if (overwrite) { newDisplayListMapping = new int[newCXsize * newCYsize * newCZsize]; } int newChunkCount = 0; for (int cx = 0; cx < newCXsize; ++cx) { for (int cy = 0; cy < newCYsize; ++cy) { for (int cz = 0; cz < newCZsize; ++cz) { boolean isExistingChunk = (cx + newCX0 >= 0 && cx + newCX0 < chunkCountX) && (cy + newCY0 >= 0 && cy + newCY0 < chunkCountY) && (cz + newCZ0 >= 0 && cz + newCZ0 < chunkCountZ); if (!isExistingChunk) { ++newChunkCount; } if (overwrite) { int newChunkIndex = cx + cy * newCXsize + cz * newCXsize * newCYsize; if (isExistingChunk) { newDisplayListMapping[newChunkIndex] = getDisplayListIndex(cx + newCX0, cy + newCY0, cz + newCZ0); } else { newDisplayListMapping[newChunkIndex] = nextListIndexStart++; } } } } } if (overwrite) { displayListMapping = newDisplayListMapping; } return newChunkCount; } /** * Refresh the renderlist for this renderer based on new information */ public void refreshRenderListStart() { cxCurrent = 0; cyCurrent = 0; czCurrent = 0; mode = OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS; } /** * Refresh the renderlist for this renderer based on new information * @param world * @param unknownVoxels * @param maxTimeInNS the maximum amount of time to spend before returning, in ns * @return the estimated fraction complete [0 .. 1]; or -1 if complete */ public float refreshRenderListContinue(World world, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin selectedVoxels, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin unknownVoxels, long maxTimeInNS) { if (mode == OperationInProgress.COMPLETE) return -1; if (mode != OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS) { FMLLog.severe("Mode should be IN_PROGRESS in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::refreshRenderListContinue, but was actually " + mode); return -1; } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); for (; cxCurrent < chunkCountX; ++cxCurrent, cyCurrent = 0) { for (; cyCurrent < chunkCountY; ++cyCurrent, czCurrent = 0) { for (; czCurrent < chunkCountZ; ++czCurrent) { if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= maxTimeInNS) return (cxCurrent / (float)chunkCountX); renderThisChunk(world, overrideTextureBlock, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin, cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent); Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords((sourceWXorigin + cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE) >> 4, (sourceWZorigin + czCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE) >> 4); if (!chunk.isEmpty()) { unloadedChunks.clear(cxCurrent + czCurrent * chunkCountX); // System.out.println("refresh clear [" + cxCurrent + ", " + czCurrent + "]"); } } } } selectionBlockTextures.updateTextures(); mode = OperationInProgress.COMPLETE; return -1; } /** * create the render list for this chunk * @param world * @param textureOverride if non null, uses this block texture instead of the world blocks textures * @param selectedVoxels * @param unknownVoxels * @param wxOrigin * @param wyOrigin * @param wzOrigin * @param cx * @param cy * @param cz */ private void renderThisChunk(World world, IBlockState textureOverride, VoxelSelection selectedVoxels, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, int cx, int cy, int cz) { final double NUDGE_DISTANCE = 0.01; final double FRAME_NUDGE_DISTANCE = NUDGE_DISTANCE + 0.002; GL11.glNewList(getDisplayListIndex(cx, cy, cz), GL11.GL_COMPILE); GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); tessellateSurfaceWithTexture(world, textureOverride, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, cx * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cy * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, cz * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset, tessellator, WhatToDraw.FACES, NUDGE_DISTANCE); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL11.glColor4f(Colour.BLACK_40.R, Colour.BLACK_40.G, Colour.BLACK_40.B, Colour.BLACK_40.A); GL11.glLineWidth(2.0F); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glDepthMask(false); tessellateSurface(selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, cx * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cy * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, cz * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset, tessellator, WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME, FRAME_NUDGE_DISTANCE); GL11.glDepthMask(true); GL11.glPopAttrib(); GL11.glEndList(); } private enum OperationInProgress { INVALID, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETE } private OperationInProgress mode = OperationInProgress.INVALID; int cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent; /** * Look for any chunks which have missing textures and check to see if they have been loaded; if so, update the render list * @param world * @param unknownVoxels * @param maxTimeInNS the maximum amount of time to spend before returning, in ns * @return true if there are no more unknown block textures */ public boolean updateWithLoadedChunks(World world, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin selectedVoxels, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin unknownVoxels, long maxTimeInNS) { if (unloadedChunks.isEmpty()) return true; long startTime = System.nanoTime(); for (int cx = 0; cx < chunkCountX; ++cx) { for (int cz = 0; cz < chunkCountZ; ++cz) { if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= maxTimeInNS) return false; if (unloadedChunks.get(cx + cz * chunkCountX)) { Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords((sourceWXorigin + cx * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE) >> 4, (sourceWZorigin + cz * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE) >> 4); if (!chunk.isEmpty()) { for (int cy = 0; cy < chunkCountY; ++cy) { renderThisChunk(world, overrideTextureBlock, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin, cx, cy, cz); } unloadedChunks.clear(cx + cz * chunkCountX); // System.out.println("update clear [" + cx + ", " + cz + "]"); } } } } return unloadedChunks.isEmpty(); } /** * create a render list for the current selection. * Renders all voxels in selectedVoxels with the corresponding block texture, and also renders all voxels in unknownVoxels with an "unknown" texture * Quads, with lines to outline them * Aligns to world chunk boundaries * @param world * @param textureOverride if not null, draw the render list with the texture of the given block * @param selectedVoxels the current selection * @param unknownVoxels any unknown voxels in the current selection (voxels that might be selected - not known). Must be the same size [x,y,z] as selectedVoxels */ public void createRenderListStart(World world, IBlockState textureOverride, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection selectedVoxels, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels) { release(); displayListWireFrameXY = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1); displayListWireFrameXZ = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1); displayListWireFrameYZ = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1); displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListWireFrameXY, 1)); displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListWireFrameXZ, 1)); displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListWireFrameYZ, 1)); int displayListCount = 1; xSize = selectedVoxels.getxSize(); ySize = selectedVoxels.getySize(); zSize = selectedVoxels.getzSize(); assert (xSize == unknownVoxels.getxSize()); assert (ySize == unknownVoxels.getySize()); assert (zSize == unknownVoxels.getzSize()); int startChunkX = wxOrigin >> 4; int endChunkX = (wxOrigin + xSize - 1) >> 4; int startChunkY = wyOrigin >> 4; int endChunkY = (wyOrigin + ySize - 1) >> 4; int startChunkZ = wzOrigin >> 4; int endChunkZ = (wzOrigin + zSize - 1) >> 4; chunkCountX = endChunkX - startChunkX + 1; chunkCountY = endChunkY - startChunkY + 1; chunkCountZ = endChunkZ - startChunkZ + 1; xOffset = wxOrigin & 0x0f; yOffset = wyOrigin & 0x0f; zOffset = wzOrigin & 0x0f; sourceWXorigin = wxOrigin; sourceWYorigin = wyOrigin; sourceWZorigin = wzOrigin; unloadedChunks.set(0, chunkCountX * chunkCountZ); if (selectedVoxels.getxSize() > 0 && selectedVoxels.getySize() > 0 && selectedVoxels.getzSize() > 0) { displayListCount = chunkCountX * chunkCountY * chunkCountZ; } int displayListCubesBase = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(displayListCount); if (displayListCubesBase == 0 || displayListWireFrameXY == 0 || displayListWireFrameXZ == 0 || displayListWireFrameYZ == 0) { release(); FMLLog.warning("Unable to create a displayList in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::createRenderList"); return; } displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListCubesBase, displayListCount)); displayListMapping = new int [chunkCountX * chunkCountY * chunkCountZ]; for (int cx = 0; cx < chunkCountX; ++cx) { for (int cy = 0; cy < chunkCountY; ++cy) { for (int cz = 0; cz < chunkCountZ; ++cz) { displayListMapping[cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY] = displayListCubesBase + cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY; } } } createMeshRenderLists(selectedVoxels.getxSize(), selectedVoxels.getySize(), selectedVoxels.getzSize()); cxCurrent = 0; cyCurrent = 0; czCurrent = 0; overrideTextureBlock = textureOverride; mode = OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS; } /** * create a render list for the current selection. * Quads, with lines to outline them * @param world * @param unknownVoxels * @return the estimated fraction complete [0 .. 1]; or -1 if complete */ public float createRenderListContinue(World world, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection selectedVoxels, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels, long maxTimeInNS) { if (mode != OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS) { FMLLog.severe("Mode should be IN_PROGRESS in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::createRenderListContinue, but was actually " + mode); return -1; } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // final double NUDGE_DISTANCE = 0.01; // final double FRAME_NUDGE_DISTANCE = NUDGE_DISTANCE + 0.002; for (; cxCurrent < chunkCountX; ++cxCurrent, cyCurrent = 0) { for (; cyCurrent < chunkCountY; ++cyCurrent, czCurrent = 0) { for (; czCurrent < chunkCountZ; ++czCurrent) { if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= maxTimeInNS) return (cxCurrent / (float)chunkCountX); renderThisChunk(world, overrideTextureBlock, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent); Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords((wxOrigin + cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE) >> 4, (wzOrigin + DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE) >> 4); if (!chunk.isEmpty()) { unloadedChunks.clear(cxCurrent + czCurrent * chunkCountX); } // // GL11.glNewList(getDisplayListIndex(cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent), GL11.GL_COMPILE); // GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT); // GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); // GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); // GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer(); // tessellateSurfaceWithTexture(world, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, // cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cyCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, czCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset, // tessellator, WhatToDraw.FACES, NUDGE_DISTANCE); // // GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); // GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // GL11.glColor4f(Colour.BLACK_40.R, Colour.BLACK_40.G, Colour.BLACK_40.B, Colour.BLACK_40.A); // GL11.glLineWidth(2.0F); // GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); // GL11.glDepthMask(false); // tessellateSurface(selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, // cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cyCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, czCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset, // tessellator, WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME, FRAME_NUDGE_DISTANCE); // // GL11.glDepthMask(true); // GL11.glPopAttrib(); // GL11.glEndList(); } } } selectionBlockTextures.updateTextures(); mode = OperationInProgress.COMPLETE; return -1; } int debugCount = 0; /** * render the current selection (must have called createRenderList previously). Caller should set gLTranslatef so that the player's eyes are at [0,0,0] * playerRelativePos is position of the player relative to the minimum [x,y,z] corner of the VoxelSelection */ public void renderSelection(Vec3 playerRelativePos, int blockRenderDistance, QuadOrientation quadOrientation, Colour colour) { if (displayListMapping == null) { return; } double relativeXpos = playerRelativePos.xCoord + xOffset; // align to chunk boundary double relativeYpos = playerRelativePos.yCoord + yOffset; double relativeZpos = playerRelativePos.zCoord + zOffset; try { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT); GL11.glTranslated(-relativeXpos, -relativeYpos, -relativeZpos); // transform the player world [x,z] into the coordinates of the selection int playerRelativePositionX = quadOrientation.calcXfromWXZ((int)(relativeXpos), (int)(relativeZpos)); int playerRelativePositionZ = quadOrientation.calcZfromWXZ((int)(relativeXpos), (int)(relativeZpos)); final int CX_MIN = Math.max(0, (int)((playerRelativePositionX - blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE)); final int CY_MIN = Math.max(0, (int)((relativeYpos - blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE)); final int CZ_MIN = Math.max(0, (int)((playerRelativePositionZ - blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE)); final int CX_MAX = Math.min(chunkCountX - 1, (int)((playerRelativePositionX + blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE)); final int CY_MAX = Math.min(chunkCountY - 1, (int)((relativeYpos + blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE)); final int CZ_MAX = Math.min(chunkCountZ - 1, (int)((playerRelativePositionZ + blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE)); Pair<Float, Float> renderNudge = quadOrientation.getWXZNudge(); GL11.glTranslatef(renderNudge.getFirst(), 0.0F, renderNudge.getSecond()); if (quadOrientation.getClockwiseRotationCount() > 0) { // rotate around the midpoint GL11.glTranslatef(xSize / 2.0F + xOffset, 0, zSize / 2.0F + zOffset); GL11.glRotatef(quadOrientation.getClockwiseRotationCount() * -90, 0, 1, 0); GL11.glTranslatef(-xSize / 2.0F - xOffset, 0, -zSize / 2.0F - zOffset); } if (quadOrientation.isFlippedX()) { // flip around the midpoint GL11.glTranslatef(xSize / 2.0F + xOffset, 0, 0); GL11.glScaled(-1, 1, 1); GL11.glTranslatef(-xSize / 2.0F - xOffset, 0, 0); } try { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT); selectionBlockTextures.bindTexture(); for (int cy = CY_MIN; cy <= CY_MAX; ++cy) { for (int cx = CX_MIN; cx <= CX_MAX; ++cx) { for (int cz = CZ_MIN; cz <= CZ_MAX; ++cz) { GL11.glTranslated(cx*16, cy*16, cz*16); GL11.glColor4f(colour.R, colour.G, colour.B, colour.A); GL11.glCallList(getDisplayListIndex(cx, cy, cz)); GL11.glTranslated(-cx*16, -cy*16, -cz*16); } } } } finally { GL11.glPopAttrib(); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } GL11.glTranslated(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset); // the grid doesn't need to be offset for the chunk alignment // cull the back faces of the grid: // only draw a face if you can see the front of it // eg for xpos face - if player is to the right, for xneg - if player is to the left. if between don't draw either one. // exception: if inside the cube, render all faces. Yneg is always drawn. double playerRelativePositionVx = quadOrientation.calcXfromWXZ(playerRelativePos.xCoord, playerRelativePos.zCoord); double playerRelativePositionVz = quadOrientation.calcZfromWXZ(playerRelativePos.xCoord, playerRelativePos.zCoord); boolean inside = (playerRelativePositionVx >= 0 && playerRelativePositionVx <= xSize) && ( playerRelativePos.yCoord <= ySize) && (playerRelativePositionVz >= 0 && playerRelativePositionVz <= zSize); final Colour WALL_GRID_COLOUR = Colour.BLACK_40; final Colour FLOOR_GRID_COLOUR = Colour.WHITE_40; GL11.glColor4f(WALL_GRID_COLOUR.R, WALL_GRID_COLOUR.G, WALL_GRID_COLOUR.B, WALL_GRID_COLOUR.A); if (inside || playerRelativePositionVx < 0) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, 0); GL11.glCallList(displayListWireFrameYZ); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } if (inside || playerRelativePositionVx > xSize) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(xSize, ySize, 0); GL11.glCallList(displayListWireFrameYZ); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } GL11.glColor4f(FLOOR_GRID_COLOUR.R, FLOOR_GRID_COLOUR.G, FLOOR_GRID_COLOUR.B, FLOOR_GRID_COLOUR.A); if (true) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(0, 0, 0); GL11.glCallList(displayListWireFrameXZ); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } GL11.glColor4f(WALL_GRID_COLOUR.R, WALL_GRID_COLOUR.G, WALL_GRID_COLOUR.B, WALL_GRID_COLOUR.A); if (inside || playerRelativePos.yCoord > ySize) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, 0); GL11.glCallList(displayListWireFrameXZ); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } if (inside || playerRelativePositionVz < 0) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, 0); GL11.glCallList(displayListWireFrameXY); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } if (inside || playerRelativePositionVz > zSize) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, zSize); GL11.glCallList(displayListWireFrameXY); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } } finally { GL11.glPopAttrib(); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } } enum WhatToDraw {FACES, WIREFRAME} private void tessellateSurface(VoxelSelection selection, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels, int sx0, int sy0, int sz0, Tessellator tessellator, WhatToDraw whatToDraw, double nudgeDistance) { int xNegNudge, xPosNudge, yNegNudge, yPosNudge, zNegNudge, zPosNudge; WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer(); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) { worldRenderer.startDrawingQuads(); } // goes outside the VoxelSelection size, which always returns zero when out of bounds // "nudges" the quad boundaries to make solid blocks slightly larger, avoids annoying visual artifacts when overlapping with world blocks // three cases of nudge for each edge: internal (concave) edges = nudge inwards (-1), flat = no nudge (0), outer (convex) = nudge outwards (+1) for (int y = 0; y < DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE; ++z) { for (int x = 0; x < DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE; ++x) { int sx = x + sx0; int sy = y + sy0; int sz = z + sz0; if (selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz) || unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz)) { // xneg face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz)) { yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // xpos face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz)) { yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // yneg face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // ypos face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // zneg face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // zpos face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance); worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } } } } } if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) { tessellator.draw(); } } /** * draw the textured surface of this chunk starting from the [x0,y0,z0] index into the selection * @param world * @param overrideTexture if not null, use the texture from this block * @param unknownVoxels * @param wxOrigin world x of the selection * @param wyOrigin world y of the selection * @param wzOrigin world z of the selection * @param sx0 start x coordinate in the selection * @param sy0 start y coordinate in the selection * @param sz0 start z coordinated in the selection * @param tessellator * @param whatToDraw * @param nudgeDistance how far to nudge the face (to prevent overlap) */ private void tessellateSurfaceWithTexture(World world, IBlockState overrideTexture, VoxelSelection selection, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, int sx0, int sy0, int sz0, Tessellator tessellator, WhatToDraw whatToDraw, double nudgeDistance) { int xNegNudge, xPosNudge, yNegNudge, yPosNudge, zNegNudge, zPosNudge; WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer(); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) { worldRenderer.startDrawingQuads(); } // goes outside the VoxelSelection size, which always returns zero when out of bounds // "nudges" the quad boundaries to make solid blocks slightly larger, avoids annoying visual artifacts when overlapping with world blocks // three cases of nudge for each edge: internal (concave) edges = nudge inwards (-1), flat = no nudge (0), outer (convex) = nudge outwards (+1) for (int y = 0; y < DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE; ++z) { for (int x = 0; x < DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE; ++x) { int sx = x + sx0; int sy = y + sy0; int sz = z + sz0; boolean selected = selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz); if (selected || unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz)) { int wx = sx + wxOrigin; int wy = sy + wyOrigin; int wz = sz + wzOrigin; // unknown blocks get SelectionFog // selected blocks which are air (either because the block is air, or because the chunk is not loaded), get SelectionSolidFog IBlockState iBlockState = RegistryForBlocks.blockSelectionFog.getDefaultState(); if (selected) { if (overrideTexture != null) { iBlockState = overrideTexture; } else { iBlockState = world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz)); } if (iBlockState == Blocks.air) { iBlockState = RegistryForBlocks.blockSelectionSolidFog.getDefaultState(); } } // xneg face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz)) { yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.WEST); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV()); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // xpos face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz)) { yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.EAST); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV()); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // yneg face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.DOWN); // NB yneg face is flipped left-right in vanilla if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV()); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // ypos face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) ); zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) ); SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.UP); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV()); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // zneg face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.NORTH); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV()); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } // zpos face if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1)) { xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) ); SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.SOUTH); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV()); worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV()); if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw(); } } } } } if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) { tessellator.draw(); } } /** * create the "cage" wireframes for the selection * @param meshXSize * @param ySize * @param meshZSize */ private void createMeshRenderLists(int meshXSize, int ySize, int meshZSize) { final int MESH_HEIGHT = 256; generateWireFrame2DMesh(displayListWireFrameXY, meshXSize, MESH_HEIGHT, 0); generateWireFrame2DMesh(displayListWireFrameXZ, meshXSize, 0, meshZSize); generateWireFrame2DMesh(displayListWireFrameYZ, 0, MESH_HEIGHT, meshZSize); } /** * a vertical wireframe mesh made up of 1x1 squares, in the xy, yz, or xz plane * origin is the top (ymax) corner, i.e. the topmost square is [0,0,0], the bottommost square is +xcount, -ycount, zcount * one of the three must be 0 to specify which plane the mesh is in. */ private void generateWireFrame2DMesh(int displayListNumber, int xcount, int ycount, int zcount) { if (displayListNumber == 0) return; assert (xcount >= 0 && ycount >= 0 && zcount >= 0); assert (xcount == 0 || ycount == 0 || zcount == 0); Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer(); GL11.glNewList(displayListNumber, GL11.GL_COMPILE); GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL11.glLineWidth(2.0F); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glDepthMask(false); worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); worldRenderer.addVertex(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (xcount == 0) { worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -ycount, 0.0); worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -ycount, zcount); worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, 0, zcount); } else { worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, 0.0, 0.0); worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, -ycount, zcount); worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -ycount, zcount); } tessellator.draw(); for (int x = 1; x < xcount; ++x) { worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINES); worldRenderer.addVertex(x, 0.0, 0.0); worldRenderer.addVertex(x, -ycount, zcount); tessellator.draw(); } for (int y = 1; y < ycount; ++y) { worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINES); worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -y, 0.0); worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, -y, zcount); tessellator.draw(); } for (int z = 1; z < zcount; ++z) { worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINES); worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, 0.0, z); worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, -ycount, z); tessellator.draw(); } GL11.glDepthMask(true); GL11.glPopAttrib(); GL11.glEndList(); } }