package speedytools.clientside.selections;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GLAllocation;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import speedytools.common.blocks.BlockWithMetadata;
import speedytools.common.blocks.RegistryForBlocks;
import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelection;
import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelectionWithOrigin;
import speedytools.common.utilities.Colour;
import speedytools.common.utilities.Pair;
import speedytools.common.utilities.QuadOrientation;
import speedytools.common.utilities.UsefulConstants;
import javax.xml.soap.Text;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Created by TheGreyGhost on 10/07/14.
* Used to render the selection.
* Typical usage:
* 1) create new
* 2) createFromSelection() to set up
* 3) render(x, y, z, renderdistance)
* 4) IMPORTANT! before discarding the instance, call release() to release the OpenGL resources
* Internally - stores a renderlist for each chunk, aligned to the world origin chunks
public class BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer
public BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer(TextureManager textureManager)
selectionBlockTextures = new SelectionBlockTextures(textureManager);
* releases the GL11 render lists associated with this instance
public void release()
for (Pair<Integer, Integer> allocation : displayListAllocations) {
GL11.glDeleteLists(allocation.getFirst(), allocation.getSecond());
displayListWireFrameXY = 0;
displayListWireFrameYZ = 0;
displayListWireFrameXZ = 0;
mode = OperationInProgress.INVALID;
displayListMapping = null;
* Releases all GL11 resources for good
* this must not be used after calling releaseFinal().
public void releaseFinal()
selectionBlockTextures = null;
* gets the origin for the renderer in world coordinates
* @return the origin for the selection in world coordinates
public BlockPos getWorldOrigin() {
return new BlockPos(sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin);
private int displayListWireFrameXY = 0;
private int displayListWireFrameYZ = 0;
private int displayListWireFrameXZ = 0;
private final int DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE = 16; // to align with world chunks
private final int DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE = 16;
private final int DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE = 16;
// display list for the blocks in the selection: each displaylist renders DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE * YSIZE * ZSIZE blocks
// private int displayListCubesBase = 0;
// private int displayListCubesCount = 0;
private int chunkCountX, chunkCountY, chunkCountZ;
private int xSize, ySize, zSize;
private int xOffset, yOffset, zOffset;
private int sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin;
private IBlockState overrideTextureBlock;
private BitSet unloadedChunks = new BitSet(); // unloadedChunks[cx + cz * chunkCountX] = 1 if this chunk was unloaded when trying to get textures -> don't know what the block is
private int [] displayListMapping; // mapping of the cx, cy, cz to displayListIndex used by OpenGL.
// holds the allocated display lists: <start index, count>
private LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> displayListAllocations = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
private SelectionBlockTextures selectionBlockTextures;
// get the display list for the given chunk
private int getDisplayListIndex(int cx, int cy, int cz) {
return displayListMapping[cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY];
// return displayListCubesBase + cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY;
/** resizes the renderer to a new position and size. Retains (repositions) the existing render lists, doesn't update
* any new chunks
* @param newWXorigin the new world origin
* @param newWYorigin
* @param newWZorigin
* @param newXsize the
* @param newYsize
* @param newZsize
public void resize(int newWXorigin, int newWYorigin, int newWZorigin, int newXsize, int newYsize, int newZsize)
int startChunkX = newWXorigin >> 4;
int endChunkX = (newWXorigin + newXsize - 1) >> 4;
int startChunkY = newWYorigin >> 4;
int endChunkY = (newWYorigin + newYsize - 1) >> 4;
int startChunkZ = newWZorigin >> 4;
int endChunkZ = (newWZorigin + newZsize - 1) >> 4;
int newChunkCountX = endChunkX - startChunkX + 1;
int newChunkCountY = endChunkY - startChunkY + 1;
int newchunkCountZ = endChunkZ - startChunkZ + 1;
int newDisplayListCount = resizeDisplayList(0, false, startChunkX - (sourceWXorigin >> 4), startChunkY - (sourceWYorigin >> 4), startChunkZ - (sourceWZorigin >> 4),
newChunkCountX, newChunkCountY, newchunkCountZ);
int displayListCubesBase = 0;
if (newDisplayListCount > 0) {
displayListCubesBase = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(newDisplayListCount);
if (displayListCubesBase == 0) {
FMLLog.warning("Unable to create a displayList in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::resize");
displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListCubesBase, newDisplayListCount));
resizeDisplayList(displayListCubesBase, true, startChunkX - (sourceWXorigin >> 4), startChunkY - (sourceWYorigin >> 4), startChunkZ - (sourceWZorigin >> 4),
newChunkCountX, newChunkCountY, newchunkCountZ);
xSize = newXsize;
ySize = newYsize;
zSize = newZsize;
chunkCountX = newChunkCountX;
chunkCountY = newChunkCountY;
chunkCountZ = newchunkCountZ;
xOffset = newWXorigin & 0x0f;
yOffset = newWYorigin & 0x0f;
zOffset = newWZorigin & 0x0f;
sourceWXorigin = newWXorigin;
sourceWYorigin = newWYorigin;
sourceWZorigin = newWZorigin;
unloadedChunks.set(0, chunkCountX * chunkCountZ);
createMeshRenderLists(newXsize, newYsize, newZsize);
* resizes the render displayList; keeps the original displayLists but moves them to their new position relative to the new origin
* fills newly created chunk slots with the indicated displaylist numbers
* @param nextListIndexStart the index of the first displaylist to use for new chunks; n empty chunks will use indices nextListIndexStart to nextListIndexStart + n-1 inclusive
* @param overwrite if true, create the new display list and move the old entries. If false, just count the number of new displaylistindices required.
* @param newCX0 the origin of the render relative to the old origin (eg newCX0 == -2 means that the new display starts 2 chunks to the left of the old)
* @param newCY0
* @param newCZ0
* @param newCXsize the number of x chunks in the new render
* @param newCYsize
* @param newCZsize
* @return the number of new displaylists added/required
private int resizeDisplayList(int nextListIndexStart, boolean overwrite,
int newCX0, int newCY0, int newCZ0, int newCXsize, int newCYsize, int newCZsize)
assert (newCXsize > 0);
assert (newCYsize > 0);
assert (newCZsize > 0);
int [] newDisplayListMapping = new int[0];
if (overwrite) {
newDisplayListMapping = new int[newCXsize * newCYsize * newCZsize];
int newChunkCount = 0;
for (int cx = 0; cx < newCXsize; ++cx) {
for (int cy = 0; cy < newCYsize; ++cy) {
for (int cz = 0; cz < newCZsize; ++cz) {
boolean isExistingChunk = (cx + newCX0 >= 0 && cx + newCX0 < chunkCountX)
&& (cy + newCY0 >= 0 && cy + newCY0 < chunkCountY)
&& (cz + newCZ0 >= 0 && cz + newCZ0 < chunkCountZ);
if (!isExistingChunk) {
if (overwrite) {
int newChunkIndex = cx + cy * newCXsize + cz * newCXsize * newCYsize;
if (isExistingChunk) {
newDisplayListMapping[newChunkIndex] = getDisplayListIndex(cx + newCX0, cy + newCY0, cz + newCZ0);
} else {
newDisplayListMapping[newChunkIndex] = nextListIndexStart++;
if (overwrite) {
displayListMapping = newDisplayListMapping;
return newChunkCount;
* Refresh the renderlist for this renderer based on new information
public void refreshRenderListStart()
cxCurrent = 0;
cyCurrent = 0;
czCurrent = 0;
mode = OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS;
* Refresh the renderlist for this renderer based on new information
* @param world
* @param unknownVoxels
* @param maxTimeInNS the maximum amount of time to spend before returning, in ns
* @return the estimated fraction complete [0 .. 1]; or -1 if complete
public float refreshRenderListContinue(World world, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin selectedVoxels, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin unknownVoxels, long maxTimeInNS)
if (mode == OperationInProgress.COMPLETE) return -1;
if (mode != OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS) {
FMLLog.severe("Mode should be IN_PROGRESS in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::refreshRenderListContinue, but was actually " + mode);
return -1;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
for (; cxCurrent < chunkCountX; ++cxCurrent, cyCurrent = 0) {
for (; cyCurrent < chunkCountY; ++cyCurrent, czCurrent = 0) {
for (; czCurrent < chunkCountZ; ++czCurrent) {
if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= maxTimeInNS) return (cxCurrent / (float)chunkCountX);
renderThisChunk(world, overrideTextureBlock, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin, cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent);
Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords((sourceWXorigin + cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE) >> 4,
(sourceWZorigin + czCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE) >> 4);
if (!chunk.isEmpty()) {
unloadedChunks.clear(cxCurrent + czCurrent * chunkCountX);
// System.out.println("refresh clear [" + cxCurrent + ", " + czCurrent + "]");
mode = OperationInProgress.COMPLETE;
return -1;
* create the render list for this chunk
* @param world
* @param textureOverride if non null, uses this block texture instead of the world blocks textures
* @param selectedVoxels
* @param unknownVoxels
* @param wxOrigin
* @param wyOrigin
* @param wzOrigin
* @param cx
* @param cy
* @param cz
private void renderThisChunk(World world, IBlockState textureOverride, VoxelSelection selectedVoxels, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels,
int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin,
int cx, int cy, int cz)
final double NUDGE_DISTANCE = 0.01;
GL11.glNewList(getDisplayListIndex(cx, cy, cz), GL11.GL_COMPILE);
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
tessellateSurfaceWithTexture(world, textureOverride, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin,
cx * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cy * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, cz * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset,
tessellator, WhatToDraw.FACES, NUDGE_DISTANCE);
GL11.glColor4f(Colour.BLACK_40.R, Colour.BLACK_40.G, Colour.BLACK_40.B, Colour.BLACK_40.A);
tessellateSurface(selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels,
cx * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cy * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, cz * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset,
private enum OperationInProgress {
private OperationInProgress mode = OperationInProgress.INVALID;
int cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent;
* Look for any chunks which have missing textures and check to see if they have been loaded; if so, update the render list
* @param world
* @param unknownVoxels
* @param maxTimeInNS the maximum amount of time to spend before returning, in ns
* @return true if there are no more unknown block textures
public boolean updateWithLoadedChunks(World world, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin selectedVoxels, VoxelSelectionWithOrigin unknownVoxels, long maxTimeInNS)
if (unloadedChunks.isEmpty()) return true;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
for (int cx = 0; cx < chunkCountX; ++cx) {
for (int cz = 0; cz < chunkCountZ; ++cz) {
if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= maxTimeInNS) return false;
if (unloadedChunks.get(cx + cz * chunkCountX)) {
Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords((sourceWXorigin + cx * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE) >> 4,
(sourceWZorigin + cz * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE) >> 4);
if (!chunk.isEmpty()) {
for (int cy = 0; cy < chunkCountY; ++cy) {
renderThisChunk(world, overrideTextureBlock, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, sourceWXorigin, sourceWYorigin, sourceWZorigin, cx, cy, cz);
unloadedChunks.clear(cx + cz * chunkCountX);
// System.out.println("update clear [" + cx + ", " + cz + "]");
return unloadedChunks.isEmpty();
* create a render list for the current selection.
* Renders all voxels in selectedVoxels with the corresponding block texture, and also renders all voxels in unknownVoxels with an "unknown" texture
* Quads, with lines to outline them
* Aligns to world chunk boundaries
* @param world
* @param textureOverride if not null, draw the render list with the texture of the given block
* @param selectedVoxels the current selection
* @param unknownVoxels any unknown voxels in the current selection (voxels that might be selected - not known). Must be the same size [x,y,z] as selectedVoxels
public void createRenderListStart(World world, IBlockState textureOverride, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection selectedVoxels, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels)
displayListWireFrameXY = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
displayListWireFrameXZ = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
displayListWireFrameYZ = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListWireFrameXY, 1));
displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListWireFrameXZ, 1));
displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListWireFrameYZ, 1));
int displayListCount = 1;
xSize = selectedVoxels.getxSize();
ySize = selectedVoxels.getySize();
zSize = selectedVoxels.getzSize();
assert (xSize == unknownVoxels.getxSize());
assert (ySize == unknownVoxels.getySize());
assert (zSize == unknownVoxels.getzSize());
int startChunkX = wxOrigin >> 4;
int endChunkX = (wxOrigin + xSize - 1) >> 4;
int startChunkY = wyOrigin >> 4;
int endChunkY = (wyOrigin + ySize - 1) >> 4;
int startChunkZ = wzOrigin >> 4;
int endChunkZ = (wzOrigin + zSize - 1) >> 4;
chunkCountX = endChunkX - startChunkX + 1;
chunkCountY = endChunkY - startChunkY + 1;
chunkCountZ = endChunkZ - startChunkZ + 1;
xOffset = wxOrigin & 0x0f;
yOffset = wyOrigin & 0x0f;
zOffset = wzOrigin & 0x0f;
sourceWXorigin = wxOrigin;
sourceWYorigin = wyOrigin;
sourceWZorigin = wzOrigin;
unloadedChunks.set(0, chunkCountX * chunkCountZ);
if (selectedVoxels.getxSize() > 0 && selectedVoxels.getySize() > 0 && selectedVoxels.getzSize() > 0) {
displayListCount = chunkCountX * chunkCountY * chunkCountZ;
int displayListCubesBase = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(displayListCount);
if (displayListCubesBase == 0 || displayListWireFrameXY == 0 || displayListWireFrameXZ == 0 || displayListWireFrameYZ == 0) {
FMLLog.warning("Unable to create a displayList in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::createRenderList");
displayListAllocations.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(displayListCubesBase, displayListCount));
displayListMapping = new int [chunkCountX * chunkCountY * chunkCountZ];
for (int cx = 0; cx < chunkCountX; ++cx) {
for (int cy = 0; cy < chunkCountY; ++cy) {
for (int cz = 0; cz < chunkCountZ; ++cz) {
displayListMapping[cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY] = displayListCubesBase + cx + cy * chunkCountX + cz * chunkCountX * chunkCountY;
createMeshRenderLists(selectedVoxels.getxSize(), selectedVoxels.getySize(), selectedVoxels.getzSize());
cxCurrent = 0;
cyCurrent = 0;
czCurrent = 0;
overrideTextureBlock = textureOverride;
mode = OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS;
* create a render list for the current selection.
* Quads, with lines to outline them
* @param world
* @param unknownVoxels
* @return the estimated fraction complete [0 .. 1]; or -1 if complete
public float createRenderListContinue(World world, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin, VoxelSelection selectedVoxels, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels, long maxTimeInNS)
if (mode != OperationInProgress.IN_PROGRESS) {
FMLLog.severe("Mode should be IN_PROGRESS in BlockVoxelMultiSelectorRenderer::createRenderListContinue, but was actually " + mode);
return -1;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
// final double NUDGE_DISTANCE = 0.01;
// final double FRAME_NUDGE_DISTANCE = NUDGE_DISTANCE + 0.002;
for (; cxCurrent < chunkCountX; ++cxCurrent, cyCurrent = 0) {
for (; cyCurrent < chunkCountY; ++cyCurrent, czCurrent = 0) {
for (; czCurrent < chunkCountZ; ++czCurrent) {
if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= maxTimeInNS) return (cxCurrent / (float)chunkCountX);
renderThisChunk(world, overrideTextureBlock, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin, cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent);
Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords((wxOrigin + cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE) >> 4,
(wzOrigin + DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE) >> 4);
if (!chunk.isEmpty()) {
unloadedChunks.clear(cxCurrent + czCurrent * chunkCountX);
// GL11.glNewList(getDisplayListIndex(cxCurrent, cyCurrent, czCurrent), GL11.GL_COMPILE);
// GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT);
// GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE);
// GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING);
// GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
// Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer();
// tessellateSurfaceWithTexture(world, selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels, wxOrigin, wyOrigin, wzOrigin,
// cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cyCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, czCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset,
// tessellator, WhatToDraw.FACES, NUDGE_DISTANCE);
// GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
// GL11.glColor4f(Colour.BLACK_40.R, Colour.BLACK_40.G, Colour.BLACK_40.B, Colour.BLACK_40.A);
// GL11.glLineWidth(2.0F);
// GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
// GL11.glDepthMask(false);
// tessellateSurface(selectedVoxels, unknownVoxels,
// cxCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE - xOffset, cyCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE - yOffset, czCurrent * DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE - zOffset,
// tessellator, WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME, FRAME_NUDGE_DISTANCE);
// GL11.glDepthMask(true);
// GL11.glPopAttrib();
// GL11.glEndList();
mode = OperationInProgress.COMPLETE;
return -1;
int debugCount = 0;
* render the current selection (must have called createRenderList previously). Caller should set gLTranslatef so that the player's eyes are at [0,0,0]
* playerRelativePos is position of the player relative to the minimum [x,y,z] corner of the VoxelSelection
public void renderSelection(Vec3 playerRelativePos, int blockRenderDistance, QuadOrientation quadOrientation, Colour colour)
if (displayListMapping == null) {
double relativeXpos = playerRelativePos.xCoord + xOffset; // align to chunk boundary
double relativeYpos = playerRelativePos.yCoord + yOffset;
double relativeZpos = playerRelativePos.zCoord + zOffset;
try {
GL11.glTranslated(-relativeXpos, -relativeYpos, -relativeZpos);
// transform the player world [x,z] into the coordinates of the selection
int playerRelativePositionX = quadOrientation.calcXfromWXZ((int)(relativeXpos), (int)(relativeZpos));
int playerRelativePositionZ = quadOrientation.calcZfromWXZ((int)(relativeXpos), (int)(relativeZpos));
final int CX_MIN = Math.max(0, (int)((playerRelativePositionX - blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE));
final int CY_MIN = Math.max(0, (int)((relativeYpos - blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE));
final int CZ_MIN = Math.max(0, (int)((playerRelativePositionZ - blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE));
final int CX_MAX = Math.min(chunkCountX - 1, (int)((playerRelativePositionX + blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE));
final int CY_MAX = Math.min(chunkCountY - 1, (int)((relativeYpos + blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE));
final int CZ_MAX = Math.min(chunkCountZ - 1, (int)((playerRelativePositionZ + blockRenderDistance)/ DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE));
Pair<Float, Float> renderNudge = quadOrientation.getWXZNudge();
GL11.glTranslatef(renderNudge.getFirst(), 0.0F, renderNudge.getSecond());
if (quadOrientation.getClockwiseRotationCount() > 0) { // rotate around the midpoint
GL11.glTranslatef(xSize / 2.0F + xOffset, 0, zSize / 2.0F + zOffset);
GL11.glRotatef(quadOrientation.getClockwiseRotationCount() * -90, 0, 1, 0);
GL11.glTranslatef(-xSize / 2.0F - xOffset, 0, -zSize / 2.0F - zOffset);
if (quadOrientation.isFlippedX()) { // flip around the midpoint
GL11.glTranslatef(xSize / 2.0F + xOffset, 0, 0);
GL11.glScaled(-1, 1, 1);
GL11.glTranslatef(-xSize / 2.0F - xOffset, 0, 0);
try {
for (int cy = CY_MIN; cy <= CY_MAX; ++cy) {
for (int cx = CX_MIN; cx <= CX_MAX; ++cx) {
for (int cz = CZ_MIN; cz <= CZ_MAX; ++cz) {
GL11.glTranslated(cx*16, cy*16, cz*16);
GL11.glColor4f(colour.R, colour.G, colour.B, colour.A);
GL11.glCallList(getDisplayListIndex(cx, cy, cz));
GL11.glTranslated(-cx*16, -cy*16, -cz*16);
} finally {
GL11.glTranslated(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset); // the grid doesn't need to be offset for the chunk alignment
// cull the back faces of the grid:
// only draw a face if you can see the front of it
// eg for xpos face - if player is to the right, for xneg - if player is to the left. if between don't draw either one.
// exception: if inside the cube, render all faces. Yneg is always drawn.
double playerRelativePositionVx = quadOrientation.calcXfromWXZ(playerRelativePos.xCoord, playerRelativePos.zCoord);
double playerRelativePositionVz = quadOrientation.calcZfromWXZ(playerRelativePos.xCoord, playerRelativePos.zCoord);
boolean inside = (playerRelativePositionVx >= 0 && playerRelativePositionVx <= xSize)
&& ( playerRelativePos.yCoord <= ySize)
&& (playerRelativePositionVz >= 0 && playerRelativePositionVz <= zSize);
final Colour WALL_GRID_COLOUR = Colour.BLACK_40;
final Colour FLOOR_GRID_COLOUR = Colour.WHITE_40;
if (inside || playerRelativePositionVx < 0) {
GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, 0);
if (inside || playerRelativePositionVx > xSize) {
GL11.glTranslated(xSize, ySize, 0);
if (true) {
GL11.glTranslated(0, 0, 0);
if (inside || playerRelativePos.yCoord > ySize) {
GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, 0);
if (inside || playerRelativePositionVz < 0) {
GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, 0);
if (inside || playerRelativePositionVz > zSize) {
GL11.glTranslated(0, ySize, zSize);
} finally {
enum WhatToDraw {FACES, WIREFRAME}
private void tessellateSurface(VoxelSelection selection, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels, int sx0, int sy0, int sz0,
Tessellator tessellator, WhatToDraw whatToDraw, double nudgeDistance)
int xNegNudge, xPosNudge, yNegNudge, yPosNudge, zNegNudge, zPosNudge;
WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer();
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) {
// goes outside the VoxelSelection size, which always returns zero when out of bounds
// "nudges" the quad boundaries to make solid blocks slightly larger, avoids annoying visual artifacts when overlapping with world blocks
// three cases of nudge for each edge: internal (concave) edges = nudge inwards (-1), flat = no nudge (0), outer (convex) = nudge outwards (+1)
for (int y = 0; y < DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE; ++y) {
for (int z = 0; z < DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE; ++z) {
for (int x = 0; x < DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE; ++x) {
int sx = x + sx0;
int sy = y + sy0;
int sz = z + sz0;
if (selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz) || unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz)) {
// xneg face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz)) {
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// xpos face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz)) {
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// yneg face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// ypos face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// zneg face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// zpos face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) {
* draw the textured surface of this chunk starting from the [x0,y0,z0] index into the selection
* @param world
* @param overrideTexture if not null, use the texture from this block
* @param unknownVoxels
* @param wxOrigin world x of the selection
* @param wyOrigin world y of the selection
* @param wzOrigin world z of the selection
* @param sx0 start x coordinate in the selection
* @param sy0 start y coordinate in the selection
* @param sz0 start z coordinated in the selection
* @param tessellator
* @param whatToDraw
* @param nudgeDistance how far to nudge the face (to prevent overlap)
private void tessellateSurfaceWithTexture(World world, IBlockState overrideTexture,
VoxelSelection selection, VoxelSelection unknownVoxels, int wxOrigin, int wyOrigin, int wzOrigin,
int sx0, int sy0, int sz0,
Tessellator tessellator, WhatToDraw whatToDraw, double nudgeDistance)
int xNegNudge, xPosNudge, yNegNudge, yPosNudge, zNegNudge, zPosNudge;
WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer();
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) {
// goes outside the VoxelSelection size, which always returns zero when out of bounds
// "nudges" the quad boundaries to make solid blocks slightly larger, avoids annoying visual artifacts when overlapping with world blocks
// three cases of nudge for each edge: internal (concave) edges = nudge inwards (-1), flat = no nudge (0), outer (convex) = nudge outwards (+1)
for (int y = 0; y < DISPLAY_LIST_YSIZE; ++y) {
for (int z = 0; z < DISPLAY_LIST_ZSIZE; ++z) {
for (int x = 0; x < DISPLAY_LIST_XSIZE; ++x) {
int sx = x + sx0;
int sy = y + sy0;
int sz = z + sz0;
boolean selected = selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz);
if (selected || unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz)) {
int wx = sx + wxOrigin;
int wy = sy + wyOrigin;
int wz = sz + wzOrigin;
// unknown blocks get SelectionFog
// selected blocks which are air (either because the block is air, or because the chunk is not loaded), get SelectionSolidFog
IBlockState iBlockState = RegistryForBlocks.blockSelectionFog.getDefaultState();
if (selected) {
if (overrideTexture != null) {
iBlockState = overrideTexture;
} else {
iBlockState = world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(wx, wy, wz));
if (iBlockState == Blocks.air) {
iBlockState = RegistryForBlocks.blockSelectionSolidFog.getDefaultState();
// xneg face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx - 1, sy, sz)) {
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.WEST);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV());
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// xpos face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx + 1, sy, sz)) {
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.EAST);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV());
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// yneg face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy-1, sz)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy-1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.DOWN);
// NB yneg face is flipped left-right in vanilla
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV());
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// ypos face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy+1, sz)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+1, sz+0) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
zNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz-1) ? 0 : 1) );
zPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+0, sz+1) ? 0 : 1) );
SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.UP);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z - zNegNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + nudgeDistance, z + 1 + zPosNudge * nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV());
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// zneg face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz-1)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz-1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.NORTH);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z - nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV());
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
// zpos face
if (!selection.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1) && !unknownVoxels.getVoxel(sx, sy, sz+1)) {
xNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx-1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
xPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+1, sy+0, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yNegNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy-1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
yPosNudge = (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+1) ? -1 : (selection.getVoxel(sx+0, sy+1, sz+0) ? 0 : 1) );
SelectionBlockTextures.SBTIcon icon = selectionBlockTextures.getSBTIcon(iBlockState, EnumFacing.SOUTH);
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) worldRenderer.startDrawing(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP);
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y - yNegNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMaxV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x + 1 + xPosNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV());
worldRenderer.addVertexWithUV(x - xNegNudge * nudgeDistance, y + 1 + yPosNudge * nudgeDistance, z + 1 + nudgeDistance, icon.getMinU(), icon.getMinV());
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.WIREFRAME) tessellator.draw();
if (whatToDraw == WhatToDraw.FACES) {
* create the "cage" wireframes for the selection
* @param meshXSize
* @param ySize
* @param meshZSize
private void createMeshRenderLists(int meshXSize, int ySize, int meshZSize)
final int MESH_HEIGHT = 256;
generateWireFrame2DMesh(displayListWireFrameXY, meshXSize, MESH_HEIGHT, 0);
generateWireFrame2DMesh(displayListWireFrameXZ, meshXSize, 0, meshZSize);
generateWireFrame2DMesh(displayListWireFrameYZ, 0, MESH_HEIGHT, meshZSize);
* a vertical wireframe mesh made up of 1x1 squares, in the xy, yz, or xz plane
* origin is the top (ymax) corner, i.e. the topmost square is [0,0,0], the bottommost square is +xcount, -ycount, zcount
* one of the three must be 0 to specify which plane the mesh is in.
private void generateWireFrame2DMesh(int displayListNumber, int xcount, int ycount, int zcount)
if (displayListNumber == 0) return;
assert (xcount >= 0 && ycount >= 0 && zcount >= 0);
assert (xcount == 0 || ycount == 0 || zcount == 0);
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); WorldRenderer worldRenderer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer();
GL11.glNewList(displayListNumber, GL11.GL_COMPILE);
worldRenderer.addVertex(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (xcount == 0) {
worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -ycount, 0.0);
worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -ycount, zcount);
worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, 0, zcount);
} else {
worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, 0.0, 0.0);
worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, -ycount, zcount);
worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -ycount, zcount);
for (int x = 1; x < xcount; ++x) {
worldRenderer.addVertex(x, 0.0, 0.0);
worldRenderer.addVertex(x, -ycount, zcount);
for (int y = 1; y < ycount; ++y) {
worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, -y, 0.0);
worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, -y, zcount);
for (int z = 1; z < zcount; ++z) {
worldRenderer.addVertex( 0.0, 0.0, z);
worldRenderer.addVertex(xcount, -ycount, z);