package speedytools.common.selections; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import speedytools.common.utilities.Pair; import speedytools.common.utilities.QuadOrientation; import*; import java.util.BitSet; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 15/02/14 */ public class VoxelSelection { public static final int MAX_X_SIZE = 256; public static final int MAX_Y_SIZE = 256; public static final int MAX_Z_SIZE = 256; public VoxelSelection(int xSize, int ySize, int zSize) { resize(xSize, ySize, zSize); } /** deep copy * * @param source */ public VoxelSelection(VoxelSelection source) { resize(source.xSize, source.ySize, source.zSize); voxels = (BitSet)source.voxels.clone(); } public void clearAll() { voxels.clear(); } public void resizeAndClear(int x, int y, int z) { resize(x, y, z); } public void setAll() { voxels.set(0, xSize * ySize * zSize); } /** * set the value of this voxel (or does nothing if x,y,z out of range) * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public void setVoxel(int x, int y, int z) { if ( x < 0 || x >= xSize || y < 0 || y >= ySize || z < 0 || z >= zSize) { return; } voxels.set(x + xSize * (y + ySize * z)); } /** * set the value of this voxel (or does nothing if x,y,z out of range) * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public void clearVoxel(int x, int y, int z) { if ( x < 0 || x >= xSize || y < 0 || y >= ySize || z < 0 || z >= zSize) { return; } voxels.clear(x + xSize * (y + ySize * z)); } /** * gets the value of this voxel * @param x * @param y * @param z * @return the voxel state, or false if x, y, or z is out of range */ public boolean getVoxel(int x, int y, int z) { if ( x < 0 || x >= xSize || y < 0 || y >= ySize || z < 0 || z >= zSize) { return false; } return voxels.get(x + xSize *(y + ySize * z) ); } private void resize(int x, int y, int z) { if ( x <= 0 || x > MAX_X_SIZE || y <= 0 || y > MAX_Y_SIZE || z <= 0 || z > MAX_Z_SIZE ) { FMLLog.severe("Out-of-range [x,y,z] in VoxelSelection constructor: [%d, %d, %d]", x, y, z); x = 1; y = 1; z = 1; } xSize = x; ySize = y; zSize = z; if (voxels == null) { voxels = new BitSet(xSize * ySize * zSize); // default to all false } else { voxels.clear(); } } /** serialise the VoxelSelection to a byte array * @return the serialised VoxelSelection, or null for failure */ public ByteArrayOutputStream writeToBytes() { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; try { bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(bos); outputStream.writeInt(xSize); outputStream.writeInt(ySize); outputStream.writeInt(zSize); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStream); objectOutputStream.writeObject(voxels); objectOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().debug("Exception while converting VoxelSelection toDataArray:" + ioe); bos = null; } return bos; } /** fill this VoxelSelection using the serialised VoxelSelection byte array * @param byteArrayInputStream the bytearray containing the serialised VoxelSelection * @return true for success, false for failure (leaves selection untouched) */ public boolean readFromBytes(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream) { try { DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(byteArrayInputStream); int newXsize = inputStream.readInt(); int newYsize = inputStream.readInt(); int newZsize = inputStream.readInt(); if (newXsize < 1 || newXsize > MAX_X_SIZE || newYsize < 1 || newYsize > MAX_Y_SIZE || newZsize < 1 || newZsize > MAX_Z_SIZE) { return false; } ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream); Object newVoxels = objectInputStream.readObject(); if (! (newVoxels instanceof BitSet)) return false; xSize = newXsize; ySize = newYsize; zSize = newZsize; voxels = (BitSet)newVoxels; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().debug("Exception while VoxelSelection.readFromDataArray: " + cnfe); return false; } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().debug("Exception while VoxelSelection.readFromDataArray: " + ioe); return false; } return true; } /** * Creates a copy of this VoxelSelection, adding a border of blank voxels on all faces. * For example - if the VoxelSelection has size 5x6x7, and borderWidth is 2, the resulting VoxelSelection is 9x10x11 in size * And (eg) if the initial VoxelSelection is all set, the new selection will be all clear except from the box from [2,2,2] to [6,7,8] inclusive which will be all set * @param borderWidth the number of voxels in the border added to all faces * @return the new VoxelSelection */ public VoxelSelection makeCopyWithEmptyBorder(int borderWidth) { VoxelSelection copy = new VoxelSelection(xSize + 2 * borderWidth, ySize + 2 * borderWidth, zSize + 2 * borderWidth); for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z) { if (getVoxel(x,y,z)) { copy.setVoxel(x + borderWidth, y + borderWidth, z + borderWidth); } } } } return copy; } /** splits this VoxelSelection into two, in accordance with the supplied mask: * For each set voxel in this: * 1) if the mask is clear, the voxel is removed from this and added to the return value * 2) if the mask is set, the voxel remains in this * @param mask * @param xOffsetOfMask the origin of the mask relative to the origin of this fragment * @param yOffsetOfMask * @param zOffsetOfMask * @return a new VoxelSelection containing those voxels that aren't also present in the mask. */ public VoxelSelection splitByMask(VoxelSelection mask, int xOffsetOfMask, int yOffsetOfMask, int zOffsetOfMask) { VoxelSelection notOverlapped = new VoxelSelection(this); notOverlapped.clearAll(); int xSize = mask.getxSize(); int ySize = mask.getySize(); int zSize = mask.getzSize(); for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { if (getVoxel(x - xOffsetOfMask, y - yOffsetOfMask, z - zOffsetOfMask)) { if (!mask.getVoxel(x, y, z)) { notOverlapped.setVoxel(x - xOffsetOfMask, y - yOffsetOfMask, z - zOffsetOfMask); this.clearVoxel(x - xOffsetOfMask, y - yOffsetOfMask, z - zOffsetOfMask); } } } } } return notOverlapped; } /** * Creates a reoriented copy of this VoxelSelection and add a border of blank voxels on all faces. * @param borderWidth the number of voxels in the border added to all faces * @param orientation the new orientation (flip, rotate) * @param wxzOrigin takes the current [wxMin, wzMin] and returns the new [wxMin, wzMin] - if the selection is rotated this may change * @return the new VoxelSelection */ public VoxelSelection makeReorientedCopyWithBorder(QuadOrientation orientation, int borderWidth, Pair<Integer, Integer> wxzOrigin) { int wxMin = wxzOrigin.getFirst(); int wzMin = wxzOrigin.getSecond(); Pair<Integer, Integer> xrange = new Pair<Integer, Integer>(wxMin, wxMin + xSize - 1); Pair<Integer, Integer> zrange = new Pair<Integer, Integer>(wzMin, wzMin + zSize - 1); orientation.getWXZranges(xrange, zrange); int wxNewMin = xrange.getFirst(); int wzNewMin = zrange.getFirst(); wxzOrigin.setFirst(wxNewMin); wxzOrigin.setSecond(wzNewMin); int newXsize = (xrange.getSecond() - xrange.getFirst() + 1) + 2 * borderWidth; int newYsize = ySize + 2* borderWidth; int newZsize = (zrange.getSecond() - zrange.getFirst() + 1) + 2 * borderWidth; VoxelSelection copy = new VoxelSelection(newXsize, newYsize, newZsize); for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z) { if (getVoxel(x,y,z)) { copy.setVoxel(orientation.calcWXfromXZ(x, z) + borderWidth - wxNewMin, y + borderWidth, orientation.calcWZfromXZ(x, z) + borderWidth - wzNewMin); } } } } return copy; } /** For the given VoxelSelection, make a "BorderMask" copy where all the empty voxels adjacent to a set voxel are marked as set. * i.e. for a given [x,y,z]: * 1) if the voxel is set, the BorderMask voxel is clear * 2) if all of the six adjacent voxels are clear, the BorderMask voxel is clear * 3) otherwise, the BorderMask voxel is set. * * @return */ public VoxelSelection generateBorderMask() { VoxelSelection copy = new VoxelSelection(xSize, ySize, zSize); for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z) { if (!getVoxel(x, y, z)) { if (getVoxel(x-1, y, z) || getVoxel(x+1, y, z) || getVoxel(x, y-1, z) || getVoxel(x, y+1, z) || getVoxel(x, y, z-1) || getVoxel(x, y, z+1)) { copy.setVoxel(x, y, z); } } } } } return copy; } /** * clear all voxels outside of the given ranges (inclusive) * @param yMin * @param yMax */ public void clipToYrange(int yMin, int yMax) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { if (y < yMin || y > yMax) { for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z) { clearVoxel(x,y,z); } } } } } /** checks whether all of the set voxels in voxelSelection are also set in this VoxelSelection * @param voxelSelection the voxels to test against. must be the same size as 'this'. * @return true if all of the set voxels in voxelSelection are also set in this VoxelSelection */ public boolean containsAllOfThisMask(VoxelSelection voxelSelection) { assert(voxelSelection.xSize == this.xSize && voxelSelection.ySize == this.ySize && voxelSelection.zSize == this.zSize); BitSet maskBitsNotInThis = (BitSet)voxelSelection.voxels.clone(); maskBitsNotInThis.andNot(this.voxels); return maskBitsNotInThis.length() == 0; } /** * updates this to include all set Voxels in both this and in voxelSelection * @param voxelSelection the voxels to be set. Must be the same size as 'this'. */ public void union(VoxelSelection voxelSelection) { assert(voxelSelection.xSize == this.xSize && voxelSelection.ySize == this.ySize && voxelSelection.zSize == this.zSize); voxels.or(voxelSelection.voxels); } private BitSet voxels; public int getxSize() { return xSize; } public int getySize() { return ySize; } public int getzSize() { return zSize; } public int getSetVoxelsCount() { return voxels.cardinality(); } protected int xSize; protected int ySize; protected int zSize; }