package; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.*; import; import speedytools.clientside.UndoManagerClient; import; import speedytools.clientside.rendering.*; import speedytools.clientside.selections.BlockMultiSelector; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundController; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundEffectBoundaryHum; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundEffectNames; import speedytools.clientside.sound.SoundEffectSimple; import speedytools.clientside.userinput.UserInput; import speedytools.common.items.ItemSpeedyBoundary; import speedytools.common.items.ItemSpeedyTool; import speedytools.common.utilities.Pair; import speedytools.common.utilities.UsefulConstants; import speedytools.common.utilities.UsefulFunctions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 18/04/2014 */ public class SpeedyToolBoundary extends SpeedyToolComplexBase { public SpeedyToolBoundary(ItemSpeedyBoundary i_parentItem, SpeedyToolRenderers i_renderers, SoundController i_speedyToolSounds, UndoManagerClient i_undoManagerClient, PacketSenderClient i_packetSenderClient) { super(i_parentItem, i_renderers, i_speedyToolSounds, i_undoManagerClient, i_packetSenderClient); itemSpeedyBoundary = i_parentItem; wireframeRendererUpdateLink = BoundaryToolWireframeRendererLink(); boundaryFieldRendererUpdateLink = BoundaryFieldRendererUpdateLink(); } @Override public boolean activateTool(ItemStack newToolItemStack) { currentToolItemStack = newToolItemStack; if (soundEffectBoundaryHum == null) { BoundaryHumLink boundaryHumLink = BoundaryHumLink(); soundEffectBoundaryHum = new SoundEffectBoundaryHum(SoundEffectNames.BOUNDARY_HUM, soundController, boundaryHumLink); } soundEffectBoundaryHum.startPlayingLoop(); LinkedList<RendererElement> rendererElements = new LinkedList<RendererElement>(); rendererElements.add(new RendererWireframeSelection(wireframeRendererUpdateLink)); rendererElements.add(new RendererBoundaryField(boundaryFieldRendererUpdateLink)); speedyToolRenderers.setRenderers(rendererElements); iAmActive = true; return true; } /** The user has unequipped this tool, deactivate it, stop any effects, etc * @return */ @Override public boolean deactivateTool() { speedyToolRenderers.setRenderers(null); if (soundEffectBoundaryHum != null) { soundEffectBoundaryHum.stopPlaying(); } iAmActive = false; return true; } /** called once per tick on the client side while the user is holding an ItemCloneTool * used to: * (1) background generation of a selection, if it has been initiated * (2) start transmission of the selection, if it has just been completed * (3) acknowledge (get) the action and undo statuses */ @Override public void performTick(World world) { updateGrabRenderTick(boundaryGrabActivated); } /** * when selecting the first block in a selection, how should it be done? * * @return */ @Override protected BlockMultiSelector.BlockSelectionBehaviour getBlockSelectionBehaviour() { return BlockMultiSelector.BlockSelectionBehaviour.BOUNDARY_STYLE; } @Override public boolean processUserInput(EntityPlayerSP player, float partialTick, UserInput userInput) { if (!iAmActive) return false; controlKeyIsDown = userInput.isControlKeyDown(); UserInput.InputEvent nextEvent; while (null != (nextEvent = userInput.poll())) { switch (nextEvent.eventType) { case LEFT_CLICK_DOWN: { boundaryCorner1 = null; boundaryCorner2 = null; SoundEffectSimple soundEffectSimple = new SoundEffectSimple(SoundEffectNames.BOUNDARY_UNPLACE, soundController); soundEffectSimple.startPlaying(); break; } case RIGHT_CLICK_DOWN: { doRightClick(player, partialTick); break; } } } return true; } /** * place corner blocks; or if already both placed - grab / ungrab one of the faces. * @param player * @param partialTick */ protected void doRightClick(EntityPlayerSP player, float partialTick) { if (boundaryCorner1 == null) { if (blockUnderCursor == null) return; boundaryCorner1 = new BlockPos(blockUnderCursor); SoundEffectSimple soundEffectSimple = new SoundEffectSimple(SoundEffectNames.BOUNDARY_PLACE_1ST, soundController); soundEffectSimple.startPlaying(); } else if (boundaryCorner2 == null) { if (blockUnderCursor == null) return; addCornerPointWithMaxSize(blockUnderCursor); SoundEffectSimple soundEffectSimple = new SoundEffectSimple(SoundEffectNames.BOUNDARY_PLACE_2ND, soundController); soundEffectSimple.startPlaying(); } else { if (boundaryGrabActivated) { // ungrab Vec3 playerPositionEyes = player.getPositionEyes(partialTick); AxisAlignedBB newBoundaryField = getGrabDraggedBoundaryField(playerPositionEyes); boundaryCorner1 = new BlockPos((int)Math.round(newBoundaryField.minX), (int)Math.round(newBoundaryField.minY), (int)Math.round(newBoundaryField.minZ)); boundaryCorner2 = new BlockPos((int)Math.round(newBoundaryField.maxX - 1), (int)Math.round(newBoundaryField.maxY - 1), (int)Math.round(newBoundaryField.maxZ - 1)); boundaryGrabActivated = false; SoundEffectSimple soundEffectSimple = new SoundEffectSimple(SoundEffectNames.BOUNDARY_UNGRAB, soundController); soundEffectSimple.startPlaying(); } else { MovingObjectPosition highlightedFace = boundaryFieldFaceSelection(player); if (highlightedFace == null) return; boundaryGrabActivated = true; boundaryGrabSide = highlightedFace.sideHit.getIndex(); Vec3 playerPosition = player.getPositionEyes(1.0F); boundaryGrabPoint = new Vec3(playerPosition.xCoord, playerPosition.yCoord, playerPosition.zCoord); SoundEffectSimple soundEffectSimple = new SoundEffectSimple(SoundEffectNames.BOUNDARY_GRAB, soundController); soundEffectSimple.startPlaying(); } } } /** * Update the selection or boundary field based on where the player is looking * @param world * @param player * @param partialTick * @return */ @Override public boolean updateForThisFrame(World world, EntityPlayerSP player, float partialTick) { // update icon renderer ItemSpeedyBoundary.IconNames itemIcon = ItemSpeedyBoundary.IconNames.BLANK; if (boundaryCorner1 == null && boundaryCorner2 == null) { itemIcon = ItemSpeedyBoundary.IconNames.NONE_PLACED; } else if (boundaryCorner1 == null || boundaryCorner2 == null) { itemIcon = ItemSpeedyBoundary.IconNames.ONE_PLACED; } else { if (boundaryGrabActivated) { itemIcon = ItemSpeedyBoundary.IconNames.GRABBING; } else { itemIcon = ItemSpeedyBoundary.IconNames.TWO_PLACED; } } itemSpeedyBoundary.setCurrentIcon(itemIcon); if (boundaryCorner1 == null || boundaryCorner2 == null) { boundaryGrabActivated = false; } // if boundary field active: calculate the face where the cursor is if (boundaryCorner1 != null && boundaryCorner2 != null) { MovingObjectPosition highlightedFace = boundaryFieldFaceSelection(player); boundaryCursorSide = (highlightedFace != null) ? highlightedFace.sideHit.getIndex() : UsefulConstants.FACE_NONE; return true; } // choose a starting block blockUnderCursor = null; BlockMultiSelector.BlockSelectionBehaviour blockSelectionBehaviour = getBlockSelectionBehaviour(); MovingObjectPosition airSelectionIgnoringBlocks = BlockMultiSelector.selectStartingBlock(null, blockSelectionBehaviour, player, partialTick); if (airSelectionIgnoringBlocks == null) return false; ItemSpeedyTool.CollideWithLiquids collideWithLiquids= blockSelectionBehaviour.isWaterCollision() ? ItemSpeedyTool.CollideWithLiquids.COLLIDE_WITH_LIQUIDS : ItemSpeedyTool.CollideWithLiquids.DO_NOT_COLLIDE_WITH_LIQUIDS; MovingObjectPosition target = itemSpeedyBoundary.rayTraceLineOfSight(player.worldObj, player, collideWithLiquids); // we want to make sure that we only select a block at very short range. So if we have hit a block beyond this range, shorten the target to eliminate it if (target == null) { target = airSelectionIgnoringBlocks; } else if (target.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { if (target.hitVec.dotProduct(target.hitVec) > airSelectionIgnoringBlocks.hitVec.dotProduct(airSelectionIgnoringBlocks.hitVec)) { target = airSelectionIgnoringBlocks; } } blockUnderCursor = target.getBlockPos(); return true; } /** * This class is used to provide information to the Boundary Field Renderer when it needs it: * The Renderer calls refreshRenderInfo, which copies the relevant information from the tool. */ public class BoundaryFieldRendererUpdateLink implements RendererBoundaryField.BoundaryFieldRenderInfoUpdateLink { @Override public boolean refreshRenderInfo(RendererBoundaryField.BoundaryFieldRenderInfo infoToUpdate, Vec3 playerPositionEyes) { if (boundaryCorner1 == null && boundaryCorner2 == null) return false; infoToUpdate.boundaryCursorSide = boundaryCursorSide; infoToUpdate.boundaryGrabActivated = boundaryGrabActivated; infoToUpdate.boundaryGrabSide = boundaryGrabSide; infoToUpdate.boundaryFieldAABB = getGrabDraggedBoundaryField(playerPositionEyes); return true; } } /** * This class is used to provide information to the WireFrame Renderer when it needs it: * The Renderer calls refreshRenderInfo, which copies the relevant information from the tool. * Draws a wireframe selection, provided that not both of the corners have been placed yet */ public class BoundaryToolWireframeRendererLink implements RendererWireframeSelection.WireframeRenderInfoUpdateLink { @Override public boolean refreshRenderInfo(RendererWireframeSelection.WireframeRenderInfo infoToUpdate) { if (boundaryCorner1 != null && boundaryCorner2 != null) return false; infoToUpdate.currentlySelectedBlocks = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(1); infoToUpdate.currentlySelectedBlocks.add(blockUnderCursor); return true; } } /** find the closest part of the boundary field (the epicentre), calculate the distance to it. */ private class BoundaryHumLink implements SoundEffectBoundaryHum.BoundaryHumUpdateLink { @Override public boolean refreshHumInfo(SoundEffectBoundaryHum.BoundaryHumInfo infoToUpdate) { EntityPlayerSP entityPlayerSP = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; AxisAlignedBB boundaryFieldAABB = getBoundaryField(); if (boundaryFieldAABB == null) return false; Vec3 playerPosition = entityPlayerSP.getPositionEyes(0); Vec3 epicentre = new Vec3((boundaryFieldAABB.minX + boundaryFieldAABB.maxX) / 2.0, (boundaryFieldAABB.minY + boundaryFieldAABB.maxY) / 2.0, (boundaryFieldAABB.minZ + boundaryFieldAABB.maxZ) / 2.0); MovingObjectPosition mop = boundaryFieldAABB.calculateIntercept(playerPosition, epicentre); if (mop == null) { // full volume when inside field infoToUpdate.soundEpicentre = playerPosition; infoToUpdate.distanceToEpicentre = 0; return true; } infoToUpdate.soundEpicentre = mop.hitVec; infoToUpdate.distanceToEpicentre = (float)playerPosition.distanceTo(infoToUpdate.soundEpicentre); return true; } } /** * Calculate the current boundary field * @return the new boundary field, null if a problem occurred. The AABB must be used for only one tick because it * is allocated from a pool that is reused. */ public AxisAlignedBB getBoundaryField() { sortBoundaryFieldCorners(); if (boundaryCorner1 == null) return null; BlockPos cnrMin = boundaryCorner1; BlockPos cnrMax = (boundaryCorner2 != null) ? boundaryCorner2 : boundaryCorner1; double wXmin = cnrMin.getX(); double wYmin = cnrMin.getY(); double wZmin = cnrMin.getZ(); double wXmax = cnrMax.getX() + 1; double wYmax = cnrMax.getY() + 1; double wZmax = cnrMax.getZ() + 1; return new AxisAlignedBB(wXmin, wYmin, wZmin, wXmax, wYmax, wZmax); } /** * Copies the boundary field coordinates into the supplied min and max BlockPos * @param minCoord the chunk coordinate to be filled with the minimum x, y, z corner * @param maxCoord the chunk coordinate to be filled with the maximum x, y, z corner * @return true if the boundary field is valid; false if there is no boundary field */ @Deprecated public boolean copyBoundaryCorners(BlockPos minCoord, BlockPos maxCoord) { sortBoundaryFieldCorners(); if (boundaryCorner1 == null) { return false; } BlockPos cnrMin = boundaryCorner1; BlockPos cnrMax = (boundaryCorner2 != null) ? boundaryCorner2 : boundaryCorner1; // minCoord.posX = cnrMin.posX; // minCoord.posY = cnrMin.posY; // minCoord.posZ = cnrMin.posZ; // maxCoord.posX = cnrMax.posX; // maxCoord.posY = cnrMax.posY; // maxCoord.posZ = cnrMax.posZ; BlockPos nullPos = null; nullPos.add(1,2,3); // cause a crash return true; } /** * Gets the boundary field extend (integer positions) * @return Pair<[minx, miny, minz], [maxx, maxy, maxz]> or null if there is no boundary field */ public Pair<BlockPos, BlockPos> getBoundaryCorners() { sortBoundaryFieldCorners(); if (boundaryCorner1 == null) { return null; } BlockPos cnrMin = boundaryCorner1; BlockPos cnrMax = (boundaryCorner2 != null) ? boundaryCorner2 : boundaryCorner1; return new Pair<BlockPos, BlockPos>(cnrMin, cnrMax); } /** * Calculate the new boundary field after being dragged to the current player position * Drags one side depending on which one the player grabbed, and how far they have moved * Won't drag the boundary field smaller than one block * @param playerPositionEyes * @return the new boundary field, null if a problem occurred */ private AxisAlignedBB getGrabDraggedBoundaryField(Vec3 playerPositionEyes) { sortBoundaryFieldCorners(); if (boundaryCorner1 == null) return null; BlockPos cnrMin = boundaryCorner1; BlockPos cnrMax = (boundaryCorner2 != null) ? boundaryCorner2 : boundaryCorner1; double wXmin = cnrMin.getX(); double wYmin = cnrMin.getY(); double wZmin = cnrMin.getZ(); double wXmax = cnrMax.getX() + 1; double wYmax = cnrMax.getY() + 1; double wZmax = cnrMax.getZ() + 1; if (boundaryGrabActivated) { switch (boundaryGrabSide) { case UsefulConstants.FACE_YNEG: { wYmin += playerPositionEyes.yCoord - boundaryGrabPoint.yCoord; wYmin = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(wYmin, wYmax - SELECTION_MAX_YSIZE, wYmax - 1.0); break; } case UsefulConstants.FACE_YPOS: { wYmax += playerPositionEyes.yCoord - boundaryGrabPoint.yCoord; wYmax = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(wYmax, wYmin + SELECTION_MAX_YSIZE, wYmin + 1.0); break; } case UsefulConstants.FACE_ZNEG: { wZmin += playerPositionEyes.zCoord - boundaryGrabPoint.zCoord; wZmin = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(wZmin, wZmax - SELECTION_MAX_ZSIZE, wZmax - 1.0); break; } case UsefulConstants.FACE_ZPOS: { wZmax += playerPositionEyes.zCoord - boundaryGrabPoint.zCoord; wZmax = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(wZmax, wZmin + SELECTION_MAX_ZSIZE, wZmin + 1.0); break; } case UsefulConstants.FACE_XNEG: { wXmin += playerPositionEyes.xCoord - boundaryGrabPoint.xCoord; wXmin = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(wXmin, wXmax - SELECTION_MAX_XSIZE, wXmax - 1.0); break; } case UsefulConstants.FACE_XPOS: { wXmax += playerPositionEyes.xCoord - boundaryGrabPoint.xCoord; wXmax = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(wXmax, wXmin + SELECTION_MAX_XSIZE, wXmin + 1.0); break; } default: { FMLLog.warning("Invalid boundaryGrabSide (%d", boundaryGrabSide); } } } return new AxisAlignedBB(wXmin, wYmin, wZmin, wXmax, wYmax, wZmax); } /** * add a new corner to the boundary (replace boundaryCorner2). If the selection is too big, move boundaryCorner1. * @param newCorner */ private void addCornerPointWithMaxSize(BlockPos newCorner) { boundaryCorner2 = new BlockPos(newCorner); int posX = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(boundaryCorner1.getX(), newCorner.getX() - SELECTION_MAX_XSIZE + 1, newCorner.getX() + SELECTION_MAX_XSIZE - 1); int posY = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(boundaryCorner1.getY(), newCorner.getY() - SELECTION_MAX_YSIZE + 1, newCorner.getY() + SELECTION_MAX_YSIZE - 1); int posZ = UsefulFunctions.clipToRange(boundaryCorner1.getZ(), newCorner.getZ() - SELECTION_MAX_ZSIZE + 1, newCorner.getZ() + SELECTION_MAX_ZSIZE - 1); boundaryCorner1 = new BlockPos(posX, posY, posZ); sortBoundaryFieldCorners(); } private boolean boundaryGrabActivated = false; private int boundaryGrabSide = UsefulConstants.FACE_NONE; private Vec3 boundaryGrabPoint = null; protected int boundaryCursorSide = UsefulConstants.FACE_NONE; private SoundEffectBoundaryHum soundEffectBoundaryHum; private ItemSpeedyBoundary itemSpeedyBoundary; }