package speedytools.common.items; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import; import speedytools.SpeedyToolsMod; import speedytools.clientside.ClientSide; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 2/11/13 * Some items use a combination of stack size and damage to determine the mode */ public abstract class ItemSpeedyTool extends Item { public ItemSpeedyTool(PlacementCountModes i_validPlacementCountModes) { super(); setCreativeTab(ClientSide.tabSpeedyTools); validPlacementCountModes = i_validPlacementCountModes; setMaxDamage(-1); // not damageable } public enum PlacementCountModes {FINITE_ONLY, INFINITE_ONLY, BOTH} public enum CollideWithLiquids {COLLIDE_WITH_LIQUIDS, DO_NOT_COLLIDE_WITH_LIQUIDS} /** * Finds the first block in the player's line of sight, including liquids * Has to be in here because getMovingObjectPositionFromPlayer is protected. * @param world * @param entityPlayer * @return the corresponding MovingObjectPosition */ public MovingObjectPosition rayTraceLineOfSight(World world, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, CollideWithLiquids collideWithLiquids) { return this.getMovingObjectPositionFromPlayer(world, entityPlayer, (collideWithLiquids == CollideWithLiquids.COLLIDE_WITH_LIQUIDS)); } /** * does this tool use the adjacent block in the hotbar? * @return */ public boolean usesAdjacentBlockInHotbar() {return true;} protected final int INFINITE_MODE_DAMAGE = 1; protected final int FINITE_MODE_DAMAGE = 2; protected final int INFINITE_MODE_STACKSIZE_CHANGE_TRIGGER = 64; // returns an array of all the metadata values that are valid for this item. Intended for use when registering item models public int [] validMetadataValues() { return new int[] {0, INFINITE_MODE_DAMAGE, FINITE_MODE_DAMAGE}; } /** return the ModelResourceLocation string for the given variant of this item * @param itemName as string * @param metadata item metadata * @return name of the resource to be used for new ModelResourceLocation */ public String getVariantModelResLoc(String itemName, int metadata) { return SpeedyToolsMod.prependModID(itemName); } /** * sets the number of blocks to be placed * if invalid, wraps around to a valid number * @param itemStack * @param newCount the number of blocks; 0 = infinite; if invalid, wraps around to a valid number */ public void setPlacementCount(ItemStack itemStack, int newCount) { if (itemStack == null) return; boolean makeInfinite = false; if (validPlacementCountModes == PlacementCountModes.INFINITE_ONLY) { makeInfinite = true; } else { if (newCount == 0 && validPlacementCountModes != PlacementCountModes.FINITE_ONLY) { makeInfinite = true; } else { newCount = ((newCount - 1) % maxStackSize); newCount = ((newCount + maxStackSize) % maxStackSize) + 1; // take care of negative makeInfinite = (newCount == INFINITE_MODE_STACKSIZE_CHANGE_TRIGGER) && validPlacementCountModes != PlacementCountModes.FINITE_ONLY; } } if (makeInfinite) { assert (validPlacementCountModes != PlacementCountModes.FINITE_ONLY); setDamage(itemStack, INFINITE_MODE_DAMAGE); itemStack.stackSize = 1; return; } itemStack.stackSize = newCount; setDamage(itemStack, FINITE_MODE_DAMAGE); } /** * retrieves the number of blocks to be placed * @param itemStack * @return 1 - max for finite, or 0 for infinite (see also isInfiniteMode) */ public int getPlacementCount(ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack == null) return 1; if (isInfiniteMode(itemStack)) return 0; return itemStack.stackSize; } // revalidate the placement count, in case the user has changed it (eg merged a stack of items) public void revalidatePlacementCount(ItemStack itemStack) { setPlacementCount(itemStack, getPlacementCount(itemStack)); } /** * returns true if this tool is in "infinite placement" mode. * @param itemStack * @return */ public boolean isInfiniteMode(ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack == null) return false; switch (validPlacementCountModes) { case FINITE_ONLY: { return false; } case INFINITE_ONLY: { return true; } case BOTH: { return (itemStack.getItemDamage() == INFINITE_MODE_DAMAGE); } default: { ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("ItemSpeedyTool invalid validPlacementCountModes:" + validPlacementCountModes); return false; } } } private final PlacementCountModes validPlacementCountModes; }