package; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import speedytools.common.selections.BlockVoxelMultiSelector; import speedytools.common.SpeedyToolsOptions; import; import speedytools.common.selections.VoxelSelectionWithOrigin; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import*; /** * User: The Grey Ghost * Date: 28/03/14 * * * Used to transmit a VoxelSelection * Basic usage: * On the client side (the sender) * (1) createSenderPacket to create a SelectionPacket from the voxel selection * (2) Transmit the SelectionPacket as per MultipartPacket * On the server side (the receiver) * (1) give SelectionPacketCreator to the MultipartPacket factory * (1) createReceiverPacket to create the packet from the incoming Packet250 * (2) continue receiving the SelectionPacket as per MultipartPacket * (3) once complete, retrieveVoxelSelection to extract the VoxelSelection */ public class SelectionPacket extends MultipartPacket { /** * Creates a new SelectionPacket for the supplied selection * @param selection * @return the new SelectionPacket, or null for failure */ public static SelectionPacket createSenderPacket(BlockVoxelMultiSelector selection, Side senderSide) { final int SEGMENT_SIZE = SpeedyToolsOptions.getSelectionPacketFragmentSize(); SelectionPacket newPacket = new SelectionPacket(Packet250Types.PACKET250_SELECTION_PACKET, senderSide, SEGMENT_SIZE); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = selection.writeToBytes(); if (bos == null) return null; newPacket.setRawDataForSending(bos.toByteArray()); return newPacket; } public static SelectionPacket createReceiverPacket(Packet250MultipartSegment packet) { SelectionPacket newPacket; try { newPacket = new SelectionPacket(packet); newPacket.processIncomingSegment(packet); return newPacket; } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("Failed to createReceiverPacket, due to exception " + ioe.toString()); return null; } } /** * Once the packet is completely received, can be used to extract the VoxelSelection from it * @return the received VoxelSelection, or null if a problem */ public VoxelSelectionWithOrigin retrieveVoxelSelection() { byte [] rawDataCopy = getRawDataCopy(); if (rawDataCopy == null) return null; VoxelSelectionWithOrigin voxelSelection = new VoxelSelectionWithOrigin(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(rawDataCopy); boolean success = voxelSelection.readFromBytes(inputStream); return success ? voxelSelection : null; } /** * Create a selection packet from in incoming segment * @param packet * @throws IOException */ protected SelectionPacket(Packet250MultipartSegment packet) throws IOException { super(packet); } /** * Create a selection packet to be sent to a receiver * @param whichSideAmIOn * @param i_packet250Type * @param i_segmentSize */ protected SelectionPacket(Packet250Types i_packet250Type, Side whichSideAmIOn, int i_segmentSize) { super(i_packet250Type, whichSideAmIOn, i_segmentSize); } // derived classes should implement this interface so that callers wishing to create a new MultipartPacket (in response to an incoming packet) // can pass this object to the packet handler, which will invoke it to create the SelectionPacket public static class SelectionPacketCreator implements MultipartPacketCreator { public MultipartPacket createNewPacket(Packet250MultipartSegment packet) { return createReceiverPacket(packet); } } }