package speedytools.serverside.backup; //import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; //import net.minecraft.command.CommandServerSay; import net.minecraft.command.CommandException; import net.minecraft.command.server.CommandBroadcast; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.IProgressUpdate; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager; import speedytools.SpeedyToolsMod; import speedytools.common.utilities.ErrorLog; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Calendar; /** * Created by TheGreyGhost on 24/02/14. * MinecraftSaveFolderBackups is used to maintain a series of backups in case the cloning tools cause severe damage to the world * The intended operation is: * (1) whenever the clone tool is about to be used (but no more frequently than every 5 minutes = MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_BACKUPS_MS), the current save folder * is copied to a new folder * (2) as each new backup is created, one of the older backups may be deleted. The deletion is performed to * keep a series of backups with increasing spacing as they get older * Up to six backups will be kept, the oldest will be at least 14 saves old (up to 21) * A backuplisting file is created in the original save folder to record the backup folders created * In addition, each backup folder contains a snapshot listing of all the filenames including size and timestamp. The folder is only * deleted if all files still match exactly. * * Usage: * (1) Create a MinecraftSaveFolderBackups(saveFolderToBeBackedUp) - or MinecraftSaveFolderBackups() to use the current save folder * (2) Each time you wish to create a backup, call .backupWorld(); if it returns true, the backup was successful */ public class MinecraftSaveFolderBackups { /** * Creates a MinecraftSaveFolderBackups for the current save folder */ public MinecraftSaveFolderBackups() { this(null); } /** * Creates a MinecraftSaveFolderBackups for the given save folder (not necessarily the current one) * @param currentSaveFolder */ public MinecraftSaveFolderBackups(Path currentSaveFolder) { if (currentSaveFolder == null) { currentSaveFolder = DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory().toPath(); } sourceSaveFolder = currentSaveFolder; if (sourceSaveFolder == null) return; Path backupListingPath = sourceSaveFolder.resolve(BACKUP_LISTING_FILENAME); storedBackups = new StoredBackups(); storedBackups.retrieveBackupListing(backupListingPath); } private static final String BACKUP_LISTING_FILENAME = "backuplisting.dat"; private static final long MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_BACKUPS_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes public boolean backupWorld() { if (sourceSaveFolder == null) return false; Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); if (now.getTimeInMillis() - lastSaveTimeInMillis < MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_BACKUPS_MS) return false; boolean success = true; try { commandSaveOffSilent(); commandSaveAll(); Path rootSavesFolder = SpeedyToolsMod.proxy.getOrCreateSaveBackupsFolder(); Path newBackupPath = storedBackups.createBackupSave(sourceSaveFolder, rootSavesFolder, now.toString()); Path deletedBackupPath = null; if (newBackupPath != null) { announceOnChat("Created new world backup:" + newBackupPath.getFileName()); deletedBackupPath = storedBackups.cullSurplus(); // ignore any failure to cull. if (deletedBackupPath != null) { announceOnChat("Deleted old world backup:" + deletedBackupPath.getFileName()); } } boolean savedOK; savedOK = storedBackups.saveBackupListing(sourceSaveFolder.resolve(BACKUP_LISTING_FILENAME)); if (!savedOK) { ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("storedBackups.saveBackupListing failed"); } } catch (MinecraftException me) { success = false; ErrorLog.defaultLog().info("backupWorld commandSaveAll failed:" + me); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("MinecraftSaveFolderBackups::backupWorld() failed to create backup save: %s", e); } finally { commandSaveOnSilent(); } if (success) { lastSaveTimeInMillis = now.getTimeInMillis(); } return success; } // make a chat announcement private void announceOnChat(String message) { String [] allMessages = {message}; MinecraftServer minecraftServer = MinecraftServer.getServer(); CommandBroadcast commandBroadcast = new CommandBroadcast(); try { commandBroadcast.execute(minecraftServer, allMessages); } catch (CommandException ce) { // just ignore } } /** Stop saving the world to disk * copied & modified from vanilla CommandSaveOff() to make silent */ private void commandSaveOffSilent() { MinecraftServer minecraftserver = MinecraftServer.getServer(); for (int i = 0; i < minecraftserver.worldServers.length; ++i) { if (minecraftserver.worldServers[i] != null) { WorldServer worldserver = minecraftserver.worldServers[i]; if (!worldserver.disableLevelSaving) { worldserver.disableLevelSaving = true; } } } } /** resume saving the world to disk * copied & modified from vanilla CommandSaveOn() to make silent */ private void commandSaveOnSilent() { MinecraftServer minecraftserver = MinecraftServer.getServer(); for (int i = 0; i < minecraftserver.worldServers.length; ++i) { if (minecraftserver.worldServers[i] != null) { WorldServer worldserver = minecraftserver.worldServers[i]; if (worldserver.disableLevelSaving) { worldserver.disableLevelSaving = false; } } } } public void commandSaveAll() throws MinecraftException { MinecraftServer minecraftserver = MinecraftServer.getServer(); if (minecraftserver.getConfigurationManager() != null) { minecraftserver.getConfigurationManager().saveAllPlayerData(); } for (int i = 0; i < minecraftserver.worldServers.length; ++i) { if (minecraftserver.worldServers[i] != null) { WorldServer worldserver = minecraftserver.worldServers[i]; boolean flag = worldserver.disableLevelSaving; worldserver.disableLevelSaving = false; worldserver.saveAllChunks(true, (IProgressUpdate)null); worldserver.disableLevelSaving = flag; } } } // public boolean backupWorldUsingCommands() // { // if (sourceSaveFolder == null) return false; // Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); // // if (now.getTimeInMillis() - lastSaveTimeInMillis < MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_BACKUPS_MS) return false; // // boolean success = false; // MinecraftServer minecraftServer = MinecraftServer.getServer(); // // CommandServerSaveOff saveOff = new CommandServerSaveOff(); // CommandServerSaveAll saveAll = new CommandServerSaveAll(); // CommandServerSaveOn saveOn = new CommandServerSaveOn(); // // String[] dummyFlush = {"flush"}; // String[] dummy = {""}; // // saveOff.processCommand(minecraftServer, dummy); // saveAll.processCommand(minecraftServer, dummy); // // try { // Path rootSavesFolder = new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir, "saves").toPath(); // success = storedBackups.createBackupSave(sourceSaveFolder, rootSavesFolder, now.toString()); // if (success) { // storedBackups.cullSurplus(); // ignore any failure to cull. // } // boolean savedOK; // savedOK = storedBackups.saveBackupListing(sourceSaveFolder.resolve(BACKUP_LISTING_FILENAME)); // if (!savedOK) { // ErrorLog.defaultLog().warning("storedBackups.saveBackupListing failed"); // } // } catch (Exception e) { // success = false; // ErrorLog.defaultLog().severe("MinecraftSaveFolderBackups::backupWorld() failed to create backup save: %s", e); // } // // saveOn.processCommand(minecraftServer, dummy); // if (success) { // lastSaveTimeInMillis = now.getTimeInMillis(); // } // return success; // } /** * returns true if the game has recently been backed up * @return */ public boolean isBackedUpRecently() { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); return (now.getTimeInMillis() - lastSaveTimeInMillis < MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_BACKUPS_MS); } public Path getSourceSaveFolder() { return sourceSaveFolder; } private Path sourceSaveFolder; private StoredBackups storedBackups; private long lastSaveTimeInMillis = 0; }