/******************************************************************************* * AbyssalCraft * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 Shinoow. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v3 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt * * Contributors: * Shinoow - implementation ******************************************************************************/ package com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.lib; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; /** * That one place where you keep a billion ResourceLocations representing stuff * @author shinoow * */ public class NecronomiconResources { public static final ResourceLocation ABYSSALCRAFT_1 = res("abyssalcraft_1"); public static final ResourceLocation ABYSSALCRAFT_2 = res("abyssalcraft_2"); public static final ResourceLocation ABYSSALCRAFT_3 = res("abyssalcraft_3"); //Overworld entities (only going to use one picture for the anti-entities) public static final ResourceLocation ANTI_ENTITIES = res("anti-entities"); public static final ResourceLocation EVIL_ANIMALS = res("evil-animals"); public static final ResourceLocation LESSER_SHOGGOTH = res("lesser-shoggoth"); //Abyssal Wasteland entities (making entries for vanilla mobs is lethally hipster) public static final ResourceLocation ABYSSAL_ZOMBIE = res("abyssal-zombie"); public static final ResourceLocation DEPTHS_GHOUL = res("depths-ghoul"); public static final ResourceLocation SKELETON_GOLIATH = res("skeleton-goliath"); public static final ResourceLocation SPECTRAL_DRAGON = res("spectral-dragon"); public static final ResourceLocation ASORAH = res("asorah"); public static final ResourceLocation LESSER_SHOGGOTH_ABYSSAL = res("lesser-shoggoth-abyssal"); public static final ResourceLocation CORALIUM_INFESTED_SQUID = res("coralium-infested-squid"); //Dreadlands entities public static final ResourceLocation ABYSSALNITE_GOLEM = res("abyssalnite-golem"); public static final ResourceLocation DREADED_ABYSSALNITE_GOLEM = res("dreaded-abyssalnite-golem"); public static final ResourceLocation DREADLING = res("dreadling"); public static final ResourceLocation DREAD_SPAWN = res("dread-spawn"); public static final ResourceLocation DEMON_ANIMALS = res("demon-animals"); public static final ResourceLocation SPAWN_OF_CHAGAROTH = res("spawn-of-chagaroth"); public static final ResourceLocation FIST_OF_CHAGAROTH = res("fist-of-chagaroth"); public static final ResourceLocation DREADGUARD = res("dreadguard"); public static final ResourceLocation CHAGAROTH = res("chagaroth"); public static final ResourceLocation LESSER_SHOGGOTH_DREADED = res("lesser-shoggoth-dreaded"); //Omothol entities public static final ResourceLocation REMNANT = res("remnant"); public static final ResourceLocation OMOTHOL_GHOUL = res("omothol-ghoul"); public static final ResourceLocation OMOTHOL_WARDEN = res("missing"); //TODO: fix public static final ResourceLocation MINION_OF_THE_GATEKEEPER = res("minion-of-the-gatekeeper"); public static final ResourceLocation JZAHAR = res("jzahar"); public static final ResourceLocation LESSER_SHOGGOTH_OMOTHOL = res("lesser-shoggoth-omothol"); //Dark Realm entities public static final ResourceLocation SHADOW_CREATURE = res("shadow-creature"); public static final ResourceLocation SHADOW_MONSTER = res("shadow-monster"); public static final ResourceLocation SHADOW_BEAST = res("shadow-beast"); public static final ResourceLocation SHADOW_TITAN = res("missing"); //TODO: fix public static final ResourceLocation SACTHOTH = res("sacthoth"); public static final ResourceLocation LESSER_SHOGGOTH_SHADOW = res("lesser-shoggoth-shadow"); //Seals representing The Great Old Ones, no idea how many I'm going to do public static final ResourceLocation AZATHOTH_SEAL = res("azathoth"); public static final ResourceLocation NYARLATHOTEP_SEAL = res("nyarlathotep"); public static final ResourceLocation YOG_SOTHOTH_SEAL = res("yog-sothoth"); public static final ResourceLocation SHUB_NIGGURATH_SEAL = res("shub-niggurath"); public static final ResourceLocation CTHULHU_SEAL = res("cthulhu"); public static final ResourceLocation HASTUR_SEAL = res("hastur"); public static final ResourceLocation JZAHAR_SEAL = res("j-zahar"); //Crafting grid public static final ResourceLocation CRAFTING = res("crafting"); //Item frame public static final ResourceLocation ITEM = res("item"); //Ritual grid public static final ResourceLocation RITUAL = res("ritual"); //Creation Ritual slot public static final ResourceLocation RITUAL_CREATION = res("ritual_creation"); //Infusion Ritual slot public static final ResourceLocation RITUAL_INFUSION = res("ritual_infusion"); public static final ResourceLocation RITUAL_TUT_1 = res("ritual_1"); public static final ResourceLocation RITUAL_TUT_2 = res("ritual_2"); public static final ResourceLocation RITUAL_TUT_3 = res("ritual_3"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_1 = res("pe/shoggoth_lair"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_2 = res("pe/monoliths"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_3 = res("pe/shoggoth_infestation"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_4 = res("pe/statues"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_5 = res("pe/charms"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_6 = res("pe/energy_pedestal"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_7 = res("pe/sacrificial_altar"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_8 = res("pe/energy_collector"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_9 = res("pe/energy_relay"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_10 = res("pe/relays"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_11 = res("pe/energy_container"); public static final ResourceLocation PE_TUT_12 = res("pe/tiers"); //Transmutation grid public static final ResourceLocation TRANSMUTATION = res("transmutation"); //Crystallization grid (additional slot to Transmutation grid) public static final ResourceLocation CRYSTALLIZATION = res("crystallization"); //Blank image public static final ResourceLocation BLANK = res("blank"); private static ResourceLocation res(String name){ return new ResourceLocation("abyssalcraft", "textures/gui/necronomicon/" + name + ".png"); } }