/******************************************************************************* * AbyssalCraft * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 Shinoow. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v3 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt * * Contributors: * Shinoow - implementation ******************************************************************************/ package com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.world; import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.InitMapGenEvent.EventType.CAVE; import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.InitMapGenEvent.EventType.RAVINE; import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.PopulateChunkEvent.Populate.EventType.LAKE; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.BlockFalling; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.WorldType; import net.minecraft.world.biome.Biome; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.ChunkPrimer; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkGenerator; import net.minecraft.world.gen.MapGenBase; import net.minecraft.world.gen.NoiseGeneratorOctaves; import net.minecraft.world.gen.NoiseGeneratorPerlin; import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.api.block.ACBlocks; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.structures.StructureShoggothPit; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.structures.abyss.Abyruin; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.structures.abyss.Chains; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.structures.abyss.stronghold.MapGenAbyStronghold; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.world.gen.MapGenCavesAC; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.world.gen.MapGenRavineAC; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.common.world.gen.WorldGenAbyLake; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.lib.ACConfig; public class ChunkProviderAbyss implements IChunkGenerator { private Random rand; private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen1; private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen2; private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen3; private NoiseGeneratorPerlin noiseGen4; public NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen5; public NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen6; public NoiseGeneratorOctaves mobSpawnerNoise; /** Reference to the World object. */ private World worldObj; private final boolean mapFeaturesEnabled; private WorldType worldType; private final double[] field_147434_q; private final float[] parabolicField; private double[] stoneNoise = new double[256]; private MapGenBase caveGenerator = new MapGenCavesAC(); private MapGenAbyStronghold strongholdGenerator = new MapGenAbyStronghold(); private MapGenBase ravineGenerator = new MapGenRavineAC(); private Biome[] biomesForGeneration; double[] doubleArray1; double[] doubleArray2; double[] doubleArray3; double[] doubleArray4; int[][] field_73219_j = new int[32][32]; { caveGenerator = TerrainGen.getModdedMapGen(caveGenerator, CAVE); ravineGenerator = TerrainGen.getModdedMapGen(ravineGenerator, RAVINE); } public ChunkProviderAbyss(World par1World, long par2, boolean par4) { worldObj = par1World; mapFeaturesEnabled = par4; worldType = par1World.getWorldInfo().getTerrainType(); rand = new Random(par2); noiseGen1 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 16); noiseGen2 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 16); noiseGen3 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 8); noiseGen4 = new NoiseGeneratorPerlin(rand, 4); noiseGen5 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 10); noiseGen6 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 16); mobSpawnerNoise = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 8); field_147434_q = new double[825]; parabolicField = new float[25]; for (int j = -2; j <= 2; ++j) for (int k = -2; k <= 2; ++k) { float f = 10.0F / MathHelper.sqrt(j * j + k * k + 0.2F); parabolicField[j + 2 + (k + 2) * 5] = f; } } public void setBlocksInChunk(int x, int z, ChunkPrimer primer) { byte b0 = 63; biomesForGeneration = worldObj.getBiomeProvider().getBiomesForGeneration(biomesForGeneration, x * 4 - 2, z * 4 - 2, 10, 10); generateNoise(x * 4, 0, z * 4); for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { int l = k * 5; int i1 = (k + 1) * 5; for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 4; ++j1) { int k1 = (l + j1) * 33; int l1 = (l + j1 + 1) * 33; int i2 = (i1 + j1) * 33; int j2 = (i1 + j1 + 1) * 33; for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 32; ++k2) { double d0 = 0.125D; double d1 = field_147434_q[k1 + k2]; double d2 = field_147434_q[l1 + k2]; double d3 = field_147434_q[i2 + k2]; double d4 = field_147434_q[j2 + k2]; double d5 = (field_147434_q[k1 + k2 + 1] - d1) * d0; double d6 = (field_147434_q[l1 + k2 + 1] - d2) * d0; double d7 = (field_147434_q[i2 + k2 + 1] - d3) * d0; double d8 = (field_147434_q[j2 + k2 + 1] - d4) * d0; for (int l2 = 0; l2 < 8; ++l2) { double d9 = 0.25D; double d10 = d1; double d11 = d2; double d12 = (d3 - d1) * d9; double d13 = (d4 - d2) * d9; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < 4; ++i3) { double d14 = 0.25D; double d16 = (d11 - d10) * d14; double d15 = d10 - d16; for (int k3 = 0; k3 < 4; ++k3) if ((d15 += d16) > 0.0D) primer.setBlockState(k * 4 + i3, k2 * 8 + l2, j1 * 4 + k3, ACBlocks.abyssal_stone.getDefaultState()); else if (k2 * 8 + l2 < b0) primer.setBlockState(k * 4 + i3, k2 * 8 + l2, j1 * 4 + k3, ACBlocks.liquid_coralium.getDefaultState()); d10 += d12; d11 += d13; } d1 += d5; d2 += d6; d3 += d7; d4 += d8; } } } } } public void replaceBlocksForBiome(int x, int z, ChunkPrimer primer, Biome[] par5BiomeArray) { if(!ForgeEventFactory.onReplaceBiomeBlocks(this, x, z, primer, worldObj)) return; double d0 = 0.03125D; stoneNoise = noiseGen4.getRegion(stoneNoise, x * 16, z * 16, 16, 16, d0 * 2.0D, d0 * 2.0D, 1.0D); for (int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) { Biome Biome = par5BiomeArray[l + k * 16]; Biome.genTerrainBlocks(worldObj, rand, primer, x * 16 + k, z * 16 + l, stoneNoise[l + k * 16]); } } /** * Will return back a chunk, if it doesn't exist and its not a MP client it will generates all the blocks for the * specified chunk from the map seed and chunk seed */ @Override public Chunk provideChunk(int x, int z) { rand.setSeed(x * 341873128712L + z * 132897987541L); ChunkPrimer primer = new ChunkPrimer(); setBlocksInChunk(x, z, primer); biomesForGeneration = worldObj.getBiomeProvider().getBiomes(biomesForGeneration, x * 16, z * 16, 16, 16); replaceBlocksForBiome(x, z, primer, biomesForGeneration); caveGenerator.generate(worldObj, x, z, primer); ravineGenerator.generate(worldObj, x, z, primer); if (mapFeaturesEnabled) strongholdGenerator.generate(worldObj, x, z, primer); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(worldObj, primer, x, z); byte[] abyte1 = chunk.getBiomeArray(); for (int k = 0; k < abyte1.length; ++k) abyte1[k] = (byte)Biome.getIdForBiome(biomesForGeneration[k]); chunk.generateSkylightMap(); return chunk; } private void generateNoise(int x, int y, int z) { doubleArray4 = noiseGen6.generateNoiseOctaves(doubleArray4, x, z, 5, 5, 200.0D, 200.0D, 0.5D); doubleArray1 = noiseGen3.generateNoiseOctaves(doubleArray1, x, y, z, 5, 33, 5, 8.555150000000001D, 4.277575000000001D, 8.555150000000001D); doubleArray2 = noiseGen1.generateNoiseOctaves(doubleArray2, x, y, z, 5, 33, 5, 684.412D, 684.412D, 684.412D); doubleArray3 = noiseGen2.generateNoiseOctaves(doubleArray3, x, y, z, 5, 33, 5, 684.412D, 684.412D, 684.412D); int l = 0; int i1 = 0; for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 5; ++j1) for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 5; ++k1) { float f = 0.0F; float f1 = 0.0F; float f2 = 0.0F; byte b0 = 2; Biome Biome = biomesForGeneration[j1 + 2 + (k1 + 2) * 10]; for (int l1 = -b0; l1 <= b0; ++l1) for (int i2 = -b0; i2 <= b0; ++i2) { Biome Biome1 = biomesForGeneration[j1 + l1 + 2 + (k1 + i2 + 2) * 10]; float f3 = Biome1.getBaseHeight(); float f4 = Biome1.getHeightVariation(); if (worldType == WorldType.AMPLIFIED && f3 > 0.0F) { f3 = 1.0F + f3 * 2.0F; f4 = 1.0F + f4 * 4.0F; } float f5 = parabolicField[l1 + 2 + (i2 + 2) * 5] / (f3 + 2.0F); if (Biome1.getBaseHeight() > Biome.getBaseHeight()) f5 /= 2.0F; f += f4 * f5; f1 += f3 * f5; f2 += f5; } f /= f2; f1 /= f2; f = f * 0.9F + 0.1F; f1 = (f1 * 4.0F - 1.0F) / 8.0F; double d13 = doubleArray4[i1] / 8000.0D; if (d13 < 0.0D) d13 = -d13 * 0.3D; d13 = d13 * 3.0D - 2.0D; if (d13 < 0.0D) { d13 /= 2.0D; if (d13 < -1.0D) d13 = -1.0D; d13 /= 1.4D; d13 /= 2.0D; } else { if (d13 > 1.0D) d13 = 1.0D; d13 /= 8.0D; } ++i1; double d12 = f1; double d14 = f; d12 += d13 * 0.2D; d12 = d12 * 8.5D / 8.0D; double d5 = 8.5D + d12 * 4.0D; for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 33; ++j2) { double d6 = (j2 - d5) * 12.0D * 128.0D / 256.0D / d14; if (d6 < 0.0D) d6 *= 4.0D; double d7 = doubleArray2[l] / 512.0D; double d8 = doubleArray3[l] / 512.0D; double d9 = (doubleArray1[l] / 10.0D + 1.0D) / 2.0D; double d10 = MathHelper.clampedLerp(d7, d8, d9) - d6; if (j2 > 29) { double d11 = (j2 - 29) / 3.0F; d10 = d10 * (1.0D - d11) + -10.0D * d11; } field_147434_q[l] = d10; ++l; } } } /** * Populates chunk with ores etc etc */ @Override public void populate(int x, int z) { BlockFalling.fallInstantly = true; int k = x * 16; int l = z * 16; BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(k, 0, l); Biome Biome = worldObj.getBiome(pos.add(16, 0, 16)); rand.setSeed(worldObj.getSeed()); long i1 = rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; long j1 = rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; rand.setSeed(x * i1 + z * j1 ^ worldObj.getSeed()); boolean flag = false; ForgeEventFactory.onChunkPopulate(true, this, worldObj, rand, x, z, flag); if (mapFeaturesEnabled) strongholdGenerator.generateStructure(worldObj, rand, new ChunkPos(x, z)); int k1; int l1; int i2; if(ACConfig.generateCoraliumLake) if (TerrainGen.populate(this, worldObj, rand, x, z, flag, LAKE) && !flag && rand.nextInt(6) == 0) { k1 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; l1 = rand.nextInt(128); i2 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; new WorldGenAbyLake(ACBlocks.liquid_coralium).generate(worldObj, rand, pos.add(k1, l1, i2)); } if(rand.nextFloat() < 0.15F) { k1 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; l1 = rand.nextInt(128); i2 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; new WorldGenAbyLake(ACBlocks.abyssal_stone).generate(worldObj, rand, pos.add(k1, l1, i2)); } if(ACConfig.generateAbyssalWastelandPillars) for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { int Xcoord1 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int Zcoord1 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; if(rand.nextFloat() < 0.01F) new Chains().generate(worldObj, rand, pos.add(Xcoord1, 0, Zcoord1)); } if(ACConfig.generateAbyssalWastelandRuins) for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int Xcoord2 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int Ycoord2 = rand.nextInt(70); int Zcoord2 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; new Abyruin().generate(worldObj, rand, pos.add(Xcoord2, Ycoord2, Zcoord2)); } if(ACConfig.generateShoggothLairs) for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { int Xcoord2 = rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int Zcoord2 = rand.nextInt(16) + 14; BlockPos pos1 = worldObj.getHeight(pos.add(Xcoord2, 0, Zcoord2)); if(worldObj.getBlockState(pos1).getMaterial() == Material.PLANTS) pos1 = pos1.down(); if(rand.nextInt(400) == 0 && !worldObj.isAirBlock(pos1.north(13)) && !worldObj.isAirBlock(pos1.north(20)) && !worldObj.isAirBlock(pos1.north(27))) new StructureShoggothPit().generate(worldObj, rand, pos1); } Biome.decorate(worldObj, rand, new BlockPos(k, 0, l)); ForgeEventFactory.onChunkPopulate(false, this, worldObj, rand, x, z, flag); BlockFalling.fallInstantly = false; } /** * Returns a list of creatures of the specified type that can spawn at the given location. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List getPossibleCreatures(EnumCreatureType par1EnumCreatureType, BlockPos pos) { Biome biome = worldObj.getBiome(pos); return biome == null ? null : biome.getSpawnableList(par1EnumCreatureType); } @Override public BlockPos getStrongholdGen(World par1World, String par2String, BlockPos pos, boolean bool) { return "AbyStronghold".equals(par2String) && strongholdGenerator != null ? strongholdGenerator.getClosestStrongholdPos(par1World, pos, bool) : null; } @Override public void recreateStructures(Chunk chunk, int x, int z) { if (mapFeaturesEnabled) strongholdGenerator.generate(worldObj, x, z, (ChunkPrimer)null); } @Override public boolean generateStructures(Chunk chunkIn, int x, int z) { return false; } }