package bibliothek.gui.dock.extension.css.intern; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import bibliothek.gui.dock.extension.css.CssScheme; import bibliothek.gui.dock.extension.css.transition.scheduler.CssSchedulable; import bibliothek.gui.dock.extension.css.transition.scheduler.CssScheduler; /** * This {@link CssScheme} uses specialized code allowing it to run in JUnit tests: * <ul> * <li>The specialized {@link CssScheduler} must be started from outside and does execute the animations * synchronously </li> * </ul> * @author Benjamin Sigg */ public class TestCssScheme extends CssScheme{ private TestScheduler scheduler = new TestScheduler(); public TestCssScheme(){ setScheduler( scheduler ); } public void runAnimations( int deltaMilliseconds ){ deltaMilliseconds ); } private class TestScheduler implements CssScheduler{ private int timeGone = 0; private PriorityQueue<Job> jobs = new PriorityQueue<Job>(); private Job executing; @Override public void step( CssSchedulable job ){ step( job, 20 ); } @Override public void step( CssSchedulable job, int delay ){ jobs.add( new Job( job, delay ) ); } public void run( int milliseconds ){ int limit = timeGone + milliseconds; while( !jobs.isEmpty() ){ Job job = jobs.peek(); if( job.time <= limit ){ jobs.poll(); int delta = job.time - timeGone; timeGone += delta; milliseconds -= delta; job.execute(); } else{ break; } } timeGone = limit; } private class Job implements Comparable<Job>{ private CssSchedulable job; private int time; private int delay; private boolean repeat; public Job( CssSchedulable job, int delay ){ this.job = job; this.time = delay + timeGone; this.delay = delay; repeat = executing != null && executing.job == job; } @Override public int compareTo( Job o ){ if( time < o.time ){ return -1; } else if( time > o.time ){ return 1; } return 0; } public void execute(){ try{ executing = this; if( repeat ){ job.step( TestScheduler.this, delay ); } else{ job.step( TestScheduler.this, -1 ); } } finally{ executing = null; } } } } }