package; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import bibliothek.gui.DockController; import bibliothek.gui.DockStation; import bibliothek.gui.Dockable; import bibliothek.gui.dock.FlapDockStation; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.ActionGuard; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.DefaultDockActionSource; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.DockAction; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.DockActionIcon; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.DockActionSource; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.LocationHint; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.actions.SimpleButtonAction; import bibliothek.gui.dock.control.DockRegister; import bibliothek.gui.dock.event.DockRegisterAdapter; import bibliothek.gui.dock.layout.DockableProperty; import bibliothek.gui.dock.util.DockUtilities; import; import; import bibliothek.util.container.Tuple; /** * The minimizer adds two new {@link DockAction actions} to the DockingFrames. * These actions can be used to <i>minimize</i> and <i>normalize</i> any * {@link Dockable}.<br> * Minimizing a <code>Dockable</code> means to store the location of the * <code>Dockable</code> and then move the <code>Dockable</code> into a * {@link FlapDockStation} that sits at the edge of the applications main frame.<br> * Normalizing a <code>Dockable</code> means to move a minimized <code>Dockable</code> * from a <code>FlapDockStation</code> back to its original position.<br> * Clients can define which {@link DockStation}s are used for the "normal" * and the "minimized" <code>Dockable</code>s by registering them through * {@link #addAreaMinimized(FlapDockStation, DockableProperty) addAreaMinimized} * and {@link #addAreaNormalized(DockStation) addAreaNormalized}. * @author Benjamin Sigg * */ public class Minimizer { /** the areas which contain the normalized {@link Dockable}s */ private List<DockStation> areaNormalized = new ArrayList<DockStation>(); /** the areas which contain the minimized {@link Dockable}s */ private List<FlapDockStation> areaMinimized = new ArrayList<FlapDockStation>(); /** the station used to normalize a {@link Dockable} when its original position is unknown */ private DockStation defaultStation; /** the preferred location where to add a minimized {@link Dockable} to a station from {@link #areaMinimized} */ private Map<FlapDockStation, DockableProperty> defaultDrops = new HashMap<FlapDockStation, DockableProperty>(); /** the preferred locations where a {@link Dockable} should be normalized again */ private Map<Dockable, Tuple<DockStation, DockableProperty>> locations = new HashMap<Dockable, Tuple<DockStation,DockableProperty>>(); /** the core of this application */ private Core core; /** the controller for which this {@link Minimizer} works */ private DockController controller; /** * Creates a new <code>Minimizer</code>, adds all listeners and actions * to <code>controller</code>. * @param core the center of this application * @param controller the controller to which the actions and listeners are * added. */ public Minimizer( Core core, DockController controller ){ this.core = core; this.controller = controller; controller.addActionGuard( new Minimize() ); controller.addActionGuard( new Normalize() ); controller.getRegister().addDockRegisterListener( new Listener() ); } /** * Sets the station to which {@link Dockable}s are "normalized" when * their old location is not known or invalid. * @param defaultStation the backup */ public void setDefaultStation( DockStation defaultStation ) { this.defaultStation = defaultStation; } /** * Stores a new station whose children will have the "minimize"-action. * @param station a station whose children can be minimized */ public void addAreaNormalized( DockStation station ){ areaNormalized.add( station ); } /** * Stores a new station whose children are minimized {@link Dockable}s. * @param station the new station * @param defaultDrop the location where normally children will be inserted */ public void addAreaMinimized( FlapDockStation station, DockableProperty defaultDrop ){ areaMinimized.add( station ); defaultDrops.put( station, defaultDrop ); } /** * Ensures that <code>dockable</code> is no longer minimized. * @param dockable the <code>Dockable</code> that will be shown on * one of the {@link #addAreaNormalized(DockStation) normalized stations}. */ public void normalize( Dockable dockable ){ Tuple<DockStation, DockableProperty> location = locations.remove( dockable ); if( location == null ){ // add it somewhere... DockStation parent = stationOf( dockable ); dockable.getDockParent().drag( dockable ); if( parent != null ) defaultStation.drop( dockable, defaultDrops.get( parent ) ); else defaultStation.drop( dockable ); } else{ DockStation parent = stationOf( dockable ); dockable.getDockParent().drag( dockable ); boolean done = location.getA().drop( dockable, location.getB() ); if( !done ){ if( parent != null ) defaultStation.drop( dockable, defaultDrops.get( parent ) ); else defaultStation.drop( dockable ); } } } /** * Searches the first parent of <code>dockable</code> that was * registered through {@link #addAreaMinimized(FlapDockStation, DockableProperty)}. * @param dockable the element whose parent is searched * @return one of the stations for minimized {@link Dockable}s or <code>null</code> */ private DockStation stationOf( Dockable dockable ){ DockStation parent = dockable.getDockParent(); while( parent != null ){ if( areaMinimized.contains( parent )) return parent; Dockable parentDockable = parent.asDockable(); if( parentDockable == null ) return null; parent = parentDockable.getDockParent(); } return null; } /** * Ensures that <code>dockable</code> is no longer "normalized". The * old location of <code>dockable</code> is stored, so it can be * {@link #normalize(Dockable) normalized} again. * @param dockable the element to minimize */ public void minimize( Dockable dockable ){ Component component = dockable.getComponent(); Point center = new Point( component.getWidth()/2, component.getHeight()/2); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen( center, component ); FlapDockStation bestStation = null; double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for( FlapDockStation station : areaMinimized ){ Component stationComponent = station.getComponent(); Point stationCenter = new Point( stationComponent.getWidth()/2, stationComponent.getHeight()/2 ); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen( stationCenter, stationComponent ); double dist = Math.pow( center.x - stationCenter.x, 2 ) + Math.pow( center.y - stationCenter.y, 2 ); if( dist < bestDistance ){ bestDistance = dist; bestStation = station; } } if( bestStation != null ){ DockStation root = DockUtilities.getRoot( dockable ); DockableProperty location = DockUtilities.getPropertyChain( root, dockable ); dockable.getDockParent().drag( dockable ); bestStation.add( dockable ); locations.put( dockable, new Tuple<DockStation, DockableProperty>( root, location ) ); } } /** * A listener added to the {@link DockRegister}, this listener is responsible * to remove data about {@link Dockable}s that are no longer registered. * @author Benjamin Sigg * */ private class Listener extends DockRegisterAdapter{ @Override public void dockableUnregistered( DockController controller, Dockable dockable ) { if( !core.isOnThemeUpdate() ) locations.remove( dockable ); } } /** * An action and action-guard that allows the user to minimize a {@link Dockable}. * The action is only added to children of the "normalized stations". * @author Benjamin Sigg * */ private class Minimize extends SimpleButtonAction implements ActionGuard { /** the result of {@link #getSource(Dockable)} */ private DefaultDockActionSource source; /** * Creates a new action and action-guard */ public Minimize(){ source = new DefaultDockActionSource( new LocationHint( LocationHint.ACTION_GUARD, LocationHint.RIGHT ), this ); setText( "Minimize" ); setIcon( ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "minimize" ) ); } @Override public void action( Dockable dockable ) { minimize( dockable ); } public boolean react( Dockable dockable ) { if( dockable.asDockStation() != null ) return false; DockStation parent = dockable.getDockParent(); while( parent != null ){ if( areaNormalized.contains( parent )) return true; Dockable parentDockable = parent.asDockable(); if( parentDockable == null ) return false; parent = parentDockable.getDockParent(); } return false; } public DockActionSource getSource( Dockable dockable ) { return source; } } /** * An action that allows the user to normalize a {@link Dockable}. * The action is only added to the children of the "minimized stations". * @author Benjamin Sigg * */ private class Normalize extends SimpleButtonAction implements ActionGuard { /** the result of {@link #getSource(Dockable)} */ private DefaultDockActionSource source; /** the icon of this action */ private DockActionIcon icon; /** * Creates a new action */ public Normalize(){ source = new DefaultDockActionSource( new LocationHint( LocationHint.ACTION_GUARD, LocationHint.RIGHT ), this ); setText( "Normalize" ); icon = new DockActionIcon( "split.normalize", this ){ protected void changed( Icon oldValue, Icon newValue ){ setIcon( newValue ); } }; icon.setManager( controller.getIcons() ); } @Override public void action( Dockable dockable ) { normalize( dockable ); } public boolean react( Dockable dockable ) { if( dockable.asDockStation() != null ) return false; DockStation parent = dockable.getDockParent(); while( parent != null ){ if( areaMinimized.contains( parent )) return true; Dockable parentDockable = parent.asDockable(); if( parentDockable == null ) return false; parent = parentDockable.getDockParent(); } return false; } public DockActionSource getSource( Dockable dockable ) { return source; } } }