* Bibliothek - DockingFrames
* Library built on Java/Swing, allows the user to "drag and drop"
* panels containing any Swing-Component the developer likes to add.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Benjamin Sigg
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Benjamin Sigg
* benjamin_sigg@gmx.ch
* CH - Switzerland
package bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import bibliothek.gui.DockFrontend;
import bibliothek.gui.DockStation;
import bibliothek.gui.Dockable;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.DockElement;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.CControl;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.CStation;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.CWorkingArea;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.MultipleCDockable;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.MultipleCDockableFactory;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.SingleCDockable;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CControlAccess;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CDockFrontend;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CDockable;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CSetting;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CommonDockable;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CommonMultipleDockableFactory;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CommonSingleDockableFactory;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.CommonSingleDockableLayout;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.RootStationAdjacentFactory;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station.CommonDockStationFactory;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode.ExtendedMode;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.Location;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.LocationSettingConverter;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend.DockFrontendPerspective;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend.FrontendPerspectiveCache;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend.RegisteringDockFactory;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend.Setting;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.layout.DockLayout;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.layout.DockLayoutComposition;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.layout.DockSituation;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.layout.DockableProperty;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.layout.PropertyTransformer;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective.Perspective;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective.PerspectiveElement;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective.PerspectiveStation;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective.PredefinedPerspective;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.support.mode.ModeSettings;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.support.mode.ModeSettingsConverter;
import bibliothek.util.ClientOnly;
import bibliothek.util.FrameworkOnly;
import bibliothek.util.Path;
import bibliothek.util.Version;
import bibliothek.util.xml.XElement;
import bibliothek.util.xml.XException;
* A {@link CControlPerspective} is a wrapper around a {@link CControl} allowing
* access to various {@link CPerspective}s.
* @author Benjamin Sigg
public class CControlPerspective {
private CControlAccess control;
* Creates a new wrapper
* @param control the control whose perspectives are modified
public CControlPerspective( CControlAccess control ){
if( control == null ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "control must not be null" );
this.control = control;
* Gets the {@link CControl} in whose realm this {@link CControlPerspective} operates.
* @return the owner of this perspective
public CControl getControl(){
return control.getOwner();
* Creates a new {@link CPerspective} that is set up with all the stations of the {@link CControl}.
* There are no {@link Dockable}s stored in the new perspective.
* @return the new perspective
public CPerspective createEmptyPerspective(){
CPerspective perspective = new CPerspective( control );
for( CStation<?> station : control.getOwner().getStations() ){
perspective.addStation( station.createPerspective() );
return perspective;
* Gets a perspective that matches the current layout of the application.
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether {@link Dockable}s that are managed by a working-area should be
* included in the layout or not
* @return the current perspective
public CPerspective getPerspective( boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
Setting setting = control.getOwner().intern().getSetting( !includeWorkingAreas );
return convert( (CSetting)setting, includeWorkingAreas );
* Gets the names of all the perspectives that are available.
* @return all the names
public String[] getNames(){
return control.getOwner().layouts();
* Gets the perspective which represents a layout that was stored using {@link CControl#save(String)}.
* @param name the name of the stored layout
* @return the perspective or <code>null</code> if <code>name</code> was not found
public CPerspective getPerspective( String name ){
return getPerspective( name, false );
* Gets the perspective which represents a layout that was stored using {@link CControl#save(String)}.
* @param name the name of the stored layout
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the content of working areas should be included (requires that
* the layout was saved in the first place)
* @return the perspective or <code>null</code> if <code>name</code> was not found
public CPerspective getPerspective( String name, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
Setting setting = control.getOwner().intern().getSetting( name );
if( setting == null ){
return null;
return convert( (CSetting)setting, includeWorkingAreas );
* Changes the layout of the associated {@link CControl} such that it matches <code>perspective</code>.
* @param perspective the perspective to apply, not <code>null</code>
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether {@link Dockable}s that are managed by a working-area should be
* included in the layout or not
public void setPerspective( CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
control.getOwner().intern().setSetting( convert( perspective, includeWorkingAreas ), !includeWorkingAreas );
* Stores <code>perspective</code> as a layout that can be selected by the user by calling
* {@link CControl#load(String)}.<br>
* The contents of working areas are ignored by this method.
* @param name the name of the layout
* @param perspective the new layout, not <code>null</code>
public void setPerspective( String name, CPerspective perspective ){
setPerspective( name, perspective, false );
* Stores <code>perspective</code> as a layout that can be selected by the user by calling
* {@link CControl#load(String)}.
* @param name the name of the layout
* @param perspective the new layout, not <code>null</code>
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the contents of working areas should be stored as well
public void setPerspective( String name, CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
control.getOwner().intern().setSetting( name, convert( perspective, includeWorkingAreas ) );
* Deletes the perspective with name <code>name</code>.
* @param name the name of the perspective
public void removePerspective( String name ){
control.getOwner().delete( name );
* Renames the perspective <code>source</code> to <code>destination</code>. If there is already a
* layout with name <code>destination</code> it will be overridden. This operation works directly on the
* {@link CControl}, already existing {@link CPerspective}s will not be affected by invoking this method.
* @param source the name of the source
* @param destination the name of the destination
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>source</code> does not point to an existing layout
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either <code>source</code> or <code>destination</code> are <code>null</code>
public void renamePerspective( String source, String destination ){
if( source == null ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "source is null" );
if( destination == null ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "destination is null" );
CDockFrontend frontend = control.getOwner().intern();
Setting layout = frontend.getSetting( source );
if( layout == null ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no perspective registered with name '" + source + "'" );
frontend.setSetting( destination, layout );
frontend.delete( source );
if( source.equals( frontend.getCurrentSetting() )){
frontend.setCurrentSettingName( destination );
* Writes the contents of <code>perspective</code> into <code>root</code> using the factories provided
* by this {@link CControlPerspective}.
* @param root the element to write into, not <code>null</code>
* @param perspective the perspective to write, not <code>null</code>
public void writeXML( XElement root, CPerspective perspective ){
writeXML( root, perspective, true );
* Writes the contents of <code>perspective</code> into <code>root</code> using the factories provided
* by this {@link CControlPerspective}.
* @param root the element to write into, not <code>null</code>
* @param perspective the perspective to write, not <code>null</code>
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the output contains information about children of {@link CStation#isWorkingArea() working areas}
* (<code>includeWorkingAreas = true</code>) or not (<code>includeWorkingAreas = false</code>)
public void writeXML( XElement root, CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
DockFrontendPerspective frontend = conversion( perspective, includeWorkingAreas );
Perspective conversion = frontend.getPerspective();
Map<String, DockLayoutComposition> stations = new HashMap<String, DockLayoutComposition>();
for( String key : perspective.getStationKeys() ){
CStationPerspective station = perspective.getStation( key );
if( station.asDockable() == null || station.asDockable().getParent() == null ){
stations.put( key, conversion.convert( station.intern() ));
conversion.getSituation().writeCompositionsXML( stations, root.addElement( "stations" ) );
// Store the last location of all known elements
XElement xinvisible = root.addElement( "invisible" );
PropertyTransformer transformer = frontend.getPropertyTransformer();
for( String key : perspective.getDockableKeys() ){
CDockablePerspective dockable = perspective.getDockable( key );
Location location = getInvisibleLocation( dockable );
if( location != null ){
XElement xdockable = xinvisible.addElement( "dockable" );
xdockable.addString( "key", key );
if( dockable.getParent() == null ){
conversion.getSituation().writeCompositionXML( conversion.convert( dockable.intern() ), xdockable.addElement( "content" ) );
XElement xlocation = xdockable.addElement( "location" );
xlocation.addString( "root", location.getRoot() );
xlocation.addString( "mode", dockable.getLocationHistory().getLastMode().getModeIdentifier().toString() );
xlocation.addBoolean( "applicationDefined", location.isApplicationDefined() );
transformer.writeXML( location.getLocation(), xlocation );
// store more location information
ModeSettings<Location, ?> settings = perspective.getLocationManager().writeModes( control );
settings.writeXML( root.addElement( "modes" ) );
* Writes the contents of <code>perspective</code> into <code>out</code> using the factories provided
* by this {@link CControlPerspective}.
* @param out the stream to write into, not <code>null</code>
* @param perspective the perspective to write, not <code>null</code>
* @throws IOException if <code>out</code> is not writeable
public void write( DataOutputStream out, CPerspective perspective ) throws IOException{
write( out, perspective, true );
* Writes the contents of <code>perspective</code> into <code>out</code> using the factories provided
* by this {@link CControlPerspective}.
* @param out the stream to write into, not <code>null</code>
* @param perspective the perspective to write, not <code>null</code>
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the output contains information about children of {@link CStation#isWorkingArea() working areas}
* (<code>includeWorkingAreas = true</code>) or not (<code>includeWorkingAreas = false</code>)
* @throws IOException if <code>out</code> is not writeable
public void write( DataOutputStream out, CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ) throws IOException{
Version.write( out, Version.VERSION_1_1_2 );
DockFrontendPerspective frontend = conversion( perspective, includeWorkingAreas );
Perspective conversion = frontend.getPerspective();
Map<String, DockLayoutComposition> stations = new HashMap<String, DockLayoutComposition>();
for( String key : perspective.getStationKeys() ){
CStationPerspective station = perspective.getStation( key );
stations.put( key, conversion.convert( station.intern() ));
conversion.getSituation().writeCompositions( stations, out );
// Store the last location of all known elements
String[] keys = perspective.getDockableKeys();
out.writeInt( keys.length );
PropertyTransformer transformer = frontend.getPropertyTransformer();
for( String key : keys ){
CDockablePerspective dockable = perspective.getDockable( key );
Location location = getInvisibleLocation( dockable );
if( location != null ){
out.writeBoolean( true );
out.writeUTF( key );
if( dockable.getParent() == null ){
out.writeBoolean( true );
conversion.getSituation().writeComposition( conversion.convert( dockable.intern() ), out );
out.writeBoolean( false );
out.writeUTF( location.getRoot() );
out.writeUTF( dockable.getLocationHistory().getLastMode().getModeIdentifier().toString() );
out.writeBoolean( location.isApplicationDefined() );
transformer.write( location.getLocation(), out );
out.writeBoolean( false );
// write more location information
ModeSettings<Location, ?> settings = perspective.getLocationManager().writeModes( control );
settings.write( out );
* Converts <code>perspective</code> into a {@link CSetting}.
* @param perspective the perspective to convert
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the children of {@link CWorkingArea}s should be stored as well
* @return the converted perspective
public CSetting write( CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
return convert( perspective, includeWorkingAreas );
* Emulates a call to {@link CControl#readXML(XElement)} and returns all the layouts that are stored
* within <code>root</code>.
* @param root the root xml element of a file
* @return all the layouts and settings stored in <code>root</code>
* @throws XException if <code>root</code> is not well formed
public CControlPerspectiveBlop readAllXML( XElement root ) throws XException{
CControlPerspectiveBlop blop = new CControlPerspectiveBlop( this );
blop.readXML( root );
return blop;
* Creates a new {@link CPerspective} using the information stored in <code>root</code>. While this method
* uses the factories provided by this {@link CControlPerspective}, the new {@link CPerspective} is not registered
* anywhere. It is the clients responsibility to call {@link #setPerspective(String, CPerspective)} or
* {@link #setPerspective(CPerspective, boolean)} to actually use the result of this method.
* @param root the element which contains information about a perspective
* @return the new perspective
* @throws XException if the structure of <code>root</code> is not as expected
public CPerspective readXML( XElement root ) throws XException{
return readXML( root, true );
* Creates a new {@link CPerspective} using the information stored in <code>root</code>. While this method
* uses the factories provided by this {@link CControlPerspective}, the new {@link CPerspective} is not registered
* anywhere. It is the clients responsibility to call {@link #setPerspective(String, CPerspective)} or
* {@link #setPerspective(CPerspective, boolean)} to actually use the result of this method.
* @param root the element which contains information about a perspective
* @return the new perspective
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the perspective contains information about children of {@link CStation#isWorkingArea() working areas}
* (<code>includeWorkingAreas = true</code>) or not (<code>includeWorkingAreas = false</code>). This parameter should have the same value as was used
* when calling {@link #write(DataOutputStream, CPerspective, boolean)}.
* @throws XException if the structure of <code>root</code> is not as expected
public CPerspective readXML( XElement root, boolean includeWorkingAreas ) throws XException{
CPerspective perspective = createEmptyPerspective();
PerspectiveElementFactory factory = new PerspectiveElementFactory( perspective );
DockFrontendPerspective frontend = wrap( perspective, includeWorkingAreas, factory );
Perspective conversion = frontend.getPerspective();
for( Map.Entry<String, MultipleCDockableFactory<?, ?>> item : control.getRegister().getFactories().entrySet() ){
conversion.getSituation().add( new CommonMultipleDockableFactory( item.getKey(), item.getValue(), control, perspective ) );
XElement xstations = root.getElement( "stations" );
if( xstations == null ){
throw new XException( "missing element 'stations'" );
Map<String, DockLayoutComposition> stations = conversion.getSituation().readCompositionsXML( xstations );
factory.setStations( stations );
for( DockLayoutComposition composition : stations.values() ){
PerspectiveElement station = conversion.convert( composition );
if( station instanceof CommonElementPerspective ){
CStationPerspective stationPerspective = ((CommonElementPerspective)station).getElement().asStation();
if( stationPerspective != null ){
perspective.addStation( stationPerspective );
// read the last known location of all elements
XElement xinvisible = root.getElement( "invisible" );
if( xinvisible != null ){
PropertyTransformer transformer = frontend.getPropertyTransformer();
for( XElement xdockable : xinvisible.getElements( "dockable" )){
String key = xdockable.getString( "key" );
CDockablePerspective dockable = perspective.getDockable( key );
if( dockable == null ){
XElement xcontent = xdockable.getElement( "content" );
if( xcontent != null ){
PerspectiveElement element = conversion.convert( conversion.getSituation().readCompositionXML( xcontent ) );
if( element instanceof CommonElementPerspective ){
dockable = ((CommonElementPerspective)element).getElement().asDockable();
if( dockable != null ){
perspective.putDockable( dockable );
if( dockable != null ){
XElement xlocation = xdockable.getElement( "location" );
String locationRoot = xlocation.getString( "root" );
DockableProperty location = transformer.readXML( xlocation );
Path mode = new Path( xlocation.getString( "mode" ));
boolean applicationDefined = false;
if( xlocation.attributeExists( "applicationDefined" )){
applicationDefined = xlocation.getBoolean( "applicationDefined" );
ExtendedMode extendedMode = perspective.getLocationManager().getMode( mode );
if( extendedMode != null ){
dockable.getLocationHistory().add( extendedMode, new Location( mode, locationRoot, location, applicationDefined ) );
XElement xmodes = root.getElement( "modes" );
if( xmodes == null ){
throw new XException( "missing element 'modes'" );
ModeSettingsConverter<Location, Location> converter = new LocationSettingConverter( control.getOwner().getController() );
ModeSettings<Location, Location> modes = control.getOwner().getLocationManager().createModeSettings( converter );
modes.readXML( xmodes );
perspective.getLocationManager().readModes( modes, perspective, control );
return perspective;
* Emulates a call to {@link CControl#read(DataInputStream)} and returns all the layouts that are stored
* in the stream <code>in</code>.
* @param in the bytes of some layout file
* @return all the layouts and settings that can be read from <code>in</code>
* @throws IOException if there is a problem reading <code>in</code> or if <code>in</code> is not well formed
public CControlPerspectiveBlop readAll( DataInputStream in ) throws IOException{
CControlPerspectiveBlop blop = new CControlPerspectiveBlop( this );
blop.read( in );
return blop;
* Creates a new {@link CPerspective} using the information stored in <code>in</code>. While this method
* uses the factories provided by this {@link CControlPerspective}, the new {@link CPerspective} is not registered
* anywhere. It is the clients responsibility to call {@link #setPerspective(String, CPerspective)} or
* {@link #setPerspective(CPerspective, boolean)} to actually use the result of this method.
* @param in the stream to read data from
* @return the new perspective
* @throws IOException if <code>in</code> is not readable or in the wrong format
public CPerspective read( DataInputStream in ) throws IOException{
return read( in, true );
* Creates a new {@link CPerspective} using the information stored in <code>in</code>. While this method
* uses the factories provided by this {@link CControlPerspective}, the new {@link CPerspective} is not registered
* anywhere. It is the clients responsibility to call {@link #setPerspective(String, CPerspective)} or
* {@link #setPerspective(CPerspective, boolean)} to actually use the result of this method.
* @param in the stream to read data from
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the perspective contains information about children of {@link CStation#isWorkingArea() working areas}
* (<code>includeWorkingAreas = true</code>) or not (<code>includeWorkingAreas = false</code>). This parameter should have the same value as was used
* when calling {@link #write(DataOutputStream, CPerspective, boolean)}.
* @return the new perspective
* @throws IOException if <code>in</code> is not readable or in the wrong format
public CPerspective read( DataInputStream in, boolean includeWorkingAreas ) throws IOException{
Version version = Version.read( in );
boolean version111 = version.equals( Version.VERSION_1_1_1 );
boolean version111a = version.equals( Version.VERSION_1_1_1a );
boolean version112 = version.equals( Version.VERSION_1_1_2 );
if( !version111 && !version111a && !version112 ){
throw new IOException( "unknown version: " + version );
CPerspective perspective = createEmptyPerspective();
PerspectiveElementFactory factory = new PerspectiveElementFactory( perspective );
DockFrontendPerspective frontend = wrap( perspective, includeWorkingAreas, factory );
Perspective conversion = frontend.getPerspective();
for( Map.Entry<String, MultipleCDockableFactory<?, ?>> item : control.getRegister().getFactories().entrySet() ){
conversion.getSituation().add( new CommonMultipleDockableFactory( item.getKey(), item.getValue(), control, perspective ) );
Map<String, DockLayoutComposition> stations = conversion.getSituation().readCompositions( in );
factory.setStations( stations );
for( DockLayoutComposition composition : stations.values() ){
PerspectiveElement station = conversion.convert( composition );
if( station instanceof CommonElementPerspective ){
CStationPerspective stationPerspective = ((CommonElementPerspective)station).getElement().asStation();
if( stationPerspective != null ){
perspective.addStation( stationPerspective );
if( version111a || version112 ){
PropertyTransformer transformer = frontend.getPropertyTransformer();
for( int i = 0, n = in.readInt(); i<n; i++ ){
if( in.readBoolean() ){
String key = in.readUTF();
DockLayoutComposition composition = null;
if( in.readBoolean() ){
composition = conversion.getSituation().readComposition( in );
CDockablePerspective dockable = perspective.getDockable( key );
if( dockable == null && composition != null ){
PerspectiveElement element = conversion.convert( composition );
if( element instanceof CommonElementPerspective ){
dockable = ((CommonElementPerspective)element).getElement().asDockable();
if( dockable != null ){
perspective.putDockable( dockable );
String locationRoot = in.readUTF();
String modeId = in.readUTF();
boolean applicationDefined = false;
if( version112 ){
applicationDefined = in.readBoolean();
DockableProperty location = transformer.read( in );
if( dockable != null ){
Path mode = new Path( modeId );
ExtendedMode extendedMode = perspective.getLocationManager().getMode( mode );
if( extendedMode != null ){
dockable.getLocationHistory().add( extendedMode, new Location( mode, locationRoot, location, applicationDefined ) );
ModeSettingsConverter<Location, Location> converter = new LocationSettingConverter( control.getOwner().getController() );
ModeSettings<Location, Location> modes = control.getOwner().getLocationManager().createModeSettings( converter );
modes.read( in );
perspective.getLocationManager().readModes( modes, perspective, control );
return perspective;
* Creates a new {@link CPerspective} and fills it using the information from <code>setting</code>.
* @param setting the layout to convert
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the layout contains information about children of {@link CWorkingArea}s
* @return the layout of <code>setting</code>
public CPerspective read( CSetting setting, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
return convert( setting, includeWorkingAreas );
private CSetting convert( CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
DockFrontendPerspective frontend = conversion( perspective, includeWorkingAreas );
Perspective conversion = frontend.getPerspective();
CSetting setting = new CSetting();
// layout
for( String key : perspective.getStationKeys() ){
CStationPerspective station = perspective.getStation( key );
if( station.asDockable() == null || station.asDockable().getParent() == null ){
setting.putRoot( key, conversion.convert( station.intern() ) );
// invisible items (storing location of visible items as well)
for( String key : perspective.getDockableKeys() ){
CDockablePerspective dockable = perspective.getDockable( key );
Location location = getInvisibleLocation( dockable );
if( location != null ){
setting.addInvisible( key, location.getRoot(), null, location.getLocation() );
ModeSettings<Location, Location> settings = perspective.getLocationManager().writeModes( control );
setting.setModes( settings );
return setting;
private CPerspective convert( CSetting setting, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
CPerspective cperspective = createEmptyPerspective();
PerspectiveElementFactory factory = new PerspectiveElementFactory( cperspective );
DockFrontendPerspective frontend = wrap( cperspective, includeWorkingAreas, factory );
Perspective conversion = frontend.getPerspective();
for( Map.Entry<String, MultipleCDockableFactory<?, ?>> item : control.getRegister().getFactories().entrySet() ){
conversion.getSituation().add( new CommonMultipleDockableFactory( item.getKey(), item.getValue(), control, cperspective ) );
// registered dockables
Map<String, DockLayoutComposition> stations = new HashMap<String, DockLayoutComposition>();
for( String root : setting.getRootKeys() ){
stations.put( root, setting.getRoot( root ) );
factory.setStations( stations );
for( DockLayoutComposition composition : stations.values() ){
PerspectiveElement station = conversion.convert( composition );
if( station instanceof CommonElementPerspective ){
CStationPerspective stationPerspective = ((CommonElementPerspective)station).getElement().asStation();
if( stationPerspective != null ){
cperspective.addStation( stationPerspective );
// invisible dockables
for( int i = 0, n = setting.getInvisibleCount(); i < n; i++ ){
DockLayoutComposition composition = setting.getInvisibleLayout( i );
if( composition != null ){
PerspectiveElement element = conversion.convert( composition );
if( element instanceof CommonElementPerspective ){
CDockablePerspective dockable = ((CommonElementPerspective)element).getElement().asDockable();
if( dockable != null ){
DockableProperty location = setting.getInvisibleLocation( i );
String root = setting.getInvisibleRoot( i );
ExtendedMode mode = cperspective.getLocationManager().getMode( root, location );
if( mode != null ){
dockable.getLocationHistory().add( mode, new Location( mode.getModeIdentifier(), root, location, false ) );
cperspective.putDockable( dockable );
// location information
ModeSettings<Location, Location> modes = setting.getModes();
cperspective.getLocationManager().readModes( modes, cperspective, control );
return cperspective;
private Location getInvisibleLocation( CDockablePerspective dockable ){
LocationHistory history = dockable.getLocationHistory();
List<Path> order = history.getOrder();
if( !order.isEmpty() ){
Path mode = order.get( order.size()-1 );
Location location = history.getLocations().get( mode );
return location;
return null;
* Creates a new {@link DockFrontendPerspective} which uses the settings from <code>perspective</code> to read
* and write layouts. This method adds {@link CommonSingleDockableFactory}, {@link CommonMultipleDockableFactory} and
* {@link CommonDockStationFactory} to the perspective.<br>
* Clients usually have no need to call this method.
* @param perspective the perspective whose settings should be used for reading or writing a layout
* @param includeWorkingAreas whether the contents of {@link CStation#isWorkingArea() working areas}
* should be included in the layout or not
* @return the new builder
public DockFrontendPerspective conversion( CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
DockFrontendPerspective conversion = wrap( perspective, includeWorkingAreas );
DockSituation situation = conversion.getPerspective().getSituation();
for( Map.Entry<String, MultipleCDockableFactory<?, ?>> item : control.getRegister().getFactories().entrySet() ){
situation.add( new CommonMultipleDockableFactory( item.getKey(), item.getValue(), control, perspective ) );
return conversion;
private DockFrontendPerspective wrap( CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas ){
PerspectiveElementFactory factory = new PerspectiveElementFactory( perspective );
return wrap( perspective, includeWorkingAreas, factory );
private DockFrontendPerspective wrap( CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas, PerspectiveElementFactory factory ){
DockFrontendPerspective frontend = control.getOwner().intern().getPerspective( !includeWorkingAreas, factory );
PredefinedPerspective inner = frontend.getPerspective();
factory.setBasePerspective( inner );
CommonSingleDockableFactory singleDockableFactory = new CommonSingleDockableFactory( control.getOwner(), perspective );
inner.getSituation().add( singleDockableFactory );
inner.getSituation().addBackup( new RegisteringDockFactory<CommonDockable, CommonElementPerspective, CommonSingleDockableLayout>( control.getOwner().intern(), singleDockableFactory ) );
inner.getSituation().add( new CommonDockStationFactory( control.getOwner(), factory, singleDockableFactory ) );
return frontend;
* Helper class for converting {@link DockElement}s to {@link PerspectiveElement}s.
* @author Benjamin Sigg
private class PerspectiveElementFactory implements FrontendPerspectiveCache{
private CPerspective perspective;
private Perspective basePerspective;
private Map<String, SingleCDockablePerspective> dockables = new HashMap<String, SingleCDockablePerspective>();
private Map<String, DockLayoutComposition> stations;
* Creates a new factory.
* @param perspective the perspective for which items are required
public PerspectiveElementFactory( CPerspective perspective ){
this.perspective = perspective;
Iterator<PerspectiveElement> elements = perspective.elements();
while( elements.hasNext() ){
PerspectiveElement element = elements.next();
if( element instanceof SingleCDockablePerspective ){
SingleCDockablePerspective dockable = (SingleCDockablePerspective) element;
dockables.put( dockable.getUniqueId(), dockable );
public void setStations( Map<String, DockLayoutComposition> stations ){
this.stations = stations;
* Sets the {@link Perspective} which is using this cache.
* @param basePerspective the perspective using this cache, not <code>null</code>
public void setBasePerspective( Perspective basePerspective ){
this.basePerspective = basePerspective;
public PerspectiveElement get( String id, DockElement element, boolean isRootStation ){
if( isRootStation ){
return perspective.getStation( id ).intern();
else if( element instanceof CommonDockable ){
CDockable dockable = ((CommonDockable)element).getDockable();
if( dockable.asStation() != null ){
CStationPerspective station = perspective.getStation( dockable.asStation().getUniqueId() );
if( station == null ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Found a non-root CStation that is not registered: " + dockable.asStation().getUniqueId() );
return station.intern();
if( dockable instanceof SingleCDockable ){
String key = ((SingleCDockable)dockable).getUniqueId();
SingleCDockablePerspective result = dockables.get( key );
if( result == null ){
result = new SingleCDockablePerspective( key );
dockables.put( key, result );
return result.intern();
if( dockable instanceof MultipleCDockable ){
return null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The intern DockFrontend of the CControl has elements registered that are not SingleCDockables: " + id + "=" + element );
public PerspectiveElement get( String id, boolean rootStation ){
String key = id;
if( !rootStation && control.getRegister().isSingleId( id )){
key = control.getRegister().singleToNormalId( id );
// maybe a station
DockLayoutComposition root = null;
if( stations != null ){
root = stations.get( key );
if( root == null ){
root = getPredefinedStation( key, basePerspective.getSituation() );
Path stationType = null;
if( root != null ){
// really a station
DockLayout<Path> layout = (DockLayout<Path>)root.getAdjacent( RootStationAdjacentFactory.FACTORY_ID );
if( layout != null){
stationType = layout.getData();
CStationPerspective station = perspective.getStation( key );
if( station == null ){
station = control.getOwner().getMissingPerspectiveStrategy().createStation( key, stationType );
if( station != null ){
perspective.addStation( station );
station.setRoot( rootStation );
if( station == null ){
return null;
return station.intern();
else if( control.getRegister().isSingleId( id )){
// maybe a dockable
SingleCDockablePerspective result = dockables.get( key );
if( result == null ){
result = new SingleCDockablePerspective( key );
dockables.put( key, result );
return result.intern();
return null;
* Tries to find the layout of a {@link DockStation} which was predefined with the unique
* identifier <code>id</code>. This method recursively searches through the entire tree of elements and
* also finds stations that are registered as {@link SingleCDockable} or {@link MultipleCDockable}.
* @param id the identifier to search
* @param situation algorithms used to extract information from {@link DockLayoutComposition}s
* @return the layout or <code>null</code> if not found
protected DockLayoutComposition getPredefinedStation( String id, DockSituation situation ){
if( stations != null ){
for( DockLayoutComposition station : stations.values() ){
DockLayoutComposition result = getPredefinedStation( id, station, situation );
if( result != null ){
return result;
return null;
private DockLayoutComposition getPredefinedStation( String id, DockLayoutComposition current, DockSituation situation ){
// check self
String currentId = situation.getIdentifier( current );
if( currentId != null ){
if( id.length() == DockFrontend.ROOT_KEY_PREFIX.length()+id.length() && currentId.startsWith( DockFrontend.ROOT_KEY_PREFIX ) && currentId.endsWith( id )){
return current;
if( currentId.startsWith( DockFrontend.DOCKABLE_KEY_PREFIX )){
currentId = currentId.substring( DockFrontend.DOCKABLE_KEY_PREFIX.length() );
if( control.getRegister().isSingleId( currentId )){
currentId = control.getRegister().singleToNormalId( currentId );
else if( control.getRegister().isMultiId( currentId )){
currentId = control.getRegister().multiToNormalId( currentId );
if( currentId.equals( id )){
return current;
// check children
List<DockLayoutComposition> children = current.getChildren();
if( children != null ){
for( DockLayoutComposition child : children ){
DockLayoutComposition result = getPredefinedStation( id, child, situation );
if( result != null ){
return result;
return null;
public String get( PerspectiveElement element ){
for( String key : perspective.getStationKeys() ){
CStationPerspective station = perspective.getStation( key );
if( station.intern() == element ){
return key;
if( element instanceof CommonElementPerspective ){
CElementPerspective celement = ((CommonElementPerspective)element).getElement();
if( celement instanceof SingleCDockablePerspective ){
return control.getRegister().toSingleId( ((SingleCDockablePerspective)celement).getUniqueId() );
return null;
public boolean isRootStation( PerspectiveStation element ){
for( String key : perspective.getStationKeys() ){
CStationPerspective station = perspective.getStation( key );
if( station.intern() == element ){
return true;
return false;