package; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import bibliothek.demonstration.Monitor; import bibliothek.demonstration.util.LookAndFeelMenu; import bibliothek.gui.DockController; import bibliothek.gui.DockFrontend; import bibliothek.gui.DockStation; import bibliothek.gui.DockTheme; import bibliothek.gui.DockUI; import bibliothek.gui.Dockable; import bibliothek.gui.dock.FlapDockStation; import bibliothek.gui.dock.ScreenDockStation; import bibliothek.gui.dock.SplitDockStation; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.ActionGuard; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.DefaultDockActionSource; import bibliothek.gui.dock.action.DockActionSource; import bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split.SplitDockGrid; import bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split.SplitDockProperty; import; import; import; import; import bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.ThemeFactory; import bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.ThemeMeta; import bibliothek.gui.dock.util.PropertyKey; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import bibliothek.util.Path; /** * This is the central point of the application. The core is responsible to * startup and to shutdown the application. The core puts all elements * together on startup, and frees resources on shutdown. * @author Benjamin Sigg * */ public class Core implements ComponentCollector{ /** whether this application runs in an secure environment or not */ private boolean secure; /** monitor to inform when the state of this application changes */ private Monitor monitor; /** main access to the docking framework */ private DockFrontend frontend; /** dockable screen */ private ScreenDockStation screen; /** central docking station */ private SplitDockStation station; /** the applications main frame */ private JFrame frame; /** whether the {@link DockTheme} currently is changing */ private boolean onThemeUpdate = false; /** * Creates a new core. * @param secure whether the application should run in a restricted * environment * @param monitor observer to be informed when the application starts * or shuts down, can be <code>null</code> */ public Core( boolean secure, Monitor monitor ){ = secure; this.monitor = monitor; } /** * Loads the model, creates the graphical user interface and shows it. */ public void startup(){ try{ JPanel dockbar = new JPanel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEADING )); buildContent( dockbar ); HelpModel model = new HelpModel( "/data/bibliothek/help/" ); LinkManager links = new LinkManager(); links.setModel( model ); URManager ur = links.getUR(); UndoDockAction actionUndo = new UndoDockAction( ur ); RedoDockAction actionRedo = new RedoDockAction( ur ); final DefaultDockActionSource actions = new DefaultDockActionSource( actionUndo, actionRedo ); frontend.getController().addActionGuard( new ActionGuard(){ public boolean react( Dockable dockable ){ return dockable.asDockStation() == null; } public DockActionSource getSource( Dockable dockable ){ return actions; } }); frontend.getController().getProperties().set( PropertyKey.DOCK_STATION_ICON, ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "application" ) ); frontend.getController().getProperties().set( PropertyKey.DOCK_STATION_TITLE, "Help" ); frontend.getController().getProperties().set( PlaceholderStrategy.PLACEHOLDER_STRATEGY, new PlaceholderStrategy(){ public void uninstall( DockStation station ){ // ignore } public void removeListener( PlaceholderStrategyListener listener ){ // ignore } public boolean isValidPlaceholder( Path placeholder ){ return true; } public void install( DockStation station ){ // ignore } public Path getPlaceholderFor( Dockable dockable ){ if( dockable instanceof SelectingView ){ return new Path( "selecting", dockable.getTitleText() ); } return null; } public void addListener( PlaceholderStrategyListener listener ){ // ignore } }); SelectingView viewPackage = new SelectingView( links, "Packages", ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "package" ), "package-list" ); SelectingView viewClasses = new SelectingView( links, "Classes", ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "class" ), "class-list" ); SelectingView viewFields = new SelectingView( links, "Fields", ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "field" ), "field-list" ); SelectingView viewConstructors = new SelectingView( links, "Constructors", ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "constructor" ), "constructor-list" ); SelectingView viewMethods = new SelectingView( links, "Methods", ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "method" ), "method-list" ); SelectingView viewContent = new SelectingView( links, "Content", ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "content" ), "class", "constructor-list", "constructor", "field-list", "field", "method-list", "method" ); TypeHierarchyView viewHierarchy = new TypeHierarchyView( links ); "package-list:root" ); buttonize( dockbar, viewPackage ); buttonize( dockbar, viewClasses ); buttonize( dockbar, viewFields ); buttonize( dockbar, viewConstructors ); buttonize( dockbar, viewMethods ); buttonize( dockbar, viewContent ); buttonize( dockbar, viewHierarchy ); frontend.addDockable( "packages", viewPackage ); frontend.addDockable( "classes", viewClasses ); frontend.addDockable( "fields", viewFields ); frontend.addDockable( "constructors", viewConstructors ); frontend.addDockable( "methods", viewMethods ); frontend.addDockable( "content", viewContent ); frontend.addDockable( "hierarchy", viewHierarchy ); SplitDockGrid grid = new SplitDockGrid( ); grid.addDockable( 0, 0, 1.5, 1, viewPackage ); grid.addDockable( 0, 1, 1.5, 2, viewClasses ); grid.addDockable( 0, 3, 1, 1, viewConstructors ); grid.addDockable( 1, 3, 1, 1, viewFields ); grid.addDockable( 2, 3, 1, 1, viewMethods ); grid.addDockable( 1, 0, 2, 3, viewContent ); grid.addDockable( 3, 0, 1, 3, viewHierarchy ); station.dropTree( grid.toTree() ); buildMenu(); frame.setVisible( true ); screen.setShowing( true ); } catch( IOException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } finally{ if( monitor != null ){ monitor.publish( this ); monitor.running(); } } } /** * Closes the graphical user interface and frees resources. Exits the * application if no {@link Monitor} was provided through the constructor. */ public void shutdown(){ frame.dispose(); screen.setShowing( false ); frontend.getController().kill(); if( monitor == null ) System.exit( 0 ); else monitor.shutdown(); } public Collection<Component> listComponents(){ List<Component> list = new ArrayList<Component>(); list.add( frame ); for( Dockable d : frontend.getController().getRegister().listDockables() ) list.add( d.getComponent() ); return list; } /** * Creates the main frame and all {@link DockStation}s. */ private void buildContent( Container dockbar ){ FlapDockStation north, south, east, west; frame = new JFrame(); frame.setTitle( "Help - Demonstration of DockingFrames" ); frame.setIconImage( ResourceSet.toImage( ResourceSet.ICONS.get( "application" ) ) ); DockController.disableCoreWarning(); frontend = new DockFrontend( frame ); frontend.getController().setRestrictedEnvironment( secure ); north = new FlapDockStation(); south = new FlapDockStation(); east = new FlapDockStation(); west = new FlapDockStation(); screen = new ScreenDockStation( frame ); station = new SplitDockStation(); frontend.setDefaultHideable( true ); Minimizer minimizer = new Minimizer( this, frontend.getController() ); minimizer.addAreaNormalized( station ); minimizer.addAreaNormalized( screen ); minimizer.setDefaultStation( station ); Container content = frame.getContentPane(); content.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); content.add( dockbar, BorderLayout.NORTH ); Container center = new Container(); content.add( center, BorderLayout.CENTER ); center.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); center.add( station, BorderLayout.CENTER ); center.add( south.getComponent(), BorderLayout.SOUTH ); center.add( north.getComponent(), BorderLayout.NORTH ); center.add( east.getComponent(), BorderLayout.EAST ); center.add( west.getComponent(), BorderLayout.WEST ); minimizer.addAreaMinimized( north, SplitDockProperty.NORTH ); minimizer.addAreaMinimized( south, SplitDockProperty.SOUTH ); minimizer.addAreaMinimized( east, SplitDockProperty.EAST ); minimizer.addAreaMinimized( west, SplitDockProperty.WEST ); frame.setBounds( 20, 20, 800, 600 ); frame.setTitle( "Help - Demonstration of DockingFrames" ); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE ); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter(){ @Override public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ){ shutdown(); } }); frontend.addRoot( "north", north ); frontend.addRoot( "south", south ); frontend.addRoot( "east", east ); frontend.addRoot( "west", west ); frontend.addRoot( "root", station ); frontend.addRoot( "screen", screen ); } /** * Creates a button in <code>dockbar</code> and connects the button with * <code>dockable</code> and {@link #frontend}. * @param dockbar the parent of the new button * @param dockable the element for which to create the button */ private void buttonize( Container dockbar, Dockable dockable ){ DockableButton button = new DockableButton( frontend, dockable ); dockbar.add( button ); frontend.addRepresentative( button ); } /** * Builds the menubar and adds it to {@link #frame} */ private void buildMenu(){ JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar(); menubar.add( new PanelMenu( frontend ) ); menubar.add( new LayoutMenu( frontend ) ); JMenu themes = new JMenu( "Window" ); menubar.add( themes ); LookAndFeelList list; if( monitor == null ){ list = LookAndFeelList.getDefaultList(); list.addComponentCollector( this ); } else list = monitor.getGlobalLookAndFeel(); themes.add( new LookAndFeelMenu( frame, list ) ); themes.add( createThemeMenu() ); // no preferences yet // themes.add( new PreferenceItem( frame, frontend.getController() )); frame.setJMenuBar( menubar ); } /** * Creates a menu that contains items to change the {@link DockTheme}. * @return the newly created menu */ private JMenu createThemeMenu(){ JMenu dockTheme = new JMenu( "Theme" ); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); boolean first = true; for( final ThemeFactory factory : DockUI.getDefaultDockUI().getThemes()){ ThemeMeta meta = factory.createMeta( frontend.getController() ); JRadioButtonMenuItem item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( meta.getName() ); if( first ){ item.setSelected( true ); frontend.getController().setTheme( factory.create( frontend.getController() ) ); first = false; } group.add( item ); item.setToolTipText( meta.getDescription() ); item.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){ onThemeUpdate = true; frontend.getController().setTheme( factory.create( frontend.getController() ) ); onThemeUpdate = false; } }); dockTheme.add( item ); } return dockTheme; } /** * Tells whether the {@link DockTheme} is currently exchanging or not. * @return <code>true</code> if the application currently changes the * theme */ public boolean isOnThemeUpdate(){ return onThemeUpdate; } }