import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* The help-model stores a set of {@link Entry}s. The model can be used
* to search an <code>Entry</code> given its link.
* @author Benjamin Sigg
public class HelpModel {
/** the <code>Entry</code>s known to this model */
private Map<String, Entry> entries = new HashMap<String, Entry>();
* Creates a new model, reads a set of {@link Entry}s. The
* <code>Entry</code>s are read using {@link EntryIO#readList(DataInputStream)}.
* @param path the path to a file that contains the help-pages. The path
* is resolved using {@link Class#getResourceAsStream(String)}, with
* <code>HelpModel.class</code> as starting point.
* @throws IOException if the help can't be loaded
public HelpModel( String path ) throws IOException{
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( HelpModel.class.getResourceAsStream( path ) );
List<Entry> list = EntryIO.readList( in );
for( Entry entry : list )
entries.put( entry.getType() + ":" + entry.getId(), entry );
* Gets an {@link Entry} that is identified by its link.
* @param link a string in the form <code>type:id</code>
* @return an Entry where <code>type</code> equals {@link Entry#getType()}
* and <code>id</code> equals {@link Entry#getId()}
public Entry get( String link ){
return entries.get( link );