package; import; import com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.Parameter; import com.sun.javadoc.Type; /** * An {@link Entryable} that collects detailed information about a method. * @author Benjamin Sigg * */ @Content(type="method",encoding=Content.Encoding.DOCUMENT) public class EntryableMethod extends AbstractEntryable { /** The method that is analyzed */ private MethodDoc doc; /** * Collects detailed information about the method <code>doc</code>. * @param doc the method to analyze */ public EntryableMethod( MethodDoc doc ){ this.doc = doc; bold( true ); println( "Containing: " ); bold( false ); linkln( doc.containingClass().qualifiedName(), "class", doc.containingClass().qualifiedName() ); println(); bold( true ); println( "Name:" ); bold( false ); print( doc.modifiers() ); print( " " ); print( doc.returnType() ); print( " " ); print( ); print( "(" ); Parameter[] args = doc.parameters(); for( int i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ){ if( i > 0 ) print( ", " ); print( args[i].type() ); print( " " ); print( args[i].name() ); } println( ")" ); if( doc.thrownExceptionTypes().length > 0 ){ println(); bold( true ); println( "Throws:" ); bold( false ); for( Type type : doc.thrownExceptionTypes()){ print( type ); println(); } } if( doc.commentText() != null ){ println(); bold( true ); println( "Comment:" ); bold( false ); println( doc.commentText() ); } } public Entry toEntry() { return new Entry( "method", doc.qualifiedName() + doc.signature(), "Method " + doc.qualifiedName() + doc.signature(), content(), "class:" + doc.containingClass().qualifiedName()); } }