package bibliothek.layouts.controlling; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.PreferenceTable; import bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.AbstractPreference; import bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.DefaultPreferenceModel; import bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.PreferenceModel; import bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.PreferenceOperation; import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.CControl; import bibliothek.gui.dock.common.DefaultSingleCDockable; import; import bibliothek.layouts.Core; import bibliothek.layouts.Icons; import bibliothek.util.Path; import bibliothek.util.xml.XElement; /** * Shows a list of layout-settings. Each entry in this list represent the output * of {@link ApplicationResourceManager#writeStream(} or * {@link ApplicationResourceManager#writeXML(bibliothek.util.xml.XElement)}. * @author Benjamin Sigg */ public class StorageDockable extends DefaultSingleCDockable{ private static final PreferenceOperation STORE_XML = new PreferenceOperation( "xml", Icons.get( "xml" ), "Store the current layout as xml" ); private static final PreferenceOperation STORE_BINARY = new PreferenceOperation( "binary", Icons.get( "binary" ), "Store the current layout in binary format" ); private static final PreferenceOperation LOAD = new PreferenceOperation( "load", Icons.get( "load" ), "Load the layout of this entry" ); private Core core; private DefaultPreferenceModel model; private int entryCount = 0; public StorageDockable( Core core, CControl control ){ super( "storage" ); setTitleText( "Storage" ); this.core = core; model = new DefaultPreferenceModel( control.getController() ); model.add( new Entry( ++entryCount ) ); PreferenceTable table = new PreferenceTable(); table.setModel( model ); setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); add( new JScrollPane( table ), BorderLayout.CENTER ); } private class Entry extends AbstractPreference<Object>{ private int index; private Object data; private String label; public Entry( int index ){ this.index = index; label = "empty"; } public void setModel( PreferenceModel model ){ // ignore } @Override public PreferenceOperation[] getOperations() { return new PreferenceOperation[]{ PreferenceOperation.DELETE, LOAD, STORE_BINARY, STORE_XML }; } @Override public boolean isEnabled( PreferenceOperation operation ) { if( operation == STORE_XML || operation == STORE_BINARY ) return true; if( operation == LOAD || operation == PreferenceOperation.DELETE ) return data != null; return false; } @Override public void doOperation( PreferenceOperation operation ) { try{ if( operation == STORE_XML || operation == STORE_BINARY ){ if( operation == STORE_XML ){ XElement element = new XElement( "root" ); core.getEnvironment().getEnvironmentControl().getResources().writeXML( element ); data = element; label = "xml"; } if( operation == STORE_BINARY ){ data = core.getEnvironment().getEnvironmentControl().getResources().writeArray(); label = "binary"; } fireChanged(); if( model.indexOf( this ) == model.getSize()-1 ){ model.add( new Entry( ++entryCount ) ); } } if( operation == LOAD ){ if( data instanceof XElement ){ core.getEnvironment().getEnvironmentControl().getResources().readXML( (XElement)data ); } if( data instanceof byte[] ){ core.getEnvironment().getEnvironmentControl().getResources().readArray( (byte[])data ); } core.getSingleDockables().updateTable(); core.getMultiDockables().updateTable(); } if( operation == PreferenceOperation.DELETE ){ model.remove( this ); } } catch( Exception ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getContentPane(), "Unable to perform operation:\n" + ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); } } public String getDescription() { return "Stores one set of layouts, contains the same information as one layout-file would contain."; } public String getLabel() { return "Layout Nr. " + index + ": "; } public Path getPath() { return new Path( "" + index ); } public Path getTypePath() { return Path.TYPE_LABEL; } public Object getValue() { return label; } public Object getValueInfo() { return null; } public boolean isNatural() { return true; } public void setValue( Object value ) { // ignore } public void read(){ // ignore } public void write(){ // ignore } } }