package; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Window; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.LookAndFeel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; /** * A set of methods that used to update the {@link LookAndFeel} of {@link Component}s. * @author Benjamin Sigg */ public class LookAndFeelUtilities { /** * Updates the look and feel for all windows that can be found through * the collection of components. * @param components a set of known components */ public static void updateUI( Collection<Component> components ){ Set<Component> visit = new HashSet<Component>(); for( Component component : components ){ component = getAncestor( component ); Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor( component ); if( window != null ) change( window, visit ); else change( component, visit ); } } /** * Gets the one parent of <code>component</code> which does not have a * parent itself. * @param component some component * @return a parent of <code>component</code> or <code>component</code> itself. */ private static Component getAncestor( Component component ){ Container parent = component.getParent(); if( parent == null ) return component; return getAncestor( parent ); } /** * Updates the look and feel of <code>base</code> and all its * children. Recursively goes through all {@link Window}s that * are owned by <code>base</code> (assuming <code>base</code> * is itself a <code>Window</code>).<br> * @param base the root of a component-tree * @param visit the set of roots that were already visited, <code>base</code> * is added to this set and if <code>base</code> was already in the set, * then this method returns immediately */ private static void change( Component base, Set<Component> visit ){ if( visit.add( base )){ SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI( base ); if( base instanceof Window ){ Window window = (Window)base; for( Window child : window.getOwnedWindows() ) change( child, visit ); } } } }