package; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; public class MachineModMessageEntityToClient implements IMessage { public int entityid; public double posX = 0; public double posY = 0; public double posZ = 0; public float yaw = 0; public float Attribute1 = 0; public float Attribute2 = 0; public int currentFuelLevel = 0; public MachineModMessageEntityToClient() { //"in machineModMessageEntityToClientConstructor basic"); } public String toString() { return "MachineModMessageEntityToClient Class Details: \n posX=" + posX + "\n posY =" + posY + "\n posZ=" + posZ + "\n yaw=" + yaw + "\n Attribute1=" + Attribute1 + "\n Attribute2=" + Attribute2; } public MachineModMessageEntityToClient(int entityid, double posX, double posY, double posZ, float yaw, float Attribute1, float Attribute2, int currentFuelLevel) { super(); //"in machineModMessageEntityToClientConstructor with parms"); this.entityid = entityid; this.posX = posX; this.posY = posY; this.posZ = posZ; this.yaw = yaw; this.Attribute1 = Attribute1; this.Attribute2 = Attribute2; this.currentFuelLevel = currentFuelLevel; } @Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { //"in machineModMessageEntityToClient from bytes"); this.entityid = buf.readInt(); this.posX = buf.readDouble(); this.posY = buf.readDouble(); this.posZ = buf.readDouble(); this.yaw = buf.readFloat(); this.Attribute1 = buf.readFloat(); this.Attribute2 = buf.readFloat(); this.currentFuelLevel = buf.readInt(); } @Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { //"in machineModMessageEntityToClient to bytes"); buf.writeInt(entityid); buf.writeDouble(posX); buf.writeDouble(posY); buf.writeDouble(posZ); buf.writeFloat(yaw); buf.writeFloat(Attribute1); buf.writeFloat(Attribute2); buf.writeInt(currentFuelLevel); } }