* This file is part of Project-Zed. Project-Zed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Project-Zed is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should
* have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Project-Zed. If not, see <http://www.gnu
* .org/licenses/>
package com.projectzed.mod.handler;
import com.hockeyhurd.hcorelib.api.math.Color4f;
import com.hockeyhurd.hcorelib.api.util.BlockUtils;
import com.projectzed.mod.ProjectZed;
import com.projectzed.mod.item.IItemAdjustableRadii;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.DrawBlockHighlightEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
* Rendering class for selection box quads.
* @author hockeyhurd
* @version 3/28/2016.
public class DrawBlockSelectionHandler {
private float pulse = 0.5f;
private boolean increasing = true;
private static Color4f selectionBoxColor; // = ProjectZed.configHandler.getSelectionBoxColor();
public void onDrawBlockHighlightEvent(DrawBlockHighlightEvent event) {
final ItemStack stack = event.getPlayer().inventory.getCurrentItem();
if (stack != null && event.getTarget().typeOfHit == RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK) {
if (stack.getItem() instanceof IItemAdjustableRadii)
drawSelectionBoxQuad(event.getContext(), event.getPlayer(), event.getTarget(), 0, event.getPartialTicks());
* Draws selection box quad.
* @param context Render context.
* @param player EntityPlayer.
* @param rayTrace Ray trace object.
* @param x int.
* @param partialTicks float partial ticks.
private void drawSelectionBoxQuad(RenderGlobal context, EntityPlayer player, RayTraceResult rayTrace, int x, float partialTicks) {
if (x == 0 && context != null && rayTrace.typeOfHit == RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK) {
selectionBoxColor = ProjectZed.configHandler.getSelectionBoxColor();
OpenGlHelper.glBlendFunc(770, 771, 1, 0);
GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, getNextPulse());
final float offsetY = 0.002f;
// final int radii = ((IItemAdjustableRadii) player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem()).getRadii();
final int radii = getRadiiFromPlayer(player);
double xp, yp, zp;
IBlockState currentBlock;
BlockPos blockPos;
for (int i = -radii; i <= radii; i++) {
for (int j = -radii; j <= radii; j++) {
// currentBlock = player.worldObj.getBlock(rayTrace.blockX, rayTrace.blockY, rayTrace.blockZ);
if (rayTrace.sideHit == EnumFacing.DOWN || rayTrace.sideHit == EnumFacing.UP) {
blockPos = BlockUtils.createBlockPos(rayTrace.getBlockPos().getX() + i,
rayTrace.getBlockPos().getY(), rayTrace.getBlockPos().getZ() + j);
currentBlock = BlockUtils.getBlock(player.worldObj, blockPos);
if (currentBlock.getBlock().getMaterial(currentBlock) == Material.AIR) continue;
// currentBlock.getBlock().setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(player.worldObj, rayTrace.blockX + i, rayTrace.blockY, rayTrace.blockZ + j);
AxisAlignedBB boundingBox = new AxisAlignedBB(blockPos);
xp = player.lastTickPosX + (player.posX - player.lastTickPosX) * partialTicks;
yp = player.lastTickPosY + (player.posY - player.lastTickPosY) * partialTicks;
zp = player.lastTickPosZ + (player.posZ - player.lastTickPosZ) * partialTicks;
// RenderGlobal.drawOutlinedBoundingBox(boundingBox.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).offset(-xp, -yp, -zp));
RenderGlobal.drawSelectionBoundingBox(boundingBox.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).offset(-xp, -yp, -zp),
selectionBoxColor.getR(), selectionBoxColor.getG(), selectionBoxColor.getB(), getNextPulse());
// RenderGlobal.drawSelectionBoundingBox(
// boundingBox.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).offset(-xp, -yp, -zp));
else if (rayTrace.sideHit == EnumFacing.NORTH || rayTrace.sideHit == EnumFacing.SOUTH) {
blockPos = BlockUtils
.createBlockPos(rayTrace.getBlockPos().getX() + i, rayTrace.getBlockPos().getY() + j, rayTrace.getBlockPos().getZ());
currentBlock = BlockUtils.getBlock(player.worldObj, blockPos);
if (currentBlock.getMaterial() == Material.AIR) continue;
// currentBlock.setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(player.worldObj, rayTrace.blockX + i, rayTrace.blockY + j, rayTrace.blockZ);
AxisAlignedBB boundingBox = new AxisAlignedBB(blockPos);
xp = player.lastTickPosX + (player.posX - player.lastTickPosX) * partialTicks;
yp = player.lastTickPosY + (player.posY - player.lastTickPosY) * partialTicks;
zp = player.lastTickPosZ + (player.posZ - player.lastTickPosZ) * partialTicks;
currentBlock.getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(player.worldObj, rayTrace.blockX + i, rayTrace.blockY + j, rayTrace.blockZ)
.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).getOffsetBoundingBox(-xp, -yp, -zp), -1);*/
RenderGlobal.drawSelectionBoundingBox(boundingBox.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).offset(-xp, -yp, -zp),
selectionBoxColor.getR(), selectionBoxColor.getG(), selectionBoxColor.getB(), getNextPulse());
// RenderGlobal.drawSelectionBoundingBox(
// boundingBox.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).offset(-xp, -yp, -zp));
else {
blockPos = BlockUtils
.createBlockPos(rayTrace.getBlockPos().getX(), rayTrace.getBlockPos().getY() + j, rayTrace.getBlockPos().getZ() + i);
currentBlock = BlockUtils.getBlock(player.worldObj, blockPos);
if (currentBlock.getMaterial() == Material.AIR) continue;
// currentBlock.setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(player.worldObj, rayTrace.blockX, rayTrace.blockY + j, rayTrace.blockZ + i);
AxisAlignedBB boundingBox = new AxisAlignedBB(blockPos);
xp = player.lastTickPosX + (player.posX - player.lastTickPosX) * partialTicks;
yp = player.lastTickPosY + (player.posY - player.lastTickPosY) * partialTicks;
zp = player.lastTickPosZ + (player.posZ - player.lastTickPosZ) * partialTicks;
currentBlock.getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(player.worldObj, rayTrace.blockX, rayTrace.blockY + j, rayTrace.blockZ + i)
.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).getOffsetBoundingBox(-xp, -yp, -zp), -1);*/
RenderGlobal.drawSelectionBoundingBox(boundingBox.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).offset(-xp, -yp, -zp),
selectionBoxColor.getR(), selectionBoxColor.getG(), selectionBoxColor.getB(), getNextPulse());
// RenderGlobal.drawSelectionBoundingBox(
// boundingBox.expand((double) offsetY, (double) offsetY, (double) offsetY).offset(-xp, -yp, -zp));
* Adjusts and returns new pulse value.
* @return float.
private float getNextPulse() {
if (pulse >= 0.75f) increasing = false;
else if (pulse <= 0.25f) increasing = true;
pulse += increasing ? (0.0015625f) : (-0.0015625f);
return pulse;
* Gets the radius from either item in player's hands.
* @param player EntityPlayer to check from.
* @return int radii result.
private static int getRadiiFromPlayer(EntityPlayer player) {
if (player == null) return 1;
ItemStack stack = player.getHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND);
if (stack.getItem() instanceof IItemAdjustableRadii)
return ((IItemAdjustableRadii) stack.getItem()).getRadii();
stack = player.getHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND);
if (stack.getItem() instanceof IItemAdjustableRadii)
return ((IItemAdjustableRadii) stack.getItem()).getRadii();
return 1;