/* This file is part of Project-Zed. Project-Zed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Project-Zed is
* distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with Project-Zed. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package com.projectzed.mod.gui;
import com.hockeyhurd.hcorelib.api.math.Rect;
import com.hockeyhurd.hcorelib.api.math.Vector2;
import com.hockeyhurd.hcorelib.api.util.Waila;
import com.projectzed.api.tileentity.digger.AbstractTileEntityDigger;
import com.projectzed.api.util.EnumRedstoneType;
import com.projectzed.mod.container.ContainerDigger;
import com.projectzed.mod.gui.component.*;
import com.projectzed.mod.gui.component.GuiConfigButton.EnumConfigType;
import com.projectzed.mod.handler.PacketHandler;
import com.projectzed.mod.handler.message.MessageTileEntityDigger;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* Generic class for digger machines.
* @author hockeyhurd
* @version Jun 18, 2015
public abstract class GuiDigger extends GuiContainer implements IInfoContainer {
public ResourceLocation texture;
protected AbstractTileEntityDigger te;
private String stringToDraw;
protected Vector2<Integer> mouseVec, pos, minMax;
protected List<IInfoLabel> labelList;
protected LinkedList<IGuiButton> buttons;
protected EnumRedstoneType redstoneType;
protected Waila waila;
protected GuiPanelUpgrade upgradePanel;
protected int upgradeXOffset = 0x20;
public GuiDigger(InventoryPlayer inv, AbstractTileEntityDigger te) {
super(new ContainerDigger(inv, te));
this.texture = getResourceTexture();
if (this.texture == null) this.texture = new ResourceLocation("projectzed", "textures/gui/GuiDefault.png");
this.te = te;
this.xSize = 176 + upgradeXOffset;
this.ySize = 166;
this.labelList = new ArrayList<IInfoLabel>();
this.redstoneType = te.getRedstoneType();
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer;
waila = new Waila(null, player.worldObj, player, null, 0);
upgradePanel = new GuiPanelUpgrade(new Vector2<Integer>(guiLeft + xSize - upgradeXOffset, guiTop));
protected abstract ResourceLocation getResourceTexture();
public void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int x, int y) {
stringToDraw = !this.te.hasCustomInventoryName() ? this.te.getInventoryName() : I18n.format(this.te.getInventoryName(), new Object[0]);
this.fontRendererObj.drawString(stringToDraw, this.xSize / 2 - this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(stringToDraw) / 2, 6, 4210752);
public void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float f, int x, int y) {
GL11.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
int xStart = (width - xSize) / 2;
int yStart = (height - ySize) / 2;
this.drawTexturedModalRect(xStart, yStart, 0, 0, xSize - upgradeXOffset, ySize);
float progress = ((float) this.te.getEnergyStored() / (float) this.te.getMaxStorage()) * 160f;
this.drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft + 7, guiTop + 61, 0, 170, (int) progress, 17);
upgradePanel.renderContainer(this, f, x, y);
public void drawScreen(int x, int y, float f) {
super.drawScreen(x, y, f);
this.mouseVec.x = x;
this.mouseVec.y = y;
if (visibleComp() != null) this.drawHoveringText(visibleComp().getLabel(), x, y, this.fontRendererObj);
public void initGui() {
this.mouseVec = Vector2.zero;
this.pos = new Vector2<Integer>(guiLeft + 7, guiTop + 61);
this.minMax = new Vector2<Integer>(guiLeft + 7 + 162, guiTop + 61 + 17);
int guiLeft = (width - xSize) / 2;
int guiTop = (height - ySize) / 2;
this.labelList.add(new PowerLabel<Integer>(this.pos, this.minMax, this.te.getEnergyStored(), this.te.getMaxStorage(), true));
int counter = 0;
// if new list, 'create' new list object.
if (buttons == null) buttons = new LinkedList<IGuiButton>();
// if list has cached buttons, clear it for new init. we do this because some buttons depend upon player facing ForgeDirection.
if (!buttons.isEmpty()) buttons.clear();
GuiConfigButton sidedIOButton = new GuiConfigButton(counter++, guiLeft - 16, guiTop + 16, null, (byte) 0, new Rect<Integer>(new Vector2<Integer>(guiLeft - 16, guiTop + 16), new Vector2<Integer>(60, 60), 0xffff0000), EnumConfigType.SIDED_IO);
GuiConfigButton redstonToggleButton = new GuiConfigButton(counter++, guiLeft - 16, guiTop + 16 + 20, null, (byte) 1, new Rect<Integer>(new Vector2<Integer>(guiLeft - 16, guiTop + 16 + 20), new Vector2<Integer>(75, 35), 0xff0000ff), EnumConfigType.REDSTONE);
GuiRedstoneButton[] redstoneButtons = new GuiRedstoneButton[] {
new GuiRedstoneButton(this, counter++, guiLeft - 72 - 8, guiTop + 24 + 20, null, EnumRedstoneType.DISABLED),
new GuiRedstoneButton(this, counter++, guiLeft - 72 + 16 - 4, guiTop + 24 + 20, null, EnumRedstoneType.LOW),
new GuiRedstoneButton(this, counter++, guiLeft - 72 + 32, guiTop + 24 + 20, null, EnumRedstoneType.HIGH)
for (int i = 0; i < redstoneButtons.length; i++) {
if (redstoneButtons[i].getType() != this.te.getRedstoneType()) redstoneButtons[i].setActive(false);
else redstoneButtons[i].setActive(true);
redstoneButtons[i].visible = false;
getLayoutFromFacingDirection(waila.getSideHit(), counter, guiLeft - 72, guiTop + 38);
IGuiButton current;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.size(); i++) {
current = buttons.get(i);
if (!(current instanceof GuiConfigButton)) ((GuiButton) current).visible = false;
// if (current instanceof GuiButton) this.buttonList.add((GuiButton) current);
this.buttonList.add((GuiButton) current);
public void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) {
boolean isActive = false;
// ProjectZed.logHelper.info("button.id:", button.id);
if (button instanceof IGuiButton) {
if (button instanceof GuiConfigButton) {
boolean activeState = ((IGuiButton) button).isActive();
EnumConfigType configType = ((GuiConfigButton) button).getConfigType();
for (int i = 0; i < buttonList.size(); i++) {
if (!(buttonList.get(i) instanceof IGuiButton)) continue;
if (i != button.id) {
if (!(buttonList.get(i) instanceof GuiConfigButton)) {
((IGuiButton) buttonList.get(i)).setActive(!activeState);
((GuiButton) buttonList.get(i)).visible = !activeState;
else ((IGuiButton) buttonList.get(i)).setActive(false);
if (configType == EnumConfigType.SIDED_IO) {
for (int i = 0; i < buttonList.size(); i++) {
if (buttonList.get(i) instanceof GuiConfigButton) continue;
if (buttonList.get(i) instanceof GuiIOButton) {
((GuiIOButton) buttonList.get(i)).visible = activeState;
else ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(i)).visible = false;
else if (configType == EnumConfigType.REDSTONE) {
for (int i = 0; i < buttonList.size(); i++) {
if (buttonList.get(i) instanceof GuiConfigButton) continue;
if (buttonList.get(i) instanceof GuiRedstoneButton) {
((GuiRedstoneButton) buttonList.get(i)).visible = activeState;
if (((GuiRedstoneButton) buttonList.get(i)).getType() == this.redstoneType) ((GuiRedstoneButton) buttonList.get(i)).setActive(true);
else ((GuiRedstoneButton) buttonList.get(i)).setActive(false); // ensure all else are set to false!
else ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(i)).visible = false;
else if (button instanceof GuiRedstoneButton) {
this.redstoneType = ((GuiRedstoneButton) button).getType();
for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonList.size(); i++) {
if (!(this.buttonList.get(i) instanceof GuiRedstoneButton)) continue;
if (((GuiRedstoneButton) this.buttonList.get(i)).getType() != this.redstoneType) ((GuiRedstoneButton) this.buttonList.get(i)).setActive(false);
else ((GuiRedstoneButton) this.buttonList.get(i)).setActive(true);
else if (button instanceof GuiIOButton) {
if (!this.isShiftKeyDown()) {
EnumFacing dirToSet = getDirectionFromName(button.displayString);
// ProjectZed.logHelper.info("Pre-Val:\t" + te.getSideValve(dirToSet));
// ProjectZed.logHelper.info("Post-Val:\t" + te.getSideValve(dirToSet));
else if (this.isShiftKeyDown()) {
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonList.size(); i++) {
if (this.buttonList.get(i) instanceof GuiIOButton) {
((GuiIOButton) this.buttonList.get(i)).setStateID((byte) 0);
for (EnumFacing dir : EnumFacing.VALUES) {
te.setSideValve(dir, (byte) 0);
PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new MessageTileEntityDigger(te));
else return;
public List<IInfoLabel> getComponents() {
return this.labelList;
public IInfoLabel visibleComp() {
if (getComponents() != null && getComponents().size() > 0) {
IInfoLabel label = null;
for (IInfoLabel index : getComponents()) {
if (index.isVisible(false)) {
label = index;
return label;
return null;
public void updateScreen() {
this.pos.x = guiLeft + 7;
this.pos.y = guiTop + 61;
this.minMax.x = guiLeft + 7 + 162;
this.minMax.y = guiTop + 61 + 17;
if (this.te != null && getComponents() != null && getComponents().size() > 0) {
getComponents().get(0).update(this.mouseVec, this.pos, this.minMax, new Integer[] { this.te.getEnergyStored(), this.te.getMaxStorage(), te.getEnergyBurnRate() });
upgradePanel.location.x = guiLeft + xSize - upgradeXOffset;
upgradePanel.location.y = guiTop;
* NOTE: This function should only be used if this te is instance of TileEntityEnergyBankBase.
* @param dir = direction player is facing.
* @param posX = position x to start drawing button.
* @param posY = position y to start drawing button.
* @return gui button array for side player is currently facing.
protected void getLayoutFromFacingDirection(EnumFacing dir, int index, int posX, int posY) {
if (dir == EnumFacing.SOUTH) {
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "B", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.DOWN)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY - 16 - 2, 16, 16, "T", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.UP)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "S", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.SOUTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY, 16, 16, "N", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.NORTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY, 16, 16, "W", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.WEST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX, posY, 16, 16, "E", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.EAST)));
else if (dir == EnumFacing.NORTH) {
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "B", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.DOWN)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY - 16 - 2, 16, 16, "T", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.UP)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "N", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.NORTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY, 16, 16, "S", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.SOUTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY, 16, 16, "E", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.EAST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX, posY, 16, 16, "W", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.WEST)));
else if (dir == EnumFacing.EAST) {
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "B", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.DOWN)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY - 16 - 2, 16, 16, "T", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.UP)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "E", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.EAST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY, 16, 16, "W", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.WEST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY, 16, 16, "S", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.SOUTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX, posY, 16, 16, "N", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.NORTH)));
else if (dir == EnumFacing.WEST) {
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "B", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.DOWN)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY - 16 - 2, 16, 16, "T", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.UP)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "W", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.WEST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY, 16, 16, "E", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.EAST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY, 16, 16, "N", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.NORTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX, posY, 16, 16, "S", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.SOUTH)));
else if (dir == EnumFacing.DOWN) {
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "S", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.SOUTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY - 16 - 2, 16, 16, "N", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.NORTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "B", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.DOWN)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY, 16, 16, "T", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.UP)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY, 16, 16, "E", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.EAST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX, posY, 16, 16, "W", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.WEST)));
else {
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "S", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.SOUTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY - 16 - 2, 16, 16, "N", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.NORTH)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY + 16 + 2, 16, 16, "T", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.UP)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 16 + 2, posY, 16, 16, "B", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.DOWN)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX + 32 + 4, posY, 16, 16, "E", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.EAST)));
buttons.addLast(new GuiIOButton(this, index++, posX, posY, 16, 16, "W", getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing.WEST)));
* NOTE: This function should only be used if this te is instance of TileEntityEnergyBankBase.
* @param name name of side.
* @return direction associated by button's name.
protected EnumFacing getDirectionFromName(String name) {
EnumFacing dir = null;
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) dir = EnumFacing.NORTH;
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("s")) dir = EnumFacing.SOUTH;
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("e")) dir = EnumFacing.EAST;
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("w")) dir = EnumFacing.WEST;
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("t")) dir = EnumFacing.UP;
else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("b")) dir = EnumFacing.DOWN;
return dir;
* NOTE: This function should only be used if this te is instance of TileEntityEnergyBankBase.
* @param dir = direction to get.
* @return value of the 'valve' on side specified.
protected byte getSideValueFromTE(EnumFacing dir) {
// return te instanceof AbstractTileEntityDigger ? ((AbstractTileEntityDigger) te).getSideValve(dir) : 0;
return te.getSideValve(dir);