package won.node.service.impl; import org.apache.jena.graph.TripleBoundary; import org.apache.jena.query.Dataset; import org.apache.jena.query.DatasetFactory; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import won.protocol.exception.*; import won.protocol.model.*; import won.protocol.repository.*; import won.protocol.service.WonNodeInformationService; import won.protocol.util.DataAccessUtils; import won.protocol.vocabulary.WON; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * User: gabriel * Date: 06/11/13 */ public class DataAccessServiceImpl implements won.node.service.DataAccessService { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private URIService URIService; @Autowired private NeedRepository needRepository; @Autowired private ConnectionRepository connectionRepository; @Autowired private FacetRepository facetRepository; @Autowired private WonNodeInformationService wonNodeInformationService; @Autowired protected ConnectionContainerRepository connectionContainerRepository; @Autowired protected NeedEventContainerRepository needEventContainerRepository; @Autowired protected ConnectionEventContainerRepository connectionEventContainerRepository; @Autowired protected DatasetHolderRepository datasetHolderRepository; /** * Creates a new Connection object. * * @param connectionURI * @param needURI * @param otherNeedURI * @param otherConnectionURI * @param facetURI * @param connectionState * @param connectionEventType * @return * @throws NoSuchNeedException * @throws IllegalMessageForNeedStateException * @throws ConnectionAlreadyExistsException */ public Connection createConnection(final URI connectionURI, final URI needURI, final URI otherNeedURI, final URI otherConnectionURI, final URI facetURI, final ConnectionState connectionState, final ConnectionEventType connectionEventType) throws NoSuchNeedException, IllegalMessageForNeedStateException, ConnectionAlreadyExistsException { if (needURI == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("needURI is not set"); if (otherNeedURI == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("otherNeedURI is not set"); if (needURI.equals(otherNeedURI)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("needURI and otherNeedURI are the same"); if (facetURI == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("facetURI is not set"); //Load need (throws exception if not found) Need need = DataAccessUtils.loadNeed(needRepository, needURI); if (!isNeedActive(need)) throw new IllegalMessageForNeedStateException(needURI,, need.getState()); //TODO: create a proper exception if a facet is not supported by a need if(facetRepository.findByNeedURIAndTypeURI(needURI, facetURI).isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("Facet is not supported by Need: " + facetURI); /* Create connection */ Connection con = new Connection(); //create and set new uri con.setConnectionURI(connectionURI); con.setNeedURI(needURI); con.setState(connectionState); con.setRemoteNeedURI(otherNeedURI); con.setRemoteConnectionURI(otherConnectionURI); con.setTypeURI(facetURI); ConnectionEventContainer connectionEventContainer = new ConnectionEventContainer(con, connectionURI); try { con =;; } catch (Exception e){ //we assume the unique key constraint on needURI, remoteNeedURI, typeURI was violated: we have to perform an // update, not an insert logger.warn("caught exception, assuming unique key constraint on needURI, remoteNeedURI, typeURI was violated" + ". Throwing a ConnectionAlreadyExistsException. TODO: think about handling this exception " + "separately", e); throw new ConnectionAlreadyExistsException(con.getConnectionURI(),needURI, otherNeedURI); } return con; } @Override public Collection<URI> getSupportedFacets(URI needUri) throws NoSuchNeedException { List<URI> ret = new LinkedList<URI>(); Need need = DataAccessUtils.loadNeed(needRepository, needUri); DatasetHolder datasetHolder = need.getDatatsetHolder(); Model content = null; content = datasetHolder.getDataset().getDefaultModel(); if (content == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("tried to access content dataset of need '"+need.getNeedURI()+"' but found " + "none!"); } Resource baseRes = content.getResource(content.getNsPrefixURI("")); StmtIterator stmtIterator = baseRes.listProperties(WON.HAS_FACET); while (stmtIterator.hasNext()) { RDFNode object = stmtIterator.nextStatement().getObject(); if (object.isURIResource()){ ret.add(URI.create(object.toString())); } } return ret; } @Override public Connection getConnection(List<Connection> connections, URI facetURI, ConnectionEventType eventType) throws ConnectionAlreadyExistsException { Connection con = null; for(Connection c : connections) { //TODO: check remote need type as well if (facetURI.equals(c.getTypeURI())) con = c; } return con; } @Override public Connection nextConnectionState(URI connectionURI, ConnectionEventType connectionEventType) throws NoSuchConnectionException, IllegalMessageForConnectionStateException { if (connectionURI == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("connectionURI is not set"); //load connection, checking if it exists Connection con = DataAccessUtils.loadConnection(connectionRepository, connectionURI); //perform state transit ConnectionState nextState = performStateTransit(con, connectionEventType); //set new state and save in the db con.setState(nextState); //save in the db return; } @Override public Connection nextConnectionState(Connection con, ConnectionEventType connectionEventType) throws IllegalMessageForConnectionStateException { //perform state transit ConnectionState nextState = performStateTransit(con, connectionEventType); //set new state and save in the db con.setState(nextState); //save in the db return; } /** * Adds feedback, represented by the subgraph reachable from feedback, to the RDF description of the * item identified by forResource * @param connection * @param feedback * @return true if feedback could be added false otherwise */ @Override public boolean addFeedback(final Connection connection, final Resource feedback){ //TODO: concurrent modifications to the model for this resource result in side-effects. //think about locking. logger.debug("adding feedback to resource {}", connection); DatasetHolder datasetHolder = connection.getDatasetHolder(); Dataset dataset = null; if (datasetHolder == null) { //if no dataset is found, we create one. dataset = DatasetFactory.create(); datasetHolder = new DatasetHolder(connection.getConnectionURI(), dataset); connection.setDatasetHolder(datasetHolder); } else { dataset = datasetHolder.getDataset(); } Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel(); Resource mainRes = model.getResource(connection.getConnectionURI().toString()); if (mainRes == null){ logger.debug("could not add feedback to resource {}: resource not found/created in model", connection.getConnectionURI()); return false; } mainRes.addProperty(WON.HAS_FEEDBACK_EVENT, feedback); ModelExtract extract = new ModelExtract(new StatementTripleBoundary(TripleBoundary.stopNowhere)); model.add(extract.extract(feedback, feedback.getModel())); dataset.setDefaultModel(model); datasetHolder.setDataset(dataset);;; logger.debug("done adding feedback for resource {}", connection); return true; } @Override public void updateRemoteConnectionURI(Connection con, URI remoteConnectionURI) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("updating remote connection URI of con {} to {}", con, remoteConnectionURI); } con.setRemoteConnectionURI(remoteConnectionURI);; } private boolean isNeedActive(final Need need) { return NeedState.ACTIVE == need.getState(); } /** * Calculates the ATConnectionState resulting from the message in the current connection state. * Checks if the specified message is allowed in the connection's state and throws an exception if not. * * @param con * @param msg * @return * @throws won.protocol.exception.IllegalMessageForConnectionStateException * if the message is not allowed in the connection's current state */ private ConnectionState performStateTransit(Connection con, ConnectionEventType msg) throws IllegalMessageForConnectionStateException { if (!msg.isMessageAllowed(con.getState())) { throw new IllegalMessageForConnectionStateException(con.getConnectionURI(),, con.getState()); } return con.getState().transit(msg); } @Override public void setURIService(URIService URIService) { this.URIService = URIService; } }