package won.matcher.utils.tensor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * This class builds up the relations between needs and attributes. * It to builds an internal tensor data structure (RESCAL three-way-tensor). * The data structure can be build incrementally and when finished written to file system * for further processing by the RESCAL algorithm or evaluation algorithms. * * User: hfriedrich * Date: 17.07.2014 */ public class TensorMatchingData { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TensorMatchingData.class); private static final int MAX_DIMENSION = 1000000; public static final String NEED_PREFIX = "Need: "; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX = "Attr: "; public static final String HEADERS_FILE = "headers.txt"; public static final String CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME = "connection"; private ThirdOrderSparseTensor tensor; private ArrayList<String> needs; private ArrayList<String> attributes; private ArrayList<String> slices; private int nextIndex = 0; public TensorMatchingData() { tensor = new ThirdOrderSparseTensor(MAX_DIMENSION, MAX_DIMENSION); needs = new ArrayList<>(); attributes = new ArrayList<>(); slices = new ArrayList<>(); } public void addNeedConnection(String need1, String need2, boolean addOnlyIfNeedsExist) { checkAttributeOrNeedName(need1); checkAttributeOrNeedName(need2); if (!addOnlyIfNeedsExist || (addOnlyIfNeedsExist && needs.contains(need1) && needs.contains(need2))) { int x1 = addNeed(need1); int x2 = addNeed(need2); int x3 = addSlice(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME); // connections are bidirectional tensor.setEntry(1.0d, x1, x2, x3); tensor.setEntry(1.0d, x2, x1, x3); } } public void addNeedAttribute(String sliceName, String needUri, String attributeValue) { checkAttributeOrNeedName(needUri); checkAttributeOrNeedName(attributeValue); checkSliceName(sliceName, false); int x1 = addNeed(needUri); int x2 = addAttribute(attributeValue); int x3 = addSlice(sliceName); tensor.setEntry(1.0d, x1, x2, x3); } public void addNeedAttribute(TensorEntry entry) { addNeedAttribute(entry.getSliceName(), entry.getNeedUri(), entry.getValue()); } public String getFirstAttributeOfNeed(String need, String slice) { int needIndex = needs.indexOf(need); if (needIndex < 0) { return null; } Iterator<Integer> iter = tensor.getNonZeroIndicesOfRow(needIndex, slices.indexOf(slice)).iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { return attributes.get(; } return null; } public boolean isValidTensor() { return (needs.size() > 0 && attributes.size() > 0 && slices.size() > 0 && getSliceIndex(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME) != -1); } public int[] getTensorDimensions() { return tensor.getDimensions(); } /** * remove empty needs without attributes and their connections by building up a new * matching data object and add only non-empty needs and connections between those */ protected TensorMatchingData removeEmptyNeedsAndConnections() { // build up a new tensor TensorMatchingData cleanedMatchingData = new TensorMatchingData(); // add the non-empty needs for (int i = 0; i < needs.size(); i++) { String need = needs.get(i); if ((need != null) && needHasAttributes(i)) { cleanedMatchingData.addNeed(need); } } // add all attributes and connections to non-empty needs for (int i = 0; i < needs.size(); i++) { String need = needs.get(i); if ((need != null) && needHasAttributes(i)) { for (int sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slices.size(); sliceIndex++) { for (int attrIndex : tensor.getNonZeroIndicesOfRow(i, sliceIndex)) { if (slices.get(sliceIndex).equals(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME)) { cleanedMatchingData.addNeedConnection(need, needs.get(attrIndex), true); } else { cleanedMatchingData.addNeedAttribute(slices.get(sliceIndex), need, attributes.get(attrIndex)); } } } } } return cleanedMatchingData; } /** * Add a need to the need list * * @param need * @return */ private int addNeed(String need) { if (!needs.contains(need)) { needs.add(nextIndex, need); attributes.add(nextIndex, null); nextIndex++; } return needs.indexOf(need); } /** * Add an attribute to the attribute list * * @param attr * @return */ private int addAttribute(String attr) { if (!attributes.contains(attr)) { attributes.add(nextIndex, attr); needs.add(nextIndex, null); nextIndex++; } return attributes.indexOf(attr); } private int addSlice(String slice) { if (!slices.contains(slice)) { slices.add(slice); } return slices.indexOf(slice); } /** * check if names of needs/attributes are well-formed * * @param name */ private void checkAttributeOrNeedName(String name) { if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need/Attribute is not allowed to be null or empty"); } } private void checkSliceName(String name, boolean connectionSlice) { if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slice is not allowed to be null or empty"); } if ((connectionSlice && !name.equals(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME)) || (!connectionSlice && name.equals(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only connection slice is allowed the name: '" + CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME + "' "); } } /** * Used for testing * * @return */ protected ThirdOrderSparseTensor getTensor() { return tensor; } /** * After all the needs, connections and attributes have been added, this method is used * before writing the tensor out to disk, to resize it to the right dimensions and * remove connections of empty needs that do not have any attributes. * * @return */ protected ThirdOrderSparseTensor createFinalTensor() { int dim = getNeeds().size() + getAttributes().size(); tensor.resize(dim, dim); return tensor; } protected int getSliceIndex(String sliceName) { return slices.indexOf(sliceName); } /** * check if a need with a certain index has any attributes * * @param needIndex * @return */ private boolean needHasAttributes(int needIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) { if (tensor.hasNonZeroEntryInRow(needIndex, i) && getSliceIndex(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME) != i) { return true; } } return false; } public ArrayList<String> getNeedHeaders() { return needs; } public List<String> getNeeds() { ArrayList<String> continuousList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String need : needs) { if (need != null) { continuousList.add(need); } } return continuousList; } public List<String> getAttributes() { ArrayList<String> continuousList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String attr : attributes) { if (attr != null) { continuousList.add(attr); } } return continuousList; } public List<String> getSlices() { ArrayList<String> continuousList = new ArrayList<String>(); continuousList.addAll(slices); return continuousList; } public int getNumberOfConnections() { int connectionSlice = getSliceIndex(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME); return (connectionSlice != -1) ? (getTensor().getNonZeroEntries(connectionSlice) / 2) : 0; } /** * Same as {@link #writeCleanedOutputFiles(String)} but removes empty needs and their connections before writing * the tensor * * @param folder * @return cleaned tensor data * @throws Exception */ public TensorMatchingData writeCleanedOutputFiles(String folder) throws IOException { if (!isValidTensor()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tensor must filled with data before it can be written"); }"remove empty needs and connections ..."); TensorMatchingData cleanedMatchingData = removeEmptyNeedsAndConnections();"Number of needs before cleaning: " + getNeeds().size());"Number of needs after cleaning: " + cleanedMatchingData.getNeeds().size());"Number of attributes before cleaning: " + getAttributes().size());"Number of attributes after cleaning: " + cleanedMatchingData.getAttributes().size());"Number of connections before cleaning: " + getNumberOfConnections());"Number of connections after cleaning: " + cleanedMatchingData.getNumberOfConnections()); cleanedMatchingData.writeOutputFiles(folder); return cleanedMatchingData; } /** * Write the tensor out to the file system for further processing. * Create the following files: * - header.txt file with the need/attribute names that correspond to the index in the tensor. * - <Slice>.mtx files for the different slices e.g. connections, need type, title and other attributes * * @param folder * @throws IOException */ public void writeOutputFiles(String folder) throws IOException { File outFolder = new File(folder); outFolder.mkdirs(); if (!outFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } // write the data file // remove the needs without attributes first"create final tensor ..."); createFinalTensor(); int dim = tensor.getDimensions()[0]; if (dim > MAX_DIMENSION) { logger.error("Maximum Dimension {} exceeded: {}", MAX_DIMENSION, dim); return; }"create tensor data in folder: {}", folder); for (int sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slices.size(); sliceIndex++) {"- " + slices.get(sliceIndex) + ".mtx"); tensor.writeSliceToFile(folder + "/" + slices.get(sliceIndex) + ".mtx", sliceIndex); } // write the headers file FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(folder + "/" + HEADERS_FILE)); OutputStreamWriter os = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); for (int i = 0; i < nextIndex; i++) { String entity = (needs.get(i) != null) ? NEED_PREFIX + needs.get(i) : ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + attributes.get(i); os.append(entity + "\n"); } os.close();"- needs: {}", getNeeds().size());"- attributes: {}", getAttributes().size());"- connections: {}", tensor.getNonZeroEntries(slices.indexOf(CONNECTION_SLICE_NAME)) / 2);"- tensor size: {} x {} x " + tensor.getDimensions()[2], tensor.getDimensions()[0], tensor.getDimensions()[1]); } }