package won.protocol.repository; import; import; import; import; import won.protocol.model.Need; import won.protocol.model.NeedState; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * User: Gabriel * Date: 02.11.12 * Time: 15:28 */ public interface NeedRepository extends WonRepository<Need> { List<Need> findByNeedURI(URI URI); @Query("select needURI from Need") List<URI> getAllNeedURIs(); @Query("select needURI from Need need") Slice<URI> getAllNeedURIs(Pageable pageable); @Query("select needURI from Need need where need.state = :needState") Slice<URI> getAllNeedURIs(@Param("needState") NeedState needState, Pageable pageable); Need findOneByNeedURI(URI needURI); @Query("select needURI from Need need where need.creationDate < :referenceDate") Slice<URI> getNeedURIsBefore(@Param("referenceDate") Date referenceDate, Pageable pageable); @Query("select needURI from Need need where need.creationDate < :referenceDate and need.state = :needState") Slice<URI> getNeedURIsBefore(@Param("referenceDate") Date referenceDate, @Param("needState") NeedState needState, Pageable pageable); @Query("select needURI from Need need where need.creationDate > :referenceDate") Slice<URI> getNeedURIsAfter(@Param("referenceDate") Date referenceDate, Pageable pageable); @Query("select needURI from Need need where need.creationDate > :referenceDate and need.state = :needState") Slice<URI> getNeedURIsAfter(@Param("referenceDate") Date referenceDate, @Param("needState") NeedState needState, Pageable pageable); @Query("select state, count(*) from Connection where needURI = :need group by state") List<Object[]> getCountsPerConnectionState(@Param("need") URI needURI); }