package; import; import; import; import; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator; import akka.event.Logging; import akka.event.LoggingAdapter; import akka.japi.Function; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration; import won.matcher.service.common.event.*; import won.matcher.service.common.spring.SpringExtension; import won.matcher.solr.config.SolrMatcherConfig; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Created by hfriedrich on 30.09.2015. * * Matcher actor that subscribes itself to the PubSub Topic to receive need events from the matching service * and forwards them to the actual matcher implementation (e.g. SolrMatcherActor) for hint generation. * Then gets back the hints from the matcher implementation and publishes them to the PubSub Topic of hints. * */ @Component @Scope("prototype") public class MatcherPubSubActor extends UntypedActor { private LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this); private ActorRef pubSubMediator; private ActorRef matcherActor; @Autowired private SolrMatcherConfig config; private static final String TICK = "tick"; private static final String APP_STATE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = ""; private static final String LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME = "lastSeenNeedDate"; private boolean needsUpdateRequestReceived = false; private Properties appStateProps = new Properties(); @Override public void preStart() throws IOException { // subscribe to need events pubSubMediator = DistributedPubSub.get(getContext().system()).mediator(); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe(NeedEvent.class.getName(), getSelf()), getSelf()); // create the querying and indexing actors that do the actual work if (config.isMonitoringEnabled()) { matcherActor = getContext().actorOf(SpringExtension.SpringExtProvider.get( getContext().system()).fromConfigProps(SolrMonitoringMatcherActor.class), "SolrMatcherPool"); } else { matcherActor = getContext().actorOf(SpringExtension.SpringExtProvider.get( getContext().system()).fromConfigProps(SolrMonitoringMatcherActor.class), "SolrMatcherPool"); } // Create a scheduler to request missing need events from matching service while this matcher was not available getContext().system().scheduler().schedule( Duration.create(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS), Duration.create(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS), getSelf(), TICK, getContext().dispatcher(), null); // read properties file that has the lastSeenNeedDate FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(APP_STATE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME); appStateProps.load(in);"loaded properties file {}, property '{}' is set to " + appStateProps.getProperty (LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME), APP_STATE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME, LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"properties file {} not found, create file", APP_STATE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("cannot read properties file {}", APP_STATE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME); throw e; } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (appStateProps.getProperty(LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME) == null) { appStateProps.setProperty(LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME, String.valueOf(-1)); saveLastSeenNeedDate(); } } } public void saveLastSeenNeedDate() throws IOException { FileOutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(APP_STATE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME);, null); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("cannot write properties file {}", APP_STATE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME); throw e; } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } @Override public void onReceive(Object o) throws Exception { if (o.equals(TICK)) { if (!needsUpdateRequestReceived) { // request missing need events from matching service while this matcher was not available long lastSeenNeedDate = Long.valueOf(appStateProps.getProperty(LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME)); LoadNeedEvent loadNeedEvent; if (lastSeenNeedDate == -1) { // request the last one need event from matching service and accept every need event timestamp loadNeedEvent = new LoadNeedEvent(1); } else { // request need events with date > last need event date"request missed needs from mataching service with crawl date > {}", lastSeenNeedDate); loadNeedEvent = new LoadNeedEvent(lastSeenNeedDate, Long.MAX_VALUE); } pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish( loadNeedEvent.getClass().getName(), loadNeedEvent), getSelf()); } } else if (o instanceof NeedEvent) { NeedEvent needEvent = (NeedEvent) o;"NeedEvent received: " + needEvent); // save the last seen need date property after the needs are up to date with the matching service if (needsUpdateRequestReceived) { long lastSeenNeedDate = Long.valueOf(appStateProps.getProperty(LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME)); if (needEvent.getCrawlDate() > lastSeenNeedDate) { appStateProps.setProperty(LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME, String.valueOf(needEvent.getCrawlDate())); saveLastSeenNeedDate(); } } matcherActor.tell(needEvent, getSelf()); } else if (o instanceof BulkNeedEvent) { // receiving a bulk need event means this is the answer for the request of need updates // there could arrive several of these bulk events needsUpdateRequestReceived = true; BulkNeedEvent bulkNeedEvent = (BulkNeedEvent) o;"BulkNeedEvent received with {} need events", bulkNeedEvent.getNeedEvents().size()); for (NeedEvent needEvent : ((BulkNeedEvent) o).getNeedEvents()) { long lastSeenNeedDate = Long.valueOf(appStateProps.getProperty(LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME)); if (needEvent.getCrawlDate() > lastSeenNeedDate) { appStateProps.setProperty(LAST_SEEN_NEED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME, String.valueOf(needEvent.getCrawlDate())); saveLastSeenNeedDate(); } matcherActor.tell(needEvent, getSelf()); } } else if (o instanceof HintEvent) { HintEvent hintEvent = (HintEvent) o;"Publish hint event: " + hintEvent); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish( hintEvent.getClass().getName(), hintEvent), getSelf()); } else if (o instanceof BulkHintEvent) { BulkHintEvent bulkHintEvent = (BulkHintEvent) o;"Publish bulk hint event: " + bulkHintEvent); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish( bulkHintEvent.getClass().getName(), bulkHintEvent), getSelf()); } else { unhandled(o); } } @Override public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() { SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy = new OneForOneStrategy( 0, Duration.Zero(), new Function<Throwable, SupervisorStrategy.Directive>() { @Override public SupervisorStrategy.Directive apply(Throwable t) throws Exception { log.warning("Actor encountered error: {}", t); // default behaviour return SupervisorStrategy.escalate(); } }); return supervisorStrategy; } }