package won.matcher.solr.evaluation; import com.github.jsonldjava.core.JsonLdError; import; import org.apache.jena.query.Dataset; import org.apache.jena.query.DatasetFactory; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import won.matcher.solr.hints.HintBuilder; import won.matcher.solr.index.NeedIndexer; import won.matcher.solr.query.TestMatcherQueryExecutor; import won.matcher.solr.query.factory.BasicNeedQueryFactory; import won.matcher.solr.query.factory.TestNeedQueryFactory; import won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorMatchingData; import won.protocol.exception.IncorrectPropertyCountException; import won.protocol.model.NeedContentPropertyType; import won.protocol.util.DefaultNeedModelWrapper; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by hfriedrich on 05.08.2016. * * This class can be used to do evaluation of the quality of matching of Solr querying. * It reads needs mail files from supply and demand directories on the hard drive. Subject will be * mapped to title and content will be mapped to description. These needs can be written to the Solr index and queried. * The class uses a solr query executor that defines the Solr query to test for matching. * The class can build to tensors that can be used by the "wonpreprocessing" project to evaluate the quality of the * matching. * The connection tensor has all ground truth connections between all needs (read from the connections file). * The prediction tensor has all computed matches between all needs using the solr querying. * These tensor slices can be compared by the "wonpreprocessing" project to compute statistical evaluation measures * like precision, recall, accuracy and f-score. */ @Component public class SolrMatcherEvaluation { @Autowired TestMatcherQueryExecutor queryExecutor; @Autowired NeedIndexer needIndexer; @Autowired private MailDirNeedProducer seeksNeedProducer; @Autowired private MailDirNeedProducer isNeedProducer; @Autowired HintBuilder hintBuilder; private String outputDir; private String connectionsFile; private Map<String, Dataset> needFileDatasetMap; private TensorMatchingData matchingDataConnections; private TensorMatchingData matchingDataPredictions; public void setSeeksNeedProducer(final MailDirNeedProducer seeksNeedProducer) { this.seeksNeedProducer = seeksNeedProducer; } public void setIsNeedProducer(final MailDirNeedProducer isNeedProducer) { this.isNeedProducer = isNeedProducer; } public static String createNeedId(Dataset need) { String title = ""; String description = ""; try { DefaultNeedModelWrapper needModelWrapper = new DefaultNeedModelWrapper(need); title = needModelWrapper.getTitles(NeedContentPropertyType.ALL).iterator().next(); title = title.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "_"); title = title.replaceAll("NOT", "_"); title = title.replaceAll("AND", "_"); title = title.replaceAll("OR", "_"); description = needModelWrapper.getSomeDescription(NeedContentPropertyType.ALL); } catch (IncorrectPropertyCountException e) { // do nothing } if (title.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("need has no title!!"); } return title + "_" + (title + description).hashCode(); } public SolrMatcherEvaluation() { matchingDataConnections = new TensorMatchingData(); matchingDataPredictions = new TensorMatchingData(); needFileDatasetMap = new HashMap<>(); } @PostConstruct public void init() throws IOException { initNeedDir(seeksNeedProducer); initNeedDir(isNeedProducer); } private void initNeedDir(MailDirNeedProducer needProducer) throws IOException { // read the need files and add needs to the tensor if (needProducer.getDirectory() == null || !needProducer.getDirectory().isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Input folder not a directory: " + ((needProducer.getDirectory() != null) ? needProducer.getDirectory().toString() : null)); } while(!needProducer.isExhausted()) { String needFileName = needProducer.getCurrentFileName(); Model needModel = needProducer.create(); Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem(); ds.addNamedModel("", needModel); String needId = createNeedId(ds); if (needProducer == seeksNeedProducer) { matchingDataConnections.addNeedAttribute("needtype", needId, "WANT"); matchingDataPredictions.addNeedAttribute("needtype", needId, "WANT"); } else if (needProducer == isNeedProducer ) { matchingDataConnections.addNeedAttribute("needtype", needId, "OFFER"); matchingDataPredictions.addNeedAttribute("needtype", needId, "OFFER"); } needFileDatasetMap.put(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(needFileName), ds); } } public void indexNeeds() throws IOException, JsonLdError { for (Dataset need : needFileDatasetMap.values()) { needIndexer.indexNeedModel(need.getDefaultModel(), createNeedId(DatasetFactory.create(need)), true); } } public void buildConnectionTensor() throws IOException { // read the connection file and add connections to the tensor BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(connectionsFile)); String line = ""; List<String> needs = new LinkedList<String>(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() == 0) { // add a connection between the first need and all following needs until empty line addConnection(needs, false); needs = new LinkedList<String>(); } else { Dataset ds = needFileDatasetMap.get(line.trim()); if (ds == null) { throw new IOException("Dataset is null for need file entry: " + line.trim()); } String needId = createNeedId(ds); if (needId == null) { throw new IOException("Need from connection file not found in need directory: " + line); } needs.add(needId); } } addConnection(needs, false); // output the tensor data matchingDataConnections.writeOutputFiles(outputDir + "/connections"); } public void buildPredictionTensor() throws IOException, SolrServerException { for (Dataset need : needFileDatasetMap.values()) { for (String match : computeMatchingNeeds(need)) { if (!matchingDataPredictions.getNeeds().contains(createNeedId(need)) || !matchingDataPredictions.getNeeds().contains(match)) { throw new IOException("No need found in input directory for connection specified in connection file: \n" + createNeedId(need) + "\n" + match); } matchingDataPredictions.addNeedConnection(createNeedId(need), match, false); } } // output the tensor data matchingDataPredictions.writeOutputFiles(outputDir + "/predictions"); } private List<String> computeMatchingNeeds(Dataset need) throws IOException, SolrServerException { TestNeedQueryFactory needQuery = new TestNeedQueryFactory(need); SolrDocumentList docs = queryExecutor.executeNeedQuery( needQuery.createQuery(), null, new BasicNeedQueryFactory(need).createQuery()); SolrDocumentList matchedDocs = hintBuilder.calculateMatchingResults(docs); List<String> matchedNeeds = new LinkedList<>(); for (SolrDocument doc : matchedDocs) { String matchedNeedId = doc.getFieldValue("id").toString(); matchedNeeds.add(matchedNeedId); } return matchedNeeds; } public void setOutputDir(String outputDir) { this.outputDir = outputDir; } public void setConnectionsFile(String connectionsFile) { this.connectionsFile = connectionsFile; } private void addConnection(List<String> needs, boolean ignoreNeedsNotFound) throws IOException { for (int i = 1; i < needs.size(); i++) { String need1 = needs.get(0); String need2 = needs.get(i); if (!matchingDataConnections.getNeeds().contains(need1) || !matchingDataConnections.getNeeds().contains(need2)) { if (!ignoreNeedsNotFound) { throw new IOException("No need found in input directory for connection specified in connection file: \n" + need1 + "\n" + need2); } } matchingDataConnections.addNeedConnection(need1, need2, false); } } }