package won.protocol.message.processor.exception; /** * Indicates that the uri (of event or need) is already in use. * * User: ypanchenko * Date: 24.04.2015 */ public class UriAlreadyInUseException extends WonMessageProcessingException { public UriAlreadyInUseException() { } public UriAlreadyInUseException(final String uri) { super(uri); } public UriAlreadyInUseException(final String uri, final Throwable cause) { super(uri, cause); } public UriAlreadyInUseException(final Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public UriAlreadyInUseException(final String uri, final Throwable cause, final boolean enableSuppression, final boolean writableStackTrace) { super(uri, cause, enableSuppression, writableStackTrace); } }