package won.matcher.service.crawler.msg; import; /** * Message class used to crawl URIs relative to base URIs from certain won nodes * * User: hfriedrich * Date: 30.03.2015 */ public class CrawlUriMessage implements Serializable { public static enum STATUS { PROCESS, // resource is currently in the crawling process (e.g. downloading, link extraction, saving to rdf store) FAILED, // crawler failed to process the resource correctly in the last execution DONE, // resource was successfully crawled and saved and extracted links from that resource are processed too SAVE, // resource has been saved to the rdf store but links are not extracted. That means crawling of linked // resources is not happening right now. In contrast to "DONE" the "SAVE" status is set if the resource // was received by event subscription from the wonnode and not via the crawling process. } private String uri; private String baseUri; private String wonNodeUri; private STATUS status; private long crawlDate; /** * Constructor * * @param uri URI that should be or is already crawled * @param baseUri base URI that is used with property paths to extract further URIs * @param wonNodeUri URI of the corresponding won node * @param status describes what to with the URI */ /** * * @param uri URI that should be or is already crawled * @param baseUri base URI that is used with property paths to extract further URIs * @param wonNodeUri URI of the corresponding won node * @param status describes what to with the URI * @param crawlDate timestamp in milli seconds when crawling message was generated */ public CrawlUriMessage(final String uri, final String baseUri, String wonNodeUri, final STATUS status, long crawlDate) { this.uri = uri; this.baseUri = baseUri; this.status = status; this.wonNodeUri = wonNodeUri; this.crawlDate = crawlDate; } /** * * @param uri URI that should be or is already crawled * @param baseUri base URI that is used with property paths to extract further URIs * @param status describes what to with the URI * @param crawlDate timestamp in milli seconds when crawling message was generated */ public CrawlUriMessage(final String uri, final String baseUri, final STATUS status, long crawlDate) { this.uri = uri; this.baseUri = baseUri; this.status = status; this.wonNodeUri = null; this.crawlDate = crawlDate; } public String getUri() { return uri; } public STATUS getStatus() { return status; } public String getBaseUri() { return baseUri; } public String getWonNodeUri() { return wonNodeUri; } public long getCrawlDate() { return crawlDate; } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + uri + "," + baseUri + "," + wonNodeUri + "," + status + "," + crawlDate + "]"; } @Override public CrawlUriMessage clone() { return new CrawlUriMessage(uri, baseUri, wonNodeUri, status, crawlDate); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof CrawlUriMessage) { CrawlUriMessage msg = (CrawlUriMessage) obj; if (uri.equals(msg.getUri()) && baseUri.equals(msg.getBaseUri()) && status.equals(msg.getStatus()) && crawlDate == msg.getCrawlDate()) { return (wonNodeUri == null) ? msg.getWonNodeUri() == null : wonNodeUri.equals(msg.getWonNodeUri()); } } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (uri + baseUri + wonNodeUri + status.toString() + crawlDate).hashCode(); } }