package won.protocol.util; import; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple; import org.apache.jena.query.*; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl.StatementImpl; import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang; import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr; import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFFormat; import org.apache.jena.shared.Lock; import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.Path; import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.eval.PathEval; import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Context; import org.apache.jena.tdb.TDB; import org.apache.jena.util.FileUtils; import org.apache.jena.util.ResourceUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import won.protocol.exception.IncorrectPropertyCountException; import*; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; /** * Utilities for RDF manipulation with Jena. */ public class RdfUtils { public static final RDFNode EMPTY_RDF_NODE = null; private static final CheapInsecureRandomString randomString = new CheapInsecureRandomString(); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RdfUtils.class); public static String toString(Model model) { String ret = ""; if (model != null) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); model.write(sw, "TTL"); ret = sw.toString(); } return ret; } public static Model toModel(String content) { return readRdfSnippet(content, FileUtils.langTurtle); } /** * Converts a Jena Dataset into a TriG string * * @param dataset Dataset containing RDF which will be converted * @return <code>String</code> containing TriG serialized RDF from the dataset */ public static String toString(Dataset dataset) { String result = ""; if (dataset != null) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); RDFDataMgr.write(sw, dataset, RDFFormat.TRIG.getLang()); result = sw.toString(); } return result; } /** * Converts a <code>String</code> containing TriG formatted RDF into a Jena Dataset * * @param content String with the TriG formatted RDF * @return Jena Dataset containing the RDF from content */ public static Dataset toDataset(String content) { return toDataset(content, RDFFormat.TRIG); } public static Dataset toDataset(String content, RDFFormat rdfFormat) { if (content != null) { return toDataset(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), rdfFormat); } else return DatasetFactory.createGeneral(); } public static Dataset toDataset(InputStream stream, RDFFormat rdfFormat) { Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();, stream, rdfFormat.getLang()); try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn("An exception occurred.", ex); } return dataset; } /** * Clones the specified model (its statements and ns prefixes) and returns the clone. * @param original * @return */ public static Model cloneModel(Model original){ Model clonedModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); original.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { StmtIterator it = original.listStatements(); while (it.hasNext()){ clonedModel.add(it.nextStatement()); } clonedModel.setNsPrefixes(original.getNsPrefixMap()); } finally { original.leaveCriticalSection(); } return clonedModel; } public static Dataset cloneDataset(Dataset dataset) { if (dataset == null) return null; Dataset clonedDataset = DatasetFactory.createGeneral(); Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel(); if (model != null) { clonedDataset.setDefaultModel(cloneModel(model)); } for (Iterator<String> modelNames = dataset.listNames(); modelNames.hasNext(); ){ String modelName =; clonedDataset.addNamedModel(modelName, cloneModel(dataset.getNamedModel(modelName))); } return clonedDataset; } public static void replaceBaseURI(final Model model, final String baseURI) { //we assume that the RDF content is self-referential, i.e., it 'talks about itself': the graph is connected to //the public resource URI which, when de-referenced, returns that graph. So, triples referring to the 'null relative URI' //(see ) will be changed to refer to the newly created need URI instead. //this implies that the default URI prefix of the document (if set) will have to be changed to the need URI. //check if there is a default URI prefix. //- If not, we just change the default prefix and that should automatically alter all // null relative uris to refer to the newly set prefix. //- If there is one, fetch it as a resource and 'rename' it (i.e., replace all statements with exchanged name) if (model.getNsPrefixURI("") != null) { ResourceUtils.renameResource( model.getResource(model.getNsPrefixURI("")), baseURI ); } //whatever the base uri (default URI prefix) was, set it to the need URI. model.setNsPrefix("", baseURI); } /** * Replaces the base URI that's set as the model's default URI prfefix in all statements by replacement. * * @param model * @param replacement */ public static void replaceBaseResource(final Model model, final Resource replacement) { String baseURI = model.getNsPrefixURI(""); if (baseURI == null) return; Resource baseUriResource = model.getResource(baseURI); replaceResourceInModel(baseUriResource, replacement); model.setNsPrefix("", replacement.getURI()); } /** * Modifies the specified resources' model, replacing resource with replacement. * @param resource * @param replacement */ private static void replaceResourceInModel(final Resource resource, final Resource replacement) { logger.debug("replacing resource '{}' with resource '{}'", resource, replacement); if (!resource.getModel().equals(replacement.getModel())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource and replacement must be from the same model"); Model model = resource.getModel(); Model modelForNewStatements = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); StmtIterator iterator = model.listStatements(resource, (Property) null, (RDFNode) null); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Statement origStmt =; Statement newStmt = new StatementImpl(replacement, origStmt.getPredicate(), origStmt.getObject()); iterator.remove(); modelForNewStatements.add(newStmt); } iterator = model.listStatements(null, (Property) null, (RDFNode) resource); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Statement origStmt =; Statement newStmt = new StatementImpl(origStmt.getSubject(), origStmt.getPredicate(), replacement); iterator.remove(); modelForNewStatements.add(newStmt); } model.add(modelForNewStatements); } /** * Creates a new model that contains both specified models' content. The base resource is that of model1, * all triples in model2 that are attached to the its base resource are modified so as to be attached to the * base resource of the result. * @param model1 * @param model2 * @return */ public static Model mergeModelsCombiningBaseResource(final Model model1, final Model model2){ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("model1:\n{}",writeModelToString(model1, Lang.TTL)); logger.debug("model2:\n{}",writeModelToString(model2, Lang.TTL)); } Model result = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); result.setNsPrefixes(mergeNsPrefixes(model1.getNsPrefixMap(), model2.getNsPrefixMap())); result.add(model1); result.add(model2); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("result (before merging base resources):\n{}",writeModelToString(result, Lang.TTL)); } Resource baseResource1 = getBaseResource(model1); Resource baseResource2 = getBaseResource(model2); replaceResourceInModel(result.getResource(baseResource1.getURI()), result.getResource(baseResource2.getURI())); String prefix = model1.getNsPrefixURI(""); if (prefix != null) { result.setNsPrefix("", prefix); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("result (after merging base resources):\n{}",writeModelToString(result, Lang.TTL)); } return result; } /** * Finds the resource representing the model's base resource, i.e. the resource with the * model's base URI. If no such URI is specified, a dummy base URI is set and a resource is * returned referencing that URI. * * @param model * @return */ public static Resource findOrCreateBaseResource(Model model) { String baseURI = model.getNsPrefixURI(""); if (baseURI == null){ model.setNsPrefix("","no:uri"); baseURI = model.getNsPrefixURI(""); } return model.getResource(baseURI); } /** * Returns the resource representing the model's base resource, i.e. the resource with the * model's base URI. * @param model * @return */ public static Resource getBaseResource(Model model){ String baseURI = model.getNsPrefixURI(""); if (baseURI == null) { return model.getResource(""); } else { return model.getResource(baseURI); } } public static String writeModelToString(final Model model, final Lang lang) { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); RDFDataMgr.write(out, model, lang); return out.toString(); } /** * Returns a copy of the specified resources' model where resource is replaced by replacement. * @param resource * @param replacement * @return */ public static Model replaceResource(Resource resource, Resource replacement){ if (!resource.getModel().equals(replacement.getModel())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource and replacement must be from the same model"); Model result = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); result.setNsPrefixes(resource.getModel().getNsPrefixMap()); StmtIterator it = resource.getModel().listStatements(); while (it.hasNext()){ Statement stmt = it.nextStatement(); Resource subject = stmt.getSubject(); Resource predicate = stmt.getPredicate(); RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (subject.equals(resource)){ subject = replacement; } if (predicate.equals(resource)){ predicate = replacement; } if (object.equals(resource)){ object = replacement; } Triple triple = new Triple(subject.asNode(), predicate.asNode(), object.asNode()); result.getGraph().add(triple); } return result; } /** * Adds the specified objectModel to the model of the specified subject. In the objectModel, the resource * that is identified by the objectModel's base URI (the "" URI prefix) will be replaced by a newly created * blank node(B, see later). All content of the objectModel is added to the model of the subject. An * additional triple (subject, property, B) is added. Moreover, the Namespace prefixes are merged. * @param subject * @param property * @param objectModel caution - will be modified */ public static void attachModelByBaseResource(final Resource subject, final Property property, final Model objectModel) { attachModelByBaseResource(subject, property, objectModel, true); } /** * Adds the specified objectModel to the model of the specified subject. In the objectModel, the resource * that is identified by the objectModel's base URI (the "" URI prefix) will be replaced by a newly created * blank node(B, see later). All content of the objectModel is added to the model of the subject. An * additional triple (subject, property, B) is added. Moreover, the Namespace prefixes are merged. * @param subject * @param property * @param objectModel caution - will be modified * @param replaceBaseResourceByBlankNode */ public static void attachModelByBaseResource(final Resource subject, final Property property, final Model objectModel, final boolean replaceBaseResourceByBlankNode){ Model subjectModel = subject.getModel(); //either explicitly use blank node, or do so if there is no base resource prefix //as the model may have triples containing the null relative URI. // we still want to attach these and try to get them by using //the empty URI, and replacing that resource by a blank node if (replaceBaseResourceByBlankNode || objectModel.getNsPrefixURI("") == null){ //create temporary resource and replace objectModel's base resource to avoid clashes String tempURI = "tmp:"+Integer.toHexString(objectModel.hashCode()); replaceBaseResource(objectModel, objectModel.createResource(tempURI)); //merge models subjectModel.add(objectModel); //replace temporary resource by blank node Resource blankNode = subjectModel.createResource(); subject.addProperty(property, blankNode); replaceResourceInModel(subjectModel.getResource(tempURI), blankNode); //merge the prefixes, but don't add the objectModel's default prefix in any case - we don't want it to end up as //the resulting model's base prefix. Map<String, String> objectModelPrefixes = objectModel.getNsPrefixMap(); objectModelPrefixes.remove(""); subjectModel.setNsPrefixes(mergeNsPrefixes(subjectModel.getNsPrefixMap(), objectModelPrefixes)); } else { String baseURI = objectModel.getNsPrefixURI(""); Resource baseResource = objectModel.getResource(baseURI); //getResource because it may exist already subjectModel.add(objectModel); baseResource = subjectModel.getResource(baseResource.getURI()); subject.addProperty(property, baseResource); RdfUtils.replaceBaseResource(subjectModel, baseResource); } } /** * Creates a new Map object containing all prefixes from both specified maps. When prefix mappings clash, the mappings * from prioritaryPrefixes are used. * @param prioritaryPrefixes * @param additionalPrefixes * @return */ public static Map<String, String> mergeNsPrefixes(final Map<String, String> prioritaryPrefixes, final Map<String, String> additionalPrefixes) { Map<String, String> mergedPrefixes = new HashMap<String, String>(); mergedPrefixes.putAll(additionalPrefixes); mergedPrefixes.putAll(prioritaryPrefixes); //overwrites the additional prefixes when clashing return mergedPrefixes; } /** * Reads the InputStream into a Model. Sets a 'fantasy URI' as base URI and handles it gracefully if * the model read from the string defines its own base URI. Special care is taken that the null relative URI ('<>') * is replaced by the baseURI. * @param in * @param rdfLanguage * @return a Model (possibly empty) */ public static Model readRdfSnippet(final InputStream in, final String rdfLanguage) { org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); if (in == null) return model; String baseURI= "no:uri"; model.setNsPrefix("", baseURI);, baseURI, rdfLanguage); String baseURIAfterReading = model.getNsPrefixURI(""); if (baseURIAfterReading == null){ model.setNsPrefix("",baseURI); } else if (!baseURI.equals(baseURIAfterReading)){ //the string representation of the model specified a base URI, but we used a different one for reading. //We need to make sure that the one that is now set is the only one used ResourceUtils.renameResource(model.getResource(baseURI), model.getNsPrefixURI("")); } return model; } /** * Reads the InputStream into a Model. Sets a 'fantasy URI' as base URI and handles it gracefully if * the model read from the string defines its own base URI. Special care is taken that the null relative URI ('<>') * is replaced by the baseURI. * @param in * @param rdfLanguage * @return a Model (possibly empty) */ public static Model readRdfSnippet(final Reader in, final String rdfLanguage) { org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); if (in == null) return model; String baseURI= "no:uri"; model.setNsPrefix("", baseURI);, baseURI, rdfLanguage); String baseURIAfterReading = model.getNsPrefixURI(""); if (baseURIAfterReading == null){ model.setNsPrefix("",baseURI); } else if (!baseURI.equals(baseURIAfterReading)){ //the string representation of the model specified a base URI, but we used a different one for reading. //We need to make sure that the one that is now set is the only one used ResourceUtils.renameResource(model.getResource(baseURI), model.getNsPrefixURI("")); } return model; } /** * Reads the specified string into a Model. Sets a 'fantasy URI' as base URI and handles it gracefully if * the model read from the string defines its own base URI. Special care is taken that the null relative URI ('<>') * is replaced by the baseURI. * @param rdfAsString * @param rdfLanguage * @return a Model (possibly empty) */ public static Model readRdfSnippet(final String rdfAsString, final String rdfLanguage) { return readRdfSnippet(new StringReader(rdfAsString), rdfLanguage); } /** * Evaluates the path on the model obtained by dereferencing the specified resourceURI. * If the path resolves to multiple resources, only the first one is returned. * <br /> * <br /> * Note: For more information on property paths, see * <br /> * To create a Path object for the path "rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*": * <pre> * Path path = PathParser.parse("rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*", PrefixMapping.Standard) ; * </pre> * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return null if the model is empty or the path does not resolve to a node * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node found by the path is not a URI */ public static URI getURIPropertyForPropertyPath(final Model model, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { return toURI(getNodeForPropertyPath(model, resourceURI, propertyPath)); } /** * Evaluates the path on all models in the dataset obtained by dereferencing the specified resourceURI. * If the path resolves to multiple resources, only the first one is returned. * <br /> * <br /> * Note: For more information on property paths, see * <br /> * To create a Path object for the path "rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*": * <pre> * Path path = PathParser.parse("rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*", PrefixMapping.Standard) ; * </pre> * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return null if the model is empty or the path does not resolve to a node * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node found by the path is not a URI */ public static URI getURIPropertyForPropertyPath(final Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { return toURI(getNodeForPropertyPath(dataset, resourceURI, propertyPath)); } public static Iterator<URI> getURIsForPropertyPath(final Model model, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { Iterator<Node> nodeIterator = getNodesForPropertyPath(model,resourceURI,propertyPath); return new ProjectingIterator<Node, URI>(nodeIterator) { @Override public URI next() { return toURI(; } }; } public static Iterator<URI> getURIsForPropertyPath(final Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { Iterator<Node> nodeIterator = getNodesForPropertyPath(dataset,resourceURI,propertyPath); return new ProjectingIterator<Node, URI>(nodeIterator) { @Override public URI next() { return toURI(; } }; } /** * Evaluates the property path by executing a sparql query. * @param dataset * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return */ public static Iterator<RDFNode> getNodesForPropertyPathByQuery(final Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { String queryString = "select ?obj where { ?resource " + propertyPath.toString() +" ?obj}"; Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString); QuerySolutionMap initialBinding = new QuerySolutionMap(); initialBinding.add("?resource",dataset.getDefaultModel().createResource(resourceURI.toString())); QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset,initialBinding); qExec.getContext().set(TDB.symUnionDefaultGraph, true) ; try { final ResultSet results = qExec.execSelect(); LinkedList<RDFNode> resultNodes = new LinkedList<>(); while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution soln =; RDFNode result = soln.get("obj"); resultNodes.add(result); } return resultNodes.iterator(); } finally { if (!qExec.isClosed()){ qExec.close(); } } } /** * Sets the vars of a given sparql query * Replaces every instance of ::var:: with the given object (this can only be an URI or a List of URIS at the moment) * @param stmt * @param var that will be replaced * @param obj object that is replacing the variable * @return replaced statement */ public static String setSparqlVars(String stmt, String var, Object obj){ StringBuilder replacement = new StringBuilder(); if(obj instanceof URI){ replacement.append("<").append(obj.toString()).append(">"); }else if(obj instanceof List){ for(Object itm : (List)obj){ if(itm instanceof URI){ replacement.append("<").append(itm.toString()).append(">,"); } } replacement.deleteCharAt(replacement.length()-1); } return stmt.replaceAll("::"+var+"::",replacement.toString()); } /** * Sets the vars of a given sparql query * Replaces every instance of ::var:: with the given object (this can only be an URI or a List of URIS at the moment) * @param stmt * @param varMap replaces the key with the object within the given statement * @return replaced statement */ public static String setSparqlVars(String stmt, Map<String, Object> varMap) { for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : varMap.entrySet()){ stmt = setSparqlVars(stmt, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return stmt; } /** * Evaluates a property path on the specified dataset by executing a sparql query and returns an iterator of URIs. * @param dataset * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return */ public static Iterator<URI> getURIsForPropertyPathByQuery(final Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { Iterator<RDFNode> nodeIterator = getNodesForPropertyPathByQuery(dataset, resourceURI, propertyPath); return new ProjectingIterator<RDFNode, URI>(nodeIterator) { @Override public URI next() { return toURI(; } }; } /** * Evaluates the path on the model obtained by dereferencing the specified resourceURI. * If the path resolves to multiple resources, only the first one is returned. * <br /> * <br /> * Note: For more information on property paths, see * <br /> * To create a Path object for the path "rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*": * <pre> * Path path = PathParser.parse("rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*", PrefixMapping.Standard) ; * </pre> * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return null if the model is empty or the path does not resolve to a node */ public static String getStringPropertyForPropertyPath(final Model model, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { return toString(getNodeForPropertyPath(model, resourceURI, propertyPath)); } /** * Evaluates the path on each model in the dataset obtained by dereferencing the specified resourceURI. * If the path resolves to multiple resources, only the first one is returned. * <br /> * <br /> * Note: For more information on property paths, see * <br /> * To create a Path object for the path "rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*": * <pre> * Path path = PathParser.parse("rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*", PrefixMapping.Standard) ; * </pre> * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return null if the model is empty or the path does not resolve to a node */ public static String getStringPropertyForPropertyPath(final Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { return toString(getNodeForPropertyPath(dataset, resourceURI, propertyPath)); } /** * Returns the literal lexical form of the specified node or null if the node is null. * @param node * @return */ public static String toString(Node node){ if (node == null) return null; return node.getLiteralLexicalForm(); } /** * Returns the URI of the specified node or null if the node is null. If the node does not * represent a resource, an UnsupportedOperationException is thrown. * @param node * @return */ public static URI toURI(Node node){ if (node == null) return null; return URI.create(node.getURI()); } /** * Returns the URI of the specified RDFNode or null if the node is null. If the node does not * represent a resource, a ResourceRequiredException is thrown. * @param node * @return */ public static URI toURI(RDFNode node){ if (node == null) return null; return URI.create(node.asResource().getURI()); } /** * Returns the first RDF node found in the specified model for the specified property path. * @param model * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return */ public static Node getNodeForPropertyPath(final Model model, URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { //Iterator<Node> result = PathEval.eval(model.getGraph(), model.getResource(resourceURI.toString()).asNode(), // propertyPath); Iterator<Node> result = PathEval.eval(model.getGraph(), model.getResource(resourceURI.toString()).asNode(), propertyPath, Context.emptyContext); if (!result.hasNext()) return null; return; } public static Node getNodeForPropertyPath(final Model model, Node node, Path propertyPath) { //Iterator<Node> result = PathEval.eval(model.getGraph(), model.getResource(resourceURI.toString()).asNode(), // propertyPath); Iterator<Node> result = PathEval.eval(model.getGraph(), node, propertyPath, Context.emptyContext); if (!result.hasNext()) return null; return; } /** * Returns the first RDF node found in the specified dataset for the specified property path. * @param dataset * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return */ public static Node getNodeForPropertyPath(final Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, final Path propertyPath) { return findFirst(dataset, new ModelVisitor<Node>() { @Override public Node visit(final Model model) { return getNodeForPropertyPath(model, resourceURI, propertyPath); } }); } /** * Evaluates the specified path in the specified model, starting with the specified resourceURI. * @param model * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return */ public static Iterator<Node> getNodesForPropertyPath(final Model model, URI resourceURI, Path propertyPath) { Iterator<Node> result = PathEval.eval(model.getGraph(), model.getResource(resourceURI.toString()).asNode(), propertyPath, Context.emptyContext); return result; } /** * Evaluates the specified path in each model of the specified dataset, starting with the specified resourceURI. * @param dataset * @param resourceURI * @param propertyPath * @return */ public static Iterator<Node> getNodesForPropertyPath(final Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, final Path propertyPath) { return Iterators.concat( visit(dataset, new ModelVisitor<Iterator<Node>>() { @Override public Iterator<Node> visit(final Model model) { return getNodesForPropertyPath(model, resourceURI, propertyPath); } }) ); } public static URI toUriOrNull(final Object uriStringOrNull) { if (uriStringOrNull == null) return null; return URI.create(uriStringOrNull.toString()); } /** * Dataset visitor used for repeated application of model operations in a dataset. */ public static interface ModelVisitor<T> { public T visit(Model model); } /** * ModelSelector used to select which models in a dataset to visit. */ public static interface ModelSelector { public Iterator<Model> select(Dataset dataset); } /** * ResultCombiner which combines to results of type T and returns it. */ public static interface ResultCombiner<T> { public T combine(T first, T second); } /** * Selector that selects all models, including the default model. * The first model is the default model, the named models are returned in the order * specified by Dataset.listNames(). */ public static class DefaultModelSelector implements ModelSelector{ @Override public Iterator<Model> select(final Dataset dataset) { List ret = new LinkedList<Model>(); Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel(); if (model != null) { ret.add(model); } for (Iterator<String> modelNames = dataset.listNames(); modelNames.hasNext(); ){ ret.add(dataset.getNamedModel(; } return ret.iterator(); } } private static ModelSelector DEFAULT_MODEL_SELECTOR = new DefaultModelSelector(); /** * Returns a thread-safe, shared default model selector. * @return */ public static ModelSelector getDefaultModelSelector(){ return DEFAULT_MODEL_SELECTOR; }; /** * Calls the specified ModelVisitor's visit method on each model of the dataset that is selected by the ModelSelector. * The rsults are collected in the returned iterator. * @param dataset * @param visitor * @param modelSelector * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> Iterator<T> visit(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor, ModelSelector modelSelector){ List<T> results = new LinkedList<T>(); for (Iterator<Model> modelIterator =; modelIterator.hasNext();){ results.add(visitor.visit(; } return results.iterator(); } public static <T> Iterator<T> visit(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor){ return visit(dataset, visitor, getDefaultModelSelector()); } /** * Visits all models and flattens the collections returned by the visitor into one list. * @param dataset * @param visitor * @param modelSelector * @param <T> * @return */ public static <E, T extends Collection<E>> List<E> visitFlattenedToList(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor, ModelSelector modelSelector){ List<E> results = new ArrayList<E>(); for (Iterator<Model> modelIterator =; modelIterator.hasNext();){ results.addAll(visitor.visit(; } return results; } public static <E, T extends Collection<E>> List<E> visitFlattenedToList(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor) { return visitFlattenedToList(dataset, visitor, getDefaultModelSelector()); } /** * Visits all models and flattens the NodeIterator returned by the visitor into one. * Returns null if all visitors return null. * @param dataset * @param visitor * @param modelSelector * @return */ public static NodeIterator visitFlattenedToNodeIterator(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<NodeIterator> visitor, ModelSelector modelSelector){ NodeIterator it = null; for (Iterator<Model> modelIterator =; modelIterator.hasNext();){ NodeIterator currentIt = visitor.visit(; if (it == null) { it = currentIt; } else { it.andThen(currentIt); } } return it; } public static NodeIterator visitFlattenedToNodeIterator(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<NodeIterator> visitor){ return visitFlattenedToNodeIterator(dataset, visitor, getDefaultModelSelector()); } /** * Returns the first non-null result obtained by calling the specified ModelVisitor's visit method in the order * defined by the specified ModelSelector. * @param dataset * @param visitor * @param modelSelector * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> T findFirst(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor, ModelSelector modelSelector){ List<T> results = new LinkedList<T>(); for (Iterator<Model> modelIterator =; modelIterator.hasNext();){ T result = visitor.visit(; if (result != null) return result; } return null; } public static <T> T findFirst(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor){ return findFirst(dataset, visitor, getDefaultModelSelector()); } /** * Returns the result obtained by calling the specified ModelVisitor's visit method in the order * defined by the specified ModelSelector. Throws an IncorrectPropertyCountException if no result or * more than one result is found. ModelVisitors should implement the same exception strategy. * @param dataset * @param visitor * @param modelSelector * @param allowSame if true, multiple results will be checked with equals() and if they are are equal, no * exception is thrown * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> T findOne(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor, ModelSelector modelSelector, boolean allowSame){ T result = null; for (Iterator<Model> modelIterator =; modelIterator.hasNext();) { T newResult = visitor.visit(; if (newResult != null) { if (result != null) { if (!allowSame || !result.equals(newResult)) { throw new IncorrectPropertyCountException("Results were found in more than " + "one model", 1, 2); } } result = newResult; } } if (result == null) throw new IncorrectPropertyCountException("No result found", 1, 0); return result; } public static <T> T findOne(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor, boolean allowSame){ return findOne(dataset, visitor, getDefaultModelSelector(), allowSame); } /** * Returns the result obtained by calling the specified ModelVisitor's visit method where the * result is combined with the ResultCombiner's combine method. * @param dataset * @param visitor * @param modelSelector * @param resultCombiner * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> T applyMethod(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor, ModelSelector modelSelector, ResultCombiner<T> resultCombiner) { T result = null; for (Iterator<Model> modelIterator =; modelIterator.hasNext();) { T newResult = visitor.visit(; if (result != null) result = resultCombiner.combine(result, newResult); else result = newResult; } return result; } public static <T> T applyMethod(Dataset dataset, ModelVisitor<T> visitor, ResultCombiner<T> resultCombiner) { return applyMethod(dataset, visitor, getDefaultModelSelector(), resultCombiner); } /** * Finds resource which is a specified property of a specified resource. * If multiple (non equal) resources are found an exception is thrown. * * * @param dataset <code>Dataset</code> to look into * @param resourceURI * @param p * @return <code>URI</code> of the resource */ public static RDFNode findOnePropertyFromResource(Dataset dataset, final URI resourceURI, final Property p) { return RdfUtils.findOne(dataset, new RdfUtils.ModelVisitor<RDFNode>() { @Override public RDFNode visit(final Model model) { return findOnePropertyFromResource(model, resourceURI, p); } }, true); } public static RDFNode findOnePropertyFromResource(Dataset dataset, final Resource resource, final Property p) { return RdfUtils.findOne(dataset, new RdfUtils.ModelVisitor<RDFNode>() { @Override public RDFNode visit(final Model model) { return findOnePropertyFromResource(model, resource, p); } }, true); } /** * Finds resource which is a specified property of a specified resource. * If multiple (non equal) resources are found an exception is thrown. * * * @param model <code>Model</code> to look into * @param resourceURI * @param property * @return <code>URI</code> of the resource */ public static RDFNode findOnePropertyFromResource(Model model, URI resourceURI, Property property) { Resource resource = null; if (resourceURI != null) { resource = model.getResource(resourceURI.toString()); } return findOnePropertyFromResource(model, resource, property); } public static RDFNode findOnePropertyFromResource(final Model model, final Resource resource, final Property property) { List<RDFNode> foundNodes = new ArrayList<RDFNode>(); NodeIterator iterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(resource, property); while (iterator.hasNext()) { foundNodes.add(; } if (foundNodes.size() == 0) return null; else if (foundNodes.size() == 1) return foundNodes.get(0); else if (foundNodes.size() > 1) { RDFNode n = foundNodes.get(0); for (RDFNode node : foundNodes) { if (!node.equals(n)) throw new IncorrectPropertyCountException(1,2); } return n; } else return null; } public static Resource findOneSubjectResource(Dataset dataset, Property property, RDFNode object) { return RdfUtils.findOne(dataset, new RdfUtils.ModelVisitor<Resource>() { @Override public Resource visit(final Model model) { return findOneSubjectResource(model, property, object); } }, true); } public static Resource findOneSubjectResource(Model model, Property property, RDFNode object) { Resource resource = null; ResIterator iter = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(property, object); while (iter.hasNext()) { resource =; if (iter.hasNext()) { throw new IncorrectPropertyCountException("expecting exactly one subject resource for property " + property.getURI() + " and object " + object.toString(), 1, 2); } } if (resource == null) { throw new IncorrectPropertyCountException("expecting exactly one subject resource for property " + property.getURI() + " and object " + object.toString(), 1, 0); } return resource; } /** * Finds the first triple in the specified model that has the specified propery and object. * The subject is expected to be a resource. * @param model * @param property * @param object * @param allowMultiple if false, will throw an IllegalArgumentException if more than one triple is found * @param allowNone if false, will throw an IllegalArgumentException if no triple is found * @return */ public static URI findFirstSubjectUri(Model model, Property property, RDFNode object, boolean allowMultiple, boolean allowNone){ URI retVal = null; StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(null, property, object); if (!it.hasNext() && !allowNone) throw new IllegalArgumentException("expecting at least one triple"); if (it.hasNext()){ retVal = URI.create(it.nextStatement().getSubject().asResource().toString()); } if (!allowMultiple && it.hasNext()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("not expecting more than one triple"); return retVal; } public static URI findFirstObjectUri(Model model, Property property, RDFNode object, boolean allowMultiple, boolean allowNone){ URI retVal = null; StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(null, property, object); if (!it.hasNext() && !allowNone) throw new IllegalArgumentException("expecting at least one triple"); if (it.hasNext()){ retVal = URI.create(it.nextStatement().getObject().asResource().toString()); } if (!allowMultiple && it.hasNext()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("not expecting more than one triple"); return retVal; } /** * Creates a new graph URI for the specified dataset by appending * a specified string (toAppend) and then n alphanumeric characters to the * specified String. * It is guaranteed that the resulting URI is not used as a graph * name in the specified dataset. * * Note that the implementation is not synchronized, so concurrent * executions of the method may result in identical URIs being returned. * * If both the specified baseURI and the toAppend string contain a hash sign ('#'), * the hash-part will be removed from the base uri before the result will be crated. * * @param baseURI the URI to be extended. * @param toAppend a string that will be appended directly to the URI. * @param length number of alphanumeric characters that are appended to <code>toAppend</code>. * @param dataset the dataset that will be checked to determine if the resulting URI is new. * @return an URI that is previously unused as a graph URI. */ public static URI createNewGraphURI(String baseURI, String toAppend, int length, final Dataset dataset){ return createNewGraphURI(baseURI, toAppend, length, new GraphNameCheck() { @Override public boolean isGraphUriOk(final String graphUri) { return !dataset.containsNamedModel(graphUri); } } ); } /** * Creates a new graph URI for the specified dataset by appending * a specified string (toAppend) and then n alphanumeric characters to the * specified String. * It is guaranteed that the resulting URI is not used as a graph * name in the specified dataset. * * Note that the implementation is not synchronized, so concurrent * executions of the method may result in identical URIs being returned. * * If both the specified baseURI and the toAppend string contain a hash sign ('#'), * the hash-part will be removed from the base uri before the result will be crated. * * @param baseURI the URI to be extended. * @param toAppend a string that will be appended directly to the URI. * @param length number of alphanumeric characters that are appended to <code>toAppend</code>. * @return an URI that is previously unused as a graph URI. */ public static URI createNewGraphURI(String baseURI, String toAppend, int length, GraphNameCheck check){ if (toAppend.contains("#")){ int hashIndex = baseURI.indexOf('#'); if (hashIndex > -1){ baseURI = baseURI.substring(0,hashIndex); } } int maxTries = 5; for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++){ String graphName = baseURI + toAppend + randomString.nextString(length); if (check.isGraphUriOk(graphName)){ return URI.create(graphName); } } throw new IllegalStateException("Tried " + maxTries +" times to generate a new graph URI (" + length + " random" + " characters), but were unable to generate a previously unused one; giving up."); } public static void addAllStatements(Model toModel, Model fromModel) { StmtIterator stmtIterator = fromModel.listStatements(); while (stmtIterator.hasNext()) { toModel.add(stmtIterator.nextStatement()); } } public static void addPrefixMapping(Model toModel, Model fromModel) { for (String prefix : fromModel.getNsPrefixMap().keySet()) { String uri = toModel.getNsPrefixURI(prefix); if (uri == null) { // if no such prefix-uri yet, add it toModel.setNsPrefix(prefix, fromModel.getNsPrefixURI(prefix)); } else { if (uri.equals(fromModel.getNsPrefixURI(prefix))) { // prefix-uri is already there, do nothing } else { // prefix-uri collision, redefine prefix int counter = 2; while (!toModel.getNsPrefixMap().containsKey(prefix + counter)) { counter++; } toModel.setNsPrefix(prefix + counter, fromModel.getNsPrefixURI(prefix)); } } } } public static List<String> getModelNames(Dataset dataset) { List<String> modelNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<String> names = dataset.listNames(); while (names.hasNext()) { modelNames.add(; } return modelNames; } public static String writeDatasetToString(final Dataset dataset, final Lang lang) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); RDFDataMgr.write(sw, dataset, lang); return sw.toString(); } public static Dataset readDatasetFromString(final String data, final Lang lang) { StringReader sr = new StringReader(data); Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();, sr, "no:uri", lang); return dataset; } /** * Adds the second dataset to the first one, merging default models and models with identical name. * @param baseDataset * @param toBeAddedtoBase * @param replaceNamedModel if true, named graphs are not merged but replaced */ public static void addDatasetToDataset(final Dataset baseDataset, final Dataset toBeAddedtoBase, boolean replaceNamedModel) { assert baseDataset != null : "baseDataset must not be null"; assert toBeAddedtoBase != null : "toBeAddedToBase must not be null"; baseDataset.getDefaultModel().add(toBeAddedtoBase.getDefaultModel()); for ( Iterator<String> nameIt = toBeAddedtoBase.listNames(); nameIt.hasNext();){ String modelName =; if (baseDataset.containsNamedModel(modelName)){ if (replaceNamedModel) { baseDataset.removeNamedModel(modelName); baseDataset.addNamedModel(modelName, toBeAddedtoBase.getNamedModel(modelName)); } else { baseDataset.getNamedModel(modelName).add(toBeAddedtoBase.getNamedModel(modelName)); } } else { baseDataset.addNamedModel(modelName, toBeAddedtoBase.getNamedModel(modelName)); } } } /** * Adds the second dataset to the first one, merging default models and models with identical name. * @param baseDataset * @param toBeAddedtoBase */ public static void addDatasetToDataset(final Dataset baseDataset, final Dataset toBeAddedtoBase) { addDatasetToDataset(baseDataset, toBeAddedtoBase, false); } /** * Adds all triples of the dataset to the model. * @param dataset * @param model */ public static void copyDatasetTriplesToModel(final Dataset dataset, final Model model) { assert dataset != null : "dataset must not be null"; assert model != null : "model must not be null"; visit(dataset, new ModelVisitor<Object>() { @Override public Object visit(final Model datasetModel) { model.add(datasetModel); return null; } }); } public static interface GraphNameCheck { public boolean isGraphUriOk(String graphUri); } }