package won.matcher.solr.hints; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent; import won.matcher.service.common.event.HintEvent; import won.matcher.service.common.event.NeedEvent; import won.matcher.solr.config.SolrMatcherConfig; import won.matcher.solr.utils.Kneedle; import won.protocol.util.NeedModelWrapper; import won.protocol.vocabulary.WON; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import; /** * Created by hfriedrich on 02.08.2016. */ @Component public class HintBuilder { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); public final static String WON_NODE_SOLR_FIELD = "_graph.http___purl.org_webofneeds_model_hasWonNode._id"; public final static String HAS_FLAG_SOLR_FIELD = "_graph.http___purl.org_webofneeds_model_hasFlag._id"; @Autowired private SolrMatcherConfig config; public SolrDocumentList calculateMatchingResults(final SolrDocumentList docs) { SolrDocumentList matches = new SolrDocumentList(); if (docs == null || docs.size() == 0) { return matches; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { for (SolrDocument doc : docs) { String needUri = doc.getFieldValue("id").toString(); double score = Double.valueOf(doc.getFieldValue("score").toString()); log.debug("retrieved match {} from Solr score {}: ", needUri, score); } } // sort the documents according to their score value descending SolrDocumentList sortedDocs = (SolrDocumentList) docs.clone(); sortedDocs.sort(new Comparator<SolrDocument>() { @Override public int compare(final SolrDocument o1, final SolrDocument o2) { if ((float) o1.getFieldValue("score") < (float) o2.getFieldValue("score")) return -1; else if ((float) o1.getFieldValue("score") > (float) o2.getFieldValue("score")) return 1; else return 0; } }); // apply the Kneedle algorithm to find knee/elbow points in the score values of the returned docs to cut there double cutScoreLowerThan = 0.0; if (sortedDocs.size() > 1) { Kneedle kneedle = new Kneedle(); double[] x = new double[sortedDocs.size()]; double[] y = new double[sortedDocs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < sortedDocs.size(); i++) { x[i] = i; y[i] = Double.valueOf(sortedDocs.get(i).getFieldValue("score").toString()); } int[] elbows = kneedle.detectElbowPoints(x, y); if (elbows.length >= config.getCutAfterIthElbowInScore()) { cutScoreLowerThan = y[elbows[elbows.length - config.getCutAfterIthElbowInScore()]]; log.debug("Calculated elbow score point after {} elbows for document scores: {}", config.getCutAfterIthElbowInScore(), cutScoreLowerThan); } } for (int i = sortedDocs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // if score is lower threshold or we arrived at the elbow point to cut after double score = Double.valueOf(sortedDocs.get(i).getFieldValue("score").toString()); if (score < config.getScoreThreshold() || score <= cutScoreLowerThan) { log.debug("cut result documents, current score is {}, score threshold is {}", score, config.getScoreThreshold()); break; } SolrDocument newDoc = sortedDocs.get(i); matches.add(newDoc); } return matches; } public BulkHintEvent generateHintsFromSearchResult(final SolrDocumentList docs, final NeedEvent need, NeedModelWrapper needModelWrapper) { // generate hints from query result documents BulkHintEvent bulkHintEvent = new BulkHintEvent(); SolrDocumentList newDocs = calculateMatchingResults(docs);"Received {} matches as query result for need {}, keeping the top {} ", new Object[]{(docs != null) ? docs.size() : 0, need, newDocs.size()}); boolean noHintForMe = needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_ME); boolean noHintForCounterpart = needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART); log.debug("need to be matched has NoHintForMe: {}, NoHintForCounterpart: {} ", noHintForMe, noHintForCounterpart); for (SolrDocument doc : newDocs) { //NOTE: not the whole document is loaded here. The fields that are selected are defined //in won.matcher.solr.query.DefaultMatcherQueryExecuter - if additional fields are required, the field list //has to be exended in that class. String matchedNeedUri = doc.getFieldValue("id").toString(); if (matchedNeedUri == null) { log.debug("omitting matched need: could not extract need URI"); continue; } List<String> flags = getValueList(doc, HAS_FLAG_SOLR_FIELD); boolean matchedNeedNoHintForMe = flags.contains(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_ME.toString()); boolean matchedNeedNoHintForCounterpart = flags.contains(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART.toString()); boolean doSuppressHintForNeed = noHintForMe || matchedNeedNoHintForCounterpart; boolean doSuppressHintForMatchedNeed = noHintForCounterpart || matchedNeedNoHintForMe; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("matched need has NoHintForMe: {}, NoHintForCounterpart: {}", matchedNeedNoHintForMe, matchedNeedNoHintForCounterpart); log.debug("need will receive a hint: {} (uri: {})", !doSuppressHintForNeed, need.getUri()); log.debug("matched need need will receive a hint: {} (uri: {})", !doSuppressHintForMatchedNeed, matchedNeedUri); } if (doSuppressHintForNeed && doSuppressHintForMatchedNeed) { log.debug("no hints to be sent because of Suppress settings"); continue; } // wonNodeUri can be returned as either a String or ArrayList, not sure on what this depends String wonNodeUri = getFieldValueFirstOfListIfNecessary(doc, WON_NODE_SOLR_FIELD); if (wonNodeUri == null) { log.debug("omitting matched need {}: could not extract WoN node URI", matchedNeedUri); continue; } // normalize the final score double score = Double.valueOf(doc.getFieldValue("score").toString()) * config.getScoreNormalizationFactor(); score = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, score)); log.debug("generate hint for match {} with normalized score {}", matchedNeedUri, score); if (!doSuppressHintForNeed) { bulkHintEvent.addHintEvent(new HintEvent(need.getWonNodeUri(), need.getUri(), wonNodeUri, matchedNeedUri, config.getSolrServerPublicUri(), score)); } // also send the same hints to the other side (remote need and wonnode)? if (!doSuppressHintForMatchedNeed) { bulkHintEvent.addHintEvent(new HintEvent(wonNodeUri, matchedNeedUri, need.getWonNodeUri(), need.getUri(), config.getSolrServerPublicUri(), score)); } } return bulkHintEvent; } private List<String> getValueList(SolrDocument document, String fieldName) { Object value = document.getFieldValue(fieldName); if (value == null) return Collections.emptyList(); if (value instanceof String) { return Arrays.asList(new String[]{(String) value}); } if (value instanceof List) { return ((List<String>) ((List) value).stream().map(x -> x.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList())); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private String getFieldValueFirstOfListIfNecessary(SolrDocument doc, String field) { Object value = doc.getFieldValue(field); if (value == null) return null; if (value instanceof String) { return (String) value; } if (value instanceof List) { return ((List) value).get(0).toString(); } return null; } }