package won.protocol.util; import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype; import org.apache.jena.query.*; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl.PropertyImpl; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl.ResourceImpl; import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang; import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.Path; import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.PathParser; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import won.protocol.exception.IncorrectPropertyCountException; import won.protocol.message.WonMessage; import won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData; import won.protocol.model.ConnectionState; import won.protocol.model.Match; import won.protocol.service.WonNodeInfo; import won.protocol.service.WonNodeInfoBuilder; import won.protocol.vocabulary.SFSIG; import won.protocol.vocabulary.WON; import won.protocol.vocabulary.WONMSG; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static won.protocol.util.RdfUtils.findOrCreateBaseResource; /** * Utilities for populating/manipulating the RDF models used throughout the WON application. */ public class WonRdfUtils { public static final String NAMED_GRAPH_SUFFIX = "#data"; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WonRdfUtils.class); public static class SignatureUtils { public static boolean isSignatureGraph(String graphUri, Model model) { // TODO check the presence of all the required triples Resource resource = model.getResource(graphUri); StmtIterator si = model.listStatements(resource, RDF.type, SFSIG.SIGNATURE); if (si.hasNext()) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isSignature(Model model, String modelName) { // TODO check the presence of all the required triples return model.contains(model.getResource(modelName), RDF.type, SFSIG.SIGNATURE); } public static String getSignedGraphUri(String signatureGraphUri, Model signatureGraph) { String signedGraphUri = null; Resource resource = signatureGraph.getResource(signatureGraphUri); NodeIterator ni = signatureGraph.listObjectsOfProperty(resource, WONMSG.HAS_SIGNED_GRAPH_PROPERTY); if (ni.hasNext()) { signedGraphUri =; } return signedGraphUri; } public static String getSignatureValue(String signatureGraphUri, Model signatureGraph) { String signatureValue = null; Resource resource = signatureGraph.getResource(signatureGraphUri); NodeIterator ni2 = signatureGraph.listObjectsOfProperty(resource, SFSIG.HAS_SIGNATURE_VALUE); if (ni2.hasNext()) { signatureValue =; } return signatureValue; } public static WonSignatureData extractWonSignatureData(final String uri, final Model model) { return extractWonSignatureData(model.getResource(uri)); } public static WonSignatureData extractWonSignatureData(final Resource resource) { Statement stmt = resource.getRequiredProperty(WONMSG.HAS_SIGNED_GRAPH_PROPERTY); String signedGraphUri = stmt.getObject().asResource().getURI(); stmt = resource.getRequiredProperty(SFSIG.HAS_SIGNATURE_VALUE); String signatureValue = stmt.getObject().asLiteral().getString(); stmt = resource.getRequiredProperty(WONMSG.HAS_HASH_PROPERTY); String hash = stmt.getObject().asLiteral().getString(); stmt = resource.getRequiredProperty(WONMSG.HAS_PUBLIC_KEY_FINGERPRINT_PROPERTY); String fingerprint = stmt.getObject().asLiteral().getString(); stmt = resource.getRequiredProperty(SFSIG.HAS_VERIFICATION_CERT); String cert = stmt.getObject().asResource().getURI(); return new WonSignatureData(signedGraphUri, resource.getURI(), signatureValue, hash, fingerprint, cert); } /** * Adds the triples holding the signature data to the model of the specified resource, using the resource as the * subject. * @param subject * @param wonSignatureData */ public static void addSignature(Resource subject, WonSignatureData wonSignatureData){ assert wonSignatureData.getHash() != null; assert wonSignatureData.getSignatureValue() != null; assert wonSignatureData.getPublicKeyFingerprint() != null; assert wonSignatureData.getSignedGraphUri() != null; assert wonSignatureData.getVerificationCertificateUri() != null; Model containingGraph = subject.getModel(); subject.addProperty(RDF.type, SFSIG.SIGNATURE); subject.addProperty(WONMSG.HAS_HASH_PROPERTY, wonSignatureData.getHash()); subject.addProperty(SFSIG.HAS_SIGNATURE_VALUE, wonSignatureData.getSignatureValue()); subject.addProperty(WONMSG.HAS_SIGNED_GRAPH_PROPERTY, containingGraph.createResource(wonSignatureData.getSignedGraphUri())); subject.addProperty(WONMSG.HAS_PUBLIC_KEY_FINGERPRINT_PROPERTY, wonSignatureData.getPublicKeyFingerprint()); subject.addProperty(SFSIG.HAS_VERIFICATION_CERT, containingGraph.createResource(wonSignatureData .getVerificationCertificateUri())); } } public static class WonNodeUtils { /** * Creates a WonNodeInfo object based on the specified dataset. The first model * found in the dataset that seems to contain the data needed for a WonNodeInfo * object is used. * @param wonNodeUri * @param dataset * @return */ public static WonNodeInfo getWonNodeInfo(final URI wonNodeUri, Dataset dataset){ assert wonNodeUri != null: "wonNodeUri must not be null"; assert dataset != null: "dataset must not be null"; return RdfUtils.findFirst(dataset, new RdfUtils.ModelVisitor<WonNodeInfo>() { @Override public WonNodeInfo visit(final Model model) { //use the first blank node found for [wonNodeUri] won:hasUriPatternSpecification [blanknode] NodeIterator it = model.listObjectsOfProperty(model.getResource(wonNodeUri.toString()), WON.HAS_URI_PATTERN_SPECIFICATION); if (!it.hasNext()) return null; WonNodeInfoBuilder wonNodeInfoBuilder = new WonNodeInfoBuilder(); wonNodeInfoBuilder.setWonNodeURI(wonNodeUri.toString()); RDFNode node =; // set the URI prefixes it = model.listObjectsOfProperty(node.asResource(), WON.HAS_NEED_URI_PREFIX); if (! it.hasNext() ) return null; String needUriPrefix =; wonNodeInfoBuilder.setNeedURIPrefix(needUriPrefix); it = model.listObjectsOfProperty(node.asResource(), WON.HAS_CONNECTION_URI_PREFIX); if (! it.hasNext() ) return null; wonNodeInfoBuilder.setConnectionURIPrefix(; it = model.listObjectsOfProperty(node.asResource(), WON.HAS_EVENT_URI_PREFIX); if (! it.hasNext() ) return null; wonNodeInfoBuilder.setEventURIPrefix(; // set the need list URI it = model.listObjectsOfProperty(model.getResource(wonNodeUri.toString()), WON.HAS_NEED_LIST); if (it.hasNext() ) { wonNodeInfoBuilder.setNeedListURI(; } else { wonNodeInfoBuilder.setNeedListURI(needUriPrefix); } // set the supported protocol implementations String queryString = "SELECT ?protocol ?param ?value WHERE { ?a <%s> ?c. " + "?c <%s> ?protocol. ?c ?param ?value. FILTER ( ?value != ?protocol ) }"; queryString = String.format(queryString, WON.SUPPORTS_WON_PROTOCOL_IMPL.toString(), RDF.getURI() + "type"); Query protocolQuery = QueryFactory.create(queryString); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(protocolQuery, model); ResultSet rs = qexec.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs = rs.nextSolution(); String protocol = rdfNodeToString(qs.get("protocol")); String param = rdfNodeToString(qs.get("param")); String value = rdfNodeToString(qs.get("value")); wonNodeInfoBuilder.addSupportedProtocolImplParamValue(protocol, param, value); } return; } }); } private static String rdfNodeToString(RDFNode node) { if (node.isLiteral()) { return node.asLiteral().getString(); } else if (node.isResource()) { return node.asResource().getURI(); } return null; } } public static class MessageUtils { /** * Adds the specified text as a won:hasTextMessage to the model's base resource. * @param message * @return */ public static Model addMessage(Model model, String message) { Resource baseRes = RdfUtils.findOrCreateBaseResource(model); baseRes.addProperty(WON.HAS_TEXT_MESSAGE, message, XSDDatatype.XSDstring); return model; } /** * Creates an RDF model containing a text message. * @param message * @return */ public static Model textMessage(String message) { Model messageModel = createModelWithBaseResource(); Resource baseRes = messageModel.createResource(messageModel.getNsPrefixURI("")); baseRes.addProperty(WON.HAS_TEXT_MESSAGE,message, XSDDatatype.XSDstring); return messageModel; } /** * Creates an RDF model containing a generic message. * * @return */ public static Model genericMessage(URI predicate, URI object) { return genericMessage(new PropertyImpl(predicate.toString()), new ResourceImpl(object.toString())); } /** * Creates an RDF model containing a generic message. * * @return */ public static Model genericMessage(Property predicate, Resource object) { Model messageModel = createModelWithBaseResource(); Resource baseRes = RdfUtils.getBaseResource(messageModel); baseRes.addProperty(RDF.type, WONMSG.TYPE_CONNECTION_MESSAGE); baseRes.addProperty(predicate, object); return messageModel; } /** * Creates an RDF model containing a feedback message referring to the specified resource * that is either positive or negative. * @return */ public static Model binaryFeedbackMessage(URI forResource, boolean isFeedbackPositive) { Model messageModel = createModelWithBaseResource(); Resource baseRes = RdfUtils.getBaseResource(messageModel); Resource feedbackNode = messageModel.createResource(); baseRes.addProperty(WON.HAS_FEEDBACK, feedbackNode); feedbackNode.addProperty(WON.HAS_BINARY_RATING, isFeedbackPositive ? WON.GOOD : WON.BAD); feedbackNode.addProperty(WON.FOR_RESOURCE, messageModel.createResource(forResource.toString())); return messageModel; } /** * Returns the first won:hasTextMessage object, or null if none is found. * Won't work on WonMessage models, removal depends on refactoring of BA facet code * @param model * @return */ @Deprecated public static String getTextMessage(Model model){ Statement stmt = model.getProperty(RdfUtils.getBaseResource(model), WON.HAS_TEXT_MESSAGE); if (stmt != null) { return stmt.getObject().asLiteral().getLexicalForm(); } return null; } /** * Returns the first won:hasTextMessage object, or null if none is found. * @param wonMessage * @return */ public static String getTextMessage(final WonMessage wonMessage){ return RdfUtils.findFirst(wonMessage.getCompleteDataset(), new RdfUtils.ModelVisitor<String>() { @Override public String visit(Model model) { Statement stmt = model.getProperty(model.getResource(wonMessage.getMessageURI().toString()), WON.HAS_TEXT_MESSAGE); if (stmt != null) { return stmt.getObject().asLiteral().getLexicalForm(); } URI remoteMessageURI = wonMessage.getCorrespondingRemoteMessageURI(); if (remoteMessageURI != null){ stmt = model.getProperty(model.getResource(remoteMessageURI.toString()), WON.HAS_TEXT_MESSAGE); if (stmt != null) { return stmt.getObject().asLiteral().getLexicalForm(); } } return null; } }); } /** * Converts the specified hint message into a Match object. * @param wonMessage * @return a match object or null if the message is not a hint message. */ public static Match toMatch(final WonMessage wonMessage) { if (!WONMSG.TYPE_HINT.equals(wonMessage.getMessageType().getResource())){ return null; } Match match = new Match(); match.setFromNeed(wonMessage.getReceiverNeedURI()); Dataset messageContent = wonMessage.getMessageContent(); RDFNode score = RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource(messageContent, wonMessage.getMessageURI(), WON.HAS_MATCH_SCORE); if (!score.isLiteral()) return null; match.setScore(score.asLiteral().getDouble()); RDFNode counterpart = RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource(messageContent, wonMessage.getMessageURI(), WON.HAS_MATCH_COUNTERPART); if (!counterpart.isResource()) return null; match.setToNeed(URI.create(counterpart.asResource().getURI())); return match; } public static WonMessage copyByDatasetSerialization(final WonMessage toWrap) { WonMessage copied = new WonMessage(RdfUtils.readDatasetFromString( RdfUtils.writeDatasetToString(toWrap.getCompleteDataset(), Lang.TRIG) ,Lang.TRIG)); return copied; } } public static class FacetUtils { public static URI getFacet(WonMessage message){ URI uri = getObjectOfMessageProperty(message, WON.HAS_FACET); if (uri == null) { uri = getObjectOfRemoteMessageProperty(message, WON.HAS_REMOTE_FACET); } return uri; } public static URI getRemoteFacet(WonMessage message) { URI uri = getObjectOfMessageProperty(message, WON.HAS_REMOTE_FACET); if (uri == null) { uri = getObjectOfRemoteMessageProperty(message, WON.HAS_FACET); } return uri; } /** * Returns a property of the message (i.e. the object of the first triple ( [message-uri] [property] X ) * found in one of the content graphs of the specified message. */ private static URI getObjectOfMessageProperty(final WonMessage message, final Property property) { List<String> contentGraphUris = message.getContentGraphURIs(); Dataset contentGraphs = message.getMessageContent(); URI messageURI = message.getMessageURI(); for (String graphUri: contentGraphUris) { Model contentGraph = contentGraphs.getNamedModel(graphUri); StmtIterator smtIter = contentGraph.getResource(messageURI.toString()).listProperties(property); if (smtIter.hasNext()) { return URI.create(smtIter.nextStatement().getObject().asResource().getURI()); } } return null; } /** * Returns a property of the corresponding remote message (i.e. the object of the first triple ( * [corresponding-remote-message-uri] [property] X ) * found in one of the content graphs of the specified message. */ private static URI getObjectOfRemoteMessageProperty(final WonMessage message, final Property property) { List<String> contentGraphUris = message.getContentGraphURIs(); Dataset contentGraphs = message.getMessageContent(); URI messageURI = message.getCorrespondingRemoteMessageURI(); if (messageURI != null) { for (String graphUri : contentGraphUris) { Model contentGraph = contentGraphs.getNamedModel(graphUri); StmtIterator smtIter = contentGraph.getResource(messageURI.toString()).listProperties(property); if (smtIter.hasNext()) { return URI.create(smtIter.nextStatement().getObject().asResource().getURI()); } } } return null; } /** * Returns all facets found in the model, attached to the null relative URI '<>'. * Returns an empty collection if there is no such facet. * @param content * @return */ public static Collection<URI> getFacets(Model content) { Resource baseRes = RdfUtils.getBaseResource(content); StmtIterator stmtIterator = baseRes.listProperties(WON.HAS_FACET); LinkedList<URI> ret = new LinkedList<URI>(); while (stmtIterator.hasNext()){ RDFNode object = stmtIterator.nextStatement().getObject(); if (object.isURIResource()){ ret.add(URI.create(object.asResource().getURI())); } } return ret; } /** * Adds a triple to the model of the form <> won:hasFacet [facetURI]. * @param content * @param facetURI */ public static void addFacet(final Model content, final URI facetURI) { Resource baseRes = RdfUtils.getBaseResource(content); baseRes.addProperty(WON.HAS_FACET, content.createResource(facetURI.toString())); } /** * Adds a triple to the model of the form <> won:hasRemoteFacet [facetURI]. * @param content * @param facetURI */ public static void addRemoteFacet(final Model content, final URI facetURI) { Resource baseRes = RdfUtils.getBaseResource(content); baseRes.addProperty(WON.HAS_REMOTE_FACET, content.createResource(facetURI.toString())); } /** * Creates a model for connecting two facets.CONNECTED.getURI().equals(connectionState) * @return */ public static Model createFacetModelForHintOrConnect(URI facet, URI remoteFacet) { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Resource baseResource = findOrCreateBaseResource(model); WonRdfUtils.FacetUtils.addFacet(model, facet); WonRdfUtils.FacetUtils.addRemoteFacet(model, remoteFacet); logger.debug("facet model contains these facets: from:{} to:{}", facet, remoteFacet); return model; } } public static class ConnectionUtils { public static boolean isConnected(Dataset connectionDataset, URI connectionUri) { URI connectionState = getConnectionState(connectionDataset, connectionUri); return ConnectionState.CONNECTED.getURI().equals(connectionState); } public static URI getConnectionState(Dataset connectionDataset, URI connectionUri) { Path statePath = PathParser.parse("won:hasConnectionState", DefaultPrefixUtils.getDefaultPrefixes()); return RdfUtils.getURIPropertyForPropertyPath(connectionDataset, connectionUri, statePath); } /** * return the needURI of a connection * * @param dataset <code>Dataset</code> object which contains connection information * @param connectionURI * @return <code>URI</code> of the need */ public static URI getLocalNeedURIFromConnection(Dataset dataset, final URI connectionURI) { return URI.create(RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource( dataset, connectionURI, WON.BELONGS_TO_NEED).asResource().getURI()); } public static URI getRemoteNeedURIFromConnection(Dataset dataset, final URI connectionURI) { return URI.create(RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource( dataset, connectionURI, WON.HAS_REMOTE_NEED).asResource().getURI()); } public static URI getWonNodeURIFromConnection(Dataset dataset, final URI connectionURI) { return URI.create(RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource( dataset, connectionURI, WON.HAS_WON_NODE).asResource().getURI()); } public static URI getRemoteConnectionURIFromConnection(Dataset dataset, final URI connectionURI) { return URI.create(RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource( dataset, connectionURI, WON.HAS_REMOTE_CONNECTION).asResource().getURI()); } } private static Model createModelWithBaseResource() { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); model.setNsPrefix("", "no:uri"); model.createResource(model.getNsPrefixURI("")); return model; } public static class NeedUtils { /** * searches for a subject of type won:Need and returns the NeedURI * * @param dataset <code>Dataset</code> object which will be searched for the NeedURI * @return <code>URI</code> which is of type won:Need */ public static URI getNeedURI(Dataset dataset) { return RdfUtils.findOne(dataset, new RdfUtils.ModelVisitor<URI>() { @Override public URI visit(final Model model) { return getNeedURI(model); } }, true); } /** * searches for a subject of type won:Need and returns the NeedURI * * @param model <code>Model</code> object which will be searched for the NeedURI * @return <code>URI</code> which is of type won:Need */ public static URI getNeedURI(Model model) { Resource res = getNeedResource(model); return res == null ? null : URI.create(res.getURI()); } /** * searches for a subject of type won:Need and returns the NeedURI * * @param model <code>Model</code> object which will be searched for the NeedURI * @return <code>URI</code> which is of type won:Need */ public static Resource getNeedResource(Model model) { List<Resource> needURIs = new ArrayList<>(); ResIterator iterator = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, WON.NEED); while (iterator.hasNext()) { needURIs.add(; } if (needURIs.size() == 0) return null; else if (needURIs.size() == 1) return needURIs.get(0); else if (needURIs.size() > 1) { Resource u = needURIs.get(0); for (Resource uri : needURIs) { if (!uri.equals(u)) throw new IncorrectPropertyCountException(1,2); } return u; } else return null; } public static URI getWonNodeURIFromNeed(Dataset dataset, final URI needURI) { return URI.create(RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource( dataset, needURI, WON.HAS_WON_NODE).asResource().getURI()); } } }