package won.cryptography.key; import won.cryptography.exception.KeyNotSupportedException; import; import; /** * Helper interface for extracting information out of a (public key). * Has to be implemented for specific formats (e.g. Bouncy Castle). * * @author Fabian Salcher * @version 2014-07 */ public interface KeyInformationExtractor { /** * returns the name of the algorithm the key will be used for * @param key <code>Key</code> representing a private or public key * @return <code>String</code> with the name of the algorithm */ public String getAlgorithm(Key key); /** * returns the ID of the elliptic curve the key will be used for * @param key <code>Key</code> representing a private or public key * @return <code>String</code> with the ID of the curve */ public String getCurveID(Key key) throws KeyNotSupportedException; /** * returns the x coordinate of the public point Q (also named W) of the public key * @param publicKey <code>PublicKey</code> representing the public key * @return <code>String</code> with base 16 notated number representing the x coordinate */ public String getQX(PublicKey publicKey) throws KeyNotSupportedException; /** * returns the y coordinate of the public point Q (also named W) of the public key * @param publicKey <code>PublicKey</code> representing the public key * @return <code>String</code> with base 16 notated number representing the y coordinate */ public String getQY(PublicKey publicKey) throws KeyNotSupportedException; }