package; import; import; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator; import akka.event.Logging; import akka.event.LoggingAdapter; import org.apache.jena.query.Dataset; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException; import won.matcher.service.common.event.NeedEvent; import won.matcher.service.common.service.sparql.SparqlService; import won.matcher.service.crawler.config.CrawlConfig; import won.matcher.service.crawler.exception.CrawlWrapperException; import won.matcher.service.crawler.msg.CrawlUriMessage; import won.matcher.service.crawler.msg.ResourceCrawlUriMessage; import won.matcher.service.crawler.service.CrawlSparqlService; import won.protocol.exception.DataIntegrityException; import won.protocol.exception.IncorrectPropertyCountException; import won.protocol.model.NeedState; import won.protocol.util.NeedModelWrapper; import won.protocol.util.RdfUtils; import won.protocol.util.linkeddata.LinkedDataSource; import won.protocol.vocabulary.WON; import; import java.util.Set; /** * Actor requests linked data URI using HTTP and saves it to a triple store using SPARQL UPDATE query. * Responds to the sender with extracted URIs from the linked data URI. * * This class uses property paths to extract URIs from linked data resources. These property paths are executed * relative to base URIs. Therefore there are two types of property paths. Base property path extract URIs that are * taken as new base URIs. Non-base property paths extract URIs that keep the current base URI. * * User: hfriedrich * Date: 07.04.2015 */ @Component @Scope("prototype") public class WorkerCrawlerActor extends UntypedActor { private LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this); @Autowired private LinkedDataSource linkedDataSource; @Autowired private CrawlSparqlService sparqlService; @Autowired private CrawlConfig config; private ActorRef pubSubMediator; @Override public void preStart() { // initialize the distributed event bus to send need events to the matchers pubSubMediator = DistributedPubSub.get(getContext().system()).mediator(); } /** * Receives messages with an URI and processes them by requesting the resource, * saving it to a triple store, extracting URIs from content and answering the sender. * * @param msg if type is {@link CrawlUriMessage} then process it */ @Override public void onReceive(Object msg) throws RestClientException { if (!(msg instanceof CrawlUriMessage)) { unhandled(msg); return; } CrawlUriMessage uriMsg = (CrawlUriMessage) msg; if (!uriMsg.getStatus().equals(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.PROCESS) && !uriMsg.getStatus().equals(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.SAVE)) { unhandled(msg); return; } // URI message to process received // start the crawling request Dataset ds = null; // check if resource is already downloaded if (uriMsg instanceof ResourceCrawlUriMessage) { ResourceCrawlUriMessage resMsg = ((ResourceCrawlUriMessage) uriMsg); if (resMsg.getSerializedResource() != null && resMsg.getSerializationFormat() != null) { try { // TODO: this should be optimized, why deserialize the resource here when we just want to save it in the RDF // store? How to insert this serialized resource into the SPARQL endpoint? ds = SparqlService.deserializeDataset(resMsg.getSerializedResource(), resMsg.getSerializationFormat()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CrawlWrapperException(e, uriMsg); } } } // download resource if not already downloaded if (ds == null) { try { ds = linkedDataSource.getDataForResource(URI.create(uriMsg.getUri())); } catch (RestClientException e) { throw new CrawlWrapperException(e, uriMsg); } } // Save dataset to triple store sparqlService.updateNamedGraphsOfDataset(ds); String wonNodeUri = extractWonNodeUri(ds, uriMsg.getUri()); if (wonNodeUri == null) { wonNodeUri = uriMsg.getWonNodeUri(); } // do nothing more here if the STATUS of the message was SAVE if (uriMsg.getStatus().equals(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.SAVE)) { log.debug("processed crawl uri event {} with status 'SAVE'", uriMsg); return; } // send extracted non-base URIs back to sender and save meta data about crawling the URI // extract only uris which were crawled at least one recrawl interval ago long crawlDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.debug("Extract non-base URIs from message {}", uriMsg); Set<String> extractedURIs = sparqlService.extractURIs( uriMsg.getUri(), uriMsg.getBaseUri(), config.getCrawlNonBasePropertyPaths(), crawlDate - config.getRecrawlIntervalDuration().toMillis()); for (String extractedURI : extractedURIs) { CrawlUriMessage newUriMsg = new CrawlUriMessage( extractedURI, uriMsg.getBaseUri(), wonNodeUri, CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.PROCESS, crawlDate); getSender().tell(newUriMsg, getSelf()); } // send extracted base URIs back to sender and save meta data about crawling the URI // extract only uris which were crawled at least one recrawl interval ago log.debug("Extract base URIs from message {}", uriMsg); extractedURIs = sparqlService.extractURIs(uriMsg.getUri(), uriMsg.getBaseUri(), config.getCrawlBasePropertyPaths(), crawlDate - config.getRecrawlIntervalDuration().toMillis()); for (String extractedURI : extractedURIs) { CrawlUriMessage newUriMsg = new CrawlUriMessage( extractedURI, extractedURI, wonNodeUri, CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.PROCESS, crawlDate); getSender().tell(newUriMsg, getSelf()); } // signal sender that this URI is processed and save meta data about crawling the URI. // This needs to be done after all extracted URI messages have been sent to guarantee consistency // in case of failure crawlDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); CrawlUriMessage uriDoneMsg = new CrawlUriMessage( uriMsg.getUri(), uriMsg.getBaseUri(), wonNodeUri, CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.DONE, crawlDate);"Crawling done for URI {}", uriDoneMsg.getUri()); getSender().tell(uriDoneMsg, getSelf()); // if this URI/dataset was a need then send an event to the distributed event bus NeedModelWrapper needModelWrapper; try { // only send active needs right now needModelWrapper = new NeedModelWrapper(ds); NeedState state = needModelWrapper.getNeedState(); if (state.equals(NeedState.ACTIVE)) { log.debug("Created need event for need uri {}", uriMsg.getUri()); NeedEvent.TYPE type = NeedEvent.TYPE.CREATED; NeedEvent needEvent = new NeedEvent(uriMsg.getUri(), wonNodeUri, type, crawlDate, ds); pubSubMediator .tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(needEvent.getClass().getName(), needEvent), getSelf()); } } catch (DataIntegrityException e) { log.debug("no valid need model found in dataset for uri {}", uriMsg.getUri()); } } /** * Extract won node uri from a won resource * * @param ds resource as dataset * @param uri uri that represents resource * @return won node uri or null if link to won node is not linked in the resource */ private String extractWonNodeUri(Dataset ds, String uri) { try { return RdfUtils.findOnePropertyFromResource(ds, URI.create(uri), WON.HAS_WON_NODE).asResource().getURI(); } catch (IncorrectPropertyCountException e) { return null; } } public void setSparqlService(final CrawlSparqlService sparqlService) { this.sparqlService = sparqlService; } }