package won.protocol.vocabulary; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Property; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import; /** * User: ypanchenko * Date: 04.08.2014 */ public class WONMSG { // TODO check with existing code how they do it, do they have ontology objects and // access the vocabulary from there? If yes, change to that all the enum classes public static final String BASE_URI = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "msg"; ; private static Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); public static final String PROTOCOL_VERSION_STRING = BASE_URI+"protocolVersion"; public static final Property PROTOCOL_VERSION = m.createProperty(PROTOCOL_VERSION_STRING); public static final String TYPE_FROM_OWNER_STRING = BASE_URI+"FromOwner"; public static final String TYPE_FROM_SYSTEM_STRING = BASE_URI+"FromSystem"; public static final String TYPE_FROM_EXTERNAL_STRING = BASE_URI+"FromExternal"; public static final Resource TYPE_FROM_OWNER = m.createResource(BASE_URI+"FromOwner"); public static final Resource TYPE_FROM_SYSTEM = m.createResource(BASE_URI+"FromSystem"); public static final Resource TYPE_FROM_EXTERNAL = m.createResource(BASE_URI+"FromExternal"); public static final String TYPE_CREATE_STRING = BASE_URI+"CreateMessage"; public static final String TYPE_CONNECT_STRING = BASE_URI + "ConnectMessage"; public static final String TYPE_DEACTIVATE_STRING= BASE_URI + "DeactivateMessage"; public static final String TYPE_ACTIVATE_STRING = BASE_URI + "ActivateMessage"; public static final String TYPE_OPEN_STRING = BASE_URI + "OpenMessage"; public static final String TYPE_CLOSE_STRING =BASE_URI + "CloseMessage"; public static final String TYPE_CONNECTION_MESSAGE_STRING =BASE_URI + "ConnectionMessage"; public static final String TYPE_HINT_STRING =BASE_URI + "HintMessage"; public static final String TYPE_HINT_FEEDBACK_STRING =BASE_URI + "HintFeedbackMessage"; public static final String TYPE_FAILURE_RESPONSE_STRING = BASE_URI+"FailureResponse"; public static final String TYPE_SUCCESS_RESPONSE_STRING = BASE_URI+"SuccessResponse"; // main types public static final Resource TYPE_CREATE = m.createResource(TYPE_CREATE_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_CONNECT = m.createResource(TYPE_CONNECT_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_DEACTIVATE = m.createResource(TYPE_DEACTIVATE_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_ACTIVATE = m.createResource(TYPE_ACTIVATE_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_OPEN = m.createResource(TYPE_OPEN_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_CLOSE = m.createResource(TYPE_CLOSE_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_CONNECTION_MESSAGE = m.createResource(TYPE_CONNECTION_MESSAGE_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_HINT = m.createResource(TYPE_HINT_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_HINT_FEEDBACK = m.createResource(TYPE_HINT_FEEDBACK_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_SUCCESS_RESPONSE = m.createResource(TYPE_SUCCESS_RESPONSE_STRING); public static final Resource TYPE_FAILURE_RESPONSE = m.createResource(TYPE_FAILURE_RESPONSE_STRING); // notification types //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_HINT_NOTIFICATION = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "HintNotificationMessage"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_NEED_CREATED_NOTIFICATION = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "NeedCreatedNotificationMessage"); // response types //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_CREATE_RESPONSE = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "CreateResponseMessage"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_CONNECT_RESPONSE = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "ConnectResponseMessage"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_NEED_STATE_RESPONSE = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "NeedStateResponseMessage"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_CLOSE_RESPONSE = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "CloseResponseMessage"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_OPEN_RESPONSE = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "OpenResponseMessage"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_CONNECTION_MESSAGE_RESPONSE = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "ConnectionMessageResponseMessage"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static boolean isResponseMessageType(Resource resource) { if (resource.equals(TYPE_CREATE_RESPONSE) || resource.equals(TYPE_CONNECT_RESPONSE) || resource.equals(TYPE_NEED_STATE_RESPONSE) || resource.equals(TYPE_CLOSE_RESPONSE) || resource.equals(TYPE_OPEN_RESPONSE) || resource.equals(TYPE_CONNECTION_MESSAGE_RESPONSE)) return true; else return false; } // response states public static final Resource TYPE_RESPONSE_STATE_SUCCESS = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "SuccessResponse"); public static final Resource TYPE_RESPONSE_STATE_FAILURE = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "FailureResponse"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_RESPONSE_STATE_DUPLICATE_NEED_ID = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "DuplicateNeedIdResponse"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_RESPONSE_STATE_DUPLICATE_CONNECTION_ID = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "DuplicateConnectionIdResponse"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Resource TYPE_RESPONSE_STATE_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID = m.createResource(BASE_URI + "DuplicateMessageIdResponse"); //TODO: delete if not needed public static final Property HAS_RESPONSE_STATE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI + "hasResponseStateProperty"); //TODO rename! //public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE_CREATE_RESOURCE = BASE_URI + "CreateMessage"; //public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE_CONNECT_RESOURCE = BASE_URI + "ConnectMessage"; //public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE_NEED_STATE_RESOURCE = BASE_URI + "NeedStateMessage"; public static final Resource ENVELOPE_GRAPH = m.createResource(BASE_URI+ "EnvelopeGraph"); public static final Resource FORWARDED_ENVELOPE_GRAPH = m.createResource(BASE_URI+ "ForwardedEnvelopeGraph"); //used to wrap an envelope inside another for forwarding and adding the server-side envelope to a // client-generated message public static final Property CONTAINS_ENVELOPE = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "containsEnvelope"); public static final Property RECEIVER_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasReceiver"); public static final Property RECEIVER_NEED_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasReceiverNeed"); public static final Property RECEIVER_NODE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasReceiverNode"); public static final Property SENDER_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasSender"); public static final Property SENDER_NEED_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasSenderNeed"); public static final Property SENDER_NODE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasSenderNode"); public static final Property HAS_MESSAGE_TYPE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasMessageType"); public static final Property HAS_CONTENT_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasContent"); public static final Property REFERS_TO_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "refersTo"); public static final Property IS_RESPONSE_TO = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "isResponseTo"); public static final Property IS_REMOTE_RESPONSE_TO = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "isRemoteResponseTo"); public static final Property IS_RESPONSE_TO_MESSAGE_TYPE = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "isResponseToMessageType");; public static final Property HAS_CORRESPONDING_REMOTE_MESSAGE = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasCorrespondingRemoteMessage"); public static final Property HAS_PREVIOUS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI + "hasPreviousMessage"); public static final Property NEW_NEED_STATE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "newNeedState"); public static final Property HAS_SENT_TIMESTAMP = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasSentTimestamp"); public static final Property HAS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasReceivedTimestamp"); //public static final String MESSAGE_HAS_CONTENT_PROPERTY = "hasContent"; //public static final String MESSAGE_REFERS_TO_PROPERTY = "refersTo"; //public static final String MESSAGE_NEW_NEED_STATE_PROPERTY = "newNeedState"; // added to support referencing signatures from the envelope public static final Property CONTAINS_SIGNATURE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "containsSignature"); // TODO maybe the three properties below could better belong to a separate ontology public static final Property HAS_SIGNED_GRAPH_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasSignedGraph"); public static final Property HAS_SIGNATURE_VALUE_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasSignatureValue"); public static final Property HAS_HASH_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasHash"); public static final Property HAS_SIGNATURE_GRAPH_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasSignatureGraph"); public static final Property HAS_PUBLIC_KEY_FINGERPRINT_PROPERTY = m.createProperty(BASE_URI, "hasPublicKeyFingerprint"); public static final Property CONTENT_TYPE = m.createProperty(BASE_URI,"contentType"); public static final String GRAPH_URI_FRAGMENT = "data"; /** * Returns the base URI for this schema. * * @return the URI for this schema */ public static String getURI() { return BASE_URI; } public static Resource toResource(URI uri){ return m.getResource(uri.toString()); } }