package; import*; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator; import akka.event.Logging; import akka.event.LoggingAdapter; import akka.japi.Function; import org.apache.jena.query.Dataset; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException; import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration; import won.cryptography.service.RegistrationClient; import won.cryptography.ssl.MessagingContext; import won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent; import won.matcher.service.common.event.HintEvent; import won.matcher.service.common.event.WonNodeEvent; import won.matcher.service.common.spring.SpringExtension; import; import won.matcher.service.nodemanager.config.ActiveMqWonNodeConnectionFactory; import won.matcher.service.nodemanager.config.WonNodeControllerConfig; import won.matcher.service.nodemanager.pojo.WonNodeConnection; import won.matcher.service.nodemanager.service.HintDBService; import won.matcher.service.nodemanager.service.WonNodeSparqlService; import won.protocol.service.WonNodeInfo; import won.protocol.service.WonNodeInformationService; import won.protocol.util.linkeddata.LinkedDataSource; import; import java.util.*; /** * Actor that knows all won nodes the matching service is communicating with. It gets informed about new won nodes over * the event stream (e.g. by he crawler) and decides which won nodes to crawl and to register with for receiving need * events. * There should only exist a single instance of this actor that has the global view of all connected won nodes. * * User: hfriedrich * Date: 27.04.2015 */ @Component @Scope("prototype") public class WonNodeControllerActor extends UntypedActor { private LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this); private ActorRef pubSubMediator; private ActorRef crawler; private ActorRef saveNeedActor; private Map<String, WonNodeConnection> crawlWonNodes = new HashMap<>(); private Set<String> skipWonNodeUris = new HashSet<>(); private Set<String> failedWonNodeUris = new HashSet<>(); private static final String LIFE_CHECK_TICK = "life_check_tick"; @Autowired private WonNodeSparqlService sparqlService; @Autowired private WonNodeControllerConfig config; @Autowired private WonNodeInformationService wonNodeInformationService; @Autowired private RegistrationClient registrationClient; @Autowired LinkedDataSource linkedDataSource; @Autowired private MessagingContext messagingContext; @Autowired private HintDBService hintDatabase; @Override public void preStart() { // Create a scheduler to execute the life check for each won node regularly getContext().system().scheduler().schedule(config.getLifeCheckDuration(), config.getLifeCheckDuration(), getSelf(), LIFE_CHECK_TICK, getContext().dispatcher(), null); // Subscribe for won node events pubSubMediator = DistributedPubSub.get(getContext().system()).mediator(); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe(WonNodeEvent.class.getName(), getSelf()), getSelf()); // Subscribe for hint events pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe(HintEvent.class.getName(), getSelf()), getSelf()); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe(BulkHintEvent.class.getName(), getSelf()), getSelf()); // set won nodes to skip by configuration skipWonNodeUris.addAll(config.getSkipWonNodes()); // get all known won node uris from RDF store Set<WonNodeInfo> wonNodeInfo = new HashSet<>(); try { wonNodeInfo = sparqlService.retrieveAllWonNodeInfo(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error querying SPARQL endpoint {}. SPARQL endpoint must be running at matcher service startup!", sparqlService.getSparqlEndpoint()); log.error("Exception was: {}", e);"Shut down matcher service!"); System.exit(-1); } // Treat the known won nodes as newly discovered won nodes to register them again at startup of matcher service for (WonNodeInfo nodeInfo : wonNodeInfo) { if (!config.getCrawlWonNodes().contains(nodeInfo.getWonNodeURI())) { WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(nodeInfo.getWonNodeURI(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.NEW_WON_NODE_DISCOVERED); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf()); } } // initialize the won nodes from the config file to crawl for (String nodeUri : config.getCrawlWonNodes()) { if (!skipWonNodeUris.contains(nodeUri)) { if (!crawlWonNodes.containsKey(nodeUri)) { WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(nodeUri, WonNodeEvent.STATUS.NEW_WON_NODE_DISCOVERED); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf()); } } } // initialize the crawler crawler = getContext().actorOf(SpringExtension.SpringExtProvider.get( getContext().system()).props(MasterCrawlerActor.class), "MasterCrawlerActor"); // initialize the need event save actor saveNeedActor = getContext().actorOf(SpringExtension.SpringExtProvider.get( getContext().system()).props(SaveNeedEventActor.class), "SaveNeedEventActor"); } /** * Receive messages about newly discovered won node and decide to crawl or skip * processing these won nodes. * * @param message * @throws Exception */ @Override public void onReceive(final Object message) { if (message instanceof Terminated) { // if it is some other actor handle it differently handleConnectionErrors((Terminated) message); return; } if (message.equals(LIFE_CHECK_TICK)) { lifeCheck(); return; } if (message instanceof WonNodeEvent) { WonNodeEvent event = (WonNodeEvent) message; if (event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.NEW_WON_NODE_DISCOVERED ) || event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.GET_WON_NODE_INFO_FOR_CRAWLING)) { // continue crawling of known won nodes if (crawlWonNodes.containsKey(event.getWonNodeUri())) { log.debug("Won node uri '{}' already discovered", event.getWonNodeUri()); WonNodeInfo wonNodeInfo = crawlWonNodes.get(event.getWonNodeUri()).getWonNodeInfo(); WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(event.getWonNodeUri(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.CONNECTED_TO_WON_NODE, wonNodeInfo); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf()); return; } // skip crawling of won nodes in the skip list if (skipWonNodeUris.contains(event.getWonNodeUri())) { log.debug("Skip crawling won node with uri '{}'", event.getWonNodeUri()); WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(event.getWonNodeUri(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.SKIP_WON_NODE); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf()); return; } // try the connect to won node WonNodeConnection wonNodeConnection = addWonNodeForCrawling(event.getWonNodeUri()); // connection failed ? if (failedWonNodeUris.contains(event.getWonNodeUri())) { log.debug("Still could not connect to won node with uri: {}, will retry later ...", event.getWonNodeUri()); return; } // tell the crawler about discovered won nodes if (wonNodeConnection == null || wonNodeConnection.getWonNodeInfo() == null) { log.error("Cannot retrieve won node info from won node connection!"); return; } WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(event.getWonNodeUri(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.CONNECTED_TO_WON_NODE, wonNodeConnection.getWonNodeInfo()); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf()); return; } } // send back hints to won nodes if (message instanceof HintEvent) { processHint((HintEvent) message); return; } else if(message instanceof BulkHintEvent) { BulkHintEvent bulkHintEvent = (BulkHintEvent) message; for (HintEvent hint : bulkHintEvent.getHintEvents()) { processHint(hint); } return; } unhandled(message); } private void processHint(HintEvent hint) { // hint duplicate filter if (hintDatabase.mightHintSaved(hint)) { log.warning("Hint " + hint + " is filtered out by duplicate filter!"); hintDatabase.saveHint(hint); return; } // save the hint and send it to the won node controller which sends it to the responsible won node hintDatabase.saveHint(hint); sendHint(hint); } /** * Send hint event out to won node * * @param hint */ private void sendHint(HintEvent hint) { if (!crawlWonNodes.containsKey(hint.getFromWonNodeUri())) { log.warning("cannot send hint to won node {}! Is registered with the won node controller?", hint.getFromWonNodeUri()); return; } // send hint to first won node URI eventUri = wonNodeInformationService.generateEventURI(URI.create(hint.getFromWonNodeUri())); hint.setGeneratedEventUri(eventUri); WonNodeConnection fromWonNodeConnection = crawlWonNodes.get(hint.getFromWonNodeUri());"Send hint {} to won node {}", hint, hint.getFromWonNodeUri()); fromWonNodeConnection.getHintProducer().tell(hint, getSelf()); } /** * Try to register at won nodes and add them for crawling * * @param wonNodeUri URI of the won node meta data resource * @return won node connection if successfully connected, otherwise null */ private WonNodeConnection addWonNodeForCrawling(String wonNodeUri) { WonNodeConnection con = null; Dataset ds = null; WonNodeInfo nodeInfo = null; // try register at won node try { registrationClient.register(wonNodeUri); ds = linkedDataSource.getDataForResource(URI.create(wonNodeUri)); } catch (RestClientException e) { addFailedWonNode(wonNodeUri, con); log.warning("Error requesting won node information from {}", wonNodeUri); log.warning("Exception message: {} \nCause: {} ", e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { addFailedWonNode(wonNodeUri, con); log.warning("Error requesting won node information from {}", wonNodeUri); log.warning("Exception message: {} \nCause: {} ", e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); return null; } // try save won node info in local rdf store try { sparqlService.updateNamedGraphsOfDataset(ds); nodeInfo = sparqlService.getWonNodeInfoFromDataset(ds); } catch (Exception e) { addFailedWonNode(wonNodeUri, con); log.error("Error saving won node information from {} into RDF store with SPARQL endpoint {}", wonNodeUri, sparqlService.getSparqlEndpoint()); log.error("Exception message: {} \nCause: {} ", e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); return null; } // try subscribe need updates at won node try { con = subscribeNeedUpdates(nodeInfo); crawlWonNodes.put(nodeInfo.getWonNodeURI(), con); failedWonNodeUris.remove(nodeInfo.getWonNodeURI());"registered won node {} and start crawling it", nodeInfo.getWonNodeURI()); } catch (Exception e) { addFailedWonNode(wonNodeUri, con); log.error("Error subscribing for need updates at won node {}", wonNodeUri); log.error("Exception message: {} \nCause: {} ", e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } return con; } /** * Try to connect to unreachable won nodes from time to time */ private void lifeCheck() { Iterator<String> iter = failedWonNodeUris.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String uri =; // try register at the wonnode again WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(uri, WonNodeEvent.STATUS.NEW_WON_NODE_DISCOVERED); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf()); } } /** * Add a won node to the failed list and stop all its consumers * * @param wonNodeUri * @param con */ private void addFailedWonNode(String wonNodeUri, WonNodeConnection con) { if (con != null) { getContext().stop(con.getNeedCreatedConsumer()); getContext().stop(con.getNeedActivatedConsumer()); getContext().stop(con.getNeedDeactivatedConsumer()); } crawlWonNodes.remove(wonNodeUri); failedWonNodeUris.add(wonNodeUri); } private WonNodeConnection subscribeNeedUpdates(WonNodeInfo wonNodeInfo) { return ActiveMqWonNodeConnectionFactory.createWonNodeConnection(getContext(), wonNodeInfo, messagingContext); } /** * Handles connections errors that occur when the need consumer actors are terminated. * * @param t messages that holds a reference to consumer actor that was terminated */ private void handleConnectionErrors(Terminated t) { for (String uri : crawlWonNodes.keySet()) { WonNodeConnection con = crawlWonNodes.get(uri); if (con != null) { if (con.getNeedCreatedConsumer().equals(t.getActor())) { log.error("NeedCreatedConsumer '{}' of won '{}' has been shut down", t.getActor(), uri); addFailedWonNode(con.getWonNodeInfo().getWonNodeURI(), con); } else if (con.getNeedActivatedConsumer().equals(t.getActor())) { log.error("NeedActivatedConsumer '{}' of won '{}' has been shut down", t.getActor(), uri); addFailedWonNode(con.getWonNodeInfo().getWonNodeURI(), con); } else if (con.getNeedDeactivatedConsumer().equals(t.getActor())) { log.error("NeedDeactivatedConsumer '{}' of won '{}' has been shut down", t.getActor(), uri); addFailedWonNode(con.getWonNodeInfo().getWonNodeURI(), con); } else if (con.getHintProducer().equals(t.getActor())) { log.error("HintProducer '{}' of won '{}' has been shut down", t.getActor(), uri); addFailedWonNode(con.getWonNodeInfo().getWonNodeURI(), con); } } } } @Override public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() { SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy = new OneForOneStrategy( 0, Duration.Zero(), new Function<Throwable, SupervisorStrategy.Directive>() { @Override public SupervisorStrategy.Directive apply(Throwable t) throws Exception { log.warning("Actor encountered error: {}", t); // default behaviour return SupervisorStrategy.escalate(); } }); return supervisorStrategy; } }