package; import; import won.protocol.model.NeedContentPropertyType; import javax.mail.Address; import javax.mail.BodyPart; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Extracts need properties like title, description, need type, etc from mails. Configurable via regular expression * patterns in spring xml */ public class MailContentExtractor { // check if mail is of type demand/supply/doTogether/critique? private Pattern demandTypePattern; private Pattern supplyTypePattern; private Pattern doTogetherTypePattern; private Pattern critiqueTypePattern; // extract array of tags from the content private Pattern tagExtractionPattern; // extract text message from the mail (e.g. excluding the quoted parts of earlier mails) private Pattern textMessageExtractionPattern; // extract title from mail subject private Pattern titleExtractionPattern; // extract description from mail content private Pattern descriptionExtractionPattern; // check if the need created from the mail should is used for testing only private Pattern usedForTestingPattern; // check if the need created from the mail should be not matched with other needs private Pattern doNotMatchPattern; // check if this is a command mail of different action types private Pattern cmdClosePattern; private Pattern cmdConnectPattern; private Pattern cmdSubscribePattern; private Pattern cmdUnsubscribePattern; private Pattern cmdTakenPattern; public static String getMailReference(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { // first search the mail reference is in the in-reply-to header in case user answered a mail // e.g. in case of messages, implicit connect String[] replyTo = message.getHeader("In-Reply-To"); if (replyTo != null && replyTo.length > 0) { return replyTo[0]; } // second search the mail reference in the subject written by predefined mailto links // e.g. in case of close need Pattern referenceMailPattern = Pattern.compile("Message-Id_(.+)"); Matcher m = referenceMailPattern.matcher(message.getSubject()); return m.find() ? : null; } public NeedContentPropertyType getNeedType(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { return getNeedType(message.getSubject()); } public NeedContentPropertyType getNeedType(String subject) { if (demandTypePattern.matcher(subject).matches()) { return NeedContentPropertyType.SEEKS; } else if (supplyTypePattern.matcher(subject).matches()) { return NeedContentPropertyType.IS; } else if (doTogetherTypePattern.matcher(subject).matches()) { return NeedContentPropertyType.IS_AND_SEEKS; } else if (critiqueTypePattern.matcher(subject).matches()) { return NeedContentPropertyType.IS_AND_SEEKS; } return null; } public static String getMailText(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException, IOException { if (message.isMimeType("text/plain")) { return message.getContent().toString(); } else if (message.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { return getMailTextFromMultiPart((MimeMultipart) message.getContent()); } return null; } private static String getMailTextFromMultiPart(MimeMultipart mm) throws MessagingException, IOException { for (int i = 0; i < mm.getCount(); i++) { BodyPart part = mm.getBodyPart(i); if (part.isMimeType("text/plain")) { return part.getContent().toString(); } else if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { return getMailTextFromMultiPart((MimeMultipart) part.getContent()); } } return null; } public static String getMailSender(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { Address[] froms = message.getFrom(); return (froms == null ? null : ((InternetAddress) froms[0]).getAddress()); } public void setDemandTypePattern(final Pattern demandTypePattern) { this.demandTypePattern = demandTypePattern; } public void setSupplyTypePattern(final Pattern supplyTypePattern) { this.supplyTypePattern = supplyTypePattern; } public void setDoTogetherTypePattern(final Pattern doTogetherTypePattern) { this.doTogetherTypePattern = doTogetherTypePattern; } public void setCritiqueTypePattern(final Pattern critiqueTypePattern) { this.critiqueTypePattern = critiqueTypePattern; } public void setTagExtractionPattern(final Pattern tagExtractionPattern) { this.tagExtractionPattern = tagExtractionPattern; } public void setTextMessageExtractionPattern(final Pattern textMessageExtractionPattern) { this.textMessageExtractionPattern = textMessageExtractionPattern; } public void setTitleExtractionPattern(final Pattern titleExtractionPattern) { this.titleExtractionPattern = titleExtractionPattern; } public void setDescriptionExtractionPattern(final Pattern descriptionExtractionPattern) { this.descriptionExtractionPattern = descriptionExtractionPattern; } public void setUsedForTestingPattern(Pattern usedForTestingPattern) { this.usedForTestingPattern = usedForTestingPattern; } public void setDoNotMatchPattern(Pattern doNotMatchPattern) { this.doNotMatchPattern = doNotMatchPattern; } public void setCmdClosePattern(final Pattern cmdClosePattern) { this.cmdClosePattern = cmdClosePattern; } public void setCmdConnectPattern(final Pattern cmdConnectPattern) { this.cmdConnectPattern = cmdConnectPattern; } public void setCmdSubscribePattern(final Pattern cmdSubscribePattern) { this.cmdSubscribePattern = cmdSubscribePattern; } public void setCmdUnsubscribePattern(final Pattern cmdUnsubscribePattern) { this.cmdUnsubscribePattern = cmdUnsubscribePattern; } public void setCmdTakenPattern(final Pattern cmdTakenPattern) { this.cmdTakenPattern = cmdTakenPattern; } public boolean isCreateNeedMail(MimeMessage messsage) throws MessagingException { return getNeedType(messsage) != null; } public boolean isCommandMail(MimeMessage message) throws IOException, MessagingException { // command mail is either an answer mail (with reference) to a previous mail (e.g. message, implicit connect) or an // explicitly set action command (e.g. subscribe, unsubscribe, close need) return getMailReference(message) != null || (getMailAction(message) != null && !ActionType.NO_ACTION.equals(getMailAction(message))); } public ActionType getMailAction(MimeMessage message) throws IOException, MessagingException { if (cmdSubscribePattern.matcher(message.getSubject()).matches()) { return ActionType.SUBSCRIBE; } else if (cmdUnsubscribePattern.matcher(message.getSubject()).matches()) { return ActionType.UNSUBSCRIBE; } else if (cmdClosePattern.matcher(message.getSubject()).matches()) { return ActionType.CLOSE_CONNECTION; } else if (cmdConnectPattern.matcher(message.getSubject()).matches()) { return ActionType.OPEN_CONNECTION; } else if(cmdTakenPattern.matcher(message.getSubject()).matches()){ return ActionType.CLOSE_NEED; } else { return ActionType.NO_ACTION; } } public boolean isDoNotMatch(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { return doNotMatchPattern.matcher(message.getSubject()).matches(); } public boolean isUsedForTesting(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { return usedForTestingPattern.matcher(message.getSubject()).matches(); } public String getTitle(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { Matcher m = titleExtractionPattern.matcher(message.getSubject()); return m.find() ? : null; } public String getDescription(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException, IOException { String desc = getMailText(message); if (desc != null) { Matcher m = descriptionExtractionPattern.matcher(desc); if (m.find()) { return; } } return null; } public String getTextMessage(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException, IOException { String textMessage = getMailText(message); if (textMessage != null) { Matcher m = textMessageExtractionPattern.matcher(textMessage); if (m.find()) { return; } } return null; } public String[] getTags(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException, IOException { HashSet<String> tags = new HashSet<>(); Matcher m = tagExtractionPattern.matcher(new StringBuilder(message.getSubject()).append(" ").append(message.getContent()).toString()); while(m.find()) { tags.add(; } String[] tagArray = new String[tags.size()]; tagArray = tags.toArray(tagArray); Arrays.sort(tagArray); return tagArray; } public static String getFromAddressString(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException{ Address[] froms = message.getFrom(); return (froms == null) ? null : ((InternetAddress) froms[0]).getAddress(); } }