package; import; import; import; import; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub; import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator; import akka.event.Logging; import akka.event.LoggingAdapter; import akka.japi.Function; import won.matcher.service.common.event.WonNodeEvent; import won.matcher.service.common.spring.SpringExtension; import won.matcher.service.crawler.config.CrawlConfig; import won.matcher.service.crawler.exception.CrawlWrapperException; import won.matcher.service.crawler.msg.CrawlUriMessage; import won.matcher.service.crawler.msg.ResourceCrawlUriMessage; import won.matcher.service.crawler.service.CrawlSparqlService; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration; import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration; import won.protocol.service.WonNodeInfo; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Coordinates recursive crawling of linked data resources by assigning {@link CrawlUriMessage} * to workers {@link WorkerCrawlerActor} and one single worker of type {@link UpdateMetadataActor}. * The process can be stopped at any time and continued by passing the messages that * should be crawled again since meta data about the crawling process is saved * in the SPARQL endpoint. This is done by a single actor of type {@link UpdateMetadataActor} * which keeps message order to guarantee consistency in case of failure. Unfinished messages can * be resend for restarting crawling. * Newly discovered won node events are published on the event stream during crawling. * When an event is received that indicates that we connected to that won node, crawling * this won node can continue and will be triggered regularly by * {@link}. * * User: hfriedrich * Date: 30.03.2015 */ @Component @Scope("prototype") public class MasterCrawlerActor extends UntypedActor { private LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this); private static final FiniteDuration RESCHEDULE_MESSAGE_DURATION = Duration.create(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); private Map<String, CrawlUriMessage> pendingMessages = new HashMap<>(); private Map<String, CrawlUriMessage> doneMessages = new HashMap<>(); private Map<String, CrawlUriMessage> failedMessages = new HashMap<>(); private Set<String> crawlWonNodeUris = new HashSet<>(); private Set<String> skipWonNodeUris = new HashSet<>(); private ActorRef crawlingWorker; private ActorRef updateMetaDataWorker; private ActorRef pubSubMediator; private static final String RECRAWL_TICK = "recrawl_tick"; private static final int MIN_PENDING_MESSAGES_TO_SKIP_RECRAWLING = 10; @Autowired private CrawlConfig config; @Autowired private CrawlSparqlService sparqlService; @Override public void preStart() { // Create a scheduler to execute the life check for each won node regularly getContext().system().scheduler().schedule(config.getRecrawlIntervalDuration(), config.getRecrawlIntervalDuration(), getSelf(), RECRAWL_TICK, getContext().dispatcher(), null); // Create the router/pool with worker actors that do the actual crawling crawlingWorker = getContext().actorOf(SpringExtension.SpringExtProvider.get(getContext().system()).fromConfigProps( WorkerCrawlerActor.class), "CrawlingRouter"); // create a single meta data update actor for all worker actors updateMetaDataWorker = getContext().actorOf(SpringExtension.SpringExtProvider.get(getContext().system()).props( UpdateMetadataActor.class), "MetaDataUpdateWorker"); getContext().watch(updateMetaDataWorker); // create an need loading actor getContext().actorOf(SpringExtension.SpringExtProvider.get(getContext().system()).props( NeedEventLoaderActor.class), "NeedEventLoader"); // subscribe for won node events pubSubMediator = DistributedPubSub.get(getContext().system()).mediator(); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe(WonNodeEvent.class.getName(), getSelf()), getSelf()); // subscribe to crawl events pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe(CrawlUriMessage.class.getName(), getSelf()), getSelf()); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe( ResourceCrawlUriMessage.class.getName(), getSelf()), getSelf()); // load the unfinished uris and start crawling for (CrawlUriMessage msg : sparqlService.retrieveMessagesForCrawling(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.PROCESS)) { pendingMessages.put(msg.getUri(), msg); crawlingWorker.tell(msg, getSelf()); } for (CrawlUriMessage msg : sparqlService.retrieveMessagesForCrawling(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.FAILED)) { getSelf().tell(msg, getSelf()); } } /** * set supervision strategy for worker actors and handle failed crawling actions * * @return */ @Override public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() { SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy = new OneForOneStrategy( 0, Duration.Zero(), new Function<Throwable, SupervisorStrategy.Directive>() { @Override public SupervisorStrategy.Directive apply(Throwable t) throws Exception { log.warning("Actor encountered error: {}", t); // save the failed status of a crawlingWorker during crawling if (t instanceof CrawlWrapperException) { CrawlWrapperException e = (CrawlWrapperException) t; log.warning("Handled breaking message: {}", e.getBreakingMessage()); log.warning("Exception was: {}", e.getException()); processCrawlUriMessage(e.getBreakingMessage()); return SupervisorStrategy.resume(); } // default behaviour in other cases return SupervisorStrategy.escalate(); } }); return supervisorStrategy; } /** * Process {@link won.matcher.service.crawler.msg.CrawlUriMessage} objects * * @param message */ @Override public void onReceive(final Object message) { if (message.equals(RECRAWL_TICK)) { askWonNodeInfoForCrawling(); } else if (message instanceof WonNodeEvent) { processWonNodeEvent((WonNodeEvent) message); } else if (message instanceof CrawlUriMessage) { CrawlUriMessage uriMsg = (CrawlUriMessage) message; processCrawlUriMessage(uriMsg); log.debug("Number of pending messages: {}", pendingMessages.size()); } else { unhandled(message); } } private void logStatus() {"Number of URIs\n Crawled: {}\n Failed: {}\n Pending: {}", doneMessages.size(), failedMessages.size(), pendingMessages.size()); } private boolean discoveredNewWonNode(String uri) { if (uri == null || uri.isEmpty() || crawlWonNodeUris.contains(uri) || skipWonNodeUris.contains(uri)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Pass the messages to process to the workers and update meta data about crawling. * Also create an event if a new won node is discovered. * * @param msg */ private void processCrawlUriMessage(CrawlUriMessage msg) { log.debug("Process message: {}", msg); if (msg.getStatus().equals(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.PROCESS) || msg.getStatus().equals(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.SAVE)) { // multiple extractions of the same URI can happen quite often since the extraction // query uses property path from base URI which may return URIs that are already // processed. So filter out these messages here if (pendingMessages.get(msg.getUri()) != null || doneMessages.get(msg.getUri()) != null || failedMessages.get(msg.getUri()) != null) { log.debug("message {} already processing/processed ...", msg); return; } updateMetaDataWorker.tell(msg, getSelf()); // check if the uri belongs to a known and not skipped won node. // if so continue crawling, otherwise first publish an event about a newly // discovered won node and reschedule the processing of the current message until // we received an answer for the discovered won node event if (discoveredNewWonNode(msg.getWonNodeUri())) { log.debug("discovered new won node {}", msg.getWonNodeUri()); WonNodeEvent event = new WonNodeEvent(msg.getWonNodeUri(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.NEW_WON_NODE_DISCOVERED); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(event.getClass().getName(), event), getSelf()); getContext().system().scheduler().scheduleOnce( RESCHEDULE_MESSAGE_DURATION, getSelf(), msg, getContext().dispatcher(), null); } else if (!skipWonNodeUris.contains(msg.getWonNodeUri())) { pendingMessages.put(msg.getUri(), msg); crawlingWorker.tell(msg, getSelf()); } } else if (msg.getStatus().equals(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.DONE)) { // URI crawled successfully log.debug("Successfully processed URI: {}", msg.getUri()); updateMetaDataWorker.tell(msg, getSelf()); pendingMessages.remove(msg.getUri()); if (doneMessages.put(msg.getUri(), msg) != null) { log.warning("URI message received twice: {}", msg.getUri()); } logStatus(); } else if (msg.getStatus().equals(CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.FAILED)) { // Crawling failed log.debug("Crawling URI failed: {}", msg.getUri()); updateMetaDataWorker.tell(msg, getSelf()); pendingMessages.remove(msg.getUri()); failedMessages.put(msg.getUri(), msg); logStatus(); } } /** * If events about crawling or skipping certain won nodes occur, keep this information in memory * * @param event */ private void processWonNodeEvent(WonNodeEvent event) { if (event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.CONNECTED_TO_WON_NODE)) { // If we receive a connection event then add the won node to the list of known nodes and start crawling it log.debug("added new won node to set of crawling won nodes: {}", event.getWonNodeUri()); skipWonNodeUris.remove(event.getWonNodeUri()); crawlWonNodeUris.add(event.getWonNodeUri()); startCrawling(event.getWonNodeInfo()); } else if (event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.SKIP_WON_NODE)) { // if we should skip this won node remove it from the known won node list and add it to the skip list log.debug("skip crawling won node: {}", event.getWonNodeUri()); crawlWonNodeUris.remove(event.getWonNodeUri()); skipWonNodeUris.add(event.getWonNodeUri()); } } /** * Ask for complete won node info of all known won nodes on the event bus. Do this to initiate the crawling process * again. Therefore clear the cache of crawled uris so that they can be crawled again. */ private void askWonNodeInfoForCrawling() { if (pendingMessages.size() > MIN_PENDING_MESSAGES_TO_SKIP_RECRAWLING) { log.warning("Skip crawling cylce since there are currently {} messages in the pending queue. Try to restart " + "crawling again in {} minutes", pendingMessages.size(), config.getRecrawlIntervalDuration().toMinutes()); return; }"Start crwaling process again. Clear the cached uris and crawling statistics"); doneMessages.clear(); failedMessages.clear(); pendingMessages.clear(); for (String wonNodeUri : crawlWonNodeUris) {"ask for won node info of {}", wonNodeUri); WonNodeEvent event = new WonNodeEvent(wonNodeUri, WonNodeEvent.STATUS.GET_WON_NODE_INFO_FOR_CRAWLING); pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(event.getClass().getName(), event), getSelf()); } } /** * Start crawling a won node starting at the need list * * @param wonNodeInfo */ private void startCrawling(WonNodeInfo wonNodeInfo) { // try crawling with and without ending "/" in need list uri String needListUri = wonNodeInfo.getNeedListURI(); if (needListUri.endsWith("/")) { needListUri = needListUri.substring(0, needListUri.length() - 1); } self().tell(new CrawlUriMessage(needListUri, needListUri, wonNodeInfo.getWonNodeURI(), CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.PROCESS, System.currentTimeMillis()), getSelf()); self().tell(new CrawlUriMessage(needListUri + "/", needListUri + "/", wonNodeInfo.getWonNodeURI(), CrawlUriMessage.STATUS.PROCESS, System.currentTimeMillis()), getSelf()); } }