package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * BotManager, simple in-memory implementation. */ public class BotManagerImpl implements BotManager { protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private List<Bot> bots = new LinkedList<Bot>(); private Map<URI, Bot> botByUri = new HashMap<URI, Bot>(); private Map<URI, List<Bot>> botListByUri = new HashMap<URI, List<Bot>>(); private Object monitor = new Object(); @Override public Bot getBotForNeedURI(URI needUri) { //try the botByUri map { Bot bot = botByUri.get(needUri); if (bot != null) return bot; } //check each bot, return first that knows the needUri logger.debug("bots size:{} ", bots.size()); for(Bot mybot: bots){ logger.debug("bot knows need: {}", mybot.knowsNeedURI(needUri)); if (mybot.knowsNeedURI(needUri)) { synchronized (getMonitor()){ this.botByUri.put(needUri, mybot); } return mybot; } } return null; } @Override public List<Bot> getBotsForNodeURI(final URI wonNodeUri) { { List<Bot> botList = botListByUri.get(wonNodeUri); if (botList!=null && botList.size()>0) return botList; } List<Bot> botList = new ArrayList<Bot>(); for (Bot mybot:bots){ if (mybot.knowsNodeURI(wonNodeUri)){ synchronized (getMonitor()){ botList.add(mybot); } } } this.botListByUri.put(wonNodeUri,botList); return botList; } @Override public void addBot(Bot bot) { synchronized (getMonitor()) { if (bots.contains(bot)) return; initializeBotIfNecessary(bot); this.bots.add(bot); } } @Override public void setBots(Collection<Bot> bots) { synchronized (getMonitor()){ this.bots.clear(); this.bots.addAll(bots); this.botByUri.clear(); } } @Override public boolean isWorkDone() { logger.debug("checking if the bots' work is all done"); synchronized (getMonitor()){ for(Bot bot: getBots()){ if (! bot.isWorkDone()) { logger.debug("bot {} is not done yet", bot); return false; } } } logger.debug("all bots are done"); return true; } protected void initializeBotIfNecessary(Bot bot){ if (bot.getLifecyclePhase().isDown()){ try {"initializing bot {}", bot); bot.initialize(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("could not initialize bot {} ",bot, e); } } } protected Object getMonitor() { return monitor; } protected List<Bot> getBots() { return bots; } protected Map<URI, Bot> getBotByUri() { return botByUri; } }