// // MetadataRetrieve.java // /* * loci.formats.meta.MetadataRetrieve * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2005-@year@ Open Microscopy Environment * Massachusetts Institute of Technology, * National Institutes of Health, * University of Dundee, * University of Wisconsin-Madison * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * THIS IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED CODE. DO NOT MODIFY. * Created by melissa via xsd-fu on 2011-06-09 09:58:16.318560 * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package loci.formats.meta; import ome.xml.model.enums.*; import ome.xml.model.primitives.*; /** * A proxy whose responsibility it is to extract biological image data from a * particular storage medium. * * <p>The <code>MetadataRetrieve</code> interface encompasses the metadata * that any specific storage medium (file, relational database, etc.) should be * expected to access from its backing data model. * * <p>The <code>MetadataRetrieve</code> interface goes hand in hand with the * <code>MetadataStore</code> interface. Essentially, * <code>MetadataRetrieve</code> provides the "getter" methods for a storage * medium, and <code>MetadataStore</code> provides the "setter" methods. * * <p>Since it often makes sense for a storage medium to implement both * interfaces, there is also an {@link IMetadata} interface encompassing * both <code>MetadataStore</code> and <code>MetadataRetrieve</code>, which * reduces the need to cast between object types. * * <p>See {@link loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata} for an example * implementation. * * <dl><dt><b>Source code:</b></dt> * <dd><a href="http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/browser/bioformats.git/components/bio-formats/src/loci/formats/meta/MetadataRetrieve.java">Trac</a>, * <a href="http://git.openmicroscopy.org/?p=bioformats.git;a=blob;f=components/bio-formats/src/loci/formats/meta/MetadataRetrieve.java;hb=HEAD">Gitweb</a></dd></dl> * * @author Melissa Linkert linkert at wisc.edu * @author Curtis Rueden ctrueden at wisc.edu */ public interface MetadataRetrieve { // -- Entity counting (manual definitions) -- int getPixelsBinDataCount(int imageIndex); String getLightSourceType(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // -- Entity counting (code generated definitions) -- // AnnotationRef entity counting int getROIAnnotationRefCount(int ROIIndex); int getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRefCount(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); int getPlateAnnotationRefCount(int plateIndex); int getImageAnnotationRefCount(int imageIndex); int getScreenAnnotationRefCount(int screenIndex); int getWellAnnotationRefCount(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); int getDatasetAnnotationRefCount(int datasetIndex); int getProjectAnnotationRefCount(int projectIndex); int getReagentAnnotationRefCount(int screenIndex, int reagentIndex); int getPlaneAnnotationRefCount(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); int getExperimenterAnnotationRefCount(int experimenterIndex); int getWellSampleAnnotationRefCount(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex); int getPixelsAnnotationRefCount(int imageIndex); int getChannelAnnotationRefCount(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); // Arc entity counting // BinaryFile entity counting // BinaryOnly entity counting // BooleanAnnotation entity counting int getBooleanAnnotationCount(); // Channel entity counting int getChannelCount(int imageIndex); // CommentAnnotation entity counting int getCommentAnnotationCount(); // Contact entity counting // Dataset entity counting int getDatasetCount(); // DatasetRef entity counting int getDatasetRefCount(int imageIndex); // Detector entity counting int getDetectorCount(int instrumentIndex); // DetectorSettings entity counting // Dichroic entity counting int getDichroicCount(int instrumentIndex); // DichroicRef entity counting // DoubleAnnotation entity counting int getDoubleAnnotationCount(); // Ellipse entity counting // EmissionFilterRef entity counting int getLightPathEmissionFilterRefCount(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); int getFilterSetEmissionFilterRefCount(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); // ExcitationFilterRef entity counting int getLightPathExcitationFilterRefCount(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); int getFilterSetExcitationFilterRefCount(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); // Experiment entity counting int getExperimentCount(); // ExperimentRef entity counting // Experimenter entity counting int getExperimenterCount(); // ExperimenterRef entity counting // Filament entity counting // FileAnnotation entity counting int getFileAnnotationCount(); // Filter entity counting int getFilterCount(int instrumentIndex); // FilterSet entity counting int getFilterSetCount(int instrumentIndex); // FilterSetRef entity counting // Group entity counting int getGroupCount(); // GroupRef entity counting int getExperimenterGroupRefCount(int experimenterIndex); // Image entity counting int getImageCount(); // ImageRef entity counting // ImagingEnvironment entity counting // Instrument entity counting int getInstrumentCount(); // InstrumentRef entity counting // Laser entity counting // Leader entity counting // LightEmittingDiode entity counting // LightPath entity counting // LightSource entity counting int getLightSourceCount(int instrumentIndex); // LightSourceSettings entity counting int getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsCount(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex); // Line entity counting // ListAnnotation entity counting int getListAnnotationCount(); // LongAnnotation entity counting int getLongAnnotationCount(); // Mask entity counting // MetadataOnly entity counting // MicrobeamManipulation entity counting int getMicrobeamManipulationCount(int experimentIndex); // MicrobeamManipulationRef entity counting int getMicrobeamManipulationRefCount(int imageIndex); // Microscope entity counting // OTF entity counting int getOTFCount(int instrumentIndex); // OTFRef entity counting // Objective entity counting int getObjectiveCount(int instrumentIndex); // ObjectiveSettings entity counting // Path entity counting // Pixels entity counting // Plane entity counting int getPlaneCount(int imageIndex); // Plate entity counting int getPlateCount(); // PlateAcquisition entity counting int getPlateAcquisitionCount(int plateIndex); // PlateRef entity counting int getPlateRefCount(int screenIndex); // Point entity counting // Polyline entity counting // Project entity counting int getProjectCount(); // ProjectRef entity counting int getProjectRefCount(int datasetIndex); // Pump entity counting // ROI entity counting int getROICount(); // ROIRef entity counting int getImageROIRefCount(int imageIndex); int getMicrobeamManipulationROIRefCount(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex); // Reagent entity counting int getReagentCount(int screenIndex); // ReagentRef entity counting // Rectangle entity counting // Screen entity counting int getScreenCount(); // ScreenRef entity counting int getScreenRefCount(int plateIndex); // Shape entity counting int getShapeCount(int ROIIndex); // StageLabel entity counting // StructuredAnnotations entity counting // TagAnnotation entity counting int getTagAnnotationCount(); // TermAnnotation entity counting int getTermAnnotationCount(); // Text entity counting // TiffData entity counting int getTiffDataCount(int imageIndex); // TimestampAnnotation entity counting int getTimestampAnnotationCount(); // TransmittanceRange entity counting // Element's text data // {u'TiffData': [u'int imageIndex', u'int tiffDataIndex']} String getUUIDValue(int imageIndex, int tiffDataIndex); // UUID entity counting // Union entity counting // Well entity counting int getWellCount(int plateIndex); // WellSample entity counting int getWellSampleCount(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); // WellSampleRef entity counting int getWellSampleRefCount(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); // XMLAnnotation entity counting int getXMLAnnotationCount(); // -- Entity retrieval (manual definitions) -- Boolean getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(int imageIndex, int binDataIndex); // -- Entity retrieval (code generated definitions) -- /** Gets the UUID associated with this collection of metadata. */ String getUUID(); // // AnnotationRef property storage // // {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}, u'PlateAcquisition': {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}}, u'Plate': {u'OME': None}, u'Image': {u'OME': None}, u'Screen': {u'OME': None}, u'Well': {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}}, u'Dataset': {u'OME': None}, u'Project': {u'OME': None}, u'Reagent': {u'Screen': {u'OME': None}}, u'Plane': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}, u'Experimenter': {u'OME': None}, u'Annotation': None, u'WellSample': {u'Well': {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}}}, u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}, u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? True // 1:1 // Is multi path? True // Ignoring ID property of reference AnnotationRef // // Arc property storage // // {u'LightSource': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring Arc of parent abstract type // Ignoring Filament of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent LightSource String getArcID(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Ignoring Laser of parent abstract type // Ignoring LightEmittingDiode of parent abstract type // LotNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getArcLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Manufacturer accessor from parent LightSource String getArcManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Model accessor from parent LightSource String getArcModel(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Power accessor from parent LightSource Double getArcPower(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // SerialNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getArcSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); ArcType getArcType(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // // BinaryFile property storage // // {u'FileAnnotation': {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}}, u'OTF': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True // Ignoring BinData element, complex property // Ignoring External element, complex property String getFileAnnotationBinaryFileFileName(int fileAnnotationIndex); String getOTFBinaryFileFileName(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); String getFileAnnotationBinaryFileMIMEType(int fileAnnotationIndex); String getOTFBinaryFileMIMEType(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); NonNegativeLong getFileAnnotationBinaryFileSize(int fileAnnotationIndex); NonNegativeLong getOTFBinaryFileSize(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); // // BinaryOnly property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getBinaryOnlyMetadataFile(int metadataFileIndex); String getBinaryOnlyUUID(int UUIDIndex); // // BooleanAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(int booleanAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getBooleanAnnotationDescription(int booleanAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getBooleanAnnotationID(int booleanAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(int booleanAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference Boolean getBooleanAnnotationValue(int booleanAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // Channel property storage // // {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False AcquisitionMode getChannelAcquisitionMode(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getChannelAnnotationRef(int imageIndex, int channelIndex, int annotationRefIndex); Integer getChannelColor(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); ContrastMethod getChannelContrastMethod(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); // Ignoring DetectorSettings element, complex property PositiveInteger getChannelEmissionWavelength(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); PositiveInteger getChannelExcitationWavelength(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getChannelFilterSetRef(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getChannelFluor(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getChannelID(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); IlluminationType getChannelIlluminationType(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); // Ignoring LightPath element, complex property // Ignoring LightSourceSettings element, complex property Double getChannelNDFilter(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getChannelName(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getChannelOTFRef(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); Double getChannelPinholeSize(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); Integer getChannelPockelCellSetting(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); PositiveInteger getChannelSamplesPerPixel(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); // // CommentAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(int commentAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getCommentAnnotationDescription(int commentAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getCommentAnnotationID(int commentAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getCommentAnnotationNamespace(int commentAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference String getCommentAnnotationValue(int commentAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // Contact property storage // // {u'Group': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference Contact // // Dataset property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getDatasetAnnotationRef(int datasetIndex, int annotationRefIndex); String getDatasetDescription(int datasetIndex); String getDatasetExperimenterRef(int datasetIndex); String getDatasetGroupRef(int datasetIndex); String getDatasetID(int datasetIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getDatasetName(int datasetIndex); String getDatasetProjectRef(int datasetIndex, int projectRefIndex); // // DatasetRef property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference DatasetRef // // Detector property storage // // {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False Double getDetectorAmplificationGain(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); Double getDetectorGain(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); String getDetectorID(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); String getDetectorLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); String getDetectorManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); String getDetectorModel(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); Double getDetectorOffset(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); String getDetectorSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); DetectorType getDetectorType(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); Double getDetectorVoltage(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); Double getDetectorZoom(int instrumentIndex, int detectorIndex); // // DetectorSettings property storage // // {u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False Binning getDetectorSettingsBinning(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); Double getDetectorSettingsGain(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getDetectorSettingsID(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); Double getDetectorSettingsOffset(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); Double getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); Double getDetectorSettingsVoltage(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); // // Dichroic property storage // // {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring FilterSet_BackReference back reference String getDichroicID(int instrumentIndex, int dichroicIndex); // Ignoring LightPath_BackReference back reference String getDichroicLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int dichroicIndex); String getDichroicManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int dichroicIndex); String getDichroicModel(int instrumentIndex, int dichroicIndex); String getDichroicSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int dichroicIndex); // // DichroicRef property storage // // {u'LightPath': {u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}}, u'FilterSet': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True // 1:1 // Is multi path? True // Ignoring ID property of reference DichroicRef // // DoubleAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(int doubleAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getDoubleAnnotationDescription(int doubleAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getDoubleAnnotationID(int doubleAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(int doubleAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference Double getDoubleAnnotationValue(int doubleAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // Ellipse property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getEllipseDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getEllipseFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getEllipseFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getEllipseID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getEllipseLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getEllipseName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getEllipseStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getEllipseStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getEllipseStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getEllipseTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getEllipseTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getEllipseTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getEllipseTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getEllipseRadiusX(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getEllipseRadiusY(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getEllipseX(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getEllipseY(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // EmissionFilterRef property storage // // {u'LightPath': {u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}}, u'FilterSet': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True // // ExcitationFilterRef property storage // // {u'LightPath': {u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}}, u'FilterSet': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True // // Experiment property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getExperimentDescription(int experimentIndex); String getExperimentExperimenterRef(int experimentIndex); String getExperimentID(int experimentIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference // Ignoring MicrobeamManipulation element, complex property ExperimentType getExperimentType(int experimentIndex); // // ExperimentRef property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference ExperimentRef // // Experimenter property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getExperimenterAnnotationRef(int experimenterIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getExperimenterDisplayName(int experimenterIndex); String getExperimenterEmail(int experimenterIndex); // Ignoring Experiment_BackReference back reference String getExperimenterFirstName(int experimenterIndex); String getExperimenterGroupRef(int experimenterIndex, int groupRefIndex); String getExperimenterID(int experimenterIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getExperimenterInstitution(int experimenterIndex); String getExperimenterLastName(int experimenterIndex); // Ignoring MicrobeamManipulation_BackReference back reference String getExperimenterMiddleName(int experimenterIndex); // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference String getExperimenterUserName(int experimenterIndex); // // ExperimenterRef property storage // // {u'Project': {u'OME': None}, u'Image': {u'OME': None}, u'Dataset': {u'OME': None}, u'Experiment': {u'OME': None}, u'MicrobeamManipulation': {u'Experiment': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True // 1:1 // Is multi path? True // Ignoring ID property of reference ExperimenterRef // // Filament property storage // // {u'LightSource': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring Arc of parent abstract type // Ignoring Filament of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent LightSource String getFilamentID(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Ignoring Laser of parent abstract type // Ignoring LightEmittingDiode of parent abstract type // LotNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getFilamentLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Manufacturer accessor from parent LightSource String getFilamentManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Model accessor from parent LightSource String getFilamentModel(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Power accessor from parent LightSource Double getFilamentPower(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // SerialNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getFilamentSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); FilamentType getFilamentType(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // // FileAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(int fileAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring BinaryFile element, complex property // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getFileAnnotationDescription(int fileAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getFileAnnotationID(int fileAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getFileAnnotationNamespace(int fileAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // Filter property storage // // {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring FilterSet_BackReference back reference String getFilterFilterWheel(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); String getFilterID(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); // Ignoring LightPath_BackReference back reference String getFilterLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); String getFilterManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); String getFilterModel(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); String getFilterSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); // Ignoring TransmittanceRange element, complex property FilterType getFilterType(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); // // FilterSet property storage // // {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference String getFilterSetDichroicRef(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); String getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex, int emissionFilterRefIndex); String getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex, int excitationFilterRefIndex); String getFilterSetID(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); String getFilterSetLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); String getFilterSetManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); String getFilterSetModel(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); // Ignoring OTF_BackReference back reference String getFilterSetSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int filterSetIndex); // // FilterSetRef property storage // // {u'OTF': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}, u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? True // 1:1 // Is multi path? True // Ignoring ID property of reference FilterSetRef // // Group property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getGroupContact(int groupIndex); // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getGroupDescription(int groupIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getGroupID(int groupIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getGroupLeader(int groupIndex); String getGroupName(int groupIndex); // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // // GroupRef property storage // // {u'Project': {u'OME': None}, u'Image': {u'OME': None}, u'Experimenter': {u'OME': None}, u'Dataset': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? True // 1:1 // Is multi path? True // Ignoring ID property of reference GroupRef // // Image property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getImageAcquiredDate(int imageIndex); String getImageAnnotationRef(int imageIndex, int annotationRefIndex); String getImageDatasetRef(int imageIndex, int datasetRefIndex); String getImageDescription(int imageIndex); String getImageExperimentRef(int imageIndex); String getImageExperimenterRef(int imageIndex); String getImageGroupRef(int imageIndex); String getImageID(int imageIndex); // Ignoring ImagingEnvironment element, complex property String getImageInstrumentRef(int imageIndex); String getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(int imageIndex, int microbeamManipulationRefIndex); String getImageName(int imageIndex); // Ignoring ObjectiveSettings element, complex property // Ignoring Pixels element, complex property String getImageROIRef(int imageIndex, int ROIRefIndex); // Ignoring StageLabel element, complex property // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // // ImageRef property storage // // {u'WellSample': {u'Well': {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference ImageRef // // ImagingEnvironment property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False Double getImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(int imageIndex); PercentFraction getImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(int imageIndex); PercentFraction getImagingEnvironmentHumidity(int imageIndex); Double getImagingEnvironmentTemperature(int imageIndex); // // Instrument property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring Detector element, complex property // Ignoring Dichroic element, complex property // Ignoring Filter element, complex property // Ignoring FilterSet element, complex property String getInstrumentID(int instrumentIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference // Ignoring LightSource element, complex property // Ignoring Microscope element, complex property // Ignoring OTF element, complex property // Ignoring Objective element, complex property // // InstrumentRef property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference InstrumentRef // // Laser property storage // // {u'LightSource': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring Arc of parent abstract type // Ignoring Filament of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent LightSource String getLaserID(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Ignoring Laser of parent abstract type // Ignoring LightEmittingDiode of parent abstract type // LotNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getLaserLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Manufacturer accessor from parent LightSource String getLaserManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Model accessor from parent LightSource String getLaserModel(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Power accessor from parent LightSource Double getLaserPower(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // SerialNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getLaserSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); PositiveInteger getLaserFrequencyMultiplication(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); LaserMedium getLaserLaserMedium(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); Boolean getLaserPockelCell(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); Pulse getLaserPulse(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); String getLaserPump(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); Double getLaserRepetitionRate(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); Boolean getLaserTuneable(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); LaserType getLaserType(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); PositiveInteger getLaserWavelength(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // // Leader property storage // // {u'Group': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference Leader // // LightEmittingDiode property storage // // {u'LightSource': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring Arc of parent abstract type // Ignoring Filament of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent LightSource String getLightEmittingDiodeID(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Ignoring Laser of parent abstract type // Ignoring LightEmittingDiode of parent abstract type // LotNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Manufacturer accessor from parent LightSource String getLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Model accessor from parent LightSource String getLightEmittingDiodeModel(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // Power accessor from parent LightSource Double getLightEmittingDiodePower(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // SerialNumber accessor from parent LightSource String getLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int lightSourceIndex); // // LightPath property storage // // {u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False String getLightPathDichroicRef(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getLightPathEmissionFilterRef(int imageIndex, int channelIndex, int emissionFilterRefIndex); String getLightPathExcitationFilterRef(int imageIndex, int channelIndex, int excitationFilterRefIndex); // // LightSourceSettings property storage // // {u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}, u'MicrobeamManipulation': {u'Experiment': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True PercentFraction getChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); PercentFraction getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex, int lightSourceSettingsIndex); String getChannelLightSourceSettingsID(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); String getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex, int lightSourceSettingsIndex); PositiveInteger getChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int imageIndex, int channelIndex); PositiveInteger getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex, int lightSourceSettingsIndex); // // Line property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getLineDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getLineFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getLineFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getLineID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getLineLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getLineName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getLineStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getLineStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getLineStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getLineTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getLineTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getLineTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getLineTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getLineX1(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getLineX2(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getLineY1(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getLineY2(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // ListAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getListAnnotationAnnotationRef(int listAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getListAnnotationDescription(int listAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getListAnnotationID(int listAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getListAnnotationNamespace(int listAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // LongAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(int longAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getLongAnnotationDescription(int longAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getLongAnnotationID(int longAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getLongAnnotationNamespace(int longAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference Long getLongAnnotationValue(int longAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // Mask property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getMaskDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getMaskFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getMaskFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getMaskID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getMaskLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getMaskName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getMaskStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getMaskStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getMaskStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getMaskTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getMaskTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getMaskTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getMaskTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring BinData element, complex property Double getMaskHeight(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getMaskWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getMaskX(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getMaskY(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // MetadataOnly property storage // // {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False // // MicrobeamManipulation property storage // // {u'Experiment': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getMicrobeamManipulationDescription(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex); String getMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex); String getMicrobeamManipulationID(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference // Ignoring LightSourceSettings element, complex property String getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex, int ROIRefIndex); MicrobeamManipulationType getMicrobeamManipulationType(int experimentIndex, int microbeamManipulationIndex); // // MicrobeamManipulationRef property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference MicrobeamManipulationRef // // Microscope property storage // // {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getMicroscopeLotNumber(int instrumentIndex); String getMicroscopeManufacturer(int instrumentIndex); String getMicroscopeModel(int instrumentIndex); String getMicroscopeSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex); MicroscopeType getMicroscopeType(int instrumentIndex); // // OTF property storage // // {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring BinaryFile element, complex property // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference String getOTFFilterSetRef(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); String getOTFID(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); // Ignoring ObjectiveSettings element, complex property Boolean getOTFOpticalAxisAveraged(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); PositiveInteger getOTFSizeX(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); PositiveInteger getOTFSizeY(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); PixelType getOTFType(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); // // OTFRef property storage // // {u'Channel': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference OTFRef // // Objective property storage // // {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False Double getObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); Correction getObjectiveCorrection(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); String getObjectiveID(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); Immersion getObjectiveImmersion(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); Boolean getObjectiveIris(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); Double getObjectiveLensNA(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); String getObjectiveLotNumber(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); String getObjectiveManufacturer(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); String getObjectiveModel(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); PositiveInteger getObjectiveNominalMagnification(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); String getObjectiveSerialNumber(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); Double getObjectiveWorkingDistance(int instrumentIndex, int objectiveIndex); // // ObjectiveSettings property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}, u'OTF': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True Double getImageObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(int imageIndex); Double getOTFObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); String getImageObjectiveSettingsID(int imageIndex); String getOTFObjectiveSettingsID(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); Medium getImageObjectiveSettingsMedium(int imageIndex); Medium getOTFObjectiveSettingsMedium(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); Double getImageObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(int imageIndex); Double getOTFObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(int instrumentIndex, int OTFIndex); // // Path property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getPathDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getPathFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPathFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getPathID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getPathLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getPathName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getPathStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getPathStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getPathStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPathTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPathTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPathTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getPathTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); String getPathDefinition(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // Pixels property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getPixelsAnnotationRef(int imageIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring BinData element, complex property // Ignoring Channel element, complex property DimensionOrder getPixelsDimensionOrder(int imageIndex); String getPixelsID(int imageIndex); // Ignoring MetadataOnly element, complex property PositiveFloat getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(int imageIndex); PositiveFloat getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(int imageIndex); PositiveFloat getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(int imageIndex); // Ignoring Plane element, complex property PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeC(int imageIndex); PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeT(int imageIndex); PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeX(int imageIndex); PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeY(int imageIndex); PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeZ(int imageIndex); // Ignoring TiffData element, complex property Double getPixelsTimeIncrement(int imageIndex); PixelType getPixelsType(int imageIndex); // // Plane property storage // // {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False String getPlaneAnnotationRef(int imageIndex, int planeIndex, int annotationRefIndex); Double getPlaneDeltaT(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); Double getPlaneExposureTime(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); String getPlaneHashSHA1(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); Double getPlanePositionX(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); Double getPlanePositionY(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); Double getPlanePositionZ(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); NonNegativeInteger getPlaneTheC(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); NonNegativeInteger getPlaneTheT(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); NonNegativeInteger getPlaneTheZ(int imageIndex, int planeIndex); // // Plate property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getPlateAnnotationRef(int plateIndex, int annotationRefIndex); NamingConvention getPlateColumnNamingConvention(int plateIndex); PositiveInteger getPlateColumns(int plateIndex); String getPlateDescription(int plateIndex); String getPlateExternalIdentifier(int plateIndex); String getPlateID(int plateIndex); String getPlateName(int plateIndex); // Ignoring PlateAcquisition element, complex property NamingConvention getPlateRowNamingConvention(int plateIndex); PositiveInteger getPlateRows(int plateIndex); String getPlateScreenRef(int plateIndex, int screenRefIndex); String getPlateStatus(int plateIndex); // Ignoring Well element, complex property Double getPlateWellOriginX(int plateIndex); Double getPlateWellOriginY(int plateIndex); // // PlateAcquisition property storage // // {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex, int annotationRefIndex); String getPlateAcquisitionDescription(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); String getPlateAcquisitionEndTime(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); String getPlateAcquisitionID(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); PositiveInteger getPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); String getPlateAcquisitionName(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); String getPlateAcquisitionStartTime(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex); String getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(int plateIndex, int plateAcquisitionIndex, int wellSampleRefIndex); // // PlateRef property storage // // {u'Screen': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference PlateRef // // Point property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getPointDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getPointFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPointFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getPointID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getPointLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getPointName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getPointStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getPointStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getPointStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPointTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPointTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPointTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getPointTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getPointX(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getPointY(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // Polyline property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getPolylineDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getPolylineFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPolylineFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getPolylineID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getPolylineLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getPolylineName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getPolylineStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getPolylineStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getPolylineStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPolylineTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPolylineTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getPolylineTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getPolylineTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Boolean getPolylineClosed(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); String getPolylinePoints(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // Project property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getProjectAnnotationRef(int projectIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getProjectDescription(int projectIndex); String getProjectExperimenterRef(int projectIndex); String getProjectGroupRef(int projectIndex); String getProjectID(int projectIndex); String getProjectName(int projectIndex); // // ProjectRef property storage // // {u'Dataset': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference ProjectRef // // Pump property storage // // {u'Laser': {u'LightSource': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference Pump // // ROI property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getROIAnnotationRef(int ROIIndex, int annotationRefIndex); String getROIDescription(int ROIIndex); String getROIID(int ROIIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference // Ignoring MicrobeamManipulation_BackReference back reference String getROIName(int ROIIndex); String getROINamespace(int ROIIndex); // Ignoring Union element, complex property // // ROIRef property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}, u'MicrobeamManipulation': {u'Experiment': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? True // 1:1 // Is multi path? True // Ignoring ID property of reference ROIRef // // Reagent property storage // // {u'Screen': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getReagentAnnotationRef(int screenIndex, int reagentIndex, int annotationRefIndex); String getReagentDescription(int screenIndex, int reagentIndex); String getReagentID(int screenIndex, int reagentIndex); String getReagentName(int screenIndex, int reagentIndex); String getReagentReagentIdentifier(int screenIndex, int reagentIndex); // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // ReagentRef property storage // // {u'Well': {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference ReagentRef // // Rectangle property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getRectangleDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getRectangleFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getRectangleFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getRectangleID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getRectangleLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getRectangleName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getRectangleStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getRectangleStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getRectangleStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getRectangleTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getRectangleTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getRectangleTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getRectangleTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getRectangleHeight(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getRectangleWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getRectangleX(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getRectangleY(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // Screen property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False String getScreenAnnotationRef(int screenIndex, int annotationRefIndex); String getScreenDescription(int screenIndex); String getScreenID(int screenIndex); String getScreenName(int screenIndex); String getScreenPlateRef(int screenIndex, int plateRefIndex); String getScreenProtocolDescription(int screenIndex); String getScreenProtocolIdentifier(int screenIndex); // Ignoring Reagent element, complex property String getScreenReagentSetDescription(int screenIndex); String getScreenReagentSetIdentifier(int screenIndex); String getScreenType(int screenIndex); // // ScreenRef property storage // // {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference ScreenRef // // StageLabel property storage // // {u'Image': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getStageLabelName(int imageIndex); Double getStageLabelX(int imageIndex); Double getStageLabelY(int imageIndex); Double getStageLabelZ(int imageIndex); // // StructuredAnnotations property storage // // {u'OME': None} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring BooleanAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring CommentAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring DoubleAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring FileAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring ListAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring LongAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring TagAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring TermAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring TimestampAnnotation element, complex property // Ignoring XMLAnnotation element, complex property // // TagAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getTagAnnotationAnnotationRef(int tagAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getTagAnnotationDescription(int tagAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getTagAnnotationID(int tagAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getTagAnnotationNamespace(int tagAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference String getTagAnnotationValue(int tagAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // TermAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getTermAnnotationAnnotationRef(int termAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getTermAnnotationDescription(int termAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getTermAnnotationID(int termAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getTermAnnotationNamespace(int termAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference String getTermAnnotationValue(int termAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // Text property storage // // {u'Shape': {u'Union': {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False // Description accessor from parent Shape String getTextDescription(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Ellipse of parent abstract type // Fill accessor from parent Shape Integer getTextFill(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FillRule of parent abstract type // Ignoring FontFamily of parent abstract type // FontSize accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getTextFontSize(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring FontStyle of parent abstract type // ID accessor from parent Shape String getTextID(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Label accessor from parent Shape String getTextLabel(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Line of parent abstract type // Ignoring LineCap of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerEnd of parent abstract type // Ignoring MarkerStart of parent abstract type // Ignoring Mask of parent abstract type // Name accessor from parent Shape String getTextName(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Path of parent abstract type // Ignoring Point of parent abstract type // Ignoring Polyline of parent abstract type // Ignoring Rectangle of parent abstract type // Stroke accessor from parent Shape Integer getTextStroke(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeDashArray accessor from parent Shape String getTextStrokeDashArray(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // StrokeWidth accessor from parent Shape Double getTextStrokeWidth(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Ignoring Text of parent abstract type // TheC accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getTextTheC(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheT accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getTextTheT(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // TheZ accessor from parent Shape NonNegativeInteger getTextTheZ(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // Transform accessor from parent Shape String getTextTransform(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); String getTextValue(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getTextX(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); Double getTextY(int ROIIndex, int shapeIndex); // // TiffData property storage // // {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataFirstC(int imageIndex, int tiffDataIndex); NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataFirstT(int imageIndex, int tiffDataIndex); NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataFirstZ(int imageIndex, int tiffDataIndex); NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataIFD(int imageIndex, int tiffDataIndex); NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataPlaneCount(int imageIndex, int tiffDataIndex); // Ignoring UUID element, complex property // // TimestampAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getTimestampAnnotationAnnotationRef(int timestampAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getTimestampAnnotationDescription(int timestampAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getTimestampAnnotationID(int timestampAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getTimestampAnnotationNamespace(int timestampAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference String getTimestampAnnotationValue(int timestampAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference // // TransmittanceRange property storage // // {u'Filter': {u'Instrument': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False PositiveInteger getTransmittanceRangeCutIn(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); NonNegativeInteger getTransmittanceRangeCutInTolerance(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); PositiveInteger getTransmittanceRangeCutOut(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); NonNegativeInteger getTransmittanceRangeCutOutTolerance(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); PercentFraction getTransmittanceRangeTransmittance(int instrumentIndex, int filterIndex); // // UUID property storage // // {u'TiffData': {u'Pixels': {u'Image': {u'OME': None}}}} // Is multi path? False String getUUIDFileName(int imageIndex, int tiffDataIndex); // // Union property storage // // {u'ROI': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False // Ignoring Shape element, complex property // // Well property storage // // {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getWellAnnotationRef(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int annotationRefIndex); Integer getWellColor(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); NonNegativeInteger getWellColumn(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); String getWellExternalDescription(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); String getWellExternalIdentifier(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); String getWellID(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); String getWellReagentRef(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); NonNegativeInteger getWellRow(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); String getWellStatus(int plateIndex, int wellIndex); // Ignoring WellSample element, complex property // // WellSample property storage // // {u'Well': {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False String getWellSampleAnnotationRef(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex, int annotationRefIndex); String getWellSampleID(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex); String getWellSampleImageRef(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex); NonNegativeInteger getWellSampleIndex(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex); // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference Double getWellSamplePositionX(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex); Double getWellSamplePositionY(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex); String getWellSampleTimepoint(int plateIndex, int wellIndex, int wellSampleIndex); // // WellSampleRef property storage // // {u'PlateAcquisition': {u'Plate': {u'OME': None}}} // Is multi path? False // 1:1 // Is multi path? False // Ignoring ID property of reference WellSampleRef // // XMLAnnotation property storage // // {u'StructuredAnnotations': {u'OME': None}} // Is multi path? False String getXMLAnnotationAnnotationRef(int XMLAnnotationIndex, int annotationRefIndex); // Ignoring Channel_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Dataset_BackReference back reference String getXMLAnnotationDescription(int XMLAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Experimenter_BackReference back reference String getXMLAnnotationID(int XMLAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Image_BackReference back reference String getXMLAnnotationNamespace(int XMLAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring Pixels_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plane_BackReference back reference // Ignoring PlateAcquisition_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Plate_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Project_BackReference back reference // Ignoring ROI_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Reagent_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Screen_BackReference back reference String getXMLAnnotationValue(int XMLAnnotationIndex); // Ignoring WellSample_BackReference back reference // Ignoring Well_BackReference back reference }